Below is an announcement sponsored by the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America - Zoom calls with Bishops are scheduled for regions of the U.S. throughout the year. The Northeast region will be the first call, scheduled for Tuesday, April 13th. Additional details are below:
The Assembly of Bishops has declared 2021 as the "Year of the Youth"! We are excited to announce that part of this is a monthly Zoom call for our youth with our Orthodox hierarchs. These Zoom calls have been organized by region, and we ask that you check out the information below. We're excited that our own hierarch, Archbishop MICHAEL, will be on the first call which is for the Northeast region on Tuesday, April 13th at 7pm EST!
You can register for this session here. The schedule and registration for other regions across North America can be found at this link: https://www.assemblyofbishops.org/ministries/year-of-the-youth/
Feel free to share this with any youth who may be interested. Space is limited to the first 60 who register, so sign-up fast. We hope you can join us!
In Christ,
Danielle Geeza, Chairperson
Department of Youth Ministry
OCA Diocese of New York and New Jersey
Below please find the program Flyers