St. George Orthodox Church
Albanian Archdiocese of the OCA
Trumbull, Connecticut
Church Musician Sunday - 2024

On Sunday, October 6th after Divine Liturgy, Saint George recognized our Choir Directors, Singers, Chanters  and Readers as part of the commemoration of “Church Musician Sunday”.  The Holy Synod of Bishops of the Orthodox Church in America designated the Sunday following the commemoration of Saint Romanus the Melodist (October 1st) as “Church Musician Sunday.” This annual designation highlights the essential role of liturgical music in Orthodox Christian worship and the important role of church musicians in the life of the Church. Those who serve in our musical ministries were publicly thanked, given a Thank you card which was signed by our Church School, and recognized with the parish singing to them Many Years!

The photo on the left is an icon located at St. George on the rear (or north-side) wall of the choir -  it is the Icon of the Feast of the Protection of the Most-Holy Theotokos.  The St. George icon shows the Theotokos standing above the faithful with her arms outstretched in prayer, but below the Theotokos, in the center of the icon, stands Saint Romanus the Melodist, the famous hymnographer whose feast is also celebrated on the same day. On the lower left corner of the icon is his choir. 

Following below are several photos to view.

St. George's Icon of the Feast of the Protection of the Most-Holy Theotokos with Saint Romanus the Melodist below the Theotokos
St. George's Icon of the Feast of the Protection of the Most-Holy Theotokos with Saint Romanus the Melodist below the Theotokos
St. George's Icon of the Feast of the Protection of the Most-Holy Theotokos with Saint Romanus the Melodist below the Theotokos
Our Church Musicians receiving Thank you cards while the parish sings Many Years!
Our Church Musicians receiving Thank you cards while the parish sings Many Years!
Our Church Musicians receiving Thank you cards while the parish sings Many Years!
Receiving Thank you cards
Receiving Thank you cards
Receiving Thank you cards
Many Years!
Many Years!
Many Years!
Many Years!
Many Years!
Many Years!
Reading the card to the parishioners
Reading the card to the parishioners
Reading the card to the parishioners
The front of the Thank you card that was given to each Church Musician
The front of the Thank you card that was given to each Church Musician
The front of the Thank you card that was given to each Church Musician
The inner page 2 and 3 of the card
The inner page 2 and 3 of the card
The inner page 2 and 3 of the card
The back of the card which was decorated by the Church School
The back of the card which was decorated by the Church School
The back of the card which was decorated by the Church School
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