Celebrating the Feast of All Saints of America & Independence Day - 2021 -
07/04/2021Last updated: 2021-08-20 06:20:29
On Sunday, July 4th at Divine Liturgy, St. George celebrated and recognized both the secular holiday of Independence Day and the spiritual Feast Day commemorating All Saints of America. We remember all the Saints in America, both known and unknown, on this day. Specifically, we need to remember our great-grandparents, our grandparents, our parents, aunts and uncles - those who all left their homelands and emigrated to America, bringing with them their faith, the Orthodox Faith to America, building and supporting all of our churches, never forgetting the Church.
During his sermon, Fr. Sergei read a hymn from the Vespers service for this day, which also highlights and remembers our forebearers in America who brought the Orthodox Faith to America. The hymn follows below. You can view/listen to Fr. Sergei’s sermon from a video recording of Divine Liturgy from this day on St. George’s Facebook page - the sermon is located at approximately the 24 minute, 15 second mark: https://www.facebook.com/StGeorgeOrthodoxChurch/videos/3593777484057796/
Excerpted From the Vespers Service for All Saints in America:
Rejoice, O mountains of Pennsylvania;
leap for joy, O waters of the Great Lakes;
rise up, O fertile plains of Canada;
for the elect of Christ who dwelt in you are glorified,
men and women who left their homes for a new land!
With faith, hope, and patience as their armor,
they courageously fought the good fight.
Comforted by the beauty of the Orthodox Faith,
they labored in mines and mills, they tilled the land,
they braved the challenges of the great cities,
enduring many hardships and sufferings.
Never failing to worship God in spirit and truth
and unyielding in devotion to His most pure Mother,
they erected many temples to His glory.
Come, O assembly of the Orthodox,
and with love let us praise the holy men, women, and children,
those known to us and those known only to God,
and let us cry out to them://
“Rejoice, all Saints of North America and pray to God for us!”
Service texts for the Vespers and Liturgy for All Saints of America:
Service texts for 2021 0704