St. George Orthodox Church
Albanian Archdiocese of the OCA
Trumbull, Connecticut
Celebrating the Feast of the Meeting of Our Lord - 2025

On Sunday, February 2nd, St. George celebrated the Feast of The Meeting of Our Lord in the Temple (referred to as “Papandia” in Albanian). For our Teuta Ladies Society, this day is their Patronal Feast, with 2025 marking the 94th year of the Teuta Society’s founding. Traditionally the Teuta Society offers 5 loaves, wheat, wine and oil for the celebration, and grure, (a boiled-wheat confection) for the health of the parish family. Finally, we wish to congratulate and thank Kosta Nani for his first time reading the Gospel lesson in Albanian.  Below please find several photos from this day.

St. George's Icon of the Feast of the Meeting of Our Lord
St. George's Icon of the Feast of the Meeting of Our Lord
St. George's Icon of the Feast of the Meeting of Our Lord
Kosta Nani reading the Gospel lesson in Albanian
Kosta Nani reading the Gospel lesson in Albanian
Kosta Nani reading the Gospel lesson in Albanian
Reading the Gospel lesson
Reading the Gospel lesson
Reading the Gospel lesson
On the center table - the Icon of the Feast of the Meeting of Our Lord and a plate of grure, (a boiled-wheat confection)
On the center table - the Icon of the Feast of the Meeting of Our Lord and a plate of grure, (a boiled-wheat confection)
On the center table - the Icon of the Feast of the Meeting of Our Lord and a plate of grure, (a boiled-wheat confection)
The traditional offering by the Teuta Society on the celebration of their feast day: 5 loaves of bread, and grains of wheat, wine, and oil
The traditional offering by the Teuta Society on the celebration of their feast day: 5 loaves of bread, and grains of wheat, wine, and oil
The traditional offering by the Teuta Society on the celebration of their feast day: 5 loaves of bread, and grains of wheat, wine, and oil
The beginning of the service, w/ members of the Teuta Ladies Society standing in vigil around the center table, the Choir sings the Magnification and Praise of the Virgin Mary and Joseph bringing Christ into the Temple, according to the law of Moses
The beginning of the service, w/ members of the Teuta Ladies Society standing in vigil around the center table, the Choir sings the Magnification and Praise of the Virgin Mary and Joseph bringing Christ into the Temple, according to the law of Moses
The beginning of the service, w/ members of the Teuta Ladies Society standing in vigil around the center table, the Choir sings the Magnification and Praise of the Virgin Mary and Joseph bringing Christ into the Temple, according to the law of Moses
Singing the Magnification and Praises
Singing the Magnification and Praises
Singing the Magnification and Praises
The service of Artosclasia with the blessing of the 5 loaves of bread, and the wheat, wine, and oil
The service of Artosclasia with the blessing of the 5 loaves of bread, and the wheat, wine, and oil
The service of Artosclasia with the blessing of the 5 loaves of bread, and the wheat, wine, and oil
The service of Artosclasia
The service of Artosclasia
The service of Artosclasia
The prayers blessing the grure including prayers for the deceased Teuta members and for the health of the parish community
The prayers blessing the grure including prayers for the deceased Teuta members and for the health of the parish community
The prayers blessing the grure including prayers for the deceased Teuta members and for the health of the parish community
The prayers blessing the grure
The prayers blessing the grure
The prayers blessing the grure
The prayers blessing the grure
The prayers blessing the grure
The prayers blessing the grure
Fr. Sergei anoints the members of the Teuta Society with oil from the Church of St. George in Lod (outside of Jerusalem)
Fr. Sergei anoints the members of the Teuta Society with oil from the Church of St. George in Lod (outside of Jerusalem)
Fr. Sergei anoints the members of the Teuta Society with oil from the Church of St. George in Lod (outside of Jerusalem)
Anointing members of the Teuta Ladies Society
Anointing members of the Teuta Ladies Society
Anointing members of the Teuta Ladies Society
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