St. George held it's annual Fall Bazaar on Saturday, October 26th. The Bazaar is St. George's major fundraising event during the calendar year. A heartfelt thank-you goes out to all who had their hand in assisting with the Bazaar in some way - with organizing, set-up, cooking, baking, donating, working the event, and cleaning up at the end. The Bazaar featured Ethnic dishes, Take-out meals, Albanian pastries, Take-A-Chance table, and Handcrafted items for sale. We especially wish to recognize and thank the women of the Teuta Society who are the major driver and effort behind this event. Click onto the following link to view the 2024 Bazaar Ad Book - we ask you to review and note the businesses that supported us, and return the gesture by supporting their businesses. Below please find several photos to view.