St. George Orthodox Church
Albanian Archdiocese of the OCA
Trumbull, Connecticut
News: 2009
Our Sympathy - 01/05/2009
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2017-06-18 07:01:21

We have learned that Janet Liolin-Boland's mother-in-law, Linda K. Boland, passed away. We extend the sympathy of the parish community to Janet, Kevin and their children Caitlin and Jackson.

Community Pride - 01/05/2009
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2017-06-18 07:01:21

We are pleased to share that after receiving a letter from the Trumbull High School Golden Eagles Marching Band, requesting help to subsidize their trip to the President Obama's Inauguration, our Parish Council gave a donation on behalf of our parish.
Their band was selected out of thousands of applicants.  Besides the community pride, there's the fact that one of the band members, James Denisevich, is a parishioner.

Mothers "Spin" for Breast Cancer Research - 02/05/2009
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2017-06-18 07:01:21

Two of our young mothers, Penny Lazor and Eleni Weaver, will be will be participating in the SpinOdyssey fund-raiser on March 1, 2009.  This event benefits the American Cancer Society’s breast cancer research program.

If you would like to support them in their cause, Click Here for more information.

Our Sympathy! - 02/05/2009
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2017-06-18 07:01:21

We have learned that David Denisevich's mother, Nina, passed away.  We extend the sympathy of the parish community to David, Laura and their children Christine and James - as well as to Dave's brother John.

Sympathy - 02/06/2009
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2017-06-18 07:01:21

We have learned that Diane Boria Cryan's mother-in-law, Ruth, passed away.  We extend the sympathy of the parish community to Keith, Diane, Andrew, Emily and Allison. 

Congratulations to the new Graduate! - 02/08/2009
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2017-06-18 07:01:21

Congratulations go out to Anna Bouteneff who recently graduated from Sacred Heart University with a Masters of Arts in Teaching.  Our best wishes to Anna with her new career!  

Teuta celebrates it Patronal Feast Day - 02/08/2009
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2022-02-05 06:42:49

On the Sunday that follows their patronal feast day, the Teuta Ladies Society celebrate the Presentation of the Lord with prayers that follow the Liturgy.  As part of their stewardship of service they offer the five loaves, wheat, wine and oil as well as the grure (kolivo).  Prayers of installation of the officers and the blessing of each Society member round out the occasion.

Sympathy - 02/16/2009
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2017-06-18 07:01:21

We have learned that Michael Babich's father, John, passed away.  We extend the sympathy of our parish community to Michael and his family, especially Valerie, Kristen and John.

Our Sympathy! - 02/19/2009
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2017-06-18 07:01:21

We have learned that Peter Thanas wife, Jean, passed away.  We extend the sympathy of our parish community to Peter and his daughters:  Patricia, Linda and Barbara and their families.  May Jean's Memory be eternal!

Church School Lenten Project - 02/22/2009
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2017-06-18 07:01:21

The Church School is using a "Good Deed Jar" idea to help our children focus on building positive habits and performing acts of kindness during Lent.

Click Here to view a Letter to Parents and more information on the project.

Pan-Orthodox Choir 2009 - 02/23/2009
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2017-06-18 07:01:21

In anticipation of the annual Bridgeport Area Churches' Pan-Orthodox Sunday Lenten Vespers, two rehearsals were held to prepare the group for the four services scheduled in 2009.
On March 29th,  our parish will host one of this year's Lenten Vespers.
Leading the choir for these next two years is Laura Chadwick, one of our two directors.

Lenten Bracelets - Veror - 03/01/2009
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2021-03-13 08:02:49

An Albanian folk spring-time tradition - whose origin is clouded in time - there was the practice of children wearing string bracelets for a period of time, bracelets that they would cut off and throw on the bushes so that the birds would take them for their nesting material.

In our parish, this folk custom was integrated into the church as a Lenten effort/reminder during Great Lent.

At the Church School session on Forgiveness Sunday, the children and their teachers tie this bracelet on their right hand, and keep it on until Paschal Vespers, when they cut it off, and place it on the bushes for the birds.

Many adults of the parish wear this bracelet in solidarity with the children.

The bracelets are crocheted red and white strings - a reminder of the nature of Christ: both God and man.

Sunday of Orthodoxy - 03/08/2009
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2017-06-18 07:01:21

The Liturgy on the Sunday of Orthodoxy, which is the 1st Sunday of Great Lent for Orthodox Christians, was served on March 8th.

On the left is a photo of some of the parish children returning Konizmat Icons during the Liturgy.

Click Here for more on Konizmat.

Our Medical Missionary - 03/14/2009
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2017-06-18 07:01:21

We are pleased to learn that our medical missionary, Dr. Louis Theodos, has returned safely from his trip to Guatemala.  

We look forward to his sharing his trip in words and photographs!

FORCC Meeting held at St. George - 03/18/2009
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2017-06-18 07:01:21

Our parish was pleased to host the Fellowship of Orthodox Churches of Connecticut  (FORCC) for their March Meeting.

Our parish representative, Bob Lazar is seen in the photo with the association president, Nina Kosowsky.

The Fellowship of Orthodox Churches of Connecticut (FORCC) with its true meaning of FELLOWSHIP has successfully united Orthodox churches in our state to work together as a team to promote the Orthodox Faith throughout Connecticut.

You can learn more about FORCC by clicking on:

Our Thanks! - 03/21/2009
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2017-06-18 07:01:21

We would like to recognize:

The Teuta Ladies stewardship of prayer – the sponsorship of the two parish–wide memorials each year.  The first one was held February 21.

Mary Nikola for cleaning and pressing the purple appointments for the church.

Van Michael for his continued service as Cantor for the weekly Lenten Saturday Vespers.

Pandora and Jim Dionis for their beautification of the cross for this Sunday’s worship.

Congratulations! - 03/21/2009
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2017-06-18 07:01:21

We heard that both the DiIulio and Nichio families recently welcomed baby granddaughters into the world!   Hanna DiIulio and Malia Jules Green (and their respective parents) are doing well.

We wish them all continued health. Looking forward to the photographs!

Pan-Orthodox Vespers held at St. George - 03/29/2009
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2017-06-18 07:01:21

The Saint George parish was honored to play host to one of the 2009 Lenten Sunday evening Vespers that was sponsored by Connecticut's oldest and largest Pan-Orthodox Clergy Association.

The Vespers brings together clergy and parishioners from some twelve Bridgeport area Orthodox communities for a time of prayer and fellowship.

The large, many-voiced choir, under the direction of our own Laura Chadwick lifted up our hearts in prayer.

The warm hospitality was embodied by the wide variety of wonderful Lenten foods prepared for us by our devoted ladies.

The Lenten effort is made easier in this celebration of unity-in-diversity, peoples of many cultures and traditions celebrating the Orthodox Faith.

Sympathy - 04/07/2009
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2017-06-18 07:01:21

We have learned that Greg Csernica's brother, Charles Michael, passed away.  We extend the sympathy of the parish community to the extended Csernica family - and especially Greg, Luba, Steve, Sarah, and Greg's father Charles Basil who visits us often from upstate New York. 

Archbishop DMITRI retires - 04/10/2009
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2017-06-18 07:01:21

The Holy Synod acted on the retirement request of Archbishop DMITRI. As part of his many years of ministry, he served as the administrator of the Albanian Archdiocese, and as such had occasion to visit our parish.

The Synod’s statement is as follows:

"With gratitude to God for his service and with profound respect, although regretting his absence from our midst, the Holy Synod of Bishops of The Orthodox Church in America accepts the request for retirement of His Eminence DMITRI, Archbishop of Dallas and the South, effective 31 March, 2009. It is the prayer of the Bishops of The Orthodox Church in America that the Lord will grant many years to His Eminence, Archbishop DMITRI.  In retirement, his title will be 'Former Archbishop of Dallas and the South.'"

Palm Sunday - 2009 - 04/12/2009
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2017-06-18 07:01:21

"...As children bearing in our hands palms and branches of trees we sing: 'Hosanna in the Highest'!"
As in years past we marked the Entrance of the Lord into Jerusalem with bunches of palms and pussy willows, and the palm crosses made by our Church School.

Blue Jeans Sunday - 04/12/2009
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2017-06-18 07:01:21

Last year’s Youth Service Sunday was augmented, and re-presented as Blue Jeans Sunday – a time for intergenerational, parish-wide community service.

Following the Liturgy, Tim Coughlin led us as we spruced up the grounds for the up-coming celebration of Pascha and the traditional egg hunt.

Besides the needed work this event gave time to deepen friendships among those who volunteered – we are blessed by their efforts!

"Opening" the St. Dimitrie Church - 04/13/2009
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2017-06-18 07:01:21

We were pleased to share the joy of St. Dimitrie's new "home".  On the Feast of Palms, they were given access to worship in their new building in Easton - this, after a three year construction period.

We all know the trails and tribulations of moving a church; we "did it" 30 years ago.

From Korçe to Connecticut - two peoples, two churches:  one faith - to our community was given the first honor and opportunity to worship with them on Great and Holy Monday.

Fr. Sergei presented a small box of incense to the parish as a token of our prayers and our love.

It was good to be there - to help "open" their church.

Inauguration of Holy Week Services - 04/13/2009
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2021-04-25 11:44:04

The Palm Sunday Evening saw the inauguration of Holy Week Services.  We were pleased to host Father Cornel Todeasa and members of the Saint Dimitrie parish.

The next day, Great and Holy Monday, they reciprocated inviting our community to “open” their newly constructed church, and to worship and fellowship with them.

The rest of the week we gathered at our church – entering the “icon” of the Lord’s Passion.

Great & Holy Friday - 04/16/2009
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2017-06-18 07:01:21

As we moved from Holy Week to Great and Holy Friday, our "myrrh-bearers" worked to prepare the church and the tomb of the Lord for the services of both Vespers, when we commemorate the taking Christ down from the Cross, and the Lamentation Matins, which mark His Burial.
A typical "Byzantine" Orthodox feature of the Lamentation Matins is that the whole church gathers around the Tomb of the Lord and the Holy Shroud ("Petafi") and joins in the singing selections of the haunting hymn-mediations of sorrows, culminating in the priest sprinkling the entire church with rose water.
The conclusion of the Service and our inauguration into Holy Pascha is the Burial Procession where we all pass under the Holy Shroud in remembrance of our baptism.

Paschal Vespers and Traditional Egg Hunt - 04/18/2009
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2017-06-18 07:01:21

Once again the church was filled to capacity with children (and those who brought them) for the Paschal Vespers. As in years past we hear the Agape Gospel proclaimed in both Albanian and English
Following the Services, we enjoyed the 20th Annual Egg Hunt which this year included a visit from Br’er Rabbit: Peter.

Memory Eternal - 05/01/2009
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2017-06-18 07:01:21

We have learned that Michael Babich's mother, Olga, passed away.  We extend the sympathy of our parish community to Michael and his family, especially Valerie, Kristen and John. 

Memory Eternal - 05/06/2009
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2017-06-18 07:01:21

We have learned that Meropi (Mary) Nichio, passed away.  We extend the sympathy of our parish community to her three sons, and their families, especially to Richard and Jeanette.

Teuta Bake Sale - 05/09/2009
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2017-06-18 07:01:21

Members from the Teuta Ladies Society sponsored a Bake Sale the Saturday of Mother’s Day.   Thanks to all who supported this successful fundraiser by baking for and/or purchasing the goods!

Mother's Day - 05/10/2009
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2017-06-18 07:01:21

On Mother’s Day, we were pleased to elevate all of our mothers, grandmothers, godmothers, step-mothers, aunts, daughters, step-daughters, and nieces in prayer: at Proskomedia (the liturgy of preparation), the Great Entrance and at the end of the Liturgy.
Additional special features from the men of our parish included: a mëshe (prosphora) made by Don Jordan, and at the conclusion of the services, each of the ladies attending received a beautiful rose, a gift from Ron Dougiello.  The men of the parish sponsored the coffee hour.

Congratulations! - 05/30/2009
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2017-06-18 07:01:21

Pauline Dionis is pleased to share that she has been blessed once again with a grand-daughter Jenna Mae on Friday, May 15.  Joining in the joy are proud parents John and Debbie and big sister Lila Jacqueline.

Church School Commencement - 2009 - 05/31/2009
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2017-06-18 07:01:21

The parish marked the end of the Church School year with Commencement Exercises which were held on Sunday, May 31st immediately after Liturgy.   We extend our congratulations to all of the students, and our heartfelt thanks to the Church School Coordinator Laura Coughlin and all of the teachers for their continued commitment and dedication to the program.

Christopher Adams' shares his Real Break Experience - 06/08/2009
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2017-06-18 07:01:21

Click on the links below to read and learn about Christopher Adams' 2009 Real Break trip to Greece in March.

Click Here for Letter and photos.

Click Here to go to Charities Section.  Read about the Real Break program in the December Charity Tray write-up.

Gloria Athanas joins the James Fund board - 06/12/2009
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2017-06-18 07:01:21

The James Fund Committee is pleased to announce the selection of Gloria Athanas to their board.

The James Fund assists elderly women of Albanian or Greek ancestry who primarily live in the Greater Bridgeport area.

The board members are drawn from our parish community and the Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church of Bridgeport – additional representatives from our parish are Jim Dionis and Van Michael.

Ladies Night Out - 06/16/2009
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2017-06-18 07:01:21

On Tuesday, June 16th, the Teuta Ladies Society organized a "Ladies Night Out" social in the Church Hall.  The evening was very well received by all who attended, and featured bingo, appetizers and desserts, and an evening of socializing. 

Congratulations to our Graduates! - 06/16/2009
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2017-06-18 07:01:21

We give our Congratulations and Best Wishes for future success to our recent graduates!

High School:  

Emily Cryan graduated from Notre Dame High School (Fairfield).

Julia Garofalo graduated from St. Joseph High School (Trumbull).

Stefan Valis graduated from Norwalk High School.

Graduate School:

Danielle Masek recently graduated from Loyola Law School (Louisiana)

Our "Kids" shine - 07/03/2009
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2017-06-18 07:01:21

Sarah Csernica spent the week volunteering with the Appalachian Service Project in Johnson County, Tennessee.  The Appalachian Service Project addresses housing repair needs for low income families in rural areas of Central Appalachia.   Click on the More Information link below to view a few photos.

Tyler Tallcouch was named 1st Team All Naugatuck Valley Swim Team in the 100 Butterfly and 200 IM as a Junior and finished 8th in State in both events.

Cameron Tallcouch received the U.S. President’s Award as one of the top achieving 5th Graders throughout her elementary education in the Town of Seymour CT.

Our Former Pastor - 07/11/2009
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2017-06-18 07:01:21

Click on the link below to read a June 21, 2009 feature article in the Philadelphia Inquirer on Fr. Stephen Siniari and his son Alex on their work with the Convenant House in Atlantic City.

Memory Eternal - 08/07/2009
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2017-06-18 07:01:21

We have learned that Helen Tallcouch’s sister, Maria Mbazouka, passed away in Greece.  May her Memory be Eternal!  We extend the deepest sympathy of the parish to Helen and her family.

The Hurds celebrate their 50th Wedding Anniversary! - 08/16/2009
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2017-06-18 07:01:21

On Sunday, August 16, 2009, we offered our congratulations to Wally and Nancy Hurd who were celebrating their 50th Wedding Anniversary.  May God grant you many more blessed years to come!

Giving Thanks! - 08/22/2009
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2017-06-18 07:01:21

We thank our meshë makers: Gloria Athanas, Mary DiIulio, Linda Lazar and her mother Mary Moran, and Helen Tallcouch.

Best wishes to our Collegians! - 09/05/2009
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2017-06-18 07:01:21

The following is a status of some of our young adults currently enrolled in college.  We give our Best Wishes for their continued success!

Chris Adams – Junior at the University of Connecticut majoring in Mathematics.

Chris Buzi - Senior at Western Connecticut State University majoring in Justice and Law Administration.

Rebecca Chadwick - Junior at the University of Connecticut majoring in English.

Steve Csernica - pursuing a Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering at Lehigh University (Pennsylvania).

Emily Cryan – Freshman at St. Michael’s College (Vermont).

Christine Denisevich – Junior at the University of Connecticut majoring in Environmental Science.  

Julia Garfalo – Freshman at Boston University.

Chris Michael – Sophomore at California State University, Fresno (Fresno State) majoring in Interior Design.

Chelsey O'Brien - Senior at Lasell College (Massachusetts), majoring in Fashion Merchandising.

Julia Snedegar – Sophomore at the University of Connecticut majoring in Fine Arts.  

Stefan Valis – Freshman at Norwalk Community College majoring in Business Management.

The Jordan's celebrate their 50th Wedding Anniversary! - 09/06/2009
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2017-06-18 07:01:21

On Sunday, September 6th, Don and Shirley Jordan marked their 50th Wedding Anniversary at the church.  Fr. Sergei offered special prayers and presented the couple with an icon of Christ.  The community then adjourned to enjoy a celebratory coffee hour provided by their family.

2009-2010 Church School Program begins - 09/13/2009
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2017-06-18 07:01:21

Our Church School began the year with special prayers for the students and teachers, which were followed by a brief presentation by Father Sergei on the story of Creation and Environmental Stewardship.

After the dismissal and blessing with Holy Water, the students and teachers adjourned to hear a story from the book “Old Turtle” which deals with caring for God’s creations, and to engage in planting spring flower bulbs.

We give our heartfelt thanks to Tim Coughlin who assisted the children with planting lessons and provided the unenviable labor (the hole digging for the bulb planting).

Click on the More Information link to view photos from this day.

Delegates Elected - 09/13/2009
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2017-06-18 07:01:21

We are pleased to share that Bill Kovachi and Bob Lazar where elected to be the lay parish delegates for the upcoming Archdiocesan Assembly in Philadelphia.

Congratulations to Kurt Peter and Nicole Marie Dionis on their Wedding! - 09/19/2009
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2017-06-18 07:01:21

We are pleased to witness the marriage of Kurt Peter Dionis and Nicole Marie Roy on Saturday, September 19th.  We wish them all of God's Blessings in their future.

Memory Eternal - 09/19/2009
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2024-12-09 15:28:33

Belatedly we learned of the death of Joanne Soter’s mother, Mary Teresa (Sando) Bullick.  We express the sympathy of the parish to Joanne and her family for their loss.


Appreciation! - 09/27/2009
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2017-06-18 07:01:21

We appreciate all the grounds work done by Jim Bowe and Bob Lazar – the “slope” needed to be weeded, the bushes trimmed and  brush cut back!

Listen to Christopher Adams on a OCF Christian Ministry Podcast - 10/03/2009
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2017-06-18 07:01:21

Listen to one of our collegians, Chris Adams, talk about Orthodoxy and college in an Orthodox Christian Fellowship interview. The interview is part of a podcast on Ancient Faith Radio, which streams Orthodox programming on the internet. 

To listen, click on the following link:  (Under Podcasts, go to the Sept 23, 2009 program "Transitions and New Beginnings", and click on the "Play in popup" link to listen).

God Bless Jenna Mae Dionis! - 10/10/2009
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2017-06-18 07:01:21

We were pleased to witness that baptism of Jenna Mae Dionis - joining the joy are proud parents are John and Debbie.

Click on the More information link below to view additional photos from the baptism.

Many Thanks to all who helped with the Bazaar! - 10/31/2009
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2017-06-18 07:01:21

Thank You to the Parish Community for the generous support and tireless effort that contributed to another successful Bazaar.  Special Recognition to Helen Tallcouch & Laura Denisevich and the hard working well organized kitchen staff, Dave Denisevich & Diane Cryan for folding up and lugging tables to rearrange the Church Hall,  Jim Dionis for returning all our recyclables, and Gloria Athanas for organizing the remaining supplies and tidying up the back room.

Click on the More information link below to view photos from the Bazaar.

Memory Eternal - 11/13/2009
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2017-06-18 07:01:21

We have learned that Maria Taylor passed away. May her Memory be Eternal!  We extend the deepest sympathy of the parish to husband Kevin, their sons Ryan and Christopher, and her parents, Angela and Sylvester Filancia.

Recognizing our Veterans! - 11/15/2009
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2017-06-18 07:01:21

The Sunday following Veteran's Day, Father Sergei honored all the veterans of our parish, by asking them to come forward to receive a small token of appreciation - a lapel pin of a cross superimposed on the American flag.

In addressing the parish, Fr. Sergei noted that in every generation, men and women of our community stepped forward to serve, indicating that even now we have a parish "grand-daughter" going into the Marines.

Each of our veterans was asked to announce to the parish what branch they served with.  In appreciation, the community joined in a heartfelt "MANY YEARS."The community adjourned to a festive coffee hour held in honor of our service men and women.  In private, Fr. Sergei presented the widows of each of our service men a similar pin.

Click on the more information link below to view a few photos.

Thank you! - 11/15/2009
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2017-06-18 07:01:21

Following the Liturgy of November 15, Gloria Athanas, the president of the Teuta Ladies Society, presented a check of $12,000.00 to Bill Kovachi, the President of the Parish Council.  Gloria spoke thanking all the hard work that had made their annual Bazaar a success, and Bill spoke to the Ladies, expressing thanks for their generosity.

Click on the more information link below to view a few photos.

Good news! - 11/20/2009
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2017-06-18 07:01:21

We are pleased to learn that Oli (Vllahu) and Ed Puninsky had a baby girl – Erika Christine on October 28.   We wish them all good health and look forward to seeing them all soon.

God Bless Evan Michael! - 11/28/2009
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2017-06-18 07:01:21

We were pleased to witness the baptism of Evan Michael Meador - joining the joy are proud parents are Allen and Erin (Alston), grand parents Russ and Jeanette.

Click on the more information link below to view photos from the baptism.

Santa visits after St. Nicholas celebration - 12/06/2009
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2017-06-18 07:01:21

At the end of the St. Nicholas Day celebration, and following the singing of Christmas Carols and the reading of “’Twas the Night before Christmas,” we had our visit from Santa to our parish children.

Click on the more information link below to view photos.

St. Nicholas Day Celebration - 2009 - 12/06/2009
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2017-06-18 07:01:21

Adding a new twist to our St. Nicholas celebration, moving it from Vespers to after the Liturgy, our Church School Friends and Family gathered for an expanded coffee hour of fun and fellowship. Participants were invited to bring a new, unwrapped toy for distribution to those less fortunate – through the “Toys for Tots” program.

Young and old decorated our tree and enjoyed food and games.

Click on the more information link below to view some photos.

Appreciation! - 12/12/2009
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2017-06-18 07:01:21

We appreciate the stewardship of meshë baking: Gloria Athanas, Zoë Michael, and Helen Tallcouch.

Our Charitable contributions for 2009 - 12/12/2009
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2017-06-18 07:01:21

Thank you to everyone for their continued support to our Parish's commitment to Charities.  Our goal is to support Charities that are Orthodox – as a means of witness to our Faith.  This year for 2009, we gave $3,319.00.  There are many in need – our responsibility is to share from the bounty God has given us.  Click on the more information link to view detailed charity activity for 2009.

Thanks - 12/24/2009
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2017-06-18 07:01:21

We are appreciative of the poinsettia flowers given us by Ron Dougeillo of the Commerce Hill Funeral Home, as well as the festive decorations for the Nativity by Jennifer Goetz, Cheryl and Peter Themel.

Celebrating the Nativity of Christ - 2009 - 12/25/2009
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2017-06-18 07:01:21

At the end of both the Christmas Compline and the Nativity Liturgy, the faithful sang carols, as our Church School Children reenacted the Nativity Story in a series of living tableaux.

Click on the more information link below to view some photos.

Upcoming Services & Events
Sunday, March 9
SUNDAY OF ORTHODOXY (1st Sunday of Lent) 9:45AM Church School meets with Fr. Sergei 10AM Divine Liturgy w/ return of Konizmat icons
4PM Pan-Orthodox Vespers - Holy Trinity Church, Bridgeport
Saturday, March 15
11AM Baptisms - Otto Lugus and Banks Davis 
Sunday, March 16
SUNDAY OF ST. GREGORY PALAMAS  (2nd Sunday of Great Lent) 10AM Reader Service (there is no Communion at this service)
4PM Pan-Orthodox Vespers - St. Dimitrie Church, Easton
Sunday, March 23
VENERATION OF THE CROSS HERITAGE SUNDAY 9:45AM Fr. Sergei meets w/ Church School 10AM Divine Liturgy w/ Churching of Otto Lugus & Banks Davis. Memorial for departed heirarchs, priests, & prifteresa
4PM Pan-Orthodox Vespers - Holy Ghost, Bridgepport
View Live-Streamed Services

Connect below to view our next Live Stream service from our Facebook page:

Sunday March 9th -  10:00AM Divine Liturgy

St. George Orthodox Church, Trumbull, CT | Contact

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