Below is an email from Fr. John Jillions. Holy Ghost Church is hosting a Vaccination Clinic run by the Bridgeport Dept of Public Health in their Church Hall. Date, time, and scheduling contact is in the email.
Dear brothers,
Christ is in our midst!
If you know of anyone who needs a covid vaccination, the Bridgeport Department of Public Health will be having a vaccination clinic at Holy Ghost Church on TUESDAY, APRIL 13, 3-6 PM. Appointments must be made in advance by calling Cathleen McCormick, 203-521-7168.
Thanks for circulating the attached flyer to your parishioners.
I wish you all a profitable Lenten journey and a blessed Holy Week and Pascha.
In Christ,
Fr John
Fr John A. Jillions
Holy Ghost Orthodox Church
1510 East Main Street
Bridgeport, CT 06608