Click onto the following link to view and download a letter from Metropolitan Tikhon to the Clergy of the Albanian Archdiocese on upswings in COVID cases throughout the country. Letter from Met Tikhon to Alb Arch 2020 Nov 3
The letter encourages parishes to continue to evaluate the COVID environment in their region, to consider as necessary the lowering the stage of their opening plans, lowering the limit of attendees to Liturgy, lowering the number of services, etc., to comply with local civil health directives.
UPDATE from December 10th: The State of Connecticut remains in RED alert. Out of a total of 169 cities and towns in CT, 163 (96%) are in RED alert. Specifically in our locale, ALL towns in Fairfield County and New Haven County are in RED alert. Bridgeport continues to have the highest infection rate in the state. You can view the state map here:
St. George remains in-compliance with all Civil and Synodal guidelines. Just to quickly re-state the current re-opening status of St. George:
1) St. George continues to operate under its original re-opening plan. Our plan was developed to meet the Phase 1, Stage 1 Holy Synodal Guidelines. The current plan in use was approved June 25th.
2) St. George is approved to only hold Sunday Divine Liturgies with a maximum of 40 attendees (maximum of 25% occupancy)
3) St. George never applied to increase the number of attendees, primarily because the physical layout of our pews prohibits additional attendees while maintaining a 6-foot physical distance between attendees.
4) Major procedural changes that remain in effect include: reservations for attendance; setting up seating plans; special cleaning of the church; maintaining attendance records for any tracing needs; controlling entrance and exit routes; requiring masks or face coverings; taking temperature readings of arriving attendees; no regular choir; eliminating kissing and contact with icons, crosses, and the chalice; and using individual sanitized spoons for distribution of Communion.
For additional specific details, please click onto the following website link to view our June 26th News Update on the re-opening guidelines for St. George.
Any parishioners with COVID symptoms (fever, chills, cough, shortness of breath, fatigue, etc.), or have had contact with someone having COVID, or showing COVID symptoms, should not attend services. Also, seniors with underlying health conditions are encouraged to stay home.
The Parish Council will continue to monitor the local health situation surrounding COVID, and make and communicate any appropriate changes as necessary for the health and safety of our community.
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