St. George Orthodox Church
Albanian Archdiocese of the OCA
Trumbull, Connecticut
Unction Service and Kursk-Root Icon Visit

Advent Unction Service & Kursk-Root Icon Visit - 12/14/2011

On Wednesday evening, December 14th, the service of Holy Unction was celebrated at St. George.  This was sponsored by the Orthodox Clergy Association of Greater Bridgeport.  Additionally, the miracle-working Kursk-Root Icon of the Mother of God was present in the Church during the service.  Click on the view slideshow link below to view photos from the service.  To read about the history of the Kursk-Root Icon, click on this History link.

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Celebrating St. Nicholas Day

Celebrating St. Nicholas Day

On Sunday, December 4th, the St. George parish celebrated St. Nicholas Day for the parish children as part of a expanded coffee hour after Divine Liturgy.  Young and old gathered to decorate the tree, and enjoy the activities and fellowship.  The parish children also had a visit from Santa.  Click on the view slideshow link below to view photos from the entire day including Church School, Divine Liturgy, and the St. Nicholas Day celebration.

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Zumba Fundraiser

Zumba Fundraiser - 09/30/2011

On Friday evening, September 30th, the parish hosted a Zumba exercise class in the church hall which served as a fundraiser. Click on the view slideshow link below to view a few photos from the event.

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New Parish Council Oath of Office

2011 Parish Council Oath of Office - 01/02/2011

Click on the view slideshow link below to view a few photos of the new Parish Council members for 2011 taking their Oath of Office after Divine Liturgy on Sunday, January 2nd.

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Bill Vasil Celebrates his 90th Birthday!

Bill Vasil Celebrates his 90th Birthday! - 01/02/2011

Click on the slideshow link below to view a few photos from a celebration of Bill Vasil's 90th birthday by Bill's family and the St. George parish.  A celebratory coffee hour was held in his honor in the church hall. 

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Upcoming Services & Events
Sunday, February 23
9:45AM Church School meets with Fr. Sergei
10AM Divine Liturgy
Annual Parish Meeting follows Divine Liturgy in the Church Hall
Sunday, March 2
9:45AM General Confession
10AM Divine Liturgy
Forgiveness Vespers follows immediately after Divine Liturgy
Monday, March 3
Sunday, March 9
(1st Sunday of Lent)
9:45AM Church School meets with Fr. Sergei
10AM Divine Liturgy w/ return of Konizmat icons
4PM Pan-Orthodox Vespers - Holy Trinity Church, Bridgeport
View Live-Streamed Services

Connect below to view our next Live Stream service from our Facebook page:

Sunday February 23rd -  10:00AM Divine Liturgy


St. George Orthodox Church, Trumbull, CT | Contact