We extend our thanks to the many people who helped to make Lent, Holy Week and Pascha beautiful and meaningful celebrations: Pandora Dionis for decorating the Holy Cross for the Petafi; The “Myrrhbearing Women” – Vi Bowe, Sharon Buzi, Pandora Dionis, Mary DiIulio, Louise Karoli Gallagher, Dolores Nauchy, JoAnne Soter and Pauline Dionis – who decorated the Petafi on Holy Friday morning, with the assistance of our “Apostles” – Jim Bowe, Bob Lazar and John DiIulio; Those who made donations for the Petafi flowers: Nancy Hurd, in memory of Meropi and Todo (Theodore) Yapo and Andrew Yapo; Mary Nikola, in memory of Steve Nikola; and Pauline Dionis, in memory of Peter Dionis; Jennifer Goetz for decorating the Church for Holy Pascha; Ron Dougiello of Commerce Hill Funeral Home in Bridgeport for the lilies that beautify the inside of the Church; The Teuta Ladies Society for the beautiful red eggs; Cantors Van Michael and Charles Soter and their assistants Jim Bowe, Greg Buzi II and Peter Dacey for their dedication and singing at every service; The Choir and its Directors, Karen Masek and Laura Chadwick for their preparation and singing throughout Holy Week and Pascha; Our volunteer readers; Bob Lazar for his assistance in the sanctuary; The Altar Servers for their time and assistance; Sue Galich and her helpers for organizing the Children’s Egg Hunt and Coffee Hour; Those who simply came to pray and celebrate the services.
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