St. George Orthodox Church
Albanian Archdiocese of the OCA
Trumbull, Connecticut
Many Years!

On Saturday, January 25th, Elira Joy Buzi was received into the Orthodox Church through the sacraments of Holy Baptism and Holy Chrismation. Elira’s sponsors were Greg Buzi II and Sarah McGrath.  Elira was churched the following day, on Sun, Jan 26th. God grant her Many years!. Congratulations to her parents: Gina and Christopher Buzi, her grandparents Sharon and Greg Buzi, and to the extended Buzi and Ferrarese families. Below please find several photos.

The beginning of the Baptism service with The Service of the Catechumen in the Narthex of the Church
The beginning of the Baptism service with The Service of the Catechumen in the Narthex of the Church
The beginning of the Baptism service with The Service of the Catechumen in the Narthex of the Church
During the Baptism service, anointing with the Oil of Gladness
During the Baptism service, anointing with the Oil of Gladness
During the Baptism service, anointing with the Oil of Gladness
During the Baptism service, anointing with Holy Chrism
During the Baptism service, anointing with Holy Chrism
During the Baptism service, anointing with Holy Chrism
Anointing with Holy Chrism
Anointing with Holy Chrism
Anointing with Holy Chrism
Preparing to circle the Baptismal font
Preparing to circle the Baptismal font
Preparing to circle the Baptismal font
Elira Joy after the service
Elira Joy after the service
Elira Joy after the service
Elira with her parents, Gina & Chris Buzi
Elira with her parents, Gina & Chris Buzi
Elira with her parents, Gina & Chris Buzi
With her Godparents Sarah McGrath and Greg Buzi II
With her Godparents Sarah McGrath and Greg Buzi II
With her Godparents Sarah McGrath and Greg Buzi II
With her grandparents Sharon and Greg Buzi
With her grandparents Sharon and Greg Buzi
With her grandparents Sharon and Greg Buzi
With her extended Buzi and Csordas family
With her extended Buzi and Csordas family
With her extended Buzi and Csordas family
Beginning the Churching service the next day
Beginning the Churching service the next day
Beginning the Churching service the next day
Bringing Elira to the Holy Doors of the Altar
Bringing Elira to the Holy Doors of the Altar
Bringing Elira to the Holy Doors of the Altar
Completing the Churching Service during the singing of the Hymn of St. Symeon
Completing the Churching Service during the singing of the Hymn of St. Symeon
Completing the Churching Service during the singing of the Hymn of St. Symeon
Waiting for the Eucharist
Waiting for the Eucharist
Waiting for the Eucharist
Elira at the Coffee Hour hosted by her family in the Church Hall
Elira at the Coffee Hour hosted by her family in the Church Hall
Elira at the Coffee Hour hosted by her family in the Church Hall
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Many Years!
Many Years!
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Sunday, February 9
9:45AM Fr. Sergei meets with Church School
10AM Divine Liturgy
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Sunday, February 23
9:45AM Church School meets with Fr. Sergei
10AM Divine Liturgy
Annual Parish Meeting follows Divine Liturgy in the Church Hall
Sunday, March 2
9:45AM General Confession
10AM Divine Liturgy
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