St. George Orthodox Church
Albanian Archdiocese of the OCA
Trumbull, Connecticut
The Feast of the Nativity - 2008

Celebrating the Nativity of Christ - 2008 - 12/25/2008

Photos of the Church School children enacting the Nativity in a series of Tableaux which was presented after Divine Liturgy.

Click Here to go to a News Update

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Christmas Eve - 2008

Christmas Eve Nativity Tableaux - 2008 - 12/24/2008

Photos from the Christmas Eve Compline services.  After services, the Church School children reenacted the Nativity story in a series of Tableaux.

Click Here to go to the News Update

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St Nicholas Party - 2008

St Nicholas Holiday Party - 2008 - 12/06/2008

Attached are photos of the St. Nicholas Holiday Party for the children of our parish.  The event was held on Saturday, December 6th after Vespers.  The annual party is coordinated by the Friends & Family of the Church School.

Click Here to go to News Update on the event.

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Care Packages for our Collegians - 2008

Choir Rehearsal & Care Package Preparation - 12/03/2008

Pictures of seasonal decorating of the church, choir rehearsal, and preparing care packages which are mailed annually to our parish collegians.

Click Here to go to News Update

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Nicholas Hotova Celebrates his 90th Birthday

Nicholas Hotova celebrates his 90th Birthday! - 11/09/2008

A few photos from the celebration of Nicholas Hotova's 90th Birthday on Sunday, November 12th.

Click Here to go to News Update

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2008 Fall Bazaar

2008 Fall Bazaar - 10/25/2008

Photos from the parish's annual Fall Bazaar which is coordinated by the Teuta Ladies Society.

Click Here to go to News Update. 

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Three Members recognized by the Archdiocese

Three members recognized by the Archdiocese - 10/12/2008

Georgika Boria, Zoë Michael and Bob Lazar were awarded the honor of Heralds of Saints Constantine and Helen for their lifelong stewardship to the church.   Bishop Nikon awarded them on Sunday, October 12th at the end of Divine Liturgy.

Click Here to go to the News Update.

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Bishop Nikon serves Divine Liturgy

Bishop Nikon serves Divine Liturgy - 10/12/2008

Photos of Bishop Nikon serving Divine Liturgy at St. George on Sunday, October 12th.  Additionallly, Deacon John Zarras from Christ the Savior Church ( in Southbury, CT joined us for the celebration and to assist with the Divine Liturgy service.

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Bishop Nikon Q & A session with Church School children

Bishop Nikon Q&A with Church School Children - 10/12/2008

Photos of Bishop Nikon holding an informal Question & Answer session with the children of the parish before Church School and Divine Liturgy on Sunday, October 12th.

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Pinunski-Vllahu Wedding

Pinunski-Vllahu Wedding - 09/06/2008

Photos from the wedding of Edward Pinunski and Oli Vllahu on September 6th.

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Sarah Csernica completes Service Project in W. Virginia

Sarah Csernica completes a Service Project in West Virginia - 07/06/2008

Sarah Csernica completed a service project in West Virginia the week of from June 28th through July 6th.

Click Here to read News Update

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Evan George Arghirescu Christening

Evan George Arghirescu Christening - 05/31/2008

Photos from the christening of Evan George Arghirescu.

Click here to view News Update

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Church School Commencement - 2008

Church School Commencement - 2008 - 05/18/2008

Photos of some of our parish children the day before commencement preparing lakror for Coffee Hour, the last day of classes, receiving Communion during Liturgy, and commencement exercises after Liturgy.

Click Here to go to News Update for more on the Church School Commencement 

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Dimitri Sotir Christening

Dimitri Sotir Christening - 05/10/2008

A few photos from the christening of Dimitri Sotir.

Click Here to view News Update on the christening.

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Lauren Elizabeth Lewis Christening

Lauren Elizabeth Lewis Christening - 05/10/2008

A few photos from the christening of Lauren Elizabeth Lewis.

Click Here to view News Update on the christening.

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Paschal Vespers 2008

Paschal Vespers 2008 - 04/27/2008

Late on Pascha morning, the church was filled to near capacity with a sea of children (and those who brought them) for the celebration of the Paschal Vespers (sometimes also called the Agape Service). 

Following the Orthodox Christian practice of reading the Gospel lesson in multiple languages, we were graced with three – Albanian (Nardi Tollkuchi), English (Father Sergei), and this year, Russian (John Gilbert).

At the conclusion of this festive service, the children were treated to an egg hunt – a tradition that encourages the children not only to celebrate the joy of the season, but also asks them to share it, just like they do in the distribution of their collected eggs:  those, whose collection is plentiful, share with those whose was more meager.

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Midnight Paschal Liturgy 2008

Midnight Paschal Liturgy 2008 - 04/27/2008

St. George Church was filled to maximum capacity for the celebration of the Midnight Paschal Liturgy.  When it comes to the Paschal greeting, given that we are a multi-ethnic, multi-cultural community, we proclaim it in the six languages of our community: Albanian, Aroman, English, Greek, Romanian, and Slavonic (Russian).  In a missionary out-reach to the large contingent of new Albanian-Americans, as well as new arrivals from Albania, we are blessed by the reading of the gospel in both Albanian and English.

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Great and Holy Friday 2008

Great and Holy Friday 2008 - 04/25/2008

As we move from Holy Week to Great and Holy Friday, our "myrrh-bearers" worked to prepare the church and the tomb of the Lord for the services of both Vespers, when we commemorate the taking Christ down from the Cross, and the Lamentation Matins, which mark His Burial. 

A typical "Byzantine" Orthodox feature of the Lamentation Matins is that the whole church gathers around the Tomb of the Lord and the Holy Shroud ("Petafi") and joins in the singing the haunting hymns, culminating in the priest sprinkling the entire church with rose water.

The conclusion of the Service and our inauguration into Holy Pascha is the Burial Procession where we all pass under the Holy Shroud in remembrance of our baptism:

We who are baptized into Christ,

are baptized into His Death,

and therefore baptized into His burial

to be baptized into His Resurrection.

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Palm Sunday 2008

Palm Sunday 2008 - 04/20/2008

Photos of several parish members and Church School children preparing the palms and pussywillows for distribution and use during Palm Sunday Liturgy.

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Youth Service Sunday

Youth Service Sunday - 04/13/2008

Photos of some parish youth completing a Spring clean-up of the church property.

Click Here for more information on this event.

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Sunday of Orthodoxy 2008

Sunday of Orthodoxy 2008 - 03/16/2008

The parish children returning Konizmat Icons during Liturgy on the Sunday of Orthodoxy, which is the 1st Sunday of Great Lent for Orthodox Christians.

Click Here for additional information on Konizmat.

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Pan-Orthodox Choir 2008

Greater Bridgeport Pan-Orthodox Choir - 03/08/2008

The Pan-Orthodox Choir rehearsing at St. George Church in Trumbull.  They are preparing for the 2008 Great Lenten Sunday Vespers Services held at different Orthodox churches throughout the greater Bridgeport area. 

Click Here for more on the Greater Bridgeport Pan-Orthodox Choir.

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Louis Theodos Medical Missionary Trip to Honduras

Louis Theodos Medical Missionary Trip to Honduras - 02/28/2008

Louis Theodos and 2 dental colleagues flew to Honduras on February 28th through March 9th to donate needed dental care. 

Click Here to go to News Updates for additional information.

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Morgan Olivia Stone's Churching & Reception

Morgan Olivia Stone's Churching and Reception - 02/10/2008

Morgan Olivia Stone's Churching during the Divine Liturgy on Sunday, February 10th and Reception in the Church Hall sponsored by the Church School.

Click Here to go to News Update for additional information.

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Teuta Society celebrates Patronal Feast Day

Teuta Society celebrates its Patronal Feast Day - 02/03/2008

The parish's Teuta Ladies Society celebrated its Patronal Feast Day, the Meeting of the Lord - "Papandia".

Click Here to go to News Updates for additional information on this event.

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Teuta Society's Annual Luncheon

Teuta Society's Annual Luncheon - 01/13/2008

The Annual Holiday Luncheon for the Teuta Society was held at Mona Lisa Restaurant in Newtown on January 13th.

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Upcoming Services & Events
Sunday, February 23
9:45AM Church School meets with Fr. Sergei
10AM Divine Liturgy
Annual Parish Meeting follows Divine Liturgy in the Church Hall
Sunday, March 2
9:45AM General Confession
10AM Divine Liturgy
Forgiveness Vespers follows immediately after Divine Liturgy
Monday, March 3
Sunday, March 9
(1st Sunday of Lent)
9:45AM Church School meets with Fr. Sergei
10AM Divine Liturgy w/ return of Konizmat icons
4PM Pan-Orthodox Vespers - Holy Trinity Church, Bridgeport
View Live-Streamed Services

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Sunday February 23rd -  10:00AM Divine Liturgy


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