St. George welcomed Fr. Nikodhim, the Interim Chancellor of the Albanian Archdiocese, who celebrated Divine Liturgy for us on Sunday, September 26th. Fr. Nikodhim substituted for Fr. Sergei, who is on vacation. Additionally, we are grateful to Fr. Nikodhim for taking time after Divine Liturgy to meet with parishioners, to discuss and listen our future hopes and concerns for the Parish.
Adding to the joy of Fr. Nikodhim's visit was that he brought with him our newest Archdiocesan Seminarian Eugene (Juxhin) Shkurti and his wife, Livia, who recently arrived from Korce, Albania. Eugene is enrolled at Saint Vladimir's Seminary and is starting the first of his projected three years of study there.
Finally, as a special blessing, Fr. Nikodhim shared with the parish the icon he commissioned of Sainted Bishop Raphael together with his holy relics. Fr. Nikodhim hopes to present these to the Church in Albania in the near future Fr. Nikodhim also passed out prayer cards with a photo of the icon of St. Raphael on the front, and the Troparion of St. Raphael in both Albanian and English on the rear of the card.
Of special interest is that the Sainted Bishop Raphael ordained Theofan S. Noli (founder to the Albanian Orthodox Church in America) to the Holy deaconate. St. Raphael also appears in one of our holy icons in our St. George parish - the one that depicts the Albanian and American Saints which is located on the north or left side wall, the 4thicon from the Altar or the front of the church.
To learn more about the life of St. Raphael of Brooklyn, click onto the following link: https://www.oca.org/saints/lives/2016/02/27/100610-repose-of-saint-raphael-bishop-of-brooklyn
Please click onto the more information link below to view photos of the icons and prayer card.

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