St. George Orthodox Church
Albanian Archdiocese of the OCA
Trumbull, Connecticut
Category: Monthly Charity
186 results found.
March & April 2025 Charity Tray - 02/24/2025

For the months of March & April, we will be also collecting cash donations through our Charity Tray for the Trumbull Food Pantry.  The charity tray is for all cash donations (or electronic donations made through our Support/Donate link on our website).  St. George will donate all cash donations from our March and April Chairty Tray to the Trumbull Food Pantry for them to purchase and distribute fresh produce and bagels. 

This is in concert with St. George's support of a coordinated Trumbull Faith-based organizations food drive effort which is organized by Refill the Pantry.  The food drive is for the same charity (the Trumbull Food Pantry), however the food drive is focused for donations of hard good items, either non-perisahable food items or personal care items. 

Click onto our Annoucement for details of this program:

Click onto the following link to view the Trumbull Food Pantry webpage. 

February 2025 Charity Tray - 01/30/2025

In February 2025, we will be continuing our charity collections for the International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC), an agency of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America whose mission is humanitarian relief and development.

To learn more, click onto the following link:

January Charity Tray - 01/01/2025

In January 2025, we will be collecting for the International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC), an agency of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America whose mission is humanitarian relief and development.

To learn more, click onto the following link:

December 2024 Charity Tray - 12/02/2024

For the month of December, we will continue collecting for Trumbull Helps with our charity tray. 

The Trumbull Helps mission is “to make a difference by providing meals at the Bridgeport Rescue Mission, supporting the Trumbull Food Pantry, and coming together as a community to help others”

To learn more about Trumbull Helps, please click onto the following link:


November 2024 Charity Tray - 10/31/2024

Our November charity tray will be earmarked to support Trumbull Helps.

The Trumbull Helps mission is “to make a difference by providing meals at the Bridgeport Rescue Mission, supporting the Trumbull Food Pantry, and coming together as a community to help others”. 

To learn more about Trumbull Helps, please click onto the following link:


October 2024 Charity Tray - 10/01/2024

We will continue collecting for The Theological Student Fund of the Albanian Orthodox Archdiocese in America for our October 2024 Charity Tray.  
As a reminder, you will find a special envelope in your Offering Envelope box labeled “Seminarian Fund” in the October slot.
As always, your generosity is appreciated.

September 2024 Charity Tray - 08/29/2024

Our September 2024 Charity Tray will be dedicated to The Theological Student Fund of the Albanian Orthodox Archdiocese in America.  

As a reminder, you will find a special envelope in your Offering Envelope box labeled “Seminarian Fund” in the October slot.

As always, your generosity is appreciated.

August 2024 Charity Tray - 07/31/2024

For the month of August, we will continue collecting for The Thomas Merton Center which is located in Bridgeport.  They provide “Meals, Shelter, and Support” to those in need in the greater Bridgeport area.

Their stated mission:  “The Thomas Merton Family Center is committed to providing a loving, safe and hope-filled community atmosphere that responds to the needs of its guests. Respecting the dignity of each person, we reflect to the individual and the community our shared responsibility to love and support one another. We believe the sharing of a hot meal is an invitation to come in and share in a place where one can belong; respect and love are mutually given and received; each person is valued and not to be judged; and healing life’s hurts is possible with people who care. Collaboration with other agencies and people is essential to meeting the needs of those we serve.”

To learn more, click on the following link:

As always, thank you for your generosity!  

July 2024 Charity Tray - 07/01/2024

For the month of July, we will be collecting for The Thomas Merton Center which is located in Bridgeport.  They provide “Meals, Shelter, and Support” to those in need in the greater Bridgeport area.

Their stated mission:  “The Thomas Merton Family Center is committed to providing a loving, safe and hope-filled community atmosphere that responds to the needs of its guests. Respecting the dignity of each person, we reflect to the individual and the community our shared responsibility to love and support one another. We believe the sharing of a hot meal is an invitation to come in and share in a place where one can belong; respect and love are mutually given and received; each person is valued and not to be judged; and healing life’s hurts is possible with people who care. Collaboration with other agencies and people is essential to meeting the needs of those we serve.”

To learn more, click on the following link:

As always, thank you for your generosity!  

June 2024 Charity Tray - 05/30/2024

We are continuing our June 2024 Charity tray again to support Connecticut’s Beardsley Zoo's CDC - Conservation Discovery Corp.  CDC is a volunteer group of high school kids.  
The CDC kids are going to Yellowstone National Park - 2024 Eco Expedition in August of this year for 10 days. Only 10 students are chosen with a prerequisite that they must fundraise to help defray their costs. This is the 2nd year for this program to Yellowstone. Prior to the kickoff of the 2024 fundraising program the CDC kids who went to the 2023 Eco Expedition group gave a presentation to the public at the Zoo and other locations talking about their work and experiences in Yellowstone. Last year the CDC students along with chaperone Zoo staff went to Yellowstone working with expert Rick McIntyre to track the Junction Butte (wolves) pack in Lamar Valley:


Some additional information:
Excerpt from CT’s Beardsley Zoo website:
Conservation Discovery Corps ​​
What is it? CDC is a year-long volunteer program that will allow teens to explore zoological and environmental careers while presenting to and interacting with small groups of visitors at the Zoo.  Teens will also have the opportunity to participate in exciting field conservation research studies in the field.
Get involved with local conservation education and field work.  Qualified high school students will have the opportunity to work side by side with field biologists, study the role of zoos in conservation and help educate the zoo’s visitors.  This is a year-long program with the opportunity for greatest involvement during the summer months.  
Excerpt: Facebook page:
Conservation Discovery Corps at the Beardsley Zoo 
What is it?  The Conservation Discovery Corps is a high school volunteer program where students educate zoo visitors on our animal collection and the zoo conservation efforts as well as engage in active conservation in the local community to support wildlife.
 Connecticut’s Beardsley Zoo is recognized as a 501 (c)(3) charitable organization and an accredited member of the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA)

May 2024 Charity Tray - 04/30/2024

Our May 2024 Charity tray will be supporting Connecticut’s Beardsley Zoo.  Specifically we will earmark the donation to the CDC - Conservation Discovery Corp.  CDC is a volunteer group of high school kids.  
The CDC kids are going to Yellowstone National Park - 2024 Eco Expedition in August of this year for 10 days. Only 10 students are chosen with a prerequisite that they must fundraise to help defray their costs. This is the 2nd year for this program to Yellowstone. Prior to the kickoff of the 2024 fundraising program the CDC kids who went to the 2023 Eco Expedition group gave a presentation to the public at the Zoo and other locations talking about their work and experiences in Yellowstone. Last year the CDC students along with chaperone Zoo staff went to Yellowstone working with expert Rick McIntyre to track the Junction Butte (wolves) pack in Lamar Valley:


Some additional information:
Excerpt from CT’s Beardsley Zoo website:
Conservation Discovery Corps ​​
What is it? CDC is a year-long volunteer program that will allow teens to explore zoological and environmental careers while presenting to and interacting with small groups of visitors at the Zoo.  Teens will also have the opportunity to participate in exciting field conservation research studies in the field.
Get involved with local conservation education and field work.  Qualified high school students will have the opportunity to work side by side with field biologists, study the role of zoos in conservation and help educate the zoo’s visitors.  This is a year-long program with the opportunity for greatest involvement during the summer months.  
Excerpt: Facebook page:
Conservation Discovery Corps at the Beardsley Zoo 
What is it?  The Conservation Discovery Corps is a high school volunteer program where students educate zoo visitors on our animal collection and the zoo conservation efforts as well as engage in active conservation in the local community to support wildlife.
 Connecticut’s Beardsley Zoo is recognized as a 501 (c)(3) charitable organization and an accredited member of the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA)

April 2024 Charity Tray - 04/01/2024

In April 2024, St. George will be collecting for the Bridgeport Rescue Mission. Their mission is “to fight poverty from the inside out by embracing people with the compassion of Christ, offering hope and healing for a changed life”

Go to the following link to learn more: 

March 2024 Charity Tray - 02/28/2024

In March 2024, we will continue collecting for the International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC), an agency of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America whose mission is humanitarian relief and development.

To learn more, click onto the following link:

February 2024 Charity Tray - 02/01/2024

In February 2024, we will be collecting for the International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC), an agency of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America whose mission is humanitarian relief and development.

To learn more, click onto the following link:

Support to local food banks - 02/01/2024

The collection of non-perishable food stuffs is, and has been, an on-going ministry in the parish.  The proceeds are directed to local area food banks for distribution to those who are in need. 
St. George maintains collection boxes in the rear of the church for donating non-perishable food items all year.  
Typical food item needs include:
o   Coffee: 1 lb containers
o   Tea
o   Breakfast foods: hot and cold cereals, breakfast bars, pop tarts
o   Syrup (regular or sugar free)  
o   Pancake Mix
o   Canned fruit (regular or low sugar - preferably in juice)  
o   Canned vegetables
o   Apple sauce (ie., low sugar, no sugar, natural juices)
o   Pancake mix and syrup
o   Chicken, Beef, or Vegetable Broth  
o   Hamburger Helper, Knorr Pasta/Rice Sides, Macaroni & Cheese
o   Jarred tomato sauce and tomato product (crushed, puree, diced, paste)
o   Shelf stable milk (whole, soy, almond)
o   Gluten Free Products
o   Juice and juice boxes
o   Peanut butter and jelly
o   Canned beans (low sodium, kidney, black, white, red, garbanzo, pink, pinto)
o   Laundry detergent and dish soap
o   Hygiene products: shampoo, conditioner, lotion, toothpaste, deodorant. 
o   Household cleaning supplies
o   Facial tissues
o   Napkins
Periodically we designate one of our monthly Charity tray donations to one of the local food banks.  Any monetary donations received by the food banks are used to purchase fresh vegetables, milk, meat, frozen vegetables, eggs, and any non-perishables needed to fill in their inventory.
“Hunger never takes a vacation!” is a theme used often during food drives. We appreciate everyone's continued support! 


January 2024 Charity Tray - 01/01/2024

For the month of January, our Charity tray will continue to collect for Caroline’s Place.  

This charity comes to us through the suggestion of Pauline Dionis who knows Sofia Cole, a parishioner of Christ the Saviour Orthodox Church in Southbury. Sofia is a high school senior and the granddaughter of Father Vladimir Aleandro. She is a volunteer at Caroline’s Place which is a Catholic pregnancy resource center in Waterbury.

Caroline’s Place relies totally on individual donations so your generosity is especially appreciated. 

Click onto the following link to learn more and to view their website: 

December 2023 Charity Tray - 11/30/2023

For the month of December, our Charity tray will benefit Caroline’s Place.  

This charity comes to us through the suggestion of Pauline Dionis who knows Sofia Cole, a parishioner of Christ the Saviour Orthodox Church in Southbury. Sofia is a high school senior and the granddaughter of Father Vladimir Aleandro. She is a volunteer at Caroline’s Place which is a Catholic pregnancy resource center in Waterbury.

Caroline’s Place relies totally on individual donations so your generosity is especially appreciated. 

Click onto the following link to learn more and to view their website: 

November 2023 Charity Tray - 10/31/2023

For the month of November, our charity tray will go to support our Archdiocesan Seminarian, Deacon Eugene (Juxhin) Shkurti and his wife, Livia.  Deacon Eugene served with us several times over the past 2 years, and most recently they visited our Bazaar this last weekend. Deacon Eugene is enrolled at Saint Vladimir's Seminary and is in his final year of his three years of study there.

As always, we thank you for your generosity.

October 2023 Charity Tray - 09/28/2023

Our October 2023 Charity Tray will be dedicated to The Theological Student Fund of the Albanian Orthodox Archdiocese in America.

As a reminder, you will find a special envelope in your Offering Envelope box labeled “Seminarian Fund” in the October slot.

September 2023 Charity Tray - 08/31/2023

Donations collected from the September 2023 Charity Tray will continue one additional month to be ear-marked for the Spooner House in Shelton CT.

The stated Mission Statement of the Spooner House is:
Spooner House is operated by Area Congregations Together, Inc. with the mission of providing food, shelter and support services to people in need. All of our energies are devoted to helping our clients establish a self-sufficient living situation. We recognize the dignity of our clients, we give them our respect and we deliver our services without proselytizing.

To learn more, please click onto the following link:

August 2023 Charity Tray - 08/01/2023

Donations collected from the August 2023 Charity Tray will be ear-marked for the Spooner House in Shelton CT.

The stated Mission Statement of the Spooner House is:
Spooner House is operated by Area Congregations Together, Inc. with the mission of providing food, shelter and support services to people in need. All of our energies are devoted to helping our clients establish a self-sufficient living situation. We recognize the dignity of our clients, we give them our respect and we deliver our services without proselytizing.

To learn more, please click onto the following link:

July 2023 Charity Tray - 06/30/2023

Our July charity tray will continue one additional month to support Trumbull Helps.

The Trumbull Helps mission is “to make a difference by providing meals at the Bridgeport Rescue Mission, supporting the Trumbull Food Pantry, and coming together as a community to help others”. 

To learn more about Trumbull Helps, please click onto the following link:

June 2023 Charity Tray - 06/01/2023

Our June charity tray will go to support Trumbull Helps.

The Trumbull Helps mission is “to make a difference by providing meals at the Bridgeport Rescue Mission, supporting the Trumbull Food Pantry, and coming together as a community to help others”. 

To learn more about Trumbull Helps, please click onto the following link:

May 2023 Charity Tray - 05/01/2023

Our May Charity tray will be earmarked for the Holy Cross Monastery in Wayne, WV.   We will be collecting through June 4th for this charity.

We will forward our donations to their new Matching Funds Campaign which are being used to help with the construction of their new church. The Matching Funds Campaign ends on Pentecost (Sunday, June 4th).

Click onto the following link to view the Holy Cross Matching Funds Campaign Flyer.

Holy Cross Monastery is where Fr. Gregory Buzi was tonsured.

April 2023 Charity Tray - 03/30/2023

For the month of April, we will be collecting for The Thomas Merton Center which is located in Bridgeport.  They provide “Meals, Shelter, and Support” to those in need in the greater Bridgeport area.

Their stated mission:  “The Thomas Merton Center is committed to providing a loving, safe and hope-filled community atmosphere that responds to the needs of its guests. Respecting the dignity of each person, we reflect to the individual and the community our shared responsibility to love and support one another. We believe the sharing of a hot meal is an invitation to come in and share in a place where one can belong; respect and love are mutually given and received; each person is valued and not to be judged; and healing life’s hurts is possible with people who care. Collaboration with other agencies and people is essential to meeting the needs of those we serve.”

To learn more, click on the following link:

As always, thank you for your generosity!  

March 2023 Charity Tray - 03/06/2023

Beginning March 12th, St. George will re-start it’s collection for the Bridgeport Rescue Mission which began in February. (St. George suspended collecting for the Bridgeport Rescue Mission in February to hold a special collection to support the Earthquake relief efforts in Turkey and Syria).

As a reminder, the Bridgeport Rescue Mission’s goal is “to fight poverty from the inside out by embracing people with the compassion of Christ, offering hope and healing for a changed life”

Go to the following link to learn more:

Thank you for your generosity.

February 2023 Charity Tray - 02/01/2023

CHANGE UPDATE from Feb 15th:  Collections for the last 2 weeks of February (the 19th & 26th) have been postponed as the parish has added a special collection from Feb 19th thru March 5th to support the Earthquake relief efforts in Turkey and Syria. 

In February 2023, St. George will continue to collect for the Bridgeport Rescue Mission. Their mission is “to fight poverty from the inside out by embracing people with the compassion of Christ, offering hope and healing for a changed life”

Go to the following link to learn more:

Thank you for your generosity.

January 2023 Charity Tray - 12/29/2022

In January 2023, St. George will be collecting for the Bridgeport Rescue Mission. Their mission is “to fight poverty from the inside out by embracing people with the compassion of Christ, offering hope and healing for a changed life”

Go to the following link to learn more:

As always, St. George appreciates your generosity.

December 2022 Charity Tray - 11/30/2022

In December, for a 2nd consecutive month, St. George is collecting for the CT Epilepsy Foundation in memory of Devin Howard.

Devin was the 10-year-old younger brother of Brooke and Sophie Dionis’ classmate who passed away in September from the disease.

The family asks for all donations to go to Walk to End Epilepsy  “Team Devin” in Devin’s honor. 

When you click onto the View all Teams button, Team Devin is listed as #12 with fundraising.  Click onto the following like to view the team page: 

November 2012 Charity Tray - 11/04/2022

This month’s Charity tray will focus on the CT Epilepsy Foundation in memory of Devin Howard.

Devin was the 10-year-old younger brother of Brooke and Sophie Dionis’ classmate who passed away in September from the disease.

The family asks for all donations to go to Walk to End Epilepsy  “Team Devin” in Devin’s honor. 

When you click onto the View all Teams button, Team Devin is listed as #12 with fundraising.  Click onto the following like to view the team page: 

Feb 2nd UPDATE: Collecting frozen Hams and Turkeys - 10/23/2022

Update - Feb 2nd: 

We are getting close to ending our collection and distributing our collected frozen turkeys and hams  

We will be collecting for 2 more weekends:  the weekend of Feb 4th & 5th and Feb 11th & 12th, and will be distributing them after Valentine's Day (Feb 14th). 

If you wish to contribute a ham or turkey, please do so over the next 2 weekends.  Thank you!



Original Post - October 23, 2022:

Over the next 3 months (from November 2022 through January 2023), St. George will be collecting frozen hams and turkeys.  

This charity project's intent is to donate the hams and turkeys to local soup kitchens during February 2023 - this is typically when food donations are low.

Fr. Sergei has volunteered to distribute the hams and turkeys in February.  If anyone wishes to assist, please contact him. 

Thank you again for your continued support of our various Charity efforts throughout each year!


October 2022 Charity Tray - 09/28/2022

Our October 2022 Charity Tray will be dedicated to The Theological Student Fund of the Albanian Orthodox Archdiocese in America.  

As a reminder, you will find a special envelope in your Offering Envelope box labeled “Seminarian Fund” in the October slot.

Currently the Albanian Archdiocese is supporting Subdeacon Juxhin (Eugene) Shkurti who is at Saint Vladimir’s Seminary in New York.  Additionally, the Archdiocese supported Ananias Ananievski who recently finished his final year at Saint Tikhon’s Seminary in Pennsylvania; Ananias is currently working as a parish/Archdiocesan intern. Juxhin and his wife Livia are from Albania, and Ananias is from Australia.

As always, your generosity is appreciated.

September 2022 Charity Tray - 08/30/2022

In September 2022, St. George will continue collecting for the Bridgeport Rescue Mission.  Their mission is “to fight poverty from the inside out by embracing people with the compassion of Christ, offering hope and healing for a changed life”

Click onto the following link to learn more:

As always, St. George appreciates your generosity.

August 2022 Charity Tray - 08/01/2022

In August 2022, St. George will be collecting for the Bridgeport Rescue Mission.  Their mission is “to fight poverty from the inside out by embracing people with the compassion of Christ, offering hope and healing for a changed life”

Click onto the following link to learn more: 

As always, St. George appreciates your generosity.

Support to local Food Banks - 07/31/2022

The collection of non-perishable food stuffs is, and has been, an on-going ministry in the parish.  The proceeds are directed to local area food banks for distribution to those who are in need. 

St. George maintains collection boxes in the rear of the church for donating non-perishable food items all year. 
Typical food item needs include:
o   Coffee: 1 lb containers
o   Tea
o   Breakfast foods: hot and cold cereals, breakfast bars, pop tarts
o   Syrup (regular or sugar free)  
o   Pancake Mix
o   Canned fruit (regular or low sugar - preferably in juice)  
o   Canned vegetables
o   Apple sauce (ie., low sugar, no sugar, natural juices)
o   Pancake mix and syrup
o   Chicken, Beef, or Vegetable Broth  
o   Hamburger Helper, Knorr Pasta/Rice Sides, Macaroni & Cheese
o   Jarred tomato sauce and tomato product (crushed, puree, diced, paste)
o   Shelf stable milk (whole, soy, almond)
o   Gluten Free Products
o   Juice and juice boxes
o   Peanut butter and jelly
o   Canned beans (low sodium, kidney, black, white, red, garbanzo, pink, pinto)
o   Laundry detergent and dish soap
o   Hygiene products: shampoo, conditioner, lotion, toothpaste, deodorant. 
o   Household cleaning supplies
o   Facial tissues
o   Napkins
Periodically we designate one of our monthly Charity tray donations to one of the local food banks.  Any monetary donations received by the food banks are used to purchase fresh vegetables, milk, meat, frozen vegetables, eggs, and any non-perishables needed to fill in their inventory.
“Hunger never takes a vacation!” is a theme used often during food drives. We appreciate everyone's continued support! 

July 2022 Charity Tray - 06/30/2022

In July 2022, we will be collecting for the International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC), an agency of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America who's mission is humanitarian relief and development.  The IOCC continues to provide support to the people of Ukraine.

To learn more, click onto the following link:

June 2022 Charity Tray - 06/01/2022

Our June charity tray will continue for a 2nd consecutive month to support Trumbull Helps.

The Trumbull Helps mission is “to make a difference by providing meals at the Bridgeport Rescue Mission, supporting the Trumbull Food Pantry, and coming together as a community to help others”.

To learn more about Trumbull Helps, please click onto the following link:


May 2022 Charity Tray - 04/28/2022

Our May charity tray will go to support Trumbull Helps.

The Trumbull Helps mission is “to make a difference by providing meals at the Bridgeport Rescue Mission, supporting the Trumbull Food Pantry, and coming together as a community to help others”.

To learn more about Trumbull Helps, please click onto the following link:

April 2022 Charity Tray - 03/29/2022

Our April Charity Tray will support the Orthodox Christian Mission Center (OCMC). The OCMC supports Orthodox missionaries and mission teams around the world. 
Click onto the following link to learn more:

March 2022 Charity Tray - 03/01/2022

The March Charity tray is ear-marked for Holy Cross Monastery in Wayne, West Virginia.   Holy Cross Monastery is where Fr. Gregory Buzi was tonsured. 
Click onto the following link to learn more:

February 2022 Charity Tray - 02/01/2022

Donations collected from the February 2022 Charity Tray will be ear-marked for the Spooner House in Shelton CT.

The stated Mission Statement of the Spooner House is:
Spooner House is operated by Area Congregations Together, Inc. with the mission of providing food, shelter and support services to people in need. All of our energies are devoted to helping our clients establish a self-sufficient living situation. We recognize the dignity of our clients, we give them our respect and we deliver our services without proselytizing.

To learn more, please click onto the following link:

January 2022 Charity Tray - 01/01/2022

In January 2022, we will be collecting for the International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC), an agency of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America who's mission is humanitarian relief and development.

To learn more, click onto the following link:

Please be generous!

December 2021Charity Tray - 12/01/2021

The Charity Tray for December 2021 will go to the Trumbull Food Pantry.   Click onto the following link to learn more:

Please be generous! 

November 2021 Charity Tray - 11/01/2021

For the month of November, our charity tray will go to support our newest Archdiocesan Seminarian, Eugene (Juxhin) Shkurti and his wife, Livia, who recently arrived from Korce, Albania.  They visited with us in late September when Fr. Nikodhim celebrated Divine Liturgy at Saint George, 

Eugene is enrolled at Saint Vladimir's Seminary and is starting the first of his projected three years of study there.

Please be generous.

October 2021 Charity Tray - 10/01/2021

This month, our Charity collection will continue for the Bridgeport Rescue Mission, Their mission is “To fight poverty from the inside out by embracing people with the compassion of Christ, offering hope and healing for a changed life”. 

Click onto the following link to learn more: 

Please be generous!

Sept 2021 Charity Tray - 09/01/2021

This month, our Charity collection will help support the Bridgeport Rescue Mission, Their mission is “To fight poverty from the inside out by embracing people with the compassion of Christ, offering hope and healing for a changed life”. 

Click onto the following link to learn more: 

Please be generous!

August 2021 Charity Tray - 08/01/2021

This month, our Charity collection will help support Trumbull Food Pantry, an organization that assist needy people in our town.

Click onto the following link to learn more about the Trumbull Food Pantry:

Please be generous!


July 2021 Charity Tray - 07/15/2021

Two families (eight adults and 2 children) in Bridgeport were burned out their home on Thursday, July 8th.  The families were neighbors of Holy Ghost Church in Bridgeport.
The Red Cross normally puts families up for one night in a hotel, but after that families are usually on their own.
To assist these families, Holy Ghost is collecting donations from their parish community. As part of our charity tray this month, St. George will collect donations the next two Sundays (July 18th & 25th) to forward to Holy Ghost for help to these families.  Additionally, St. George made a donation last week to Holy Ghost to combine with their own collections.
A copy of a CT Post article can be found below.
Thank you for your generosity!
10 displaced by Bridgeport blaze
Tara O'Neill
July 8, 2021Updated: July 8, 2021 2:49 p.m.
Firefighters responded to a Pearl Street residence in Bridgeport, Conn., shortly before 1 p.m. Thursday, July 8, 2021, and found a working fire.
Tara O’Neill / Hearst Connecticut Media
BRIDGEPORT — Ten people were displaced after a blaze that was quickly extinguished by city firefighters Thursday.

Fire units were dispatched to the 200 block of Pearl Street shortly before 1 p.m. for a reported structure fire.

Within minutes, firefighters at the scene said there was heavy fire from the front porch that had extended to the house, bringing flames to the first and second floors.

The fire started in the area of trash bins on the exterior of the building and slightly spread to the interior, according to Scott Appleby, the city’s director of emergency communications and emergency management.
He said one occupant was treated by medics for smoke inhalation.
Appleby confirmed around 1:10 p.m. that the bulk of the fire had been knocked down. The recall, sending units back to service, was relayed soon after.

The Red Cross was requested to respond for eight adults and two children displaced by the fire.

May 2021 Charity Tray - 04/30/2021

For this Paschal season, St. George is joining the Holy Ghost parish (Bridgeport) for a local charity effort. 

Holy Ghost Parish became aware of a young family in Bridgeport who are struggling financially.  They just had a baby and they found out the used car they bought is a “lemon”.  They currently get around using Uber, and they are saving for a car.  We have been provided the opportunity to help this young couple out as well.

If you would like to help, you can make a donation in the form of cash or check (written out to St. George, with charity written on the memo line), and give it to Louise Gallagher or Cathy Hotova. After a couple of weeks, we will present the monies collected to Holy Ghost who will in turn distribute it to the family.

Thank you in advance for helping a family in need.

Feb & Mar 2020 Charity Tray - 01/31/2020

For the months of February and March, our charity collection will be for the Orthodox Christian Mission Center (OCMC) in support of Theophani & Steve Sarigianis.

They look forward to serving the Lord in Albania under the leadership of Archbishop Anastasios Yannoulatos. They humbly request your prayers and your support as they actualize their calling, and work to strengthen the church & share the Good News of Christ.

You can read their story here:

January 2020 Charity Tray - 01/01/2020

In January 2020, St. George will be collecting for the Bridgeport Rescue Mission.

Click onto the following link to learn more:

Please be generous.


December 2019 Charity Tray - 11/26/2019

As reported in the news, on Tuesday, November 26th, Albania was hit by a 6.4-magnitude earthquake.  It was the strongest earthquake to hit Albania in more than 40 years. So far, according to official information, at least 50 have been killed, and over 900 people left injured and/or homeless. There was also some damage to the chapel of the Resurrection of Christ Orthodox seminary.
The Orthodox Church of Albania is offering its resources to all those now in need, opening their church properties for victims to take refuge in, and help prepare and hand out food to as many people as possible.
The Orthodox Christian Mission Center (OCMC) has decided to set aside monies it was been raising for a future mission team in Albania to the Albanian Church’s disaster relief work for this emergency.
St. George will be donating its’ Charity Tray for December to the OCMC for these Albanian earthquake relief efforts. 
To learn more on the OCMC efforts, please click onto the following link:
Also, if you prefer, you may make a direct contribution to the OCMC on their website at the following link:
Please be generous!

November 2019 Charity Tray - 11/01/2019

For the months of October and November, the charity tray will be dedicated to the Bridgeport Rescue Mission.

Click onto the following link to learn more:

Please be generous! 

October 2019 Charity Tray - 10/01/2019

For the months of October and November, the charity tray will be dedicated to the Bridgeport Rescue Mission.

Click onto the following link to learn more:

Please be generous! 

Charity Tray - Sept 2019 - 08/31/2019

For September, our monthly charity collection will be dedicated to St. George Community Support Fund.

July & Aug 2019 Charity Tray - 07/01/2019

For July and August, our charity collection will be dedicated to 7-year-old Isabella (Izzy) Kerma who is fighting CNS Lymphoma.

You can read Izzy’s story here:

June 2019 Charity Tray - 05/31/2019

For June our charity collection will be dedicated to FOCUS North America.  

FOCUS is sponsoring a back-to-school backpacks program for needy elementary school children. Our parish would receive the backpacks from FOCUS and fill them with pencils, pens, binders, note paper etc.To cover the value of the backpacks, we ask that a $10/backpack donation be made to FOCUS. St. George has committed to 24 backpacks.

Click on the following link to learn more about the FOCUS Back to School program: 

Click on the following link to learn more about FOCUS North America:

May 2019 Charity Tray - 05/01/2019

This month, our charity collectin will be dedicated to the Bridgeport Rescue Mission. 

Click onto the following link to learn more:

Please be generous! 

April 2019 Charity Tray - 04/05/2019

For the month of April, our charity collection will be dedicated to St. George Community Support Fund. 

Please be generous.

Charity Tray - March 2019 - 03/01/2019

For the rest of this month, our charity collection will be dedicated to the OCMC. 

The Orthodox Christian Mission Center  has designated March 10, 2019—Forgiveness Sunday—as “Mission Sunday.” 

To learn more about OCMC, click on the following link:

Thank you in advance for your generosity.

Charity Tray - February 2019 - 02/01/2019

This month, our Charity Collection will be used to toward the St. George Community Support Fund.

A separate fund is being established and set aside to help members of our community in times of need. Please be generous.

Charity Tray - January 2019 - 01/02/2019

This month, our Charity Collection will be used to benefit The Spooner House.

To learn more about the Spooner House, click on the following link:

Thank you in advance for your generosity.

December 2018 Charity Tray - 12/01/2018

This month, our Charity Collection will be used to benefit the Trumbull Food Pantry. 

Click on the following link to learn more about the Trumbull Food Pantry

Thank you in advance for your generosity

Charity Tray - November 2018 - 11/03/2018

This month, our Charity Collection will be used to benefit the family of Ruben Rodriguez who died in a tragic accident.  He is the step father of Eddie Medero and the father-in-law of Amanda (Broadus) Medero. The collected funds will go toward funeral expenses.

Thank you in advance for your generosity.

October 2018 Charity Tray - 10/06/2018

This month, our Charity Collection will be used to benefit Trumbull Helps. 

This organization makes meals for The Bridgeport Rescue Mission, The home of the Brave, and for seniors in Trumbull.  They also supply meals to individuals in time of need. 

To learn more about Trumbull Helps, please click onto the following link:

Please be generous.

Sept 2018 Charity Tray - 09/01/2018

This month, our Charity Collection will be used to benefit the Bridgeport Rescue Mission.

Click on the following link to learn more:

Please be generous!

August 2018 Charity Tray - 08/05/2018

This month, our Charity Collection will be used to benefit the Red Cross in Korça Albania.

Please be generous.

July 2018 Charity Tray - 07/01/2018

This month, our Charity Collection will be used to benefit the Red Cross in Korça Albania.

Please be generous!

June 2018 Charity Tray - 06/03/2018

This month, our Charity Collection will be used to purchase the Juice Boxes we are collecting for Trumbull Helps and the Bridgeport Rescue Mission’s Summer Breakfast and Lunch program.

Click onto the following link to learn more about the Bridgeport Rescue Mission

Please be generous!

May 2018 Charity Tray - 05/01/2018

This month, our Charity Collection will help support the Orthodox Christian Mission Center (OCMC), supporting Timothy Halvorsen’s mission trip to Albania.

Click on the following link to learn more about the OCMC's 2018 Albania Youth Work Team:

Please be generous!

April 2018 Charity Tray - 04/01/2018

This month, our Charity Collection will help support Trumbull Food Pantry, an organization that assist needy people in our area.

Click onto the following link to learn more about the Trumbull Food Pantry:

Please be generous.

March 2018 Charity Tray - 03/18/2018

This month, our Charity Collection will help support Bridgeport Rescue Mission, an organization that assist needy people in our area.

Please click on the following link to learn more:

Please be generous!


February 2018 Charity Tray - 02/01/2018

This month, our Charity Collection will help support Spooner House, an organization in Shelton that assist needy people in our area.

Please click on the follwoing link to learn more about the Spooner House:

Please be generous!

January 2018 Charity Tray - 01/01/2018

This month, our Charity Collection will be sent to the Hockey Has Heart organization in Detroit, Michigan, which is collecting money to help Fr. Dimitrie Vincent, Pastor of our St. Thomas Church in Detroit, in his recovery from a spinal cord injury.

Please be generous!


December 2017 Charity Tray - 12/03/2017

This month, our Charity Collection will benefit the Trumbull Food Pantry, which assists needy persons in our area.

Click on the following link to learn more:

Please be generous!

November 2017 Charity Tray - 11/01/2017

This month, the month of Thanksgiving Day, our Charity Collection will benefit the Bridgeport Rescue Mission, which assists needy persons in our area.

Click onto the following link to learn more:


October 2017 Charity Tray - 10/01/2017

This month we are supporting the Theological Student Fund of our Albanian Archdiocese.

This Fund supports young men from our Archdiocese who are studying for the Priesthood as well as clergy and others who are travelling to Albania to support the Church there.

Please be generous!


September 2017 Charity Tray - 09/01/2017

Our September Charity Tray will support the International Orthodox Christian Charities efforts to support victims of the flooding devastation in Houston, TX from Hurricane Harvey.

To learn more, please open the following link:

August 2017 Charity Tray - 08/01/2017

This month, our Charity Collection will help support the Spooner House.

To learn more, click on the following link: 

Please be generous!


Trumbull Helps - Juice Box collection - 07/30/2017

Trumbull Helps will be assembling 700 summer lunches for the Bridgeport Rescue Mission.

We at St. George will be collecting juice boxes for them starting until August 19th. There will be a box in the Church vestibule.

Thank you in advance for helping to feed children who need us.


July 2017 Charity Tray - 07/02/2017

This month, our Charity Collection will help support the Trumbull Food Pantry.

Click on the following link for more information about the Trumbull Food Pantry:

Please be generous!

June 2017 Charity Tray - 06/01/2017

In June of 2017, our Charity Collection will help support UNICEF’s famine relief work in Somalia.

Open the following link to learn more:   

Please be generous!


May 2017 Charity Tray - 05/01/2017

This month, our Charity Collection will help support the CROP Hunger Walk program of Church World Service that raises funds to end hunger at home and around the world.

Click on the following link to learn more:

Please be generous!



April 2017 Charity Tray - 04/01/2017

This month, our Charity Collection will help support the Trumbull Food Pantry, an organization in that assists needy people in our area.

Click on the following link to learn more:  Trumbull Food Pantry

Please be generous!


March 2017 Charity Tray - 03/01/2017

This month we are supporting LifeBridge, an organization that assists many people in our area.

Click on the following link to learn more about LifeBridge:

Please be generous

Feb 2017 Charity Tray - 02/01/2017

This month we are supporting Trumbull Helps, an organization that assists many charities and other good works in Trumbull.

Trumbull Helps can be found on Facebook, or


Dec '16 & Jan '17 Charity Tray - 12/18/2016

In December 2016 and January 2017,  we are supporting the International Orthodox Christian Charities as they work to help the people of the city of Aleppo in Syria and other places around the world who have been forced from their homes.

Click onto the following link to learn more about the IOCC and the Syrian assistance program:

Please be generous!

November 2016 Charity Tray - 11/01/2016

In November, we are supporting the Binky Patrol.

This is an organization that makes small blankets for critically ill and traumatized children in our area.

To learn more, click onto the following link:

Please be generous!

October 2016 Charity Tray - 10/01/2016

This month we are supporting the Theological Student Fund of our Albanian Archdiocese.

This Fund supports young men from our Archdiocese who are studying for the Priesthood as well as clergy and others who are continuing their education or who are travelling to Albania to support the Church there.

Please be generous!

September 2016 Charity Tray - 09/01/2016


This month we are again supporting the Rett Syndrome Research Trust which raises funds for research into Rett Syndrome, the disease that took Eva Karajani from us two years ago this month.

Click on the following link to learn more about the Trust:

 Please be generous!

August 2016 Charity Tray - 08/01/2016

This month, our Charity Collection will help support the Trumbull Food Pantry which helps needy people in our area.

Click onto the following link to learn more: Trumbull Food Pantry

 Please be generous!

July 2016 Charity Tray - 07/01/2016

This month, our Charity Collection will help support the Fr. Juvenaly (Repass) who will be doing long-term missionary work in Guatemala with the Orthodox Christian Mission Center. He visited our parish at the beginning of June and spoke of his work.

Please be generous!

June 2016 Charity Tray - 06/01/2016

This month, our Charity Collection will help support the “Team Caroline and Mia,” an effort in our area to support the families of Caroline and Mia, two kindergartners at Jane Ryan School in Trumbull who are struggling with cancer.

Please be generous!

May 2016 Charity Tray - 05/01/2016

This month, our Charity Collection will help support the CROP Hunger Walk program of Church World Service. that raises funds to end hunger at home and around the world.

Click onto the following link to learn more:

April 2016 Charity Tray - 04/01/2016

This month, our Charity Collection will help support Lifebridge, an organization in Fairfield County that assists low-income people in our area to build bridges to greater self-sufficiency.

Click on the following link to learn more about Lifebridge:

Please be generous!

March 2016 Charity Tray - 03/01/2016

This month, our Charity Collection will help support Lifebridge, an organization in Fairfield County that assists low-income people in our area to build bridges to greater self-sufficiency.

Click on the following link to learn more about Lifebridge:

Please be generous!

February 2016 Charity Tray - 02/01/2016

This month, our Charity Collection will help support Spooner House, an organization in Shelton that assist needy people in our area.

To learn more about the Spooner House, click on the following link:

Please be generous!

January 2016 Charity Tray - 01/01/2016

This month, our Charity Collection will help support Zoe for Life!, an organization in Ohio that supports women in crisis pregnancies, assists Orthodox Christians in adoption, and provides Orthodox Christian educational resources for pure living.

Please click onto the following link to learn more:

Please be generous

December 2015 Charity Tray - 12/01/2015

This month, December 2016, our Charity Collection will benefit the Trumbull Food Pantry, which assists needy persons in our area.

Click on the following link to learn more: Trumbull Food Pantry

If you would like to donate food items directly to the Food Pantry, please click on the following link to get a current list of their needs:  Trumbull Food Pantry Donation Needs

Please be generous!

November 2015 Charity Tray - 11/01/2015

For the month of November 2015, the month of Thanksgiving Day, our Charity Collection will benefit the Bridgeport Rescue Mission, which assists needy persons in our area.

Click on the following link to learn more:

Please be generous!

October 2015 Charity Tray - 10/04/2015

Our charity tray for this month will be to support Deacon Stephanos and Alexandria Ritsi's mission in Albania through the Orthodox Christian Mission Center.   

Click on the following link to learn more about the Ritsi family

Please be generous!

September 2015 Charity Tray - 09/01/2015

In September, we are again supporting the Rett Syndrome Research Trust which raises funds for research into Rett Syndrome, the disease that took Eva Karajani from us two years ago this month.

Please be generous!

August 2015 Charity Tray - 08/01/2015

During the month of August, our Charity Collection will help the Special Olympics Connecticut which provides athletic competition opportunities for physically and mentally challenged people in our area.

Please click on the following link to learn more:

Please be generous!

July 2015 Charity Tray - 07/01/2015

During the month of July, our Charity Tray will help the Wounded Warrior Project which assists wounded military veterans.

Click on the following link to learn more about the Wounded Warrior Project.

Please be generous!

June 2015 Charity Tray - 06/01/2015

During the month of June, our Charity Collection will help Trumbull Food Pantry to provide assistance to people in need in our area.

To learn more, please click on the following link:

Please be generous!

May 2015 Charity Tray - 05/01/2015

During the month of May, our Charity Collection will help support of International Orthodox Christian Charities, who are providing relief to the victims of the recent earthquake in Nepal.

Click on the following link to learn more:



April 2015 Charity Tray - 04/01/2015

During the month of April, our Charity Collection will help support Crop Walk, an event that works to fight hunger in our communities.

Click on the following link to learn more:

Please be generous!

March 2015 Charity Tray - 03/01/2015

During the month of March, our Charity Collection will help support the family of Father Matthew Baker, who was killed in an automobile accident on March 1st, and who leaves behind a wife and 6 children.

Please be generous!


February 2015 Charity Tray - 02/01/2015

During the month of February, our Charity Collection will help support the Orthodox Christian Mission Center, or the OCMC, an organization that supports Orthodox missions around the world.

To learn more about the OCMC, please click here:

Please be generous!

January 2015 Charity Tray - 01/01/2015

During the month of January, our Charity Collection will help support Zoe for Life!, an organization in Ohio that supports women in crisis pregnancies, assists Orthodox Christians in adoption, and provides Orthodox Christian educational resources for pure living.

Click on the following link to learn more:

Please be generous!

December 2014 Charity Tray - 12/01/2014

In December, we will be supporting Spooner House, and organization in Shelton that ministers to the needy and homeless in our region.

Click on the following link to learn more about the Spooner House:

Please be generous.

November 2014 Charity Tray - 11/01/2014

Our Charity Collection for the month of November (the month of Thanksgiving) will help support the Bridgeport Rescue Mission, which assists people in need from the Greater Bridgeport area.

Click here to learn more:

Please be generous!

October 2014 Charity Tray - 10/01/2014

Our Charity Collection for the month of October will help support the Albanian Archdiocese Student Fund, which assists members and parishes of our Archdiocese with Seminary education and other projects.

Please be generous!

September 2014 Charity Tray - 09/01/2014

In September, we are collecting for the Rett Syndrome Research Trust which raises funds for research into Rett Syndrome, the disease that took Eva Karajani last September. This will be an annual collection during the month of September.

Please be generous!

August 2014 Charity Tray - 08/01/2014

In August, our collection will support Spooner House, an institution in Shelton that cares for the needy of our region.

Click on the following link to learn more about the Spooner House.

Please be generous!

July 2014 Charity Tray - 07/01/2014

In July, our Charity collection will continue to support the Bridgeport Rescue Mission. 

Click on the following link to learn more:  Bridgeport Rescue Mission.

Please be generous!

June 2014 Charity Tray - 06/01/2014

In June, our Charity Tray collection will support the Bridgeport Rescue Mission.

Click on the link to learn more about the Bridgeport Rescue Misson.

Please be generous.

May 2014 Charity Tray - 05/01/2014

In May, our collection will support FOCUS North America, an Orthodox Christian organization that serves the poor and homeless around the country.

Click Here to learn more about FOCUS North America

Please be generous!



April 2014 Charity Tray - 04/01/2014

In April, our collection will support the Special Olympics.

To learn more about the Special Olympics, click on the following link:

Please be generous!

Special Charity Collection - Mar 23, 2014 - 03/23/2014

We are taking a special collection today for the family of Kristjan Ndoj, the Albanian boy from Shelton who was shot and killed last week. Please be generous!

March 2014 Charity Tray - 03/02/2014

In February, our Charity Collection will be used to support our Relay for Life team.

Click on the attached link for learn more about the American Cancer Society's Relay for Life fund raiser.

Please be generous!

February 2014 Charity Tray - 02/01/2014

In February, our Charity Collection will be used to support Spooner House, an organization in Shelton that ministers to the needy and homeless in our area.

Click Here to learn more about the Spooner House.

Please be generous!

Special Charity Collection - Jan 26, 2014 - 01/26/2014

In the early morning of Friday, January 24th, a home was destroyed by fire in Bridgeport. The family’s children attend the school where Chris and Sharon Buzi teach. The whole family is safe, but they lost everything in the fire. We will take a special Charity Collection today, Sunday January 26th, to assist them.

Donations can still be made to Zoe for Life for our Monthly collection.

January 2014 Charity Tray - 01/01/2014

During the month of January, our Charity Collections will help support Zoe for Life!, an organization in Ohio that supports women in crisis pregnancies, assists Orthodox Christians in adoption, and provides Orthodox Christian educational resources for pure living.

Please be generous!

Click Here to go to the Zoe for Life! website.

Non-perishable Food Collection - 01/01/2014

We are collecting non-perishable food for the residents of Spooner House in Shelton.

There is a container by the front door of the Church where people can place their donations.

Click Here to learn more about the Spooner House.

December 2013 Charity Tray - 12/01/2013

During December, our Charity Collection will go to the International Orthodox Christian Charities to support relief efforts in the Philippines for the survivors of Super Typoon Haiyon

To learn more about the IOCC relief efforts in the Philippines, click on the following link:  IOCC Philippines Typhoon Relief

To learn more about the International Orthodox Christian Charities, click here:

Please be generous!

November 2013 Charity Tray - 11/01/2013

During November, our Charity Collection will support the Bridgeport Rescue Mission.

Click on the following link to learn more about the Bridgeport Rescue Mission.

Please be generous!

October 2013 Charity Tray - 10/01/2013

During October (continuing as we collected in September), our Charity Collection will go to Saint John the Baptist Church in South Boston to help them recover from the recent fire.


September 2013 Charity Tray - 09/01/2013

During September, our Charity Collection will go to Saint John the Baptist Church in South Boston to help them recover from the recent fire.

August 2013 Charity Tray - 08/03/2013

In July, our Charity Collection will support the Bridgeport Rescue Mission

The stated mission of the Bridgeport Rescue Mission is: "To fight poverty from the inside out as we embrace the urban poor and addicted with the compassion of Christ, offering hope and healing for a changed life." through a vision "To excel in the provision of food, shelter, clothing, education, job training and residential discipleship for the urban poor and addicted."

Click on the link to learn more.  Bridgeport Rescue Mission

Please be generous!


July 2013 Charity Tray - 07/07/2013

In July, our Charity Collection will support the Bridgeport Rescue Mission.   Please be generous!

Click on the link to view more information.

June 2013 Charity Tray - 06/02/2013

In June, we will be supporting the Little Flower Orphanage in Korça, Albania.

Please be generous!

May 2013 Charity Tray - 05/01/2013

For May 2013, our Charity Collection will be used to assist Nikola Tarisu, a young man recently arrived from Albania who lost all his possessions in a recent fire in Waterbury.

Please be generous!

April 2013 Charity Tray - 04/01/2013

This month, our Charity Collection will be used to support the Mission Trip of Greg Buzi II to Guatemala this summer.

Please be generous!

March 2013 Charity Tray - 03/01/2013

This month, our Charity Collection will be used to directly support John Babich who will be participating in fund raising for the Saint Baldrick's Foundation which supports research to overcome childhood cancer. 

Again this year, John will be participating in St. Baldrick's Head Shaving Event on March 7th.  Below is a letter describing his cause:

Dear Friends and Family,

This will be my fourth year that I'll be shaving my head for St. Baldrick's in memory of my friend Teddy who lost his battle with cancer in 2010.  With my bald head, I’ll stand in solidarity with kids being treated for cancer. But the real point of all this is to raise money for life-saving research.  I’m doing it for infants, children, teens and young adults fighting cancer.  While it’s especially hard to think of kids fighting cancer, I’m also glad to know that some of the research supported by this foundation ultimately helps to fight all cancers.

Please consider making a donation and supporting my efforts to raise money for this important research.  I can assure you this gift will be used responsibly.  The St. Baldrick’s Foundation is the largest private funder of childhood cancer research grants.  This is a volunteer-driven charity, which keeps fundraising costs low and grants high.  In 2012 alone, St. Baldrick’s granted more than $23 million for research – almost all raised by more than 31,000 “shavees” like me, from people like you!

You can give online (search for me at or by phone (888-899-BALD).  Credit cards are the most efficient way to give, or you can write a check payable to “St. Baldrick’s Foundation.”  

This is a fun way to do something very important.  Thank you for your support!

Love,  John

If you wish to directly support him through St Baldrick's , please go to the website to donate under his event.  You can find his event listing Under Donate, type in John Babich under the "I'm donating under the fundraising goal of" .  You should see: John B., Fairfield CT, March 7, 2013, Stratfield Elementary School, TeamBrent, Team Teddy.

Click Here to go to the site, or learn more about St. Baldrick's

February 2013 Charity Tray - 01/27/2013

The monthly Charity Tray for February 2013 will be to support the Trumbull Food Pantry.

To read more  -  Click Here

January 2013 Charity Tray - 01/01/2013

This month, our Charity Collection will be donated to International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC) to be used for relief from tropical storm Sandy in our area.

Click Here for more information on the IOCC efforts.


December 2012 Charity Tray - 12/01/2012

The December Charity Tray was changed during the month to support the families of the Newtown shooting tragedy.

November 2012 Charity Tray - 11/02/2012

In November, our Charity Collection will support Spooner House, an institution in Shelton that helps the poor and homeless.

Additionally, on October 30, 2012,  Cheryl Themel, Joann Soter, Greg Buzi, Sr., Kim O’Brien, Greg Buzi, Jr. and Laura Chadwick helped to prepare and serve dinner at the Spooner House.  We thank them for their efforts.

Click Here to go to the Spooner House website.

October 2012 Charity Tray - 10/01/2012

In October, our Charity Collection will be used to help Bridgeport Police Sergeant Jessica Tillson, recently diagnosed with stage-4 breast cancer and mother of a 10-year old girl.

September 2012 Charity Tray - 09/01/2012

In September, our Charity Collection will benefit the Bridgeport Rescue Mission.

The Bridgeport Rescue Mission is a non-profit, faith-based organization committed to providing food, shelter, clothing, education, job training, and residential discipleship for the urban poor and addicted.

Click Here to learn more.

August 2012 Charity Tray - 08/01/2012

In August, our Charity Collection will support the Special Olympics.

Click on the link to learn more:  Special Olympics Connecticut

July 2012 Charity Tray - 07/01/2012

Our charity collection for July will support Orthodox New England (ONE) Stewards, particularly benefiting the New England Youth Rally.

June 2012 Charity Tray - 06/01/2012

In June, our Charity Collection will be used to support the American Cancer Society Relay for Life effort.

May 2012 Charity Tray - 05/01/2012

In May, we will be collecting to help a priest and parish in Nanticoke, PA, where the rectory burned down in a Sunday morning fire.

April 2012 Charity Tray - 04/01/2012

During April, our Charity Collection will support the mission trip to Kenya of Matushka Suzanne Aleandro and her husband, Fr. Vladimir Aleandro. 


March 2012 Charity Tray - 03/04/2012

During March, our Charity Collection will be used to support International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC) and the work they do in this country and around the world helping people in need.

Click Here to go to the IOCC website.

February 2012 Charity Tray - 02/01/2012

During February, our Charity Collection will be used to sponsor John Babich’s participation in the St. Baldrick’s Foundation “Head-Shaving” event to support research to end childhood cancer.  

If you would like to support John individually, go to, click on “Find a Participant” and enter his name in the fields to the left of the page. Then click on the “Donate” button at the right to make your donation.

Click here to learn more about St. Baldrick's.

January 2012 Charity Tray - 01/01/2012

During the month of January, our Charity Collections will help support Zoe for Life!, an organization in Ohio that supports women in crisis pregnancies, assists Orthodox Christians in adoption, and provides Orthodox Christian educational resources for pure living.

December 2011 Charity Tray - 12/04/2011

During the month of December, our Charity Collections will help support Fisher House, an organization that provides a “Home away from Home” for wounded veterans and their families at VA hospitals around the country.

Click Here to view additional information about Fisher House from their website

Oct & Nov 2011 Charity Tray - 10/02/2011

During the months of October and November, our Charity Collections will help support the renovation of our Archdiocesan Chancery Offices in Boston

September 2011 Charity Tray - 09/04/2011

During the month of September, our Charity Collections will help support the development of the National September 11 Memorial and Museum at Ground Zero in New York City.

August 2011 Charity Tray - 07/31/2011

In August, we will be supporting the Wounded Warrior Project, which is dedicated to helping injured military service members.


July 2011 Charity Tray - 07/01/2011

During the month of July, our Charity Collections will help support Bread of Heaven Ministry, Inc., an outreach to the homeless, needy and hurting in the city of Bridgeport.


June 2011 Charity Tray - 06/01/2011

During the month of June, our Charity Collections will go to the International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC) for the support and assistance of those suffering from the recent tornadoes in the Mid-west.

Click Here to view the IOCC web page discussing the tornado relief effort.

May 2011 Charity Tray - 05/01/2011

In May, our collection will help to support the Monroe Food Pantry.

Please be generous!

Click Here to view web page

April 2011 Charity Tray - 04/01/2011

In April, our collection will help to support a program of the Capitol Regional Education Center in Hartford. They are making arrangements for 5 students of the Jani Vreto School in Leskovik, Albania, to spend a week at the Metropolitan Learning Center for International Studies, a magnet school in Hartford.


Japan Earthquake/Tsunami Victims - 03/20/2011

This Sunday and next, March 20th and 27th, at the request of the Holy Synod of Bishops of the Orthodox Church in America, our Charity Collections will go to the International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC) to assist in its relief efforts in Japan.  Please be generous!

Click on the link below to go to the IOCC website:

March 2011 Charity Tray - 03/05/2011

In March, our Charity Collection will go to support the Monroe Food Pantry.

Please be generous!

Click Here to view web page for the Monroe Food Pantry


February 2011 Charity Tray - 01/29/2011

In February, our Charity Collection will go to the International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC) to help the people of Haiti who are still suffering a whole year after the earthquake that desolated their country.  In the last 12 months, the IOCC has assisted over 200,000 people in Haiti, however continued support is required.

For more information on the IOCC, and the IOCC relief efforts in Haiti, please click onto the links below:


International Orthodox Christian Charities website:


IOCC Haiti assist efforts:


January 2011 Charity Tray - 01/01/2011

In January, our Charity Collections will be used to support Thomas Merton Center, an agency in Bridgeport that helps people of every age group and nationality who are in need.


November & December 2010 Charity Tray - 11/01/2010

During November and December, our monthly Charity Collection will support Chancery renovations for our Albanian Archdiocese.

October 2010 Charity Tray - 09/26/2010

We are hoping to conduct a “Walk for Water” to help the Orthodox Christian people of the Turkana tribe in northern Kenya have access to clean water. The money raised through this walk will help to construct bore holes in a few villages in the region. Be on the lookout for details.

During the month of October, the Charity Collection has been designated to support this effort.

August & September 2010 Charity - 08/01/2010

Michel Baik and Steven Velazquez, two firefighters, lost their lives last week in the line of duty.  Our sympathies and prayers go out to their families. 


Michel was a parishioner of St. Nicholas Orthodox Church on Park Avenue in Bridgeport.  He is survived by his wife, Laurie, and children Andrew, Thomas, and Margaret. 

This month’s charity collection is for the children of Michel Baik.

June & July 2010 Charity - 06/05/2010

Our charity collections for the months of June and July will be for the Sisters of Mercy.

May 2010 Charity Tray - 05/01/2010

Diana Breaz is the six year old daughter of Simion and Violeta Breaz of St. Dimitrie’s Church.  She is currently undergoing treatment for brain cancer.  The traditional treatment is dangerous for her and not very promising, so her parents have been seeking alternative treatments.  This is very expensive and not covered by medical insurance.  

On February 14th, the St. Dimitrie’s community initiated a project to raise money for Diana.  The St. George community wishes to assist them with their efforts by dedicating our May charity tray to Diana.

Please keep Diana and her family in your prayers.

April 2010 Charity Tray - 04/02/2010

All proceeds collected during April will go to the Bridgeport Rescue Mission which help the hungry, homeless, and addicted throughout Fairfield County.

Click Here to go to the Bridgeport Rescue Mission website.

March 2010 Charity Tray - 03/01/2010

The March Charity Tray is to assist Fr. Gregory Becker who recently lost all of his possessions when a fire broke out in his home on February 26th.   Father Gregory is servicing St. Elia Orthodox Church in Jamestown, NY.   St. Elia is a sister parish in the Albanian Archdiocese of the OCA.  On behalf of the archdiocese, we are raising money to assist him in his loss.

Haiti Earthquake Victims - 01/16/2010

We will be collecting the last three Sundays of January to support Haiti.

By now we all have seen pictures of the incomprehensible destruction and loss of life in Haiti who are the poorest of the poor.  Not everyone is in a position to donate to emergency relief, but if you are, please be encouraged to do so. 

International Orthodox Christian Charities is always a great avenue for this.  You can do so online at by clicking on the following link:

Cell Phones for Soldiers - 12/19/2009

Do you have unwanted cell phones in your house? You can donate them, and in return our soldiers will get free calling cards –

Check this site out:

December-February 2010 Charity Tray - 12/01/2009


Father Vladimir Aleandro from Christ the Savior Church in Southbury and his wife Suzanne will be returning to Africa in February 2010 to continue their missionary work.  This time they will venture into the most remote, isolated and dangerous area in Africa.

We are dedicating the December and January Charity Tray to assist their effort to spread the Word of the Lord among people who have never been exposed to Christianity.

Their missionary trip is coordinated by the Orthodox Christian Missionary Center (OCMC). For more information about the work of the OCMC, click on the highlighted link:

November 2009 Charity Tray - 11/01/2009

Bridgeport Rescue Mission

Some quick statistics:

21.6% of Bridgeport’s residents live below the federal poverty level; every day, men, women and children receive a hand up and out of their circumstances through the programs and services at Bridgeport Rescue Mission.  

The volume of services provided by the Bridgeport Rescue Mission this year, from January through August 2009:

- Nights of shelter provided: 19,744

- Meals for guests and working poor: 265,733

- Mobile kitchen meals: 25,021

Beyond money, these food items are needed for distribution: cans of vegetables, fruits or soups; pasta, pasta sauces, macaroni & cheese, hot/cold cereal.

For more information, please click onto the link below:

October 2009 Charity Tray - 10/01/2009

Christmas Stocking Appeal for Albanian Children

As part of an archdiocese wide appeal, monies from the October Monthly Charity Tray will be used to  purchase and deliver Christmas stocking of toys and sweets to needy children in Albania.

Click Here to view a memo announcing the appeal

August & September 2009 Charity Tray - 08/01/2009

The monthly collection for August and September will be to provide financial support to the Archdiocesan Seminarian Fund.  The donations will be turned over to the Archdiocese at the Archdiocesan Assembly which will be held in Philadelphia on September 24th-26th.

June & July 2009 Charity Tray - 06/01/2009

The monthly Charity collection for both June and July is to provide financial support for the Church Planting Grant Appeal (formally known as the “Mission Appeal”) which supports qualifying OCA missions.

Click Here to view a letter from Metropolitan Jonah asking to support to the 2009 Church Planting Grant Appeal.

May 2009 Charity Tray - 04/26/2009

Metropolitan Jonah invites all OCA parishes to support FOCUS North America.  

FOCUS North America is a network of Orthodox Christian social action ministries that express Christ's love in North America for those who are hungry, thirsty, strangers, naked, sick or in prison [Matt. 25:35ff].

"While many of us live in relative comfort, the reality is that many in our country and even in some of our parishes are facing desperation," Metropolitan Jonah writes in his letter. "I know that you are already supporting your parish and other worthy causes, but I hope that, out of the abundance that the Lord has given you and according to your means, you will also support this important initiative."

To view the full letter from Metropolitan Jonah, click below: 
For more information on FOCUS North America, click on the link below:

April 2009 Charity Tray - 04/03/2009

The monthly Charity collection for April is  to provide financial support for the Saint Innocent Orphanage and Project Mexico.

These charities state their mission as "Building hope for boys without families and families without homes"

Click on the link below for more information:

Church School Lenten Outreach Program - 03/28/2009

The Church School is sponsoring a food collection as a Lenten Outreach program.

The specific program being supported is called the "Week-ender Backpack Program" which helps children in the Greater Bridgeport area who do not have enough food to last them through the weekend.

Click Here for more details on the program.

Support for homeless Connecticut veterans - 03/07/2009

This is a very exciting time for many VA Connecticut veterans who have been homeless. Soon they will be moving into their own apartments.

Furniture in good (lightly used) condition and household items are needed to make these apartments a home.

If you have items to donate please call Jennifer DeGaetano at the Errera Community Care Center at (203) 500-5613.

March 2009 Charity Tray - 02/28/2009

Charity collections for March 2009 are to provide financial support for Orthodox missions through the Orthodox Christian Missionary Center (OCMC).   The OCMC is the official international missions agency of the Standing Conference of Canonical Orthodox Bishops in America (SCOBA).

If you wish, you may alternately contribute by using the OCMC canisters which are available in the church vestibule.

For information on the OCMC, please click onto the link below:

February 2009 Charity Tray - 01/25/2009

5th Grader’s Service Project: Project Warmth

As part of his Talented and Gifted (TAG) program, TJ Coughlin was to create a Service Learning Project.  As his topic, he chose one that dealt with helping those less fortunate deal with heating their homes in the winter.  Following research and interviews, he developed a “Power Point” presentation and an informational/educational brochure for the parish and after a Liturgy presented his project to the parishioners.

Following his presentation on February 1st, he invited everyone to a coffee hour that he sponsored – and even baked for!

The support of this project will be the February Charity Tray. 

Click Here to view TJ's presentation materials.

Click Here to go to the Photo Archive and view additional photos of TJ addressing the parish and explaining his project at the coffee hour he sponsored.

Photo - from Left to Right:  First Selectman of Monroe Tom Buzi and TJ Coughlin.

Click Here to view a newspaper article from the Connecticut Post.

Support to local Food Banks - 01/01/2009

Hunger never takes a vacation! 

The collection of non-perishable food stuffs is an on-going ministry in the parish.  The proceeds are directed to area food banks (generally to the Trumbull Visiting Nurse Association and the Merton House of Bridgeport) for distribution to those who are in need.

St. George maintains collection boxes in the church for donating non-perishable food items all year.  We appreciate everyone's continued support!

January 2009 Charity Tray - 01/01/2009

In the month of January 2009, we collected for the Thomas Merton House – a soup kitchen in the city of Bridgeport.

Click Here to view a recent article about the Merton House.

December 2008 Charity Tray - 12/01/2008

Below was the purpose of our December 2008 Charity Tray:

Real Break is a pan-orthodox program of North American Orthodox Christian Fellowship, Standing Conference of Orthodox Bishops in America (SCOBA). We would like to support one of our “native sons.”

2009 Real Break Greece: The project will take our parishioner to a place in Central Greece, near the city of Karditsa. This is an area rarely visited by the average tourist from abroad. However, the mountainous terrain attracts the few, who seek hard enough, to find areas unspoiled by a deluge of tourists.

The team will be based in the sixteenth century monastery of the Twelve Apostles, known by the locals as “Red Church,” just outside of Karditsa. The Twelve Apostles monastery works closely with Saint George Monastery near Mavromati. St. George Monastery is famous for housing one of the four icons of the Virgin Mary associated with St. Luke the Evangelist. This monastery is one of two historic monasteries in the local Diocese which have been recently reopened. The other, near the village of Katafigi, is the sixteenth century monastery, Moni Petras. Moni Petras is famous for its Wonder-working icon of the Virgin Mary. Both sisterhoods of St. George and Twelve Apostles, as well as the brotherhood of Moni Petras are international in character consisting not only of Greeks but people from various other countries such as the United States, Russia, Germany, Georgia, England, South Africa and Israel, to name a few. Most members of both monasteries speak English at least as a second language. The team will be working with all three of the monasteries on any tasks that they need our assistance.

Even though this mission will be taking place during Great Lent, the hosts will do all in their means to offer genuine Greek hospitality, as well as the opportunity to participate in their daily lives of prayer and work.

The monastics at these three monasteries are wonderful people. They are looking forward to the team’s arrival. They have plenty of plans to keep the participant busy, but will also make sure he/she learns and experiences Orthodoxy in a truly unique manner, one which cannot be experienced anywhere else.

Photo - from Left to Right:   Parish Council President Bill Kovachi presenting a check to Christopher Adams to help subsidize some of his travel expenses to Greece for his Real Break experience.

October 2017 Charity Tray

October 2017 Charity Tray

This month we are supporting the Theological Student Fund of our Albanian Archdiocese.

This Fund supports young men from our Archdiocese who are studying for the Priesthood as well as clergy and others who are continuing their education or who are travelling to Albania to support the Church there.

Please be generous!

Category: Monthly Charity
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Upcoming Services & Events
Saturday, March 15
11AM Baptisms - Otto Lugus and Banks Davis 
Sunday, March 16
SUNDAY OF ST. GREGORY PALAMAS  (2nd Sunday of Great Lent) 10AM Reader Service (there is no Communion at this service)
4PM Pan-Orthodox Vespers - St. Dimitrie Church, Easton
Sunday, March 23
VENERATION OF THE CROSS HERITAGE SUNDAY 9:45AM Fr. Sergei meets w/ Church School 10AM Divine Liturgy w/ Churching of Otto Lugus & Banks Davis. Memorial for departed Hierarchs, Priests, & Prifteresha
4PM Pan-Orthodox Vespers - Holy Ghost, Bridgepport
Sunday, March 30
SUNDAY OF ST. JOHN CLIMACUS (4th Sunday of Great Lent) 10AM Divine Liturgy  (Fr. George Coca serving)
4PM Pan-Orthodox Vespers - St. John, Bridgeport
View Live-Streamed Services

Connect below to view our next Live Stream service from our Facebook page:

Sunday March 16th -  10:00AM Divine Liturgy

Category: Monthly Charity
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St. George Orthodox Church, Trumbull, CT | Contact

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