St. George Orthodox Church
Albanian Archdiocese of the OCA
Trumbull, Connecticut
Celebrating the Feast of the Meeting of Our Lord - 2024

On Sunday, February 4th, St. George celebrated the Feast of The Meeting of Our Lord in the Temple (referred to as “Papandia” in Albanian). The feast was transferred from Friday, Feb 2nd.   For our Teuta Ladies Society, this day is their Patronal Feast, with 2024 marking the 93rd year of the Teuta Society’s founding. Traditionally the Teuta Society offers 5 loaves, wheat, wine and oil for the celebration, and grure, (a boiled-wheat confection) for the health of the parish family. Adding to the joy of the occasion was the presence Deacon Eugene & Livia Shkurti. Deacon Eugene joined Fr. Sergei in serving Divine Liturgy. He is in his third and final year of studies at Saint Vladimir’s Seminary in NY.  Below please find a few photos.

The Teuta Ladies Society standing in vigil during prayers after Divine Liturgy
The Teuta Ladies Society standing in vigil during prayers after Divine Liturgy
The Teuta Ladies Society standing in vigil during prayers after Divine Liturgy
Prayers for the feast day
Prayers for the feast day
Prayers for the feast day
Teuta members standing in vigil
Teuta members standing in vigil
Teuta members standing in vigil
Memory Eternal for the departed members of the Teuta Society
Memory Eternal for the departed members of the Teuta Society
Memory Eternal for the departed members of the Teuta Society
Many Years to the Teuta Society members
Many Years to the Teuta Society members
Many Years to the Teuta Society members
Diane Cryan, President of the Teuta Society, receives the icon of the Meeting of Our Lord in the Temple, the Patronal Feast for the Ladies Society, as part of the parish's celebration of the Albanian tradition of
Diane Cryan, President of the Teuta Society, receives the icon of the Meeting of Our Lord in the Temple, the Patronal Feast for the Ladies Society, as part of the parish's celebration of the Albanian tradition of "Konizmat"
Diane Cryan, President of the Teuta Society, receives the icon of the Meeting of Our Lord in the Temple, the Patronal Feast for the Ladies Society, as part of the parish's celebration of the Albanian tradition of "Konizmat"
St. George's Icon of the Feast of the Meeting of Our Lord in the Temple
St. George's Icon of the Feast of the Meeting of Our Lord in the Temple
St. George's Icon of the Feast of the Meeting of Our Lord in the Temple
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10AM Divine Liturgy
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