Albanian Orthodox Archdiocese in
(617) 268-1275 email:
Dear Father, Parish Chair and delegates,
You are cordially invited to attend the Annual Assembly of the Archdiocese to be held in
As you know, the Bishop and last Assembly resolved that all diocesan parishes will close for that Sunday, so that we may celebrate our Centennial Year and worship together. Your parishioners who cannot be present together with us may worship at other local Orthodox parishes that day.
His Grace, Bishop Nikon has announced that His Eminence, Metropolitan Joan (Pelushi) of Korce shall be present to concelebrate hierarchal liturgy and share in the culmination of our Centennial Year. His Grace Bishop Ilia (Katre) of Philomelion will be present for the Grand Gala as well.
The Centennial committee is pleased that actor James Belushi is a special guest for the Grand Gala.
Herewith are attached reference documents for your consultation. There is no Registration fee for this year's Assembly as the Grand Gala shall serve as our usual banquet. Please be sure you make reservations for that stellar event.
As decided, parishes will be compensated for air travel of their delegates for the assembly. See attachment for this provision. We look forward to providing a wonderful ambience for our proceedings.
Please share this information with your parish council and delegates. Kindly make a hard copy and bring to the Assembly.
In Christ,
Fr. Arthur+
Very Rev. Arthur E. Liolin
see attachments
a.) Travel Grant info
b.) Nominaton Form for diocesan officers
c.) Schedule of Assembly
d.) Agenda for Assembly
e.) Financial Summary & Proposed Budget [to be mailed ]
f.) ByLaws of the Archdiocese
g.) Uniform Parish Constitution
Accommodations: There are two choices for lodging, both in
The Seaport Hotel [near Anthony's Pier 4 and the
(800) 323-7500
Rates are $ 239 per night
For Reservations mention that you are with our group: "St. George Cathedral"
The Doubletree Club Hotel - Bayside [near
(617) 822-3600
Rates are $ 139 per night
For Reservations mention that you with the St. George Cathedral group
Schedule in Capsule
Friday, September 26
Arrival of delegates
5 PM: Bishop's Meeting with Clergy at The Seaport Hotel
Saturday, September 27 at Anthony's Pier 4
9:30 AM-12 Noon Plenary Session I
~ Luncheon ~
if needed:
1-2:30PM Plenary Session II
Sunday, September 28: at Saint George Cathedral
10 AM Hierarchal Divine Liturgy
all diocesan clergy are expected to join the bishops and lay faithful for the Centennial LIturgy
A Centennial Farewell follows in the Cathedral Athanas Aduitorium