St. George Orthodox Church
Albanian Archdiocese of the OCA
Trumbull, Connecticut
St. Nicholas Party

St. Nicholas Party - 12/02/2019

On Sunday, December 2nd after Divine Liturgy, a St. Nicholas party was held in the church hall for the parish children. 

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Entrance of the Virgin Mary into the Temple

Entrance of the Virgin Mary into the Temple - 11/24/2019

The children of St. George and Holy Ghost parishes participated in a joint procession and prayers after Divine Liturgy for the Feast of the Entrance of the Virgin Mary into the Temple, which is commemorated on November 21st.  Parishioners of Holy Ghost Church joined the St. George Chuch parish in a joint Divine Liturgy with Fr. Sergei Bouteneff and Fr. John Jillions co-celebrating the Liturgy.

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Blink Patrol Blankets

Blinky Patrol Blankets - 11/15/2019

St George hosted a Binky Patrol evening on Friday, November 15th.  Binky Patrol is an all-volunteer non-profit organization dedicated to making blankets and giving them away to children ages 0-18 who are sick, traumatized, grieving or homeless. Over 70 people participated and 130 blankets/binkies were completed and donated.

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Joint Divine Liturgy with Holy Ghost Church

Joint Divine Liturgy with Holy Ghost Church - 10/27/2019

The parishes of St. George and Holy Ghost Church celebrated a joint Divine Liturgy at St. George on Sunday, October 27th.  Click onto the "view slideshow" link to view additional photos. 


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Teuta Bazaar - 2019

Teuta Bazaar - 2019 - 10/26/2019


The Teuta Ladies Society held it's annual Fall Bazaar on Saturday, October 26th.  The Bazaar is St. George's major fundraising event during the calendar year. 

Click on the "view slideshow" link below to view additional photos.

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Supporting the FOCUS Backpack Drive

Supporting the FOCUS Backpack Drive - 08/18/2019

On Sunday, Aug 18th after Divine Liturgy, volunteers assembing 24 backpacks with school supplies as part of the FOCUS Backpack Drive - this year's drive will support the middle school students at Roosevelt Middle School in Bridgeport.  

Click on the "view slideshow" link to view some additional photos. 

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Congratulations to Nani family

Congratulations to Nani family - 09/01/2019

The parish of St. George wishes to congratulate Nikolas Nani on the occasion of his recent Baptism in Albania.  Congratulations are also extended to his parents Ledi and Olsi, and brothers Kosta and Evan.

Click on the "view slideshow" link to view a few photos.

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Recognizing Veteran & First Responders

Recognizing Veterans & First Responders - 07/07/2019

On Sunday, July 7th and capitalizing on the celebration of Independence Day, the parish of St. George acknowledged and honored its Veterans and First Responders (police, firefighters, and medical personnel) - the brave who keep us safe. Click below onto view slideshow to view a few photos. 

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Welcome Fr. Dennis!
Welcome Fr. Dennis Rhodes


St. George was pleased to have been visited by our former pastor, Father Dennis Rhodes on Sunday, July 7th.

Upcoming Services & Events
Sunday, February 23
9:45AM Church School meets with Fr. Sergei
10AM Divine Liturgy
Annual Parish Meeting follows Divine Liturgy in the Church Hall
Sunday, March 2
9:45AM General Confession
10AM Divine Liturgy
Forgiveness Vespers follows immediately after Divine Liturgy
Monday, March 3
Sunday, March 9
(1st Sunday of Lent)
9:45AM Church School meets with Fr. Sergei
10AM Divine Liturgy w/ return of Konizmat icons
4PM Pan-Orthodox Vespers - Holy Trinity Church, Bridgeport
View Live-Streamed Services

Connect below to view our next Live Stream service from our Facebook page:

Sunday February 23rd -  10:00AM Divine Liturgy


St. George Orthodox Church, Trumbull, CT | Contact