St. George Orthodox Church
Albanian Archdiocese of the OCA
Trumbull, Connecticut
Category: Upcoming Events
490 results found.
Daylight Saving Time begins Sun, Mar 9th - 03/05/2025

As a reminder, Daylight Saving Time begins on Sunday, March 9th.
At 2AM, clocks need to be turned forward 1 hour to 3AM.

Prayer Group - 03/03/2025

Greg Buzi II will be offering a Prayer Group on Wednesday, March 12, at 6:30 pm. It will be followed by a potluck dinner. Let Gregory know if you plan on attending.

Heritage Sunday Commemoration for the Archdiocese - Sun, Mar 23rd - 03/02/2025

Last year (in February 2024), Bishop Nikodhim inaugurated a new annual commemoration called Heritage Sunday for the Albanian Archdiocese.  The annual commemoration will be held on the Sunday before the Feast of the Annunciation. The Feast of the Annunciation is celebrated annually on March 25th.

This year (2025), we will commemorate "Heritage Sunday" on Sunday, March 23rd. 

March is an important month in the history of the Albanian Archdiocese: March 22, 1908 is the date of the first liturgy was ever served in the Albanian language in America (in Boston), and March 13, 1965 is the date of repose of our first hierarch Theophan (Noli).   

Additionally as part of "Heritage Sunday", St. George will be offering additional prayers at the close of Divine Liturgy for the blessing and guidance of the Albanian Archdiocese. And per Bishop Nikodhim's request to all parishes in the Ardiocese, we will hold a Memorial service for all of our departed diocesan hierarchs, and for the priests and priftëresha who served our parishes.  

Click here to read Bishop Nikodhim’s letter on the commemoration from last year (February 27, 2024).

Great Lent & Lenten Fasting - 02/24/2025

We are now approaching the season of Great Lent.  This year, Great Lent begins Monday, March 3rd.

During this time, Orthodox Christians fast and pray in preparation for the celebration of Christ’s Resurrection.

According to the Tradition of the Church, we observe this Fast by abstaining from meat (including poultry and eggs), dairy, fish, olive oil and wine. While many people relax these rules, it is important that we do as much as we can, so that we can properly prepare ourselves spiritually for the Great Feast of our Lord’s Resurrection.

To read more on Lenten Fasting, click onto the following link:

Requesting your support for two food drives for the Trumbull Food Pantry - 02/24/2025

This year, St. George has been asked to participate with all Trumbull Faith-based communities and organizations in a program called Refill the Pantry to support The Trumbull Food Pantry.
The Refill the Pantry program began in 2022 when a collaboration of churches established a program to address food insecurity in the Bridgeport, CT, area – Trumbull being one of those areas. Approximately 200 families use the Trumbull Food Pantry.
Refill the Pantry has asked St. George to participate with other Trumbull churches in two food drives this year:
o   The first drive we are asked to participate in is now, for March and April, with all food collected to be driven to Stop & Shop at 100 Quality St. in Trumbull on Saturday, April 19th between 9AM and 5PM.  The food will be delivered to the Trumbull Food Pantry by Refill the Pantry volunteers on Monday, April 21st.
o   The 2nd drive in Trumbull is scheduled for July and August, with the delivery to Stop & Shop scheduled for Saturday, August 16th.
The Trumbull Food Pantry is asking for donations of shelf-stable items and personal care items (see the list below). They use cash donations to purchase and distribute once a week fresh produce and bagels. They do not collect frozen meats and items because they do not have refrigeration or freezer facilities.

Coffee: 1lb containers
Cold breakfast foods: cold cereals, breakfast bars, pop tarts
Hot breakfast foods: hot cereals, pancake mixes & syrup
Cake, Brownie, Muffin mixes 
Canned Fruit
Apple sauce (ie, low sugar, no sugar, natural juices)
Pancake mix and syrup
Tomato product (crushed, puree, diced, paste)
Shelf stable milk (whole, soy, almond)
Pasta (Wheat and Gluten Free Products) and Pasta Sauce
Rice/Noodle Mixes
Instant Potatoes
Juice and juice boxes
Peanut butter and jelly
Beans (low sodium, kidney, black, white, red, garbanzo, pink, pinto)
Laundry detergent and dishwashing detergent
Hygiene products: shampoo, conditioner, lotion, toothpaste, deodorant. 
Cleaning supplies
Facial tissues


This is a very simple project for all of our parishioners to participate in, and is directly aligned and supportive of our pledge to do 100 Acts of Service during our 100th Anniversary Year.

In addition, during the same time period, St. George will be directing our March and April monthly Charity Tray to the Trumbull Food Pantry in support of the "Refill the Pantry" drive in Trumbull (the monthly Charity Tray is for any cash donations or electronic donations made through the "Support/Donate" link on our website).

Click onto the following link to read the appeal request from the Refill the Pantry coordinator, and a brochure with some additional information on the Refill the Pantry program.  2025 Refill the Pantry Food Drive for Trumbull

As always, Thank you in advance for your continued support of our Charity and Outreach efforts.

Sign-up for a Video Series for Great Lent (from FOCUS North America) - 02/22/2025

Below please find an email that was sent to St. George from FOCUS North America (The Fellowship of Orthodox Christians United to Serve).  

They are offering parishioners to sign up and receive a video series they have prepared for Lent.  There are 5 weekly videos for Lent (from the Sunday of Orthodoxy (March 9th) through the Sunday of St. Mary of Egypt (April 6th). 

EMAIL from Focus North America: 

Have Your Parishioners Journey to Pascha with FOCUS!

Lent is a season of reflection, renewal, and spiritual growth. It's a time not just for prayer and fasting, but almsgiving as well. Yet service is a part of the spiritual life we often overlook. 

That’s why FOCUS is bringing you a special Lenten video series—weekly reflections from our team to help share how this season inspires our efforts and motivates the ministry.

Each week, we’ll explore the themes of Lent, from the Sunday of Orthodoxy to St. Mary of Egypt, and connect them with the ministry of FOCUS. These short, impactful videos will be delivered straight to your inbox, giving you a moment to pause, reflect, and refocus on Christ in those we serve.

Encourage your parish to sign up today.  

Click onto the following link to sign up:  SIGN UP LINK FOR FOCUS VIDEO SERIES 

Would you encourage your parishioners to sign up and join us on this journey?

A simple invitation from you could help them experience Lent in a more profound way.

Thank you for your pastoral care and for guiding your parishioners toward a deeper encounter with Christ this Lent.

In gratitude

The FOCUS team

FOCUS North America | 1-866-267-3083 | |

FOCUS North America | 600 N Bell Ave Building 1, Suite 115 | Carnegie, PA 15106 US
Unsubscribe | Update Profile | Constant Contact D



Schedule for 2025 Sunday Pan-Orthodox Lenten Vespers - 02/22/2025

Click onto the following link to view the schedule for the 2025 Sunday Pan Orthodox Lenten Vespers.  

Consider enriching your Lenten journey by attending the Sunday Lenten Vespers with our Orthodox brethren in the Greater Bridgeport area.   

Church Services CANCELLED for Sun, Feb 16th - 02/15/2025

UPDATE from Sun, Feb 16th 7:50AM

Due to the iced road conditions our area, Church services are CANCELLED for today, Sunday, Feb 16th


Support St. George's 100th Anniversary Journal Book with an Ad - Deadline April 1st - 02/15/2025

 The St. George Anniversary Committee is requesting ads for the Anniversary Journal book.  We encourage you to create your ads to acknowledge family, members, offer good wishes, etc. 

We are also asking people to try to get businesses to sponsor ads. Ad forms with all of the details were handed out at last week's Parish Body meeting (held on Sun, Feb 23rd), and are also available at the candle desk or online. Forms were also mailed out to some members of our extended community, but please reach out to your family and friends that might not be aware.    

For those who do not have a computer or internet at home, or are not confident with their computer skills - St. George will have some individuals available on Sunday March 2nd and March 9th during Coffee Hour to help you with your ad, and to add any old photographs to your ad.

Ads should be sent to

Payment can be made with a check to St. George Orthodox Church, or electronically by going onto our website under "Donate" - please check "100th Anniversary - Journal AD"  

Deadline for all ads is April 1st. 

We need your support to help to make this a beautiful keepsake and tribute to our 100 Year history.

Click onto the following links to view and download two forms about the 100th Anniversary Journal:  1)  Ad Request Letter  and  2) Ad Form

Annual Parish Meeting - Sun, Feb 23rd - 02/15/2025

The Annual Parish Meeting will be held on Sunday, February 23rd, after Divine Liturgy.

Please make every effort to attend.

St. George 100th Anniversary News - Update from Feb 26th - 02/14/2025

Updated Announcement (Feb 26, 2025)

The St. George Anniversary Committee is requesting ads for the Anniversary Journal book.  We encourage you to create your ads to acknowledge family, members, offer good wishes, etc. 

We are also asking people to try to get businesses to sponsor ads. Ad forms with all of the details were handed out at last week's Parish Body meeting (held on Sun, Feb 23rd), and are also available at the candle desk or online. Forms were also mailed out to some members of our extended community, but please reach out to your family and friends that might not be aware.  

For those who do not have a computer or internet at home, or are not confident in their computer skills - St. George will have some individuals available on Sunday March 2nd and March 9th during Coffee Hour to help you with your ad, and to add any old photographs to your ad.

Ads should be sent to

Payment can be made with a check to St. George Orthodox Church, or electronically on our website under "Donate" -  please check "100th Anniversary - Journal AD".  

Deadline for all ads is April 1st.  We need your support to help to make this a beautiful keepsake and tribute to our 100 Year history.

Click onto the following links to view and download two forms: the St. George 100th Anniversary Journal Ad Request Letter   and the  St. George 100th Anniversary Journal Ad Form


Updated Announcement (Feb 15, 2025)

Click onto the following link to view the St. George 100th Anniversary Announcement Flyer.   Please return to this annoucement periodically as additional details will be posted as they become available.


Updated Annoucement (July 26, 2024):

Please contact Laura Coughlin or Curt Dionis if you would like to join the Anniversary Committee, or sign up on the sheet at the candle desk. Thank you!


Original Annoucement (July 10, 2024):

The Parish Council is happy to announce that we will celebrate St. George's 100th Anniversary with Divine Liturgy and an Anniversary Banquet next year on Sunday, June 22, 2025.  

Please mark your calendars!  Additional details will be coming soon. 

Faith & Family Night (at a Hockey Game in Bridgeport) - Sat, Feb 15th - 01/13/2025

Attached is an email invitation to the parish of St. George.  The invitiation is to parishes around New England and the Tri-State area to attend a Faith and Family Night on Saturday, Feb 15th.  Please read the details below:   


Dear St George Trumbull,

We are thrilled to invite you and your parish community to be part of a historic Orthodox Christian gathering at "Faith and Family Night" on Saturday, February 15, 2025! This unique event will unite Orthodox Christians from across New England and the Tri-State area, allowing us to witness and celebrate the unity of our faith in a public setting.

Event Highlights:

· Pre-Game Seminar: His Grace Bishop JOHN Abdalah (AOCANA) and guest speaker Rev. Peter Orfanakos (GOArch) will lead a seminar on the theme “All You Need Is Love”.
· Game & Fellowship: The evening features a thrilling hockey matchup between the Bridgeport Islanders and the Providence Bruins at Total Mortgage Arena in Bridgeport, CT.
· Tickets:  Each ticket is $27 (plus fees).  The Processing fee will be $4.43 for a total cost of $31.43 per ticket (the processing fee is charged by the ticket processor, this is similar to a Ticketmaster fee). While the processing fee is unavoidable, please note that the net proceeds from each ticket support IOCC’s hurricane relief efforts.

With each ticket purchased (by using the following link to purchase tickets: https://fevo- Faithfamily808 , or by using the QR code in the Faith and Family NIght Flyer - see flyer link below), attendees will receive:
           o Center ice seating
           o An Islanders hat
           o Early stadium access
           o A post-game photo on the ice
           o Entry into a prize drawing (for tickets purchased by January 31st)
           o Net proceeds support IOCC’s hurricane relief efforts

Additionally, church communities with 50 or more attendees will receive a special gift basket from the Islanders—a great raffle item for a parish event!

Involvement Opportunities:

We invite members (as space permits) to participate in the evening in two special ways:

           o Pan-Orthodox Choir: We welcome parishioners interested in joining a Pan-Orthodox choir to sing God Bless America
           o Children’s Intermission Activities: Children are invited to join intermission activities

If members are interested, please feel free to have them contact me directly via the email provided.
How you can help:

To help you share this event with your parish, attached are two documents:
           1.    A letter for Sunday announcements. Click onto the following link to view a:  Faith and Family Night Announcement Letter
            2.    An event flyer.  Click onto the following link to view a:  Faith and Family Night Flyer 

We kindly ask if you could include a flyer in your bulletin and add the event to your parish calendar to spread the word and encourage your parishioners to join us.

This event offers a meaningful opportunity for the Orthodox community to unite in faith and support a worthy cause. We would be honored to have you and your congregation join us in fellowship, strengthening bonds and creating lasting memories together.

If you have any questions or need further information, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me directly at

In Christ,

Kyle Laham
Event Chair

Blanket Making Night for CA children - Thurs, Jan 16th - 01/12/2025

St. George is helping the Binky Patrol Comforting Covers and Al’s Angels by donating our Church Hall this Thursday, Jan 16th from 5:30PM to 8:30PM.
Volunteers will be making fleece blankets that will be sent to comfort children impacted by the wildfires in California, especially from the town of Altadena.
Al’s Angels is arranging for the shipment of items, and has purchased some of the fleece.
Volunteers are asked to just bring a sharp pair of scissors and a $10 donation to help pay for the remainder of the fleece, and some pizza and treats for dinner.
Teenagers are welcome to also volunteer – Community service hours will be awarded, so teens bring your sheets.
For the 16 parishioners who already gave their name to Laura Coughlin at church on Sunday, you do not need to reconfirm you attendance – Laura will forward your name as a participant.
For those who wish to help making fleece blankets but have not confirmed with Laura on Sunday, please reply by Wednesday morning (Jan 15th) to Jeanne at: 
on Facebook

Valentine's Day Dance - Sat, Feb 15th - 01/10/2025

There will be a Valentine's Day Dance held on Saturday, Feb 15th in the Church Hall.  This is a fundraising event for St. George. 

Doors will open at 6PM, and dinner will be served at 7PM.

Tickets are $50 per person.  Children 12 and under are $20 per person.

The last day to call/confirm is Wednesday, Feb 12th. 

Please confirm with Nardi at 203-895-4263  or  Aida at 203-685-7231.

2024 Year-end Contribution Statements distributed - 01/08/2025

Year-End 2024 Contribution Statements were emailed to parishioners on Friday, January 10th. 

If you haven't provided the church with your email address, or do not have an email account, please pick up your statement at the Church Desk this Sunday, January 12th.

For those who do not, or cannot, pick them up this Sunday - they will be physically mailed either on Monday or Tuesday, Jan 13th or 14th.

If you have any questions, please email the Financial Secretary , or text or phone @ 203-414-8141. 

Buy A Brick Fundraiser – Order by June 30th - 01/06/2025

St. George is undertaking a special fundraising project as a parish during our Centennial Year (2025).  The fundraiser is called "Buy A Brick" 
The fundraiser is being used to finance the building of a “Prayer Patio” on our church grounds. The approximate location for the Prayer Patio will be on the right side of the church just off the parking lot, between the sidewalk that leads to the rear of the property and the church.  Click onto the following link to view the location:  St. George Prayer Patio location
The patio will be constructed with concrete brick pavers of a red brick color.  To support the construction cost, personalized engraved bricks can be purchased to be part of the permanent patio.
Donors may purchase personalized brick pavers as a way to permanently honor individuals, their family, and even to memorialize their deceased family members who were members of the St. George parish over the past 100 years.
We have set a goal to get a minimum of 100 bricks donated by our 100 year Anniversary celebration, which will be on June 22, 2025.  We are hopeful that this project will appeal to almost everyone, and we will exceed our goal.  
We will be collecting orders for the next 6 months, until the end of June 2025. The patio will not be built by the Anniversary celebration, but we will order the bricks to build the patio shortly after our Centennial Celebration.
The bricks are available in two sizes:
a 4 inch x 8 inch brick for a cost of $100, and
a 8 inch x 8 inch brick for a cost of $200.
The brick pavers will be engraved/etched with the donor’s requested names and/or message, with the etching finished in a black exterior paint.  There are sample bricks available to look at in the church hall.
On the 4x8 inch brick, you can utilize up to 3 lines (20 characters and spaces per line). 
For the 8x8 brick, 6 lines are available with a maximum of 20 characters/spaces per line.
Below please find links to some graphics with “Sample Messages” you may consider using.  All messages will be centered top to bottom, and left to right.  If you would like a blank line in the middle of your message, on the order form, you will be able to leave the appropriate line blank for the vendor to follow.
If you have any questions, please see or contact Curt Dionis at   or text/call on his mobile:  203-446-7195.  Please contact him after 6PM (after he gets off of work). 
Also below, please find links to order forms to purchase a personalized brick – please note there are separate forms for each sized brick.  You may bring in or mail the order form to the church (5490 Main St  Trumbull, CT  06611), or feel free to take a photo of your completed order form with your mobile phone and text the photo to Curt Dionis (his contact info is in the prior paragraph), or even scan your order form and email it to Curt.
Payment for any brick can be made by cash, check, or by credit card.   When using a check, please make the check out to St. George Orthodox Church with a notation ”Buy A Brick”  in the memo space.  You may pay by credit card utilizing the St. George Trumbull website -  go to the Support/Donate link on the top navigation bar on our Home page, click onto the red “Donate” box, and complete the boxes as displayed.  Please click onto “Buy A Brick – Prayer Patio” in the Give “To” box.
We hope you will all join in supporting this project, and/or permanently honoring your family and ancestors in our Prayer Patio!

Link to view Sample Messages for a 4 inch x 8 inch Brick

Link to view Sample Messages for a 8 inch x 8 inch Brick 

Link to a 4 inch x 8 inch Brick Order Form

Link to a 8 inch x 8 inch Brick Order Form

Feast of Theophany - transferring to Sun, Jan 12th - 01/01/2025

The celebration of the Feast of Theophany is being transferred from Monday, Jan 6th to Sunday, Jan 12th. 

We will be blessing the water on Sunday, Jan 5th at the end of Divine Liturgy, with the intention of passing out holy water bottles on January 12th.

Please remember to bring your empty plastic Holy Water bottles to church for Holy Water.  These bottles will be filled during the week of Jan 5th, and will be available to take home on Sunday, January 12th.   If you still have Holy Water in the bottle from last year, you may water a potted plant. 

Konizmat Icon Auction - Bids due by Sun, Jan 26th - 12/31/2024

Once again we will engage in the annual secular ritual of the Konizmat Icon Auction.  His Grace, Bishop Nikodhim, is encouraging all of his Archdiocesan parishes to have "Icon Sunday."

From the time of Turkish occupation, through the years, even in America, this was a traditional and important fundraising method for those whose Church heritage is from the central Balkans.

"Bids" are to be submitted and will be collected beginning the weekend of Jan 5th, and continue through Sunday, Jan 26th.  The icons will be assigned - based on the highest and/or earliest received bid.  Icons will be available to take home the following weekend, Sunday Feb 2nd.

Icons are to be returned back to church on Sunday, March 24th (Sunday of the Triumph of Orthodoxy).  

The Icon and Bid form can be downloaded here:   2025 Konizmat Icons.    Forms will also be available at the Church Desk. 

Click onto the following link to read more on the Konizmat Icon Auction

Photo Note: Sketch of the procession for the "Restoration of the Icons" (Sunday of the Triumph of Orthodoxy).

Vesperal Liturgy of St. Basil scheduled for Christmas Eve, Dec 24th, 4PM - 12/22/2024

The Parish Council and Father Sergei decided to celebrate the feast of the Nativity of Christ (Christmas) with a Vesperal Liturgy of St. Basil on Tuesday, December 24th, Christmas Eve, at 4:00 PM.

For those planning on taking Communion, in preparation, they should begin their fast by noon of December 24th.

For those following the livestream services, click onto the following link to view the service booklet:  Vesperal Liturgy of St. Basil for Christmas.

Booklets will be available for those coming for the Vesperal Liturgy at the church.

There will be no church services on Wednesday, December 25th, but the church will be open from 10 to 11 AM for those who wish to offer prayers and or put up a candle.

Special Reminder - No Memorials - 12/21/2024

In accordance with the Orthodox Church teachings, Memorials cannot be held between Christmas day (December 25th) and Theophany (January 6th).

Fr. George Coca's Retirement Dinner - deadline Tues, Dec 31st - 12/20/2024

St. George Church was forwarded this invite from St. Dimitrie Church in Easton:

There is a retirement dinner / event to honor Fr. George and Preoteasa Mariana Coca.  The dinner is on Saturday, Jan 11th, 2025 at 1PM.  

The deadline for making reservations is next Tuesday, Dec 31st. 

Click onto the following link to view the details and reservation instructions:   Fr. George and Preoteasa Mariana Coca Retirement Dinner

Prayer for New Vocations/New Priest for St. George - 12/10/2024

At the end of Divine Liturgy, the following is the Prayer for Vocations, for a New Priest for St. George, that is read before the dismissal:


Choir:  Blessed be the Name of the Lord…(2x)
O Lord, the High Priest of God’s People, You have shown us that it is Your Will that men be called to the priesthood of Your Holy Church.
From the ranks of fisherman, You called Andrew and Peter, James, and John, and made them, and their successors in every age, to the be “fishers of men.”
·      We, Your people in this age, call upon Your great love to inspire dedicated men to be Your future priests.
·      Touch their lives with Your Holy Spirit; give them the courage to answer Your call and the strength to work all the days of their life in Your service.
·      As we call Your Name for more vocations, O great High Priest, send a priest after Your own heart to shepherd and lead Your flock here at the Saint George Orthodox Church.
For You are a loving God, and we praise Your Holy Name: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; now, and ever, and unto ages of ages.

A Prayer for our Jubilee Year - 2025 - 12/10/2024

On Sunday, January 5th, we said a Prayer for our Jubilee Year.

Jan 5th was the first Sunday of 2025, and the beginning of the calendar year in which we will be celebrating St. George’s 100th Anniversary.  As a reminder, our 100th Anniversary celebration will be held on June 22nd.

This prayer will be said during Divine Liturgy monthly as we proceed towards our Centennial Celebration.  

Click onto the following link to view the prayer:   Prayer for our Jubilee Year
 Photo note:  The photo of the St. George Icon is from the cover of the ad book for the consecration of the new church in Trumbull (April 20, 1980)

Yale Russian Chorus Concert, Christ the Savior Church in Southbury - Wed, Dec 18th 7PM - 12/09/2024

Christ the Savior Church in Southbury extends an invitation to the Orthodox parishes in Connecticut, inviting them to attend a concert from the Yale Russian Chorus.  Below is an email invitation from Fr. Moses Locke, Pastor of Christ the Savior Church:
Dear Brothers,
We will have the Yale Russian Chorus here at Christ the Savior on Wednesday night, December 18th at 7pm. Please be sure to invite your parishioners to join us. Thank you!
In Christ,

Prayer Group - Sat, Dec 7th - 11/21/2024

Greg Buzi II will be hosting a Prayer Group on Saturday, December 7 at 10:00 a.m. Please bring a small dessert or breakfast dish for fellowship afterward.

100th Anniversary Commemorative T-shirts - 3 Ways to Order - 11/20/2024


St. George 100th Anniversary Commemorative T-shirts are now on sale for $20!   Two styles are available - click on the following link to view the options:  100th Anniversary Commemorative T-Shirt options.  Additionally shirt samples are displayed in the church hall.  


The order with the vendor will be made on Dec 1st:  In order to ensure we can get shirts back in time for the Christmas holiday, orders with payments need to be received by Dec 1st.  Delivery of the order is expected by Dec 15th. 


There are 3 Ways to Order: 

Option 1:  Fill out a hard copy form at church and pay with cash or a check.

Option 2: Print out a hard copy form at home, and mail or drop off at church with a cash or check payment.  Click onto the following link to print out an order form:  St George Anniversary T-shirt Order Form

Option #3:  Fill out an online form and make a payment online with a credit card using our account. Click onto the following link to order online 57PUj3aQfEKYF2Hf9   After ordering, please click onto the following link to make a credit card payment using St. George's account:   Note: Click onto the red "Donate" button, and when the payment box opens, in the "To:" box, hit the down-arrow and please select "100th Anniversary - T-shirt"


Any questions? please contact: 

Laura Coughlin: Call or text @ 203-685-3839 or Email @ 

Diane Cryan: Call or text @ 203-520-2811 or Email @


As always, we thank you for your support! 

Community Christmas Card - deadline Sun, Dec 8th - 11/19/2024

As in years past, we will be collecting contributions for our annual Community Christmas Card

All submissions must be turned in by Sunday, December 8th for the card to be printed and mailed in a timely manner

Click onto the following link to view and download an offering form: 2024 Community Christmas Card Form. We invite all to take part.

If you prefer, hard copies of the form will be available at the church desk.  

Doxology for Albanian Flag Day/Dita e Flamurit - Sun,Nov 24th - 11/19/2024

As we announced before, His Grace, Bishop Nikodhim, has directed all parishes within the Albanian Archdiocese to annually celebrate/commemorate Flag Day/Dita e Flamurit on its observation date of November 28th, or on the prior Sunday.

Flag Day (or Albanian Independence Day) is on Thursday this year, so per Bishop Nikdhim’s directive, we will commemorate it after Divine Liturgy this Sunday, November 24th.
Please click onto the following link to view the Doxology (a prayer of praise to God) service that will used this Sunday: Albanian Archdiocese Flag Day Doxology

Teuta Meeting - Sun, Dec 1st - 11/18/2024

Teuta will be holding a brief meeting on Sunday, Dec 1st during coffee hour - hope everyone can attend. 


St. Nicholas Holiday Party - Sun, Dec 8th - 11/16/2024

Our annual St Nicholas party will be held on Sunday, December 8th.  A brunch will be held after liturgy followed by a visit from Santa. All children are welcome!

If you are planning on attending, please let Pauline Dionis know the number of participants and the name(s) and age(s) of any children. Pauline may be reached by phone at 203-261-0611 or email:

All participants are encouraged to donate a new, unwrapped Christmas gift for a child - the Church School will be collecting and delivering those gifts to St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Shop and Food Bank who will distribute them to the underprivileged children of the lower Naugatuck Valley.

2024 St. Tikhon's Seminary Concert at Three Saints Church, Ansonia - Sun, Dec 8th - 11/15/2024

The following annoucement has been requested to be posted by Three Saints Orthodox Church in Ansonia:

St. Tikhon’s Seminary Choir Returns to Connecticut for the annual Sacred Music Concert!

We invite you to join us for a special evening of sacred music performed by the talented seminarians of St. Tikhon’s Seminary. This concert, dedicated to the memory of our beloved former chancellor and pastor emeritus, The Very Rev. Mitered Archpriest Nicholas Timpko, is a cherished annual tradition that brings together our community in celebration and remembrance.

The concert will be held at Three Saints Orthodox Church in Ansonia, CT, on Sunday, December 8th, at 4:00 p.m. All donations will go to support “The Very Rev. Mitered Archpriest Nicholas Timpko St. Tikhon’s OCA Seminarian Memorial Scholarship,” which contributes to the formation and education of future priests and leaders in the Orthodox Church.

While admission is free, we appreciate and encourage donations in support of this vital scholarship fund. Please see the flyer posted on your church bulletin board for more information. Checks can be made payable to Three Saints Orthodox Church (with “STOTS” in the memo line) and mailed to:
Three Saints Orthodox Church
ATTN: Scholarship
26 Howard Ave,
Ansonia, CT 06401

May our good Lord bless you for your generosity!

Click onto the following link to view the flyer:  2024 St Tikhon Seminary Concert Flyer

Volunteer needed for open Position on the Parish Council - 11/14/2024

Beginning January 1, 2025 there will be an opening on the Parish Council for Recording Secretary. This involves taking and transcribing notes at the council and parish body meetings. The notes are kept in the Council Binder and forwarded to the council members and Bishop Nikodhem via Barry.
Please see Louise Gallagher for any questions. Thank you, Louise, for your 10 years of service!    

YTD Stewardship Contribution Statements distributed - 11/13/2024

A 2024 Year-to-date Contribution Summary, that includes donations received through Sunday, November 3rd, were emailed to parishioners on Wednesday, November 13th.  For those who have not provided us with an email address and were not in church this past Sunday, those statements were physically mailed on Tuesday, November 19th. 

If you have an email address, we would appreciate it if you would forward it to us so we may use it, rather than utilizing physical mail. 

If you have any questions or corrections, please contact the Financial Secretary, Luba Csernica:  email: text or call: 203-414-8141.

Thank you for your continued support of St. George!

Recognizing our Military Veterans - 11/06/2024

As in prior years, St. George will be recognizing and expressing thanks to our Military Veterans on Sunday, Nov 10th.   In the United States, Veterans Day is celebrated the following day (Mon, Nov 11th). 

The Nativity Fast - began Fri, Nov 15th - 11/05/2024

The Nativity Fast (often referred as Advent in the West) began on Friday, November 15th, and lasts through the Divine Liturgy of Christmas Day.  This is one of the four fasting seasons during the year. 

During this time, Orthodox Christians fast and pray in preparation for the Feast. According to the Tradition of the Church, we observe this Fast by abstaining from meat (including poultry and eggs), dairy, olive oil and wine. On Wednesdays and Fridays, we also abstain from fish.

In a long-standing tradition, the bishops of the OCA gave a special dispensation to break the fast for Thanksgiving.  

While many people relax these rules, it is important that we do as much as we can, so that we can properly prepare ourselves spiritually for the Great Feast of our Lord’s Nativity. 

Attached below you will find an educational pamphlet for reading in preparation of this fasting season: Preparing for the Nativity of Christ  

Collecting Frozen Hams and Turkeys - 10/31/2024

As we did in prior years, over the next 3 months (from November 2024 through early February 2025), St. George will be collecting frozen hams and turkeys. They can be placed in the church's freezers located in the Church Hall Storage Room.  

This charity project's intent is to donate the hams and turkeys to local soup kitchens during February 2025 - this is typically when food donations are low. We will target to deliver them after Valentines Day, Feb 14, 2025.

Click onto the following link to view the News Update from last year's donations:

Thank you again for your continued support of our various Charity efforts throughout each year!

St. Nektarios Vespers - Christ the Savior Church, Southbury; Sun, Nov 10th - 10/31/2024

Below is an invitation from Fr. Moses Locke of Christ the Savior Church in Southbury for the Vespers of St. Nektarios:

All are invited to Christ the Savior Parish in Southbury, Sunday November 10th, 2024 at 4:00 pm for the Vespers of St. Nektarios. Please note this is the Sunday after his Feast Day.

There will be a procession with his relics, prayers for the sick and anointing with the oil from St. Nektarios’ tomb. A light Buffet will follow.

On the feast, Saturday November 9th, there will be Divine Liturgy at 9:15 am, all are invited.

Christ the Savior Orthodox Church
1070 Roxbury Rd Southbury Ct. 06788

-Fr. Moses Locke

Fall Youth Party at Three Saints Church - Thurs, Oct 31st - 10/21/2024


Below is an invitation from Three Saints Church in Ansonia to their Fall Youth Party:


2024 Fall Youth Party at Three Saints
On Thursday, October 31, at 4 pm, Three Saints in Ansonia will host a friendly alternative to Halloween. We will start in the church with a Moleben followed by games, food, prizes and candy.

We need volunteers to help, and donations of candy, or monetary assistance. It’s an open invitation to all but reservations must be made no later than Wednesday, the 30th.

A $5 per person donation is requested to help offset the cost just a bit.

Please email us at or call us at 203-735-0117 to offer your time with our youth or to RSVP.

Click onto the following link to view the 2024 Fall Youth Party flyer.

Sun, Nov 3rd - Daylight Saving time ends, Divine Liturgy start time returns to 10AM - 10/17/2024

As an early reminder, Daylight Saving time ends on the first Sunday in November, which for this year is Sun, Nov 3rd.  This marks the return to Standard time when at 2AM, clocks need to be turned backward one hour to 1AM.  

Additionally on this day, the Service start time for Divine Liturgy will change from 9:30AM to 10AM.  

Background on service start-times:
The Parish Council conducted a start-time survey with parishioners in the fall of 2020. That survey resulted in the majority of parishioners preferring a 9:30AM start time, but as part of a compromise, the Council decided to go back to a 10AM start time during the winter months. 

This is the current approved Calendar Schedule for Divine Liturgy: 
10AM Divine Liturgy (from the 1st Sunday in November through March)
9:30AM Divine Liturgy (from the 1st Sunday in April through October)


Setup help needed Sunday after Coffee Hour for the Bazaar - 10/16/2024

We need everyone who is able, to help after coffee hour on Sunday, Oct 20th to rearrange the tables in preparation for the Bazaar. Thank you!

The Teuta Ladies.

St. George to follow the Byzantine lectionary - 10/09/2024

According to Archdiocesan instruction given by Bishop Nikodhim, all of the parishes in the Albanian Archdiocese are directed to follow “Byzantine practice“ for the readings of the lectionary for Sunday liturgy.  A lectionary is a book that contains the Scripture readings for each day of the year.

Bishop Nikodhim notes that the same readings are used by the Church of Albania.

The directed sequence of readings differs from the published calendar that we have been using in our parish.

Pastoral Emergency Contact - 10/01/2024

If there is an emergency, and you would like a priest to contact you, call

Father Sergei at 203-331-2251 (cell),  203-713-6007 (home) 


Bill Kovachi at 203-449-4404 (cell). 



Parish Body Meeting - Sunday, Oct 6th - 09/21/2024

There will be a Parish Body Meeting held after Divine Liturgy on Sunday, October 6th.  Please mark your calendars.

All members are encouraged to attend and participate.

Updated information on Archdiocesan Assembly/Monastic tonsure of Fr. Dennis/Fr. Gregori visit to St. George - 09/17/2024

There is a lot of scheduled activity the next several days in the Albanian Archdiocese and with our St. George parish.
2024 Albanian Archdiocesan Assembly is this weekend, beginning Thurs evening, Sept 19th and ends on Sat, Sept 21st.  The Assembly is being held at St. Peter and Paul Church in Philadelphia.
Some specific items of interest:
-              The monastic tonsure of Fr. Dennis Rhodes.  (Friday, 9AM)  Opening prayers on Friday and Divine Liturgy on Saturday; can be watched live, or watched later recorded, via St. Peter and Paul’s YouTube channel: (
-              Deacon Juxhin Shkurti to be ordained as a Priest (Saturday, 10AM Divine Liturgy)
-              Fr. Gregori Pelushi visit to the Albanian Archdiocese.  Reminder – Fr. Gregori will be visiting St. George on Sunday at 5PM to speak to the parish. There will be a light dinner available to all participants.  Please RSVP via call or text to Curt Dionis @ 203.446.7195
Please click onto the following link below to read additional details on this weekend. The information is located on the Recent News page of the Albanian Archdiocese of America website.

Updated information on Fr. Grigori’s talk - Sun, Sept 22nd: - 09/12/2024

UPDATED Annncement (from Sept 13, 2024):

As we announced last weekend, at 5PM on Sunday, Sept 22nd, we will be hosting a visit from His Grace, Bishop Nikodhim and Fr. Grigori Pelushi, with Fr. Grigori leading a talk with the parish.  Fr. Grigori is a visiting dignitary from the Orthodox Church in Albania,and is visiting the Albanian Archdiocese in America at the end of September.  

All parishioners are invited to attend to hear and speak with Fr. Grigori, we will meet in the church hall.  To learn more, click onto the links below in the ORIGINAL announcement.

There will be a light meal available for participants, as 5PM is the beginning of dinner time for many people. 

To gather an approximate headcount so we may prepare properly, please contact Curt Dionis (contact methods below) to confirm your attendance.  

Curt can be reached the following ways:

- Call or text him on his mobile phone: 203.446.7195

- Email him at:  

- See him in person this Sun, Sept 15th at St. George


Thank you in advance for your participation!  


ORIGINAL announcement (from Sept 6, 2024):
Hold the Date - Visit by Fr. Grigori: Sun Sept 22nd; 5PM

Fr. Grigori Pelushi, a visiting dignitary from the Orthodox Church of Albania, will be visiting the Albaniian Archdiocese in America towards the end of September. Fr. Grigori is the chair of Radio Ngjallja and the secretary of the Holy Synod of the Orthodox Church of Albania.
Click onto the following links to read a brief bio on Fr. Grigori.  
Fr. Grigori Pelushi Bio – ENGLISH
Fr. Grigori Pelushi Bio – SHQUIP (Albanian)
On Sunday, September 22nd later in the afternoon, around 5PM, His Grace, Bishop Nikodhim will be arriving at St. George with  Fr. Grigori for a visit with our parish as part of Fr. Grigori's visit to the US.
The parish community is invited to join the visit, and to hear and speak with Fr. Grigori.
Please block your calendars so you may attend this visit. More information will be forwarded when it becomes available.

FORCC 31st Anniversary Banquet - Sun, Oct 6th - 09/11/2024

On Sunday, October 6, 2024, FORCC (Fellowship of Orthodox Churches of Connecticut) will celebrate the 31st Anniversary of its founding with it's Annual Banquet.

The annual banquet will be held at St. Dimitrie Romanian Orthodox Church in Easton starting at 12:30pm.

The guest speaker will be The Right Reverend Benedict, Bishop of Hartford and New England.

Reservations are required for the banquet, no tickets will be sold/paid at the door.

A buffet dinner will be available for $50.00 for reservations made by Sept. 20th.  Tickets are $55.00 if paid between Sept 21st and Oct 6th). Children's tickets, up to age 12, are $10.00.

Proceeds of this dinner provide major funding for FORCC programs.

For tickets, contact Bob Lazar who is our parish FORCC representative, or Nina Kosowsky at 203.305.5683.

Click onto the following to view or download the: FORCC 31st Anniversary Flyer

Also, click onto the following to download the form for the:  FORCC 31st Anniv Ad Program.  

1-Year Memorial Service for +Protopresbyter Arthur E Liolin - Sun, Sept 29th - 09/10/2024

The 1-year anniversary of the falling asleep of our former long time Chancellor of the Albanian Archdiocese, Father Arthur Liolin, is Saturday, September 28th.  On Sunday, September 29th, St. George will hold a memorial service in his memory at the end of Divine Liturgy, as directly by His Grace, Bishop Nikodhim to all the parishes within the Archdiocese.

Invitation to greet Hawaii's Myrrh-Streaming Icon @ St. Dimitrie, Sat, Sept 14th: 6PM - 09/08/2024

Fr. George Coca of St. Dimitrie Church in Easton wishes to extend an invitation to St. George’s parishioners for this Saturday, Sept 14th  at 6PM to greet Hawaii's Myrrh-Streaming Iveron Icon and to attend an Akathist service.  

Presently, the icon is on a visitation schedule to the Midwest and the East Coast, and is scheduled to visit St. Dimitrie this Saturday evening: 

Saturday, Sept 14th;   Saint Dimitrie Orthodox Church   504 Sporthill Road  Easton, CT 06612-1744

6:00pm, Greeting of the Wonderworking Iveron Icon    6:15pm, Akathist to the Holy Theotokos

To learn more about Hawaii’s Myrrh-Streaming Icon, click onto the following link - to the Holy Theotokos of Iveron Orthodox Church’s (in Hawaii) webpage:  https://www.

Main St southbound in Trumbull shutdown on Sun, Sept 8th - 09/05/2024

The 2024 annual CT United Ride (Motorcycle Ride), which is CT’s largest annual 9/11 tribute, is being held this Sunday, Sept 8th:

As a heads-up:  The southbound portion of Main Street in Trumbull will be essentially shutdown as the riders move through Trumbull beginning around 12:30PM for about 1 to 1-1/2 hours.
Below is an email from the Trumbull Police Department notifying our parish that Main St. southbound will be essentially shutdown on Sunday:

Good morning I wanted to notify you that next Sunday, 09/08, the CT United 911 motorcycle ride will be traveling through Trumbull. At approximately 12:30 pm it will be almost impossible to have any traffic enter onto Main St southbound. The ride usually last for 1-1 ½ hours.
Please contact me if you have any questions.

Lt. Ken Jones
Trumbull PD

Looking for help with the Church Bazaar - Sat, Oct 26th - 09/04/2024

The  Church Bazaar is back and will be held in our church hall on Saturday, October 26th, from 11:30am to 6:00 pm. There are many ways you can help:

The Take a Chance table is looking for new gifts such as themed baskets, gift cards, wine and children’s gifts.  See Luba Csernica: or 203-414-8141 (Mobile).

Please consider baking for our Baked Goods table.  See Laura Chadwick: or 203-218-1552 (Mobile) or Kim O'Brien:  or 203-907-5578 (Mobile).

Would you like to purchase a page/ad in the Program Booklet to help offset the costs?  Click onto the following link to download a Bazaar Ad Book Donation form, or see Diane Cryan: or 203-520-2811 (Mobile).

If you would like to work at the bazaar or are looking for another way to help, please talk to Laura, Luba, Diane, Kim or any other Teuta members.

2024-2025 Church School Year begins Sun, Sept 15th - 09/03/2024

The first day of the 2024 - 2025 Church School Year will begin on Sunday, Sept 15th.   Please see Curt Dionis if you have any questions.

Prayer for the Liturgical New Year - 08/28/2024

The first day of the Church New Year in the Orthodox Church is September 1st.

Click onto the following link to view a Prayer for the New Year.

+Archbishop Nikon - 08/28/2024

This Sunday, September 1st, marks the 5th year anniversary of the death of Archbishop Nikon.  His Eminence, Archbishop Nikon served as the Archbishop of Boston, New England, and the Albanian Archdiocese.  We will be offering memorial prayers at the end of Divine Liturgy.

100th Anniversary Committee Mtg - Sun, Sept 8th - 08/27/2024

The 100th Anniversary Committee will be meeting next Sunday, Sept 8th after Divine Liturgy in the Church Hall. 

Parish Picnic - Sun, Aug 25th - UPDATED INFO - 08/17/2024

St George Parish Picnic will be held Sunday, August 25th, after Divine Liturgy.

New Note:  To kick off St. George's Centennial plans, we will be taking a group Parish photo on this day after church. 

Please click onto the following link to view, download, or forward a copy to family and friends of St. George:  St George 2024 Parish Picnic Flyer

Tickets are $20 for adults / $10 for children 12 and under. This includes hamburgers, hot dogs, salads, sides, chips, soft drinks and desserts. Please reserve by Tues, August 20th.

Tickets are available at the candle desk and from Diane Cryan (203-520-2811 or

We’re looking forward to seeing all St George family and friends. Get together for a great party!

There will be no church service this Sunday, August 18th - 08/15/2024

The great feast of the Dormition of the Theotokos falls annually on August 15th.  We had hoped to transfer this feast to Sunday, August 18th, however we do not have a priest, choir director, or reader available to serve a Divine Liturgy or a Reader Service.

Because of this, there will be no service held on Sunday, August 18th.  However, the church will be open from 9:30AM to 10:30AM for anyone to enter, light a candle, and say a prayer. 

HOLD THE DATE: Annual Bazaar - October 26th - 08/14/2024

SAVE THE DATE:   The Teuta Society will be holding our annual Bazaar and Food Festival on Saturday October 26th!    
This is the parish’s major fundraiser for the year.  Please be support the Bazaar by participating, and of course by helping out.  Additional details will be coming soon.

St. Dimitrie Fall Festival - Fri & Sat, Sept 6th & 7th - 08/13/2024

St. Dimitrie is holding their 44th Fall Festival on Friday and Saturday, September 6th & 7th.   

They have asked that we post their flyer and notify our parishioners of their fund raising event. 

As most of you know, St. Dimitrie is located at 504 Sport Hill Rd in Easton.  Click onto the following link to view their flyer:   St. Dimitrie 2024 Fall Festival 



Holy Ghost Picnic Invite - Sun, Sept 8th - 08/12/2024

Below is an invite from Fr. Mark Roosien of Holy Ghost Church in Bridgeport with his invite to our parishioners to join their picnic on Sunday, Sept 8th  Click onto the following link to view their flyer:  2024 Holy Ghost Picnic Flyer


Dear St George's, 
Joyous Feast!
I wanted to let you know about Holy Ghost Church's annual picnic on Sunday, September 8 at our park grounds in Shelton. I would ask that you please distribute the flyer attached and let the good people of St George Church know they are invited. 
Yours in Christ,
Fr Mark 

Teuta Meeting - Sunday, August 11th - 08/05/2024

The Teuta Ladies Society will have their next meeting this Sunday, August 11th after Divine Liturgy during coffee hour.

The purpose of the meeting is to finalize plans for our August 25th parish picnic.  

Click onto the following link to view, download, or to forward to family or friends of St. George  St. George 2024 Picnic flyer

Please try to attend - all are welcome!

Items to be blessed for the upcoming Summer Harvest Feasts - 07/30/2024

 In the Orthodox Church, it is common practice to bless grapes (as well as any other fruit and vegetables) on the great feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord. This feast normally falls on August 6th.  At St George this year, we will be transferring and celebrating this feast day on Sunday, August 11th.


Prayer Meditation Potluck - Tues, July 30th - 07/18/2024

On Tuesday, July 30, at 6:30 pm, Greg Buzi II will be hosting a Jesus Prayer Meditation followed by a Potluck supper.

All are invited. Please bring a small dish of food of your choice.

Next Teuta Meeting - Sun, July 14th - 07/09/2024

The Teuta Ladies Society will have their next meeting this Sunday, July 14th after Divine Liturgy during coffee hour.

The purpose of the meeting is to discuss upcoming events including the parish picnic and the bazaar.

Please try to attend - all are welcome!

Akathist Service for All Saints of North America – Sun, July 7th - 06/13/2024

On Sunday, July 7th, at 4:00 PM, at All Saints of North America Church, 313 Twin Lakes Road in Salisbury, CT, there will be an Akathist Service (a service of praise and thanksgiving)to celebrate the Feast of All Saints of North America with Bishop Benedict, Bishop of Hartford and the Diocese of New England presiding. 

The Akathist will be celebrated before the Relics and Icons of 10 of the North American Saints: St. Herman of Alaska, St. Innocent Apostle to America, St. Tikhon Enlightener of North America, St. John of San Francisco, St. Nikolai of South Canaan, St. Raphael of Brooklyn, St. Mardarije of Libertyville, St. Alexis of Wilkes-Barre, St. Sabastian of Jackson and St. Vasily who served in Waterbury CT.

Click onto the following link to view a Flyer

Father's Day Commemorations - Sun, June 16th - 06/02/2024

We are preparing for our annual Fathers’s Day Commemorations. This year, Father's Day is on Sunday, June 16th.

At this time, we have not been able to secure Priest coverage for that day, so we will be holding a Reader Service.  Prayers for our Departed and Living Fathers will be made at the end of that service.

Please submit your donation and names of your father, stepfather, sons, stepsons, husbands, brothers, stepbrothers, great grandfather, great grandsons, grandfathers, grandsons, great-uncles, uncles, nephews, godfathers, and all those who were "fathers" to us in our time of need.  Clearly indicate whether they are Living or Deceased.  

Finally, please submit your names to Louise Gallagher by Saturday, June 15th at 3PM - she needs time to prepare a prayer list for use during Divine Liturgy on Sunday.  Louise can be reached by email:, or by phone @ 203-268-3803.

Applications being accepted for 2024 LaBache Scholarships - 06/02/2024

Applications for the 2024 Thomas and Katherine LaBache Scholarships are now being accepted. 

Click on the following link to view the 2024 Announcement

Click on the following link to view the 2024 Guidelines

Click on the following link to obtain the 2024 Application

Reminder - the applications must be returned by Sunday, July 21st.

Church School Commencement & Recognition - Sun, June 9th - 05/20/2024

The parish will mark the end of the Church School year with a short Recognition Ceremony & Commencement on Sunday, June 9th immediately after Divine Liturgy.  We wish to acknowledge and congratulate the students, teachers, and coordinators for all of their efforts and dedication this past year.


Remembering our Deceased Veterans - Sun, May 26th - 05/09/2024

On Sunday, May 26th following Divine Liturgy (which is Memorial Day weekend), we will hold our annual commemoration of the deceased military veterans of our parish family. Memorial Day is a holiday that was established to officially remember those who have died in service to our country (Veterans Day was established to officially thank our living veterans).  

St. George believes we only have one military serviceman who was our parishioner, Michael J. Vani, who died in service (during World War II). 

St. George has expanded our remembrance to include all the deceased veterans of our “parish family”, and relatives of our parish family that served in the military and are now deceased.  There are two additional names of servicemen who died during their military service - William Liolin and Victor Peristere - they were not parishioners of St. George, but relatives of our parishioners.

For the service, the veterans of our community will stand honor guard around the center Memorial Table.

Click on the following link to view the names list that has been compiled from years previous:  St. George – Deceased Military Veterans from the St. George parish families. If anyone recognizes any missing names, please contact Louise Gallagher by Saturday, May 25th at 3PM, either at her email:,  or by phone @ 203-268-3803. 

Paschal Letter from Bishop Nikodhim - 2024 - 05/02/2024

Attached is the Paschal Letter from Bishop Nikodhim to the parishes of the Albanian Archdiocese.  Please note one is in English, the other is in Albanian (Shqip). 

Bishop Nikodhim's 2024 Paschal Letter - English

Bishop Nikodhim's 2024 Paschal Letter - Albanian (Shqip)

Spring Brunch Fundraiser - Sun, June 2nd - 05/01/2024

Below is an invitation from the Teuta Society to the parishioners and friends of St. George:
Teuta will be sponsoring a fundraising Spring Brunch Buffet on June 2nd after Divine Liturgy (there will be no regular coffee hour that day).

Tickets are $20 per person and $10 for children 12 and under.  Please reserve by Wednesday, May 29th
Please send payment to the Teuta Society, care of St. George. You may buy tickets at the candle desk, or contact Diane Cryan at 203-520-2811. 

Apr 25th UPDATE - Revised 2024 Holy Week Service Schedule - 04/24/2024

The St. George Holy Week Service Sechedule was revised on Thursday, April 25th.   Please click onto the following link to view or download a copy:   2024 REVISED Holy Week Service Schedule

Mother's Day Commemorations - 04/22/2024

We are preparing our annual Mother’s Day Commemorations.

Please submit your donation and names of your mother, stepmother, daughters, stepdaughters, wives, sisters, stepsisters, great grandmothers, great granddaughters, grandmothers, granddaughters, great-aunts, aunts, niece, godmothers, and all those who "mothered" us in our time of need.  Clearly indicate whether they are living or deceased. 

Please submit your names to Louise Gallagher by Saturday, May 11th at 3PM - she needs time to prepare a prayer list for use during Divine Liturgy on Sunday.  Louise can be reached by email:, or by phone @ 203-268-3803. The names will be remembered in prayer during the Divine Liturgy on Mother’s Day, May 12th.

All donations will be used for the beautification of the Church.

Memorials, Funeral/Burial Services & the Paschal Season - 04/21/2024

According to Orthodox teaching, no Memorial Services may be served in the Church from Lazarus Saturday (April 27th) until the Tuesday after Thomas Sunday (May 14th).

Similarly, there are no funerals/burial services served from Holy Thursday (May 2nd) through Bright Monday (May 6th).  

Our departed will only be commemorated at the Proskomedia (Liturgy of Preparation).

Decorating the Petafi - Fri, May 3rd - 04/16/2024

It’s that time again for our Myrrhbearing Women to gather to decorate the Petafi (Christ’s Tomb).

Great and Holy Friday is on May 3rd. We will meet at 10:00 a.m. and the decorating will take approximately 2 hours.

Everyone is welcome. If you have any questions, please contact Pauline Dionis at 203-261-0611.

Looking for Pussy Willow cuttings - 04/16/2024

If there are pussy willows that have not yet budded in your neighborhood, please remember we need them for Saturday, April 27 at 4 PM

2024 Vacation Church School (Three Saints Church, Ansonia) - June 17th thru 21st - 04/16/2024

2024 Vacation Church School at Three Saints Park

When- June 17-21, 2024.    (Registration deadline June 1st)

Where- Three Saints Park, 112 Miller Road, Bethany, CT 06524. 

Time – Daily 9am to 4pm with Family Night on Friday starting at 5pm. 

Cost - $50 per child.

Come join us for our week-long Vacation Church School for youth ages 5-15. Your child will experience fun, faith, friendship, swimming, games, bible study, religious education, worship and song. This year’s theme will be “Christ’s Healers”. 

Questions? - Call Fr. Patrick Burns (203) 734-3988 Children of all faiths are welcome! If you are 16 or older and are interested in volunteering, please contact Fr. Patrick for a volunteer application.

Click onto the following link to view a flyer and registration form: 2024 Vacation Church School  

2024 Youth Rally - Registration Open, Deadline July 15th - 04/15/2024

Below is an email from Fr. Moses Locke regarding the Diocese of New England 2024 Youth Rally:


On Tuesday, April 16, 2024, 11:15 AM, Fr. Moses Locke

It is our pleasure to formally open the registration for the 2024 Youth Rally to be held from August 5th-10th at the St. Methodios Faith and Heritage Center in Contoocook, NH (

The application can now be found on our diocesan website here:
The deadline for registration is July 15th. If you have any questions or concerns please contact Fr. Moses Locke (
Again, we want to reiterate that no child will be turned away due to financial constraints. We would ask that the parents first start in their own parish for financial help, and if they are unable to secure help to speak with Fr. Moses Locke.
Our youth camp is so valuable for our children, please help spread the word and distribute this information widely. Thank you all for your support!
In Christ,
Fr. Moses and the Youth Rally Staff

Click onto the following link to view the 2024 Youth Rally Flyer

Divine Liturgy returns back to 9:30AM start time on Apr 7th - 04/02/2024

As a reminder, as we exit the winter season, Divine Liturgy returns to a 9:30AM start time the first Sunday of April, which is April 7th. 

The 9:30AM start time will continue for the next 7 months.  We will return back to the 10AM schedule the first weekend in November.

Next Teuta Meeting - Sun, Apr 7th - 04/01/2024

The Teuta Ladies Society will have their next meeting on Sunday, April 7th after Divine Liturgy.  The purpose of the  meeting is to discuss Easter and spring events.

All are welcome to attend!

Candy Donations being accepted / Children's Easter Egg Hunt - Due by Sun, Apr 28th - 04/01/2024

The Parish is having it's Children's Easter Egg Hunt following the Paschal Vespers service on Sunday, May 5th.

The Church School will be hosting the Coffee Hour that day after the Paschal Vespers service.

We are requesting candy donations to support the Egg hunt. We have plenty of plastic eggs so there is no need to donate those. The candy donations should be brought to church by Palm Sunday, April 28th. There will be a box in the vestibule for the donations.

Reminder, for those bringing young children, please bring a basket for them to collect their eggs during the hunt.

Thank you for your continued support!

Lenten Bracelets - Veror - 03/26/2024

Once again, we are wearing the red and white bracelets (called a Veror bracelet) on our right hand during lent, an ancient Balkan tradition now incorporated into our Lenten practices.

If you want to be part of this practice, please see Pauline Dionis to get your bracelet.

The bracelets are removed after the services of Pascha, and left on a bush or shrub so a bird can take it for nesting purposes.

Click onto the following link to learn more about the Veror Albanian Lenten bracelet tradition.

Prayer service and "Man of God" movie viewing - Thurs, Apr 11th 6AM. - 03/25/2024

On Thursday April 11th at 6:00 PM, Greg Buzi will host a short prayer service followed by a screening of the movie “Man of God” in the church hall.

Man of God is a movie about St. Nectarios of Aegina.
Click onto the following link to view a trailer for the movie:


Prayer & Discussion Group during Great Lent - 03/13/2024

Greg Buzi II will be leading a prayer and discussion group each Thursday evening during Great Lent.  

The group will meet at 6:15PM. All are welcome!

2024 Lenten Pan-Orthodox Vespers Schedule - 03/05/2024

Below please find the 2024 Lenten Pan-Orthodox Vespers Schedule  

The following contains the schedule of Pan-Orthodox Lenten Vespers services in our region.
Special note: FORCC (Fellowship of Orthodox Church in Connecticut) is hosting the April 7th Vespers.  
Sunday, March 24th - 1st Sunday of Lent
Sunday of Orthodoxy/Eve of Annunciation  
4PM Vespers;  St. Dimitrie Church, Easton
Sunday, March 31st – 2nd Sunday of Lent
St. Gregory Palamas
4PM Vespers; Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church, Bridgeport
Sunday, April 7th – 3rd Sunday of Lent
Sunday of the Cross
FORCC Sunday
4PM Vespers;  St. John the Baptist, Bridgeport
Sunday, April 14th - 4th Sunday of Lent
St. John Climacus (of The Ladder)  
4PM Vespers; St. Nicholas Antiochian, Bridgeport
Sunday, April 21st - 5th Sunday of Lent
St. Mary of Egypt
4PM (Holy Unction Service) Three Saints Church, Ansonia

Parish Body Meeting - Sun, Mar 24th - 03/02/2024

There will be a Parish Body Meeting on Sunday, March 24th after Divine Liturgy.  

The purpose of the meeting is to discuss Stewardship.  

All members are encouraged to attend and participate. 


Parish Body Meeting - Sun, Feb 25th - 02/20/2024

There will be a Parish Body Meeting held after Divine Liturgy on Sunday, February 25th.  All members are encouraged to attend.

Teuta Luncheon Sun, Mar 3rd - Signup by Feb 28th - 02/19/2024

Teuta invites all the women of St George to a luncheon on Sunday, March 3rd at 12 Noon.

The luncheon will be held at Vazzy's, 513 Broadbridge Rd, Bridgeport. Cost is $32/person.

If you are interested, please contact Diane Cryan on her mobile: (203) 520-2811 or by email:, or mail a $32 check addressed to Teuta, care of St George, as soon as possible,

The last day to signup is Wednesday February 28th.

Please pass this invitation along to anyone else who may be interested. 

Online Giving Operational - 02/18/2024

St. George has just completed setting up an Online Giving option with
What is Online giving?  Online giving allows payments to be made either through a credit card, debit card, or directly from a bank account.
Why are you doing this?  Online giving options for charities have been available for over 20 years. Online giving has become more and more popular over the years, and is widely used today by numerous churches and the vast majority of charities.
St. George is adding this as an additional payment option for persons to donate to St. George.  Obviously, our traditional options of donating to St. George by cash or check will continue for those who prefer to use those methods.
Why are you using is the #1 giving platform for churches. Over 37,000 churches and ministries in 50 countries around the world use Additionally, our website host, Orthodox Web Solutions, recommends, and has developed a fully integrated option to work with our website. Finally, there were no set-up fees or monthly fees for using  We have set up an account with and executed several test donations over the past few weeks to verify that the donations are processed and documented properly to our checking account.
What are the fees to make a donation with  As with all electronic payment methods, there are fees charged to use/process donation payments with online giving.  The traditional credit card or debit card fee to make a donation is 2.9% + $0.30 per transaction. Note: American Express charges a higher processing fee, using their card will cost 3.65% + $0.30 per transaction. If you choose to use your bank account, the fee is 1.0% + $0.30 per transaction. We ask those who wish to use the online donation service to pay for the donation fees, as this is a common practice when donating to a charity.
How do I make an online donation? Currently, there are two methods to make an online donation to St. George:

Option 1 – Using the donation platform on our website: ( On the navigation bar at the top of the website, click onto the “Support / Donate link”. This will open up to our donation platform page. Click onto the red “Donate” button and a payment window will open up where you can make your donation. This payment window is similar to what you will find if you use any other online payment function for any retail or charity provider.  If you intend to use the online donations payment method frequently, to speed up the process of making a donation, you may set up an account with (the link to set up an account is on the top right of the payment window).

Option 2 – Using the App on your mobile phone.
You may download the Mobile app for Apple phones (iOS) on the App Store, or for  Google phones (Android) on the Google Play Store. The correct app icon has a light green background. After downloading the app, it will ask you to set up an account (name, email address, PIN).  Next it will ask you to “Find a church …“  Search for and select:  “St. George Orthodox Church, 5490 Main St. Trumbull”.  Follow the payment instructions to finish setting up your account and to make a donation (Credit, Debit, or Bank Account).
Future capability: After running for a few weeks, we will be working on setting up a Kiosk (to operate off of a tablet) to make online donations at St. George. This would facilitate parishioners or visitors requesting to make an online donation at the church, assuming they have a credit card, debit card, or their bank account information with them.  This Kiosk/tablet would also be available for use during the Fall Bazaar and other fund raising events for credit card transactions.

Jesus Prayer Meditation - Wed, Feb 21st - 02/07/2024

On Wednesday, Feb 21st at 6:00PM, Greg Buzi II will host a Jesus Prayer Meditation.

This will be followed by light refreshments and presentation of St Justin Martyr's Second Century Account of the The Divine Liturgy.

Last Day to Donate a frozen ham or turkey - Sun, Feb 18th - 02/05/2024

As we did last year, we have been collecting frozen hams and turkeys since November of last year to distribute to local soup kitchens during this month. The month of February is traditionally a low food donation month for local charities.

We are planning to distribute the frozen hams and turkeys on Monday, Feb 19th (Presidents Day).

The last day to bring the donations to the church freezers (in the Church Hall Storage Room) is Sunday, Feb 18th.

Click onto the following link to view the News Update from last year's donations:

Thank you again for your continued support of our various Charity efforts throughout each year!

Lakror Workshop - Sat, Feb 10th - 01/23/2024

The Teuta Ladies are sponsoring a Lakror Workshop Social on Saturday, February 10th at 10:00AM.

All are welcome to join us to learn how to make lakror or just brush up on your technique!

Of course we will be sampling what we make.  Please let Laura Denisevich know if you plan on attending so that enough ingredients can be purchased.

Bring your rolling pin!

Visit from Bishop Nikodhim this Sun, Jan 14th - 01/10/2024

As a reminder, The Right Reverend Nikodhim, Bishop of Boston and the Albanian Archdiocese, will be making his first visit to St. George as Bishop, and he will be serving Divine Liturgy this Sunday, Jan 14th.  

Since it has been quite a while since a Bishop visited with St. George, here are a few reminders:

1- If you want to greet the Bishop personally, you approach him with you right hand cupped in your left and say: "Your Grace, may I have your Blessing?" or "Master, Bless!"  
When he gives you his blessing, he will place his hand in yours, and then you kiss his hand.  In NO WAY do you shake hands with him.

2- If you are at a distance, and prefer not to greet him personally, just nod in his direction, as your eyes meet.

3- At coffee hour, rise when he enters the Church Hall. 

4- If he chooses to bless the food:   Lord's Prayer / Glory to the Father, etc. / Master, Bless.  After the Blessing:  "Per shume vjet!" (3x) 


Next Teuta Meeting - Sun, Jan 21st - 01/09/2024

The Teuta Ladies Society will have a meeting on Sunday, January 21st after Divine Liturgy.  

All are welcome to attend!

Holy Water Available - 01/08/2024

Fr. Sergei held the Blessing of Water service, and filled water bottles with Holy Water for our parishioners.

Holy Water is available to the faithful to pick-up and take home.

If you have bottles with Holy Water at home from last year, please pour out last year’s water on your houseplants and please bring the empty container for an exchange.

If you have no houseplants, pour the Holy Water into one of the bushes outside your house.

Jesus Prayer Meditation - Thurs, Jan 25th - 01/06/2024

On Thursday January 25th. Greg Buzi, II will be offering a Jesus Prayer meditation followed by light refreshments and a discussion on the approaching feast of The Meeting of The Lord in the Temple.

It will begin at 6:15PM

Duckpin Bowling Youth Social - Sun, Feb 18th - 01/02/2024

FORCC (The Fellowship of Orthodox Churches of Connecticut) is inviting Orthodox youth (young people ages 2 through teens) to a Duckpin Bowling Social on February 18, 2024 from 2PM until 4PM. 

The social will be held at Devon Duckpin Bowl at 551 Naugatuck Ave in Milford (Devon).

There is a capacity limit of 60 people (children + adults), so please make reservations.  For more information or to make reserviations, please contact Eve Nucifora by Feb 11th at 203-675-1575 or

Click onto the more information link below to see a larger view of the flyer. 

Reminder - bring in water bottles for Holy Water - 12/20/2023

Please remember to bring your water bottles to church for the Holy Water on Sunday, January 7th. There will be a few available for purchase at the candle desk as well.

Holiday break schedule for Church School - 12/15/2023

This year, the Church School Holiday break will be on Sunday, Dec 24th & Sunday, Dec 31st.  There will be no meet with Fr Sergei or class instruction on those days.

Church School will resume on the 1st Sunday in January, Jan 7th. 

Parish Meeting - Sun, Dec 17th - 11/24/2023

There will be a Parish meeting at Coffee hour on December 17th.

Everyone is encouraged to attend.

St. Tikhons Seminary Concert at Three Saints Church - Sun, Dec 3rd - 11/24/2023

 St. Tikhon’s Seminary Choir comes again to Connecticut for a special Sacred Music Concert.

Three Saints Orthodox Church in Ansonia, CT will again be hosting a Concert of Sacred Music, sung by seminarians from St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary in South Canaan, PA on Sunday, December 3rd at 4 PM. 

In honor our former chancellor and beloved pastor emeritus, we will be funding “The Very Rev. Mitered Archpriest Nicholas Timpko St. Tikhon’s OCA Seminarian Memorial Scholarship”. There is no admission fee, but donations will help fund the scholarship, to help prepare priests and leaders within the Orthodox Church.  Please see the Flyer Posted on your Church Bulletin Board for more information. 

Donation checks made out to Three Saints Orthodox Church (with STOTS written on your memo line) may be mailed to:
Three Saints Orthodox Church
ATTN: Scholarship
26 Howard Ave,
Ansonia, CT 06401

Don’t hesitate to contact Dn.Peter Romanovsky at 203-305-5683 or for more information or look us up at

May our good Lord bless you for your generosity!

Click onto the following link to view the Conccert flyer.

St. Nicholas Party - Sun, Dec 3rd - 11/21/2023

We are excited to announce that our 2023 St. Nicholas celebration will be held during coffee hour on Sunday, December 3rd.  The Church School is sponsoring the Coffee Hour that day.

This is an annual event specifically for the parish children, but also for the parish community to gather for fellowship and seasonal joy.  There is a visit from Santa for the children, and all participants are encouraged to donate a new, unwrapped Christmas gift to donate to a local charity.

Please RSVP to Curt Dionis (, Pauline Dionis ( ) or Sue Galich ( by Friday, December 1st, as we need a headcount for food planning and presents for the children.

Community Christmas Card - deadline Sun, Dec 10th - 11/16/2023

As in years past, we will be collecting contributions for our annual Community Christmas Card

All submissions must be turned in by Sunday, December 10th for the card to be printed and mailed in a timely manner.

Click onto the following link to view and download an offering form: 2023 Community Christmas Card Form.  We invite all to take part.

Please note there is a short note from the Parish Council on the top half of the form.

If you prefer, hard copies of the form will be available at the church desk.  

Lenten Akathist & Prayer Group - 11/14/2023

Gregory Buzi II will be leading a Lenten Akathist and prayer group every Wednesday during Christmas (advent) lent.

The group will meet at the church at 6:15 PM, starting November 22nd.

If you have any questions, feel free to call Greg Buzi II.  His mobile number is 475-218-2829.

Please attend this spiritually nourishing event.

Albanian Independence Day Celebration - Last day to reserve tickets Sun, Nov 26th - 11/08/2023

St. George will be celebrating Festa e Flamurit (Albanian Independence Day) with dinner, music and dancing on Saturday, December 2nd. 

The celebration will begin at 6PM in the Church Hall.  Please note that beverages will not be served, please bring your own beverages for the evening.

Tickets $50 per person. Children under 15 years old cost $25 per person.  This is a fund raiser for the church. 

Last day to purchase tickets is Sunday, November 26th. Please see or call Nardi Tollkuci for tickets. Mobile: 203-895-4263.  

Collecting frozen Hams and Turkeys - 11/07/2023

As we did last year, over the next 3 months (from November 2023 through January 2024), St. George will be collecting frozen hams and turkeys. They can be placed in the church's freezers located in the Church Hall Storage Room.  

This charity project's intent is to donate the hams and turkeys to local soup kitchens during February 2024 - this is typically when food donations are low.

Click onto the following link to view the News Update from last year's donations:

Thank you again for your continued support of our various Charity efforts throughout each year!



Recognizing our Veterans - Sun, Nov 12th - 11/03/2023

On Sunday, November 12th, we will be recognizing our parish Veterans (Veteran's Day is Saturday, Nov 11th). 

Feast of St. Nektarios - Sun, Nov 12th: 4PM - 10/22/2023

Please view the following flyer which is an invitation from Christ the Savior Church in Southbury, regarding the Feast of St. Nektarios of Aegina on Sunday, Nov 12th at 4PM: 2023 Feast of St. Nektarios


Fall Youth Party at Three Saints - Tues, Oct 31st - 09/28/2023

Below is an invitation from Three Saints Church in Ansonia to their Fall Youth Party:


2023 Fall Youth Party at Three Saints

On Tuesday, October 31, at 4 pm, Three Saints in Ansonia will host A friendly alternative to Halloween.  

We will start in the church with a Moleben followed by games, food, prizes and candy. We need volunteers to help, and donations of candy, or monetary assistance.

It’s an open invitation to all but reservations must be made no later than Friday, the 27th.

Please email us at or call us at 203-735-0117 to offer your time with our youth or to RSVP.


Click onto the following link to view or download their flyer:  2023 Three Saints Fall Youth Party

Help needed for the Church Bazaar - Sat, Oct 28th - 09/27/2023

The  Church Bazaar is back and will be held in our church hall on Saturday, October 28th, from 11:30am to 5:30pm. There are many ways you can help:

The Take a Chance table is looking for new gifts such as themed baskets, gift cards, wine and children’s gifts. See Luba Csernica: or 203-414-8141 (Mobile).

Please consider baking for our Baked Goods table.  See Laura Chadwick or 203-218-1552 (Mobile)  or Kim O'Brien  or 203-907-5578 (Mobile).

Would you like to purchase a page/ad in the Program Booklet to help offset the costs? Click onto the following link to download a Bazaar Ad Book Donation form, or see Diane Cryan: or 203-520-2811 (Mobile).

If you would like to work at the bazaar or are looking for another way to help, please talk to Laura, Luba, Diane, Kim or any other Teuta members. 

Click onto the following link to download a copy of the 2023 Bazaar Flyer

Archdiocese Assembly & Episcopal Ordination - Fri & Sat, Sept 15th & 16th - 09/11/2023

Below is the official announcement from the Albanian Archdiocese regarding the upcoming Annual Assembly and Episcopal Ordination of Bishop-Elect Nikodhim:
The Annual Assembly of the Albanian Orthodox Church in America will be hosted this year (2023) by St. George Albanian Orthodox Cathedral on Friday, September 15, 2023.  This year's Annual Assembly is being held in conjunction with Episcopal Ordination of Bishop-Elect Nikodhim (Preston) as bishop of the Albanian Archdiocese.  This event will take place on Saturday, September 16, 2023 with Matins beginning at 9:00am followed by the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy at 10:00am.  All are invited and encouraged to attend this hostoric event in the life of our Archdiocese.
As a reminder: Cathy Hotova and Bob Lazar are representing our parish as delegates to the Assembly which will be held on Friday.
Additionally: Laura Coughlin and Karen Masek will be attending the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy and Ordination on Saturday.  Below you will find an copy of the invite. You may contact them if you are interested in going. The luncheon option is unavailable as the venue has sold out.

Finally;  Pauline Dionis, Curt & Nicole Dionis and their daughters Brooke & Sophie will attend Divine Liturgy on Sunday, September 17th at the Cathedral in Boston for Fr. Nikodhim’s first service as our Diocesan Bishop.

Gift Announcement:  Individuals have contacted the chancery office asking about options of an appropriate gift for Fr. Nikodhim on the occasion of his episcopal ordination.  St. George is not soliciting donations, but we were instructed to advise areas to donate towards for anyone interesting in making a gift. After Divine Liturgy last weekend, a review of a letter which discusses appropriate gift options was discussed, and a copy of the letter was handed out with the weekly Bulletin. Click onto the following to view this letter:  Gift Option Letter Episcopal Ordination Sept 2023

Below, please find the Episcopal Ordination flyer from the Archdiocese. 

Church Musician Sunday - Sun, Oct 1st - 09/10/2023

Saint George will join the nationwide “Church Musician Sunday”,  recognizing our Choir on Sunday October 1st.  

The Holy Synod of Bishops of the Orthodox Church in America has designated the Sunday on or following the commemoration of Saint Romanus the Melodist (October 1st) as “Church Musician Sunday.”

This yearly designation will take place this year on Sunday, October 1, 2023.

Church Musician Sunday highlights the essential role of liturgical music in Orthodox Christian worship and the important role of church musicians in the life of the Church. 

Parishes are encouraged to recognize those who serve in the various roles involved in Church music: choir directors, singers, chanters, readers, composers, arrangers, and bell-ringers, through a public acknowledgment following the Divine Liturgy.

To the left is a photo of St. George's icon on the rear (or north-side) wall of the choir, which is the Icon of the Feast of the Protection of the Most-Holy Theotokos.  The St. George icon shows the Theotokos standing above the faithful with her arms outstretched in prayer, but below the Theotokos, in the center of the icon, stands Saint Romanus the Melodistthe famous hymnographer whose feast is also celebrated on the same day. On the lower left is his choir. 

Click onto the more information link below to view a larger photo of St. George's icon. 

Hold the Date: Annual Bazaar - Sat, Oct 28th - 09/03/2023

This year's annual Bazaar will be held on Saturday, October 28th.  Additional details will be coming soon.


Connecticut United 9/11 Ride - Sun, Sept 10th - 09/02/2023

On Sunday, September 10th will be the annual CT United Ride (a motorcycle ride with police escort riding through 11 cities and towns to honor those who lost their lives during the 9/11 tragedy).  Please take note of the following which affects Main Street southbound in Trumbull: 

From the Trumbull Police Dept
On Sunday 09/10/23 the CT 911 motorcycle ride will take place. There will not be access to Main St southbound from approximately 12:30-1:30 in the afternoon. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to call me.
Lt. K. Jones, 203-261-3665

Church School began - Sun, Sept 10th - 08/27/2023

Church School for the 2023 - 2024 school year began on Sunday, September 10th.

A reminder: Each Sunday at 9:15AM (except for the 1st Sunday of each month), there will be a short teaching from Fr. Sergei with the Church School children in the Church before the children move to their classes in the Church Hall. (The reason there will be no discussion with the Church School on the 1st Sunday of each month is General Confession is scheduled at that same 9:15AM time). 


Save the Date - Parish Picnic: Sun, Aug 27th - 08/25/2023

The Parish will be holding a Parish Picnic, rain or shine, on Sunday, August 27th after Divine Liturgy.  

Tickets can be purchased at the candle desk or through Diane Cryan.  All inclusive price is $20 for adults and $10 for children 12 and under.  

Advance purchase is preferred so we can get a headcount (please confirm by Sunday, August 20th).  Please contact with any questions.

Click onto the following link to view the flyer:  2023 Parish Picnic

Please save the date and plan to attend.  

St. Dimitrie Fall Festival - Fri & Sat, Sept 8th & 9th - 08/24/2023

St. Dimitrie Orthodox Church in Easton is holding their 43rd Annual Fall Festival on Friday & Saturday, September 8th & 9th.  All are invited,

Click onto the following link to view their 2023 Festival Flyer.

Holy Ghost Church Parish Picnic - Sun, Sept 10th - 08/23/2023

Holy Ghost Church is holding their annual Parish Picnic at Holy Ghost Park in Shelton on Sunday, September 10th.  St. George has been invited to join them. Below please find an email invite from Fr. Mark Roosien, the new pastor of Holy Ghost Church.  Click on the following link to view their flyer: Holy Ghost Church Annual Picnic

Email from Fr. Mark Roosien:

Dear St George's, 

Blessed Feast! I hope you are all doing well. This is Fr Mark Roosien, the new pastor of Holy Ghost Church here in Bridgeport.
I'm writing to share with you information about our parish's annual picnic on September 10 at Holy Ghost Park in Shelton. I would ask you to please add this to your bulletin/communications with your parishioners at St George over the next few weeks and let them know they are invited to join us. 
Thank you!
In XC,
Fr Mark

FORCC 30th Anniv Banquet - Sun, Oct 1st - 08/22/2023

On October 1, 2023 FORCC (Fellowship of Orthodox Churches of Connecticut) will celebrate the 30th anniversary of its founding.

The annual banquet will be held at St. Dimitrie Romanian Orthodox Church in Easton starting at 12:30pm.

The guest speaker will be Dr. Philip Mamalakis from Holy Cross Seminary.

Each parish has received information for making reservations for the banquet. A buffet dinner will be available for $45.00 for reservations made by Sept. 20th. Children's tickets, up to age 12, are $10.00.

Contact your parish FORCC representative for tickets or Nina Kosowsky at


Reminder to bring Herbs or Flowers for the Dormition of the Theotokos - Sun, Aug 20th - 08/06/2023

The Orthodox Church annually celebrates the feast of the Dormition of the Theotokos on August 15th – this year the 15th falls on a Tuesday. 

St. George is transferring the celebration of this great feast to Sunday, August 20th when Fr. Dennis Rhodes will be celebrating Divine Liturgy for us.  This feast commemorates the repose (dormition) or "falling-asleep" of the Virgin Mary. 

As a reminder, please bring in fragrant herbs or flowers, which will be blessed after Divine Liturgy. In the Orthodox Church it is common practice to bless all fragrant herbs or flowers on this feast.

Blessing of Harvest on the Feast of Transfiguration - Sun, Aug 6th - 07/27/2023

The August 6th Feast of the Transfiguration of Christ falls on a Sunday this year.

The Orthodox Church keeps an ancient tradition, stretching all the way back to the early church, of blessing grapes and other fruits and vegetables on this feast as a sign of God's renewal of all creation through Christ. 

Please bring fruits or vegetables to be blessed and to share at coffee hour. In particular, if you have items that you have grown in your own gardens, please bring a few that are ripe and ready to eat! 



Next Teuta Meeting - Sun, Aug 6th - 07/25/2023

The next Teuta Meeting will be Sunday, August 6th after Divine Liturgy

We will be continuing our discussion on the Picnic and Food Fest.  All are welcome to attend.

Organizing a Book Club Review for Fr. Siniari's book "Big in Heaven" - 07/12/2023

We would like to organize a group that is interested in reading our former priest Fr. Stephen Siniari’s book titled 'Big in Heaven". It is a collection of short stories.
Once we determine the level of interest we can aim for a scheduling a meeting in September and try to get Fr. Stephen to a Zoom conference with us to discuss.
Contact Laura Coughlin at if you are interested. The book is available for purchase on Amazon:

Below:  some reviews of the book "Big in Heaven":
First Things - America's foremost journal of religion and public life says:
Big in Heaven is religious fiction as it should be: compelling, immensely readable stories that are challenging and spiritually eye-opening. Both poignant and profound...
Englewood Reviews, a major Protestant book review site, called Big in Heaven,
“…A humble incarnation of broken beauty.”
Catholic World Report lists Big In Heaven among the Best Books of 2021
 Rhonda Ortiz - Catholic World Report:
Big in Heaven by Stephen Siniari (Ancient Faith Publishing, 2020) is a collection of short stories about Saint Alexander the Whirling Dervish Orthodox Church, a fictional parish in a gritty working-class Philadelphia neighborhood. Through Fr. Naum, the humble and perceptive parish priest, we enter into the complex lives of Saint Alexander’s motley and often eccentric parishioners and neighbors.

About the Author:
Father Stephen N. Siniari is a retired priest of the Albanian Archdiocese. During almost 40 years in ministry, Fr. Stephen served parishes in New England and the Philadelphia/South Jersey area while working full time as a street outreach worker in Philadelphia, Atlantic City, & Camden, NJ, serving homeless, at-risk, and trafficked teens with the international Roman Catholic Agency, Covenant House. Born and raised in Philadelphia, he currently lives on the Florida Gulf Coast with Margot, his wife of more than 40 years.

Visitation from the Shkurtis - Sun, July 9th - 07/05/2023

Deacon Eugene and Livia Shkurti will be visiting St. George this Sunday, July 9th.

He has completed his second year of studies at Saint Vladimir’s Seminary and is taking an intense program of Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) this summer.  His visits are part of his parish internship.
Please welcome both of them at our Coffee Hour.

Interviews from Albania with Fr. Nikodhim - 07/04/2023

Below please find 2 interviews with Fr. Nikodhim (Preston) recently posted from Radio Ngjallja in Albania. The interviews are conducted in both Albanian and English.

The Right Reverend Archimandrite Nikodhim is the Bishop-elect of Boston and the Albanian Archdiocese. Fr.  Nikodhim is presently the Administrator of the Albanian Archdiocese, and is spending 3 months in Albania before his scheduled episcopal ordination which will be in September 2023.   Photo:  Fr. Nikodhim (left) with Metropolitan Tikhon at the conclusion of the Special Assembly of the Albanian Archdiocese, September 22, 2022.

1st Interview with Fr. Nikodhim, posted by Radio Ngjallja on July 3, 2023

2nd Interview, posted by Radio Ngjallja on June 29, 2023

OCA Manual on "Essential Orthodox Christian Beliefs" - 06/20/2023

The Orthodox Church in America (OCA) has announced the availability of a groundbreaking manual that has been recently completed in an cooperative effort of various Departments of the OCA.  It is now offered to the Church to assist clergy and parishes in their work of instructing inquirers and the faithful in the truths of the Orthodox Christian Faith.  

The manual, which is 16 chapters, is available for viewing at the following link and is titled “Essential Orthodox Christian Beliefs: A Manual for Adult Instruction”.

This work is not meant to replace time-trusted books and publications which have taught generations but to work in concert with them.

Zoom Book Club for 3 books from Fr. Stephen Siniari - 06/08/2023

Below is an invite to participate in a Zoom book review with Fr. Stephen Siniari who has authored 3 books that have received positive reviews from Catholic World report.  If anyone is interested, please see someone on the Council and they can get you contact information for Fr. Naum to obtain Zoom participation credentials

Zoom With Father Naum - Among Best Books Says Catholic World Report
Father, Brothers & Sisters,
Looking for a unique Parish Activity?
Father Stephen Siniari, author
of a 3 volume collection of 
Orthodox short stories
published by Ancient Faith Media
will host a one hour Zoom discussion
for groups in your parish without charge.
Email now to reserve a date and time
that works for you and your parish groups.
Real life faith in action
Gritty and raw
Big In Heaven
Secret Turning
Bread From Home
Not for the faint of heart
An artfully crafted collection
Featuring Father Naum
An ordinary priest
Serving God's extraordinary people
In the working-class Philly Fishtown parish of
Saint Alexander the Whirling Dervish
Real-life people immersed together 
In the day-to day struggle 
To see in one another & in all creation
An icon of God's love
First Things - America's foremost journal of religion and public life says:
Big in Heaven is religious fiction as it should be: 
compelling, immensely readable stories 
that are challenging and spiritually eye-opening. 
Both poignant and profound...
Englewood Reviews, 
a major Protestant book review site, 
called Big in Heaven,
“…A humble incarnation of broken beauty.”
Catholic World Report Lists 
Big In Heaven 
Among the Best Books of 2021
Rhonda Ortiz - Catholic World Report:
Big in Heaven by Stephen Siniari (Ancient Faith Publishing, 2020) is a collection of short stories about Saint Alexander the Whirling Dervish Orthodox Church, a fictional parish in a gritty working-class Philadelphia neighborhood. Through Fr. Naum, the humble and perceptive parish priest, we enter into the complex lives of Saint Alexander’s motley and often eccentric parishioners and neighbors.
Orthodox Short Stories nominated for the 
Pen/American Robert W. Bingham Prize 
for a Debut Short Story Collection
About the Author
Father Stephen N. Siniari is a retired priest of the Albanian Archdiocese. During almost 40 years in ministry, Fr. Stephen served parishes in New England and the Philadelphia/South Jersey area while working full time as a street outreach worker in Philadelphia, Atlantic City, & Camden, NJ, serving homeless, at-risk, and trafficked teens with the international Roman Catholic Agency, Covenant House. Born and raised in Philadelphia, he currently lives on the Florida Gulf Coast with Margot, his wife of more than 40 years.

Reminder: Upcoming Fast-Free and Fasting Weeks - 06/01/2023

The next few weeks include upcoming fast-free and fasting weeks:
June 5th – June 10th  is a Fast-Free Week. The week after Pentecost (also called Trinity Week) is fast-free until the Saturday before All Saints Sunday
June 11th through June 28th is the St. Peter & Paul (Apostles’) Fast

LaBache Scholarship applications being accepted - Due Sun, July 16th - 05/28/2023

Applications for the 2023 Thomas and Katherine LaBache Scholarships are now being accepted. 

Click on the following link to view the 2023 Announcement

Click on the following link to view the 2023 Guidelines

Click on the following link to obtain the 2023 Application

Reminder - the applications must be returned by Sunday, July 16th.

Commemorating our Deceased Military Veterans - Sun, May 28th - 05/25/2023

On Sunday, May 28th following Divine Liturgy (which is Memorial Day weekend), we will hold our annual commemoration of the deceased military veterans of our parish family. Memorial Day is a holiday that was established to officially remember those who have died in service to our country (Veterans Day was established to officially thank our living veterans).  

St. George believes we only have one military serviceman who was our parishioner, Michael J. Vani, who died in service (during World War II).  St. George has expanded our remembrance to include all the deceased veterans of our “parish family”, and relatives of our parish family that served in the military and are now deceased.  There are two additional names of servicemen who died during their military service - William Liolin and Victor Peristere - they were not parishioners of St. George, but relatives of our parishioners.

For the service, the veterans of our community will stand honor guard around the center Memorial Table.

Click on the following link to view the names list that has been compiled from years previous:  St. George – Deceased Military Veterans from the St. George parish families. If anyone recognizes any missing names, please contact Louise Gallagher at her email:,  or by phone @ 203-268-3803. 

Father's Day Commemorations - Sun, June 18th - 05/18/2023

We are preparing our annual Fathers’s Day Commemorations. Father's Day is Sunday, June 18th

Please submit your donation and names of your father, stepfather, sons, stepsons, husbands, brothers, stepbrothers, great grandfather, great grandsons, grandfathers, grandsons, great-uncles, uncles, nephews, godfathers, and all those who were "fathers" to us in our time of need.  Clearly indicate whether they are living or deceased.  

 Please submit your names to Louise Gallagher by Saturday, June 17th at 3PM - she needs time to prepare a prayer list for use during Divine Liturgy on Sunday.  Louise can be reached by email:, or by phone @ 203-268-3803.

The names will be remembered in prayer during the Divine Liturgy on Father’s Day, June 18th. 

All donations will be used for the beautification of the Church.

Pilgrimage for All Saints of North America - Salisbury, June 18th - 05/17/2023

Below is an email from Fr. John Kreta inviting all to join the All Saints of North America Church in Salisbury on the Feast of All Saints of America


Subject: [CT Deanery] Pilgrimage for All Saints of North America - June 18

Dear Brothers in Christ,

Christ is Risen!

I would like to invite all of you and your parishioners to join our parish on the Feast of All Saints of America.

On Sunday, June 18, at 4:00 PM, at All Saints of North America Church, Salisbury, CT, an Akathist Service (a service of praise and thanksgiving) will be celebrated before the icons and relics of 10 of the North American Saints. The service will be followed by a fellowship reception with refreshments. You will have the opportunity to venerate and pray before the relics of St. Herman of Alaska, St. Innocent Apostle to America, St. Tikhon Enlightener of North America, St. John of San Francisco, St. Nikolai of South Canaan, St. Raphael of Brooklyn, St. Mardarije of Libertyville, St. Alexis of Wilkes-Barre, St. Sabastian of Jackson and St. Vasily who served in Waterbury CT. We also have a relic of St. Gregory the Theologian that will also be available for veneration.

Please find attached a poster to print and hang in your parishes and to send out in your bulletins.

All of you are invited to serve, we will be wearing Green Vestments.

I hope you are able to join us on this wonderful Feast celebrating the Saints that lived and walked on these lands of North America.

With Love in the Risen Lord,
Fr. John

Archpriest John Kreta
Priest-in-Charge, All Saints of North America Mission
Salisbury, CT


Click onto the following link to view their poster: Pilgrimage and Feast of All Saints of North America

2023 Diocese of New England Youth Rally - Deadline July 18th - 05/14/2023

The 2023 Diocese of New England Youth Rally registration is now open. This is an event where diocesan youth come together in a camp setting for Orthodox Christian education, fellowship, and worship.

Youth Rally is hosted at the Saint Methodios Faith and Heritage Center, a beautiful camp and retreat center in Contoocook, New Hampshire. The event spans the entire week from August 7th through August 12th, and it is for children of ages 9 – 17.

The firm deadline for registrations is July 18th, 2023.

Click onto the following link to view the 2023 Youth Rally poster.  To learn more and to download application forms, open the following link:

Archdiocesan Visitation - Sun, May 14th - 05/08/2023

Archimandrite Nikodhim, in his capacity of Administrator of the Albanian Archdiocese, will be visiting Saint George for Divine Liturgy on Sunday, May 14th.  He will be accompanied by the newly ordained Deacon Juxhin (Eugene) and Livia Shkurti.
We are excited for the opportunity of such a visit.

Future Fund collection to begin Sunday, May 14th - 05/07/2023

At our Parish Discussion meetings, it was suggested with significant support to install a weekly basket collection during Divine Liturgy which will be ear-marked for fund support in our efforts to secure a full-time priest for St. George.  This effort will be called our Future Fund collection.  The intent is for this collection to be separate from our Stewardship donations, which will continue to be collected at the Church Desk.  If using a check, please indicate "Future Fund" in the memo portion of your check.

Donations may also be mailed into the church.

Click onto the following link to view a flyer:  St. George Future Fund
As always, we thank everyone in advance of their support and generosity to this important effort.

Next Parish Discussion meeting - Sun, May 7th - 04/24/2023

We elected to postpone the Parish Discussion meeting originally scheduled for April 23rd two additional weeks due to the priority of the Teuta brunch to celebrate the Feast of St. George, the patron saint of our parish. 

The next of Discussion Meeting will be held Sunday, May 7th.  Please try to attend. 

All are welcome.

Mother’s Day Commemorations - Names due by Sat, May 13th - 04/23/2023

We are preparing our annual Mother’s Day Commemorations.

Please submit your donation and names of your mother, stepmother, daughters, stepdaughters, wives, sisters, stepsisters, great grandmothers, great granddaughters, grandmothers, granddaughters, great-aunts, aunts, niece, godmothers, and all those who "mothered" us in our time of need.  Clearly indicate whether they are living or deceased. 

Please submit your names to Louise Gallagher by Saturday, May 13th at 3PM - she needs time to prepare a prayer list for use during Divine Liturgy on Sunday.  Louise can be reached by email:, or by phone @ 203-268-3803. The names will be remembered in prayer during the Divine Liturgy on Mother’s Day, May 14th. 

All donations will be used for the beautification of the Church.

Teuta Luncheon Sun, May 21st - Signup by May 14th - 04/22/2023

Teuta invites all the women of St George to a luncheon on Sunday, May 21st at 12 Noon.

It will be a buffet at Casa Nova Restaurant, 833 River Rd, Shelton. Carpools will be available after church. Cost is $35/person.

If you are interested contact Diane Cryan at her mobile: (203) 520-2811 or by email:, or mail a $35 check addressed to Teuta, care of St George, as soon as possible, by Sunday May 14th. 

Please pass this invitation along to anyone else who may be interested. 


Archdiocesan Seminarian to be ordained - Sun, Apr 23rd - 04/18/2023

Our Archdiocesan Seminarian Eugene (Juxhin) Shkurti will be ordained Deacon this Sunday, April 23rd. Our prayers for him and his wife Livia at this momentous occasion.

The photo on the left is after Seminarian Juxhin Shkurti was ordained as a Subdeacon on September 23, 2022 at the Special Assembly of the Albanian Archdiocese held at St. Nicholas Church in Jamaica Estates, NYC - from Left to Right: Subdeacon Juxhin Shkurti, Met. Tikhon, and Livia Shkurti.  

Ordination at Holy Ghost Church - Sat, May 6th - 04/18/2023

Announcement from Holy Ghost parish:
Metropolitan TIKHON will be ordaining Deacon Mark Roosien to the Holy Priesthood on Saturday, May 6th at Holy Ghost Church. 
The Holy Ghost parish is planning a luncheon afterward, and so need to know how many plan to attend.  A simple sign-up sheet has been created to aid them in this effort. 
Please sign up if you plan to attend Dn. Mark's ordination and stay for the luncheon before April 30th. 
Immediately below is the link to sign-up:

2023 Vacation Church School - Sign-up by Thurs, June 1st - 04/17/2023

2023 Vacation Church School at Three Saints Park

When- June 19-23, 2023 (NOTE NEW DATES). 

Where- Three Saints Park, 112 Miller Road, Bethany, CT 06524. 

Time – Daily 9am to 4pm with Family Night on Friday starting at 5pm. 

Cost- $45 per child.

Come join us for our week-long Vacation Church School for youth ages 5-15. Your child will experience fun, faith, friendship, swimming, games, bible study, religious education, worship and song. This year’s theme will be “The Holy Apostles”. 

Questions? - Call Fr. Patrick Burns (203) 734-3988

Children of all faiths are welcome!

Click onto the following link to view the Three Saints Vacation Church School flyer

Memorials, Funeral/Burial Services & the Paschal Season - 04/13/2023

According to Orthodox teaching, no Memorial Services may be served in the Church from Lazarus Saturday (April 8th) until the Tuesday after Thomas Sunday (April 25th).

Similarly, there are no funerals/burial services served from Holy Thursday (April 13th) through Bright Monday (April 17th).  

Our departed will only be commemorated at the Proskomedia (Liturgy of Preparation).

2023 Holy Week Schedule - 04/10/2023

Click onto the following link to download a copy of this year's Holy Week Schedule:   St. George - 2023 Holy Week Schedule

Candy Donations being accepted / Children's Easter Egg Hunt - Due by Fri, Apr 14th - 04/09/2023

The Parish is having it's Children's Easter Egg Hunt following the Paschal Vespers on Sunday, April 16th.

We are requesting candy donations to support the Egg hunt. We have plenty of plastic eggs so there is no need to donate those. The candy donations should be brought to church by Good Friday, April 14th. There will be a box in the vestibule for the donations.

Thank you for your continued support!

Teuta-hosted Brunch for the Feast of St. George - Sun, Apr 23rd - 04/09/2023

Below is an invitation from the Teuta Society to the parishioners of St. George

Everyone is invited to celebrate the Feast of St. George next Sunday, April 23rd.

Teuta is hosting, and will serve a complementary light brunch at coffee hour immediately following church service next Sunday.

Decorating the Petafi - Fri, April 14th - 04/09/2023

We will be gathering to decorate the Petafi (Christ’s Tomb) on Holy Friday, April 14th, at 10AM.

Everyone is welcome. If you have any questions, contact Pauline Dionis.

Update: Lack of Pussy willows for Palm Sunday - 04/06/2023

With the pronounced scarcity of pussy willows this year, Saint George will follow the practice of the Orthodox Church of France and use boxwood fronds together with palms in celebration of Palm Sunday.

Reminder: Service Start time changes back to 9:30AM - Sun, Apr 2nd - 03/27/2023

As an early reminder, the service start time for Divine Liturgy will change from 10AM to 9:30AM on the first Sunday of April.  For this calendar year (for 2023) that will occur on April 2nd. 
The Parish Council conducted a start-time survey with parishioners approximately 18 months ago.  That survey resulted in the majority of parishioners preferring a 9:30AM start time, but as part of a compromise, the Council decided to go back to a 10AM start time during the winter months. 
This is the current approved Calendar Schedule for Divine Liturgy: 
10AM Divine Liturgy (from the 1st Sunday in November through March)
9:30AM Divine Liturgy (from the 1st Sunday in April through October)

Teuta Meeting - Sun, Apr 2nd - 03/27/2023

There will be a Teuta meeting on April 2nd during Coffee hour.

There are lots of activities in the works. New members are welcome!

Brunch/Coffee Hour after Memorial for Vanjgo 'Petri' Konstantini - Sun, Apr 2nd - 03/27/2023

This Sunday, April 2nd, the family of Vanjgo ‘Petri’ Konstantini are preparing a brunch for the Coffee Hour after the 40-Day Memorial service for Vanjgo.  They wish to ensure the parish is aware it is invited.

Daylight Saving Time Begins - Sun, March 12th - 03/09/2023

As a reminder, Daylight Saving Time begins on Sunday, March 12th.
At 2AM, clocks need to be turned forward 1 hour to 3AM.

Albanian Resource for Lenten Preparation (Burim Shqiptar per Përgatitjen e Kreshmës) - 03/08/2023

Click onto the following link to view a Lenten preparation document in Albanian:   2023 Albanian Lenten Preparation

 Klikoni në lidhjen e mëposhtme për të parë dokumentin e përgatitjes së Kreshmës në Shqip:   2023 Përgatitja e Kreshmës Shqiptare

Collecting frozen Turkeys & Hams for Spring Soup Kitchen Drive - 03/08/2023

Based on the success of last year’s late fall/early winter collection of frozen hams and turkeys for local soup kitchens, St. George is setting up a new drive for this spring. We will be collecting frozen hams and turkeys beginning now (mid-March) and will collect continuously over the next 2 -3 months with a target to deliver the foods in early June.  Click onto the following link to view a news update of this past winter collection and delivery of frozen turkeys & hams to two food pantries:


Status on efforts to find a full-time Priest - 02/28/2023

At several parish meetings in 2022, and at the January 2023 Annual Parish Body meeting, after significant discussion and consensus, the parish body formally approved to focus its efforts on finding a full-time priest.  

The Parish Council, through a letter from Bill Kovachi (Parish Council President) communicated the parish's decision and to set up discussions with the Archdiocese on next steps. 

Click onto the following links to view Bill's email to the Archdiocese, and 2 reply emails: 

Feb 21, 2023 - Bill Kovachi's Letter to Archbishop Mark (Locum tenens of the Albanian Archdiocese) and Archimandrite Nikodhim (Administrator of the Albanian Archdiocese) 

Feb 22, 2023 - Email reply to from Archimandrite Nikodhim (Administrator of the Albanian Archdiocese)

Feb 22, 2023 - Email reply from Fr. Mark Doku (Chancellor of the Albanian Archdiocese)



Icon of the Priesthood as an image of Christ - 02/27/2023

The photo below is of an icon that represents the Priesthood as an image of Christ.

As we begin our process to move forward to find a full-time priest with the help of the Albanian Archdiocese, this icon will be placed in the kiot (icon case) on the center table of the church during Great Lent.

Great Lent & Lenten Fasting - 02/23/2023

We are now approaching the season of Great Lent.  This year, Great Lent begins Monday, Feb 27th.

During this time, Orthodox Christians fast and pray in preparation for the celebration of Christ’s Resurrection.

According to the Tradition of the Church, we observe this Fast by abstaining from meat (including poultry and eggs), dairy, fish, olive oil and wine. While many people relax these rules, it is important that we do as much as we can, so that we can properly prepare ourselves spiritually for the Great Feast of our Lord’s Resurrection.  

To read more on Lenten Fasting, click onto the following link:

Earthquake Collection for Turkey & Syria - ends Sun, Mar 5th - 02/15/2023

All have heard of the devastating earthquake that hit Turkey and Syria on the morning of February 6th.  The death toll is over 40,000, and millions of people are in need of shelter, food, and other supplies.  St. George will be collecting donations over the next 3 weeks to assist the relief efforts in these two countries. 

We will be collecting through Sunday, March 5th which is the Sunday of Orthodoxy.  All donations will be forwarded to the IOCC (International Orthodox Christian Charities), an international humanitarian aid agency who will be coordinating relief efforts to their regional partners. 

We are asking that checks be addressed to St. George.  Please make a note on the check that it is for Earthquake Relief.  One check will be sent from St. George to the IOCC shortly after March 5th.

If you prefer to donate directly to the IOCC, they have a donation page set up for you to make that donation.  It can be reached here:  IOCC 2/6 Earthquake Response

The February Charity tray for the next two Sundays (Feb 19th & Feb 26th) will be postponed so we can focus on the earthquake relief crisis.

For those attending the Sunday of Orthodoxy Pan-Orthodox Vespers service on March 5th at Holy Ghost Church in Bridgeport, all monies collected at that service will also be ear-marked and forwarded for the Earthquake Relief efforts.

As always, your generosity is greatly appreciated.



REMINDER: Teuta Meeting this Sun, Feb 19th - 02/14/2023

As a reminder, the monthly Teuta meeting will be held this Sunday, February 19th after Divine Liturgy. The meeting will be a quick one.  

For more information, you may contact Diane Cryna at 203-520-2811, or at

Looking for Pussy Willow cuttings - 02/14/2023

With the warm winter we are experiencing here in February, we are giving an early alert to look out for pussy willow blooms this year.

If you have pussy willow bushes on your property, or know of anyone who has them, please watch for the budding and cut them, storing them in a cool, dark, dry place.
They are needed for Palm Sunday which is April 9th this year.

UPDATED: 2023 Lenten Pan-Orthodox Vespers Schedule - 02/05/2023

Below please find the 2023 Lenten Pan-Orthodox Vespers Schedule  

The following contains the schedule from the Connecticut Deanery (coded CTD) and for the Orthodox Clergy Association of Greater Bridgeport (OCAGB).  Please note that some of the services will be jointly hosted.  Additionally, FORCC (Fellowship of Orthodox Church in Connecticut) is hosting the March 19th Vespers.  


Sunday, March 5th - 1st Sunday of Lent
Sunday of Orthodoxy  
4PM Vespers;  Holy Ghost, East Main St., Bridgeport (CTD & OCAGB)  SPECIAL NOTE: The collection from this service will be earmarked for Earthquake relief in Syria and Turkey.

Sunday, March 12th – 2nd Sunday of Lent
St. Gregory Palamas
4PM Vespers; Christ the Savior, Southbury (CTD)
4PM Vespers; St. Nicholas, Bridgeport (OCAGB)


Sunday, March 19th – 3rd Sunday of Lent
Veneration of the Holy Cross
4PM Vespers;  Holy Trinity, Bridgeport (FORCC)

Sunday, March 26th - 4th Sunday of Lent
St. John Climacus (of The Ladder)  
4PM Vespers; Sts. Cyril and Methodius, Terryville (CTD)
4PM Vespers; St. John the Baptist, Broadbridge Ave, Stratford (OCAGB)

Sunday, April 2nd - 5th Sunday of Lent
St. Mary of Egypt
4PM Vespers (Holy Unction Service) Three Saints Church, Ansonia (CTD & OCAGB)


Sunday, April 9th - 6th Sunday of Lent
Palm Sunday  
4PM Bridegroom Matins; Holy Trinity Church, New Britain (CTD)

4PM Bridegroom Matins; St. John the Baptist, Bridgeport (OCAGB)




The health safety protocols in response to COVID-19 presently vary from parish to parish. Some parishes have relaxed these protocols almost entirely. Others have not. Therefore, we ask any person choosing to attend any of these events should be prepared to wear a facemask (facial PPE), and to follow any other health safety protocols that may be in place in any given parish. Thank you for your understanding and respectful cooperation.
June 18th:  Fr. John Kreta, our Chancellor for the CT Deanery, also invites all our deanery clergy and faithful to join them again at All Saints of North America Mission, in Salisbury.


Save the Date - New England Youth Rally - 02/02/2023

Click onto the following link to view a "Save the Date" flyer announcement for the 2023 New England Youth Rally. The Youth Rally is scheduled for August 7th -12th.

More information: The Diocese of New England Youth Rally is an event where diocesan youth come together in a camp setting for Orthodox Christian education, fellowship, and worship. It is a time for learning more about our Orthodox Faith and applying it in the world in which we live. It is also a time for making or renewing friendships, and for having fun!  (from the 2022 Diocese of New England Youth Rally website announcement)

Holy Water bottles - 02/01/2023

If anyone has more than two Holy Water bottles at home, please return them to church. In the last two years we have purchased over 200 bottles and have none in reserve after this year. Please drop them off at the candle desk. Thank you.

FORCC Youth Social Event - Sun, Feb 12th - 01/26/2023

Below please find an announcement for a Youth Social event hosted by FORCC (Federation of Orthodox Churches of Connecticut)


Enjoy another get together with other Orthodox youth!  FORCC invites our young people to:

Duckpin Bowling on Sunday, February 12, from 2-4 pm.

Devon Duckpin Bowl

551 Naugatuck Avenue

Milford (Devon)


                        FREE  BOWLING &  ICE CREAM SOCIAL

                                    FUN  FROM  2 THRU TEENS

For more information and reservations please contact:

DANIEL  COWAN (203)996-6165       DANIELCOWAN2@PM.ME 

EVE  NUCIFORA   (203)874-5448   EVECKN@GMAIL.COM            


Cut-off is Sunday, February 5





2022 Year-End Contribution Statements - 01/10/2023

Year-End 2022 Contribution Statements were emailed to parishioners on Tuesday, January 10th. 

For parishioners who do not have an email address and normally receive a paper statement, those statements were mailed on Tuesday, January 17th.   Assuming normal mail cycle-times, everyone should have their statement by this weekend, January 21st.

If you have any questions, please email or text the Financial Secretary @  or 203-414-8141.


Parish Meeting - Sun, Jan 29th - 01/05/2023

There will be a Parish-body meeting on Sunday, January 29h after Divine Liturgy in the Church Hall.

Please plan to attend and participate! 

Feast of Theophany - transferred to Sun, Jan 8th - 01/04/2023

The celebration of the Feast of Theophany is being transferred from Friday, Jan 6th to Sunday, Jan 8th. 

Click onto the following link to view a service booklet we will use for this Sunday's Liturgy (service when transferred to a Sunday):  Theophany Liturgy when transferred to a Sunday. 

Booklets will be printed and available for Sunday Liturgy in church, or feel free to print out your own copy. 

Please remember to bring your empty plastic Holy Water bottles to church for Holy Water.  These bottles will be filled during the week and will be available to take home on Sunday, January 15th.   If you still have Holy Water in the bottle from last year, you may water a potted plant. 

Celebrating the Teuta Ladies Society on their 90th Anniversary - 01/03/2023

Note from the Teuta Society: 

We will be celebrating the 90th anniversary of the Teuta Society on Sunday, January 15th at our coffee hour.

There will also be a Teuta meeting to make plans for the new year. We look forward to seeing everyone there! 

Diane Cryan - President


The following excerpted from St. George's website under  "Parish History"

....  The ladies of our community were not idle. Between 1928 and 1930, many wives of the original settlers arrived from Albania. Often they were homesick, missing the relatives and loved ones they had left behind, and lonely as their husbands had to work long hours away from home. The same Thomas L. Tallcouch, who formed the Ylli, organized the Queen Teuta Ladies Society in 1931. 

The Teuta Ladies Society satisfied a deeply felt need for social interaction and provided the opportunity to share concerns and experiences. The first meeting was held at the home of Cornelia Soter in January, 1932. The hostess prepared a delicious byrek for the occasion. [This dish, sometimes referred to as lakror in our community, continues to be the piece de resistance of our parish hospitality.] The first executive committee consisted of Cornelia Soter (president), Dhora Polena (vice-president), Beatrice Tallcouch (secretary), Kaliroi Dionis (treasurer) and Emilia Stephan (trustee). These two societies formed the nucleus of the future church. The Teuta Ladies Society has always been at the heart of all church activities, sponsoring numerous social and religious affairs. Their continued contributions have been a blessing to us all. ....

Missionary Update from Albania - 01/03/2023

Sharon Buzi wishes to share the update email and photos she received from Steve and Theophani Sarigianis who are volunteering as missionaries in Albania under the OCMC (Orthodox Christian Mission Center).

Letter from the Sarigianis's

Link to photos from Christmas 

Fast-free period through Jan 4th - 12/25/2022

As a reminder, from Dec 25th  (the Nativity of Our Lord, or Christmas Day) through Wednesday, January 4th is a fast-free period.  

Holiday Pop Up Shop - 12/15/2022

Please join us during coffee hour and visit our Holiday Pop Up Shop where you can find some unique, hand-crafted last minute gifts. All profits will benefit the Teuta Ladies Society.

Teuta Holiday Cookie Sale – Pick up orders Sun, Dec 18th - 12/13/2022

The Teuta Ladies Society are towards the end of their Holiday Cookie Sale, having taken orders over the past few weeks.

For those who placed orders, your boxes of cookies and/or pastries will be available to be picked up this Sunday, Dec 18th in the Church Hall.

If you are unable to pick up your orders this Sunday, please contact Diane Cryan to arrange a time to get them.  Diane can be reached by email or mobile: or 203-520-2811

Teuta Holiday Cookie Sale - Order by Dec 11th - 11/30/2022

Members from the Teuta Ladies Society are sponsoring a Holiday Cookie Sale this December. 

Ethnic favorites such as Kurabie, Kuluraqka (also known as “twisted” cookies), and Baklava will be available to be purchased in prepared boxes.  Click onto the following link to view and download an order form which has the ordering and pricing details of the prepared boxes of cookies or pastries: Teuta Holiday Cookie Sale - Order Form. 

The Teuta Society is asking that orders be placed by Sunday, December 11th, as quantities may be limited.

As always, thanks in advance for your support of this fundraiser!  

Vesperal Liturgy of St. Basil scheduled for Christmas Eve, Dec 24th, 4PM - 11/20/2022

The Parish Council and Father Sergei decided to celebrate the feast of the Nativity of Christ (Christmas) with a Vesperal Liturgy of St. Basil on Saturday, December 24th, Christmas Eve, at 4:00 PM.

For those planning on taking Communion, in preparation, they should begin their fast by noon of December 24th.

For those following the livestream services, click onto the following link to view the service booklet:  Vesperal Liturgy of St. Basil for Christmas

Booklets will be available for those coming for the Vesperal Liturgy at the church.

There will be no church services on December 25th, but the church will be open from 10 to 10:30 AM for those who wish to offer prayers and or put up a candle.


Feast of the Entrance of the Virgin Mary - 11/16/2022

November 21st is a Holy Day - the feast of the Entrance of the Virgin Mary into the Temple.  We are moving the celebration of this feast to Sunday, November 20th

We can say that this feast is a type of “Church School' feast. ”We will have a special procession with prayers at the end of Divine Liturgy with all children participating!

The Feast commemorates when Mary, as a young child, was taken – presented – by her parents Joachim and Anna into the Temple in Jerusalem. Mary was solemnly received into the temple by the High Priest Zacharias. This feast is celebrated annually on November 21st.

The Troparion of this feast is: Today is the prelude of the good will of God, / of the preaching of the salvation of mankind. / The Virgin appears in the temple of God, / in anticipation proclaiming Christ to all. / Let us rejoice / and sing to her: / "Rejoice, O Fulfillment of the Creator's dispensation.

To learn more about the Feast of the Entrance of the Virgin Mary into the Temple, please open the following link:

St. Nicholas Party - Sun, Dec 4th - 11/15/2022

Church School News:

We are excited to announce the return of our St. Nicholas celebration during coffee hour on Sunday, December 4th.

It is an annual event specifically for the parish children, but also for the parish community to gather for fellowship and seasonal joy.  There is a visit from Santa for the children, and all participants are encouraged to donate a new, unwrapped Christmas gift to donate to a local charity. 

Please RSVP to Curt Dionis (, Pauline Dionis or Sue Galich ( by Sunday, November 20th, as we need a head count for pizza and presents for the children.

Concert of Sacred Music @ Three Saints Church - Sun, Dec 4th - 11/14/2022

St. Tikhon’s Seminary Choir comes again to Connecticut for a special Sacred Music Concert!

Three Saints Orthodox Church in Ansonia, CT will again be hosting a Concert of Sacred Music, sung by seminarians from St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary in South Canaan, PA on Sunday, December 4th at 4 PM. 

As with last year, to honor our former chancellor and beloved pastor emeritus, we will be funding “The Very Rev. Mitered Archpriest Nicholas Timpko St. Tikhon’s OCA Seminarian Memorial Scholarship”. A further blessing has been offered in the form of a $5,000 matching grant from a donor in our parish. There is no admission fee, but donations will help fund the scholarship, to help prepare priests and leaders within the Orthodox Church. 

Click onto the following link to view the Concert Flyer

Donation checks made out to Three Saints Orthodox Church (with STOTS written on your memo line) may be mailed to:
Three Saints Orthodox Church
ATTN: Scholarship
26 Howard Ave,
Ansonia, CT 06401

Don’t hesitate to contact Rdr .Peter Romanovsky at 203-305-5683 or for more information or look us up at

May our good Lord bless you for your generosity!

BUNCO Family Night - Fri, Nov 11th - 10/27/2022

Everyone is invited to BUNCO night, hosted by Teuta, Friday, November 11 at 7:00 pm. 

No experience is necessary for this fast moving dice game.  Easy to learn and fun for all, including kids who enjoy table games. 

Tickets are $10/person, half going for prizes and half to St George.  BYOB please.  Snacks, ice and game necessities will be provided. 

For tickets contact Diane Cryan (203-520-2811 or or sign up at the candle desk.

Three Saints Church Slavic Festival - Fri & Sat, Nov 11th & 12th - 10/24/2022

Three Saints Orthodox Church at 26 Howard Ave., Ansonia will hold its “Slavic Festival” on Fri., Nov. 11th  (4 – 7 pm) and Sat., Nov. 12th (9 am – 4 pm, kitchen opens at 10 am). 

Enjoy two days of shopping opportunities and a variety of homemade ethnic foods including: pierogi, holupsi, holushki, borscht, cheese blintzes, baked goods, and more.  Eat in or take out available.  Shop for religious items and tag sale treasures.  Take a chance to win a prize in the Basket Raffle. 

Click onto the following link to view their festival flyer:  Slavic Festival Three Saints Church

Contact:  203-735-0117 for more nformation.

Collecting Unused Halloween Candy - 10/23/2022

St. George will be collecting any unused Halloween candy from parishioners.

Halloween is this upcoming Monday, October 31st – the Choir will use the unused candy to help fill Care Packages they pack and mail to our collegians around exam time. Additionally any extra candy will be donated to a deserving group in one of our local communities.  

Alert: Dress Appropriately for Sun, Oct 16th - 10/14/2022

As a caution for tomorrow, Sunday, October 16th, there is a problem with the church’s heating system. There will be no heating ability during tomorrow’s Divine Liturgy service.  

The projected outside temperature in Trumbull for the morning will be in the 50’s climbing into the 60’s - so please dress accordingly to keep yourself comfortable.  

Fall Youth Party at Three Saints Church - 09/25/2022

Attached below is an email from Fr. Patrick Burns of Three Saints Church in Ansonia on their Fall Youth Party.  Click on the following to view their flyer:  Three Saints Fall Youth Party



Please find the flier and bulletin ready paragraph below for our second annual Fall Youth Party. This is a healthy alternative to Halloween for anyone who would like to attend. 
Please distribute and in the way you see fit.

Fraternally in Christ,

Fr. Patrick 
Fall Youth Party at Three Saints
On Sunday, October 30, at 4 pm, Three Saints in Ansonia will host A friendly alternative to Halloween.
We will start in the church with a Moleben followed by games, food, prizes and candy. We need volunteers to help, and donations of candy, or monetary assistance. It’s an open invitation to all but reservations must be made no later than Thursday, the 27th.
Please email us at or call us at 203-735-0117 to offer your time with our youth or to RSVP.

Status of our Diocesan Seminarian - UPDATE Sept 23rd - 09/08/2022

UPDATE from Sept 23rd:  The photo on the left is after Seminarian Juxhin Shkurti was ordained as a Subdeacon on September 23rd at the Special Assembly of the Albanian Archdiocese held at St. Nicholas Church in Jamaica Estates, NYC - from Left to Right:  Subdeacon Juxhin Shkurti, Met. Tikhon, and Livia Shkurti. 

Click onto the more information link below to view larger photos.

UPDATE from Sept 14th:  Seminarian Juxhin Shkurti was tonsured as a Reader on September 14th at St. Vladimirs Seminary. Click onto the more information link to view a photo from this day.

ORIGINAL POST from Sept 8th:  Below please find an email from Igumen Nikodhim (Preston) who is the Interim Chancellor of the Albanian Archdiocese with an update on the progress of seminarian Juxhin Shkurti.   
On Wednesday, September 7, 2022, 1:59 PM, Fr. Nikodhim <> wrote:

Fathers, Brothers, and Sisters,
Christ is in our midst! Krishti midis nesh! 

I'm pleased to inform you that our seminarian, Juxhin Shkurti, is scheduled to be tonsured as a reader on Wednesday, September 14, at St. Vladimir's Seminary in Yonkers, NY. The Liturgy will begin at 9am that morning, and Met. Tikhon will preside at this feast of the Holy Cross.
At the conclusion of our archdiocesan assembly, Juxhin will be ordained to the subdiaconate here at St. Nicholas in Jamaica, NY on Saturday, September 24. Liturgy that morning will also begin at nine. 

I encourage all who are able to attend these events and to offer your support and the support of our archdiocese to Juxhin and Livia. I ask that we all remember them in prayer in these coming weeks. All diocesan clergy are welcome and strongly encouraged to attend the September 24th service. For those clergy who wish to be present for the tonsuring at St. Vladimir's, please reach out to me so that I can be in touch with the chapel rector to ensure that there is room for us as guests.

Please do share this good news with any whom you think may be interested, and do commit to pray for this young couple as they embark on these first steps toward greater service of Christ and His holy Church.

Fr. Nikodhim

Parish Picnic: Sun, Sept 11th - 08/29/2022

The Parish will be holding a Parish picnic on Sunday, September 11th after Divine Liturgy.  Please save the date and plan to attend.  

Tickets are now on sale. The cost is $10 per person which includes your choice of a hamburger or hotdog and a variety of salads. Drinks and desserts are available for purchase. Please see Diane Cryan for tickets.

Click onto the following link to view a flyer for the date:  Parish Picnic Flyer - Sept 11, 2022


Next Parish Meeting - Sunday, Sept 25th - 08/22/2022

The Parish Council has scheduled 2 additional follow-up Parish Meetings to continue discussion and finalize decisions regarding the future of our parish.  

Sunday, Sept 25th - continued discussions on the items presented and reviewed at the August 21st meeting

Sunday, Oct 23rd - final approval and decisions on how we will proceed with our future 

Please click onto the following link to view the original letter from the Parish Council regarding the specific rational and goals of these meetings:  Parish Meetings - Parish Council Letter

FORCC 28th Annual Banquet - Sun, Sept 25th - 08/22/2022

The FORCC banquet will be held on Sunday, September 25 at St. Dimitrie’s Romanian Orthodox Church, 504 Sport Hill Rd, Easton, CT.

Guest Speaker: Bishop John (Abdallah)

Menu: Buffet style menu - Doors open at 1:00 pm

Tickets: Adult = $40.00 (Paid by Sept 17th)
                            $45.00 (Paid by Sept 18th-24th)
               Child =  $10.00 (up to age 12)

Reservations are required by Sept 17th.  Advance ticket sales only. No tickets paid/sold at the door.

Contact your FORCC representitive or Nina Kosowsky 203-305-5683.

Proceeds of this dinner provide major funding for FORCC programs.

Subdeacon Ananias' Graduation from St. Tikhon's Seminary - 08/15/2022

Below please find a status note from Fr. Dennis Rhodes, who is a member of the Albanian Archdiocese Student Fund Committee, on one of the Albanian Archdiocese Seminarians:
Ananias' Graduation from St. Tikhon's Seminary
From Father Dennis Rhodes
At the end of May this year, I was privileged to attend graduation ceremonies at Saint Tikhon’s Seminary in South Canaan, Pennsylvania, for the Class of 2022. Among the graduates were Subdeacon Ananias Ananievski, whose studies were supported by our Theological Student Fund.
During the ceremony, Metropolitan Tikhon, President of the Seminary, and locum tenens of our own Albanian Archdiocese, awarded Ananias the degree of Master of Divinity, based on his three years of study at the Seminary. In addition, he was recognized for his outstanding scholarship, receiving Honors in Dogmatic Theology for his thesis entitled in part, “Asceticism, Deification and Martyrdom, Arenas for Salvation,” which examined the theology of marriage in the Orthodox tradition. His thesis advisor was Archbishop Michael of New York, Rector of the Seminary.
Following his graduation, Ananias has taken up residence in Worcester, Mass., and began an internship with Fr. Mark Doku, rector of Saint Mary’s Church there. He will be assisting Fr. Mark in the parish and performing other tasks for our Archdiocese.

Congratulations to Ananias on his graduation! May God bless him and guide him as he continues his service to our Albanian Archdiocese.

FORCC Youth Event - Sun, Aug 28th - 08/10/2022

Following below is an email regarding an upcoming FORCC (Fellowship of Orthodox Churches in Connecticut) event for students on Sunday, August 28th:  








**EVE NUCIFORA  (203)675-1575     EVECKN@GMAIL.COM


Reminder to bring in Herbs or Flowers for the Dormition of the Theotokos, Mon, Aug 15th - 08/07/2022

On Monday, August 15th, St. George will celebrate Divine Liturgy for the great feast of the Dormition of the Theotokos.  This feast commemorates the repose (dormition) or "falling-asleep" of the Virgin Mary. 

In the Orthodox Church it is common practice to bless all fragrant herbs or flowers on this feast. Please bring in fragrant herbs or flowers, which will be blessed after Divine Liturgy.

DATE CHANGE: Teuta Meeting - Now Sun, Aug 7th: after Liturgy - 07/31/2022


The next Teuta meeting will be held in the church hall on Sunday, August 7th after Divine Liturgy. 

(This is a change from the orginal scheduled date of Tuesday, August 9th at 6:30PM)

We would like as many members there as possible to discuss an upcoming event.

Feast of the Procession of the Holy Cross - 07/28/2022

St. George will celebrate the Feast of the Procession of the Life-Giving Cross this Sunday, July 31st.  This feast is being transferred this year from its normal commemoration date of August 1st. 

The origin of this Feast is explained from the following:  “Because of the illnesses which occur during the month of August, it was customary at Constantinople to carry the Precious Wood of the Cross in procession throughout the city for its sanctification, and to deliver it from sickness.” 

Looking for Car Donation for our Seminarians - 07/07/2022

The Albanian Archdiocese Student Fund Committee is looking for available transportation for two seminarians.  Please read the email below for details:
Dear Council Members,

As you are aware we have two seminarians who need available transportation. In order for them to make parish visits and other church related meetings/ events both are in need of a car. We are looking for cars to be donated or offered at a low to next to nothing price. We will provide a letter acknowledging the value of the donated car to you.
To expedite this we need the following for insurance purposes:  vin #,  milage,  year, make and model.
Please make the announcement at church and in your bulletins. 

The success of this will help us get these 2 seminarians out to meet the communities.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Jim Liolin
Student Fund Committee

Invitation: Celebration of the Feast of All Saints of America - Sun, June 26th - 06/14/2022

Below find an email invitation from the CT Deanery to celebrate the Feast of All Saints of America.  Click onto the link located in the email text below to view/download a poster.


Dear Brothers in Christ,
Christ is in our Midst!
I would like to invite you and your parishioners to join us on the Feast of All Saints of America. (Sunday June 26). At 4 pm, that afternoon we will be serving the Akathist service to All the Saints of North America, with the relics and Icons of 10 of these American Saints. Following the service we will be serving some light refreshments and give people time to venerate, pray and be still before the relics of these saints. 
I hope you will be able to join us on this "Pilgrimage"  to the Northwest Corner of Connecticut on this wonderful feast of our Orthodox Church in North America, and to invite and encourage you parishioners to join us as well.
Please see attached a poster for you to distribute in your bulletins if you wish, or to print and post in your churches or halls.
Sincerely in the Lord who is wonderful in His Saints,
Fr. John
Fr. John Kreta
All Saints of North America, Salisbury, CT

Wear "Green" for Pentecost - Sun, June 12th - 06/01/2022

June 12th is Pentecost Sunday - it’s sometimes called “Green Sunday.”

Let’s all try to wear green for services that day.

Youth Rally 2022 - Aug 7th thru 13th - 05/29/2022

The Diocese of New England recently announced the opening of registration for Youth Rally 2022.  

Do you desire to connect with Orthodox youth, have questions about living our ancient faith in a modern world, or just plain love the outdoors? If you an Orthodox youth between the ages of 9 and 17 sign up for Youth Rally 2020! Held in beautiful Contoocook, NH, this is a chance to make friends and memories for a lifetime! All the information for registration can be found at:
The Youth Rally takes place the week of August 7th – 13th at St. Methodius Faith and Heritage Center in Contoocook, NH.  The deadline for registration is Monday, July 18th. 
Click onto the following link to view an information sheet:  Youth Rally 2022 Info sheet
Click onto the following link to view a flyer:   Youth Rally 2022 Flyer

Teuta Luncheon June 26th - Reserve by Wed, June 8th - 05/23/2022

Below please find an email announcement from Diane Cryan, President of the Teuta Ladies Society, regarding the upcoming Teuta Luncheon.  Reservations are due by Wed, June 8th.


The return of Teuta luncheon will be on Sunday June 26st from 12 Noon to 3 PM at Ralph and Rich’s for their Sunday Sauce. Sunday Sauce includes antipasto, pasta course, entree and assortment of cookies and pastries all served family style.  The luncheon will cost $40 per person (includes tax and tip). Beverages are separate. 

To make your reservation, please send a check for $40 to Teuta at St George by Wednesday, June 8th and contact:
Diane Cryan, 203-520-2811, or
Sharon Buzi, 203-414-7738,

We will be seated in a separate room. Some carpooling will be available from church. Please pass the word to anyone who might be interested and may not see this. 

Diane Cryan 

Student Fund Committee Announcement - 05/23/2022

Attached below is an email from the Albanian Archdiocese Student Fund Committee which was sent to each parish in the Archdiocese. The Student Fund Committee will be mailing a letter to parish members asking to participate in a fund raising event this summer - additional details are in the letter.


Dear Parish Chairpersons,
On behalf of the Student Fund Committee we want to acknowledge and greatly appreciate the cooperation from our Parishes that provided their mailing lists to the Student Fund. By this act you have taken another step to enhance the future life of this Diocese. 
Shortly, a mailing will be deployed to the entire list, thanks to you, asking the Diocese membership to participate in this fundraising event. This is a MATCHING FUND CAMPAIGN by the Archdiocese, so every donation will be doubled. The Student Fund is making strategic efforts to seek out and secure new candidates to study for the clergy.  As an example we now have two international students from Albania and Australia attending St. Vladimir's and St.Tikon's seminaries. Although the financial obligation is more challenging than with home grown students it is in our interest to expand the search. 
Our Diocese future is in all our hands... now more than ever. We ask that you inform your parishioners to watch out for this mailing and to be as generous as possible. 
Thank you,


Looking for names of our deceased Veterans for Memorial Day - 05/11/2022

UPDATE from May 19th: The initial response has been very active and positive with over 100 names of Veterans submitted.  Additionally two names were forwarded of Veterans who died during service in World War II:  William Liolin (Army, WWII) who was from the St. Nicholas parish in Jamaica Estates, NY, and Victor Peristere (Navy, WWII) was from St. Mary's Assumption parish in Worcester, MA.  Reminder, the last day to forward names to Louise Gallagher is by Thurs, May 26th (contact info below).


St. George is looking to collect and put together a list of all the names of our deceased military veterans from the parish family.  

Memorial Day is a holiday that was established to officially remember those who have died in service to our country (Veterans Day was established to officially thank our living veterans).  St. George believes we only have one military serviceman, Michael J. Vani, who died in service during World War II.

On Sunday, May 29th (the day before Memorial Day), St. George will have a Memorial Service for all the deceased veterans of our parish family.  We are defining our “parish family” to include those who have joined our parish who may also have relatives that served in the military and are now deceased (the military veteran was not necessarily a member at St. George).

We are asking parishioners to forward the names of the men or women, who are deceased and served in one of the branches of the US armed forces.

Ideally, we are looking to collect some additional information with the names; their service branch, and if possible, the calendar years they served. 

Please forward this information to Louise Gallagher by Thursday, May 26th. Louise can be reached via email at or by phone at 203-268-3803.

St. Dimitrie Tag Sale / Fund Raiser - Sat, Jun 18th - 05/09/2022

The Ladies Auxillary of St. Dimitrie's Orthodox Church in Easton is holding a Community Tag Sale on Saturday, June 18th from 9AM to 4PM.  

If you are free that day, please visit and support a good friend of St. George and one of our local OCA parishes.  Click onto the following link to download and print a flyer:  St. Dimitrie's Community Tag Sale

FORCC Lecture on Zoom - Sun, May 15th; 4PM - 05/05/2022

Immediately below, please find a message from FORCC (The Fellowship of Orthodox Churches in Connecticut) regarding an upcoming FORCC Pascal Lecture: 
FORCC President, Peter Romanovsky, is inviting you to attend a scheduled Zoom lecture on Sunday, May 15th at 4PM.   The lecture is titled "Jesus Christ: The Gardener of our souls" and will be given by Dr. Bruce Beck of Hellenic College Holy Cross in Brookline, MA.  The lecture will run approximately 1 hour including a Q&A session at the end.
To learn more, please click onto the following link to download or view a flyer for the lecture:  FORCC Zoom Lecture 2022

Below is the link and credentials for linking into the Zoom meeting:

Topic: FORCC Zoom lecture

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 966 068 3079
Passcode: FPt2yh

Vacation Church School - July 11-15th - 05/01/2022

2022 Vacation Church School at Three Saints Park

When- July 11-15, 2022.
Where- Three Saints Park, 112 Miller Road, Bethany, CT 06524.
Time – Daily 9am to 4pm with Family Night on Friday starting at 5pm.
Cost- $40 per child.

Come join us for our week-long Vacation Church School for youth ages 5-15. Your child will experience fun, faith, friendship, swimming, games, bible study, religious education, worship and song. This year’s theme will be “The Life of Christ”.

Questions? - Call Fr. Patrick Burns (203) 734-3988      Children of all faiths are welcome!

Click onto the following link to view the 2022 Vacation Church School Flyer

Health Watch - 04/26/2022

St. George was notified on Tuesday that a person who attended the Good Friday evening services and the Midnight Paschal Services tested positive for COVID on Monday, April 25th.

The person did not feel well on Sunday and completed a test which was negative.  They repeated the test again on Monday, April 25th and tested positive.  This individual  is experiencing mild symptoms.

Per local regulatory guidance, St. George has relaxed its requirements (we no longer take temperatures upon entrance, record attendance or seat locations, and masks are optional) so we are not able to confidentially notify individual participants of these two church services.  Health information is confidential, so we will not release any name.

St. George is forwarding this information so that if any other individual who attended those services begins to experience COVID symptoms, they should take a test.

No Live Streaming of Paschal Liturgy on Bright Monday - 04/19/2022

We regret that we will NOT be able to live stream the Paschal Liturgy on Bright Monday (April 25th).  




Preparation for Pascha - 04/16/2022

Click onto the following link to view a bulletin on how Orthodox should view and experience Holy Week in preparation for Pascha:  Holy Week and Prep for Pascha Bulletin

Mother's Day Commemorations - Sun, May 8th - 04/15/2022

We are preparing our annual Mother’s Day Commemorations

Please submit your donation and names of your mother, stepmother, daughters, stepdaughters, wives, sisters, stepsisters, great grandmothers, great granddaughters, grandmothers, granddaughters, great-aunts, aunts, niece, godmothers, and all those who "mothered" us in our time of need.  Clearly indicate whether they are living or deceased.  

 Please submit your names to Louise Gallagher by Saturday, May 7th at 3PM - she needs time to prepare a prayer list for use during Divine Liturgy on Sunday.  Louise can be reached by email:, or by phone @ 203-268-3803.

The names will be remembered in prayer during the Divine Liturgy on Mother’s Day, May 8th. 

All donations will be used for the beautification of the Church.

Update from the Parish Council - Thurs, Apr 14th - 04/14/2022


The following is an update from the Thursday, April 14th Parish Council meeting:
The Parish Council continues to monitor developments related to COVID. There are no changes to our requirements at this time.
Parishioners continue to have the choice to wear a mask if they feel it is best for them and may want to do so during our Holy Week and Pascha services if the number of attendees grows and seating becomes more limited.
Parish Council

Church Services CANCELLED for Sun, Apr 3rd - 04/01/2022

We learned recently that Fr. Sergei is ill and will not be able to serve Divine Liturgy tomorrow - Sun, Apr 3rd. 

The Council inquired about availability of substitute priests, but all substitute priests have been scheduled for tomorrow. 

Based on this situation, Divine Liturgy is cancelled tomorrow. 

The church will be open tomorrow for those to come and light a candle and say a prayer.

General Confession will be rescheduled for next week, April 10th. 


Man of God Movie - Mon, Mar 28th 7PM - 03/26/2022

Man of God is a movie about St. Nektarios, and is now in very limited release in the US – In our area, the film will last be playing locally one more time on Monday, March 28th 7PM at : Connecticut Post 14 Theater in Milford, the North Haven Theater, and the AMC Danbury 16 Theater. 
Attached is a link to
Fathom Events is a cinema events content provider.  If you punch in Trumbull’s zip code (06611) for March 28th, you will see confirmation of when & where the film is playing.  There is also available a link to a short movie trailer.
 Click onto the following link to view a YouTube video for an interview with Yelnea Popovic, the writer, producter, and director of the film.
Man of God
Exiled unjustly, convicted without a trial, slandered without cause. The life of St. Nektarios of Aegina was one of persecution and prosecution. A priest of the common people, his popularity provoked the jealousy of the clergy in Alexandria and as a result, he was defrocked and expelled from Egypt. In contrast to his religious “superiors”, Nektarios cared for the poor, taught peasant girls to read and write, and performed miracles. Even his last moment on earth was used to help another: upon his death, Nektarios’ undergarment was removed, and as it fell upon a paralyzed man in the hospital bed next to him, the lame man arose to walk. So, too, do we hope MAN OF GOD will awaken the paralyzed faith in audiences around the world.

Divine Liturgy returns back to 9:30AM start time on Apr 3rd - 03/24/2022

As a reminder, as we exit the winter season, Divine Liturgy returns to a 9:30AM start time the first Sunday of April, which is April 3rd. 

The 9:30AM start time will continue for the next 7 months.  We will return back to the 10AM schedule the first weekend in November.

Lenten Retreat: Three Saints Church - Sat, Apr 9th - 03/23/2022

Attached is a note from Fr. Patrick Burns of Three Saints Church in Ansonia inviting everyone to attend a Lenten retreat:

Attached is a flyer and a bulletin ready paragraph below for a Lenten retreat at Three Saints. Please feel free to distribute this as you see fit.
I also look forward to seeing you this Sunday at Holy Trinity in Bridgeport for our FORCC Sunday. 
Fraternally in Christ,
Fr. Patrick Burns
Three Saints Lenten Retreat
 “The Vocation of Every Christian”
Presented by V. Rev Dr. John Parker – Dean of St. Tikhon’s Seminary.
Please join us on Saturday April 9, 2022, beginning with Divine Liturgy, followed by a continental breakfast, Session I, Lunch, Session II and Great Vespers. Please RSVP no later than April 6 at or call 203-735-0117.
A collocation for this retreat and the needs of St. Tikhon’s Seminary will be taken.

FORCC Sunday, Mar 27th @ Holy Trinity - 03/17/2022

The Orthodox Clergy Association of Greater Bridgeport (OCAGB) has designated Sunday, March 27th FORCC Sunday (Fellowship of Orthodox Churches of Connecticut).  Below is a letter from Peter Romanovsky, the President of FORCC. If you require additional information, please talk to Bob Lazar who represents St. George at FORCC meetings. 


FORCC Sunday, March 27th at Holy Trinity

Greetings to all! Christ is in Our Midst! 

We find ourselves again in the midst of Great and Holy Lent. A beautiful time of the year where we take account of our lives, our relationship with God and our fellow man. The Church has arrayed this Lenten period in such a manner that it leaves no stone unturned for us so that we may reach into the depths of our souls and cleanse ourselves to prepare for that Great and Holy Pascha. Part of that Lenten journey are the mission Vespers that we do with the Orthodox Clergy Association of Greater Bridgeport and so I want to reach out to all of our parishes across Connecticut and remind you of our FORCC organization and what we do. 

FORCC, The Fellowship of Orthodox Churches of Connecticut, Inc. is a nonprofit alliance of canonical Eastern Orthodox Churches. Orthodoxy is officially recognized as the fourth largest faith in our state. According to our bylaws, the Fellowship, FORCC, is organized for charitable, religious and educational purposes. We are always looking for new members young and old to contribute to the only organization in the state of Connecticut that tries to unite our jurisdictions through charitable works, educational lectures, retreats and so forth. 

On Sunday, March 27th, we will meet at Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church in Bridgeport for OCAGB’s designated FORCC Sunday. Please be sure to join us and learn more about FORCC and support our most worthy endeavors. I look forward to seeing you at our meetings throughout the year. You can contact me at

Your servant in Christ,

Rdr. Peter William Romanovsky

Looking for Pussy Willow cuttings - 03/16/2022

As spring approaches with warm weather, if you have pussy willow bushes on your property, or know of anyone who has them, please watch for the budding and cut them, storing them in a cool dry place.
We’ll need volunteers to tie them up with palms after Palm Sunday Vespers (4PM) on Saturday, April 16th.  Palm Sunday is April 17th.

Church School Activities for Sunday of Orthodoxy - 03/10/2022

Dear Church School Families,
Hayley and Lauren Dionis will be facilitating a Church School session on Sunday, March 13th with activities geared toward the start of Great Lent.  The children will also participate in the procession of icons upstairs, as this Sunday also marks The Sunday of Orthodoxy.  We hope they can join us!  We are also open to having other interested children join us. More information to follow about other activities we hope to have during the Lenten and Paschal seasons.  If you are interested in leading a Sunday session, please reach out!   Thank you!
Laura Coughlin, Corresponding Secretary
St. George Orthodox Church

UPDATE: Initial Ukrainian Refugee Collection Page closed, transferred to the IOCC. - 02/28/2022


The following are final updates on the financial appeal from the Orthodox Church in America (OCA) asking for support for refugees fleeing the Ukraine (The OCA has closed the intial collection page, but is asking that any additional donations be directed to the IOCC - details below).


Update: Refugee Relief final donation tally (Thurs, March 17th):

The Orthodox Church in America’s appeal for donations for the Ukrainian refugee crisis has ended, raising over $650,000 for ELEOS. All donations which arrive later by mail will be sent on at a later date. Thank you for your generosity.


Update: Refugee Relief Donation Page Closed (Thurs, March 17th):

The OCA’s donation collection page for the Ukrainian relief fund is now closed. Thank you for your generosity! Please continue to give alms and support those who are fleeing the violence and hostilities in Ukraine. Donations can be made at International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC).


Update on Refugee Relief Appeal (Tues, March 8th):

Archpriest Alexander Rentel, Chancellor of the Orthodox Church in America, made the following statement today:

In response to the appeal from His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon, the Orthodox Church in America has raised over $433,000 today as of 2:00 PM EST. All the money collected will be sent shortly to ELEOS, the humanitarian agency of the Polish Orthodox Church, in order to assist them with humanitarian crisis in Poland because of the refugees fleeing the war in Ukraine.

The donation portal on remains open, however, until the middle of next week, March 16, in order to receive further donations for this same purpose. Shortly after March 16, the Orthodox Church in America will make another transfer of money, whatever is collected by that point, to ELEOS. Please note, the donation portal will shut down at the close of business on March 16, 2022.


Original OCA Appeal notice (Tues, March 1st) : 

Dear Parishioners and Friends of the Saint George Albanian Orthodox Church!

Christ is in our midst!

A short time ago, His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon made an appeal for financial aid for refugees of the war in Ukraine. Individual parishioners are being directed to to make a tax deductible donation.

These donations will be passed on to ELEOS, the humanitarian agency of the Polish Orthodox Church and which is registered with the Polish government. ELEOS will be dealing directly with caring for the refugees and meeting their basic needs. 

We have already received almost five thousand dollars in the first two hours. Donations are being called for from February 28th to March 7th.

His Beatitude is asking specifically for individual donations, not necessarily parish-wide collections. The reason for this is to ensure the financial support reaches ELEOS as quickly as possible as the refugee crisis continues to unfold. Time is of the essence.

Please reach out to your parishes and encourage the members of your communities to give quickly and generously. 

Thank you for your prayers and support. 


Also, please click onto the attached link to view the direct appeal from His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon: Met Tikhon Appeal Ukrainain Refugee Relief 




Thank you for your support - your generosity is truly needed at this time. 

Fairfield County Giving Day - Thurs, Feb 24th - 02/17/2022

"Giving Day" Outreach Request:
This Thursday, February 24th, is Fairfield County's Giving Day - a 24 hour period for online donations to non-profit organizations in Fairfield County. 
St. George plans to join in this day of philanthropy by once again supporting LifeBridge Community Services, an organization that provides much-needed support and resources for youth and families in Bridgeport. 
Please donate $10 or more on Thursday Feb. 24th by clicking onto the following link which opens the "St. George Orthodox Church Champion Page": 233813/st-george-orthodox- church-trumbull   Note: This donation portion of the link goes live Thursday at 12:00 AM. 
Every individual online donation (using a separate email address) will also help LifeBridge try to secure a $10,000 bonus for the greatest number of individual donations.
If you would like to donate but cannot do it online yourself, you can provide Laura Coughlin with an email address and donation amount by Wednesday Feb 23rd and she will enter it for you on Thursday.  Laura serves on the Board of Directors for LifeBridge and can be reached at or 203-685-3839.  
You can read a description of the many important services LifeBridge provides in the link to St. George's page, or you may click onto the following LifeBridge Community Services link:
Thank you for your support!  You have helped LifeBridge secure the bonus in the past.  Let's do it again!

Update from the Parish Council - Feb 2022 - 02/17/2022

Update from the Parish Council
Below, please find an update from the Parish Council from their February meeting:  

February 2022 Update:

- After reviewing current COVID data, the Parish Council is revising the mask guidelines:  Effective Sunday, February 27th:  masks are no longer required, but are recommended to be worn when attending all services.   

- The Council has scheduled a Parish meeting following Sunday Divine Liturgy on March 20th.  More details to follow.

COVID Data Note:  The confirmed COVID-19 positivity cases in CT have continued to decline from an average peak rate (14-day average) of 29.4% on Jan 12, 2022. The average positivity rate for Connecticut stands at 6.0% as of Wed, Feb 16th.
(from Mayo Clinic COVID-19 tracking:

Responding to Racism: The Orthodox Witness in America - Video Series - 02/08/2022

Responding to Racism: The Orthodox Witness in America” - In commemoration of Black History Month, throughout the month of February, the Department of Inter-Orthodox, Ecumenical and Interfaith Relations will release a weekly video presented by Rev. Samuel Davis, acting rector of St. Simon of Cyrene Orthodox Mission in New Brunswick, NJ of the Orthodox Church in America.
Each episode will highlight one important leader of the Orthodox Church in the history of its presence in the country, a presence who broke through racial tensions and redefined Orthodox missionary work. This project proposes to share a message of hope and healing towards reconciliation. It was made possible by the generosity of The Archbishop Iakovos Leadership 100 Fund Inc.
Watch the video episodes below:

Episode 1 -  St. Herman of Alaska (posted Feb 8th):

Episode 2 - Metropolitan Leonty (posted Feb 15th):

Episode 3 - Archbishop Iakovos (posted Feb 22nd)

Episode 4 - Fr. Moses Berry (posted Feb 24th)

CANCELED: Sunday Jan 30th Divine Liturgy - 01/28/2022

Divine Liturgy this Sunday, Jan 30th has been CANCELED due severe weather warnings for incoming Winter Storm Kenan.
STORM ADVISORY:  Winter Storm Kenan is set to hit parts of the East Coast with heavy snow and strong winds, including blizzard conditions that will cripple travel in some areas.
Areas from the New York tri-state area southward through the coastal mid-Atlantic could see wind gusts between 30 to 50 mph.
High winds in some coastal areas will be strong enough to knock out power and cause tree damage, especially in eastern and southern New England. The threat of at least some power outages might extend as far south as Long Island and the coastal mid-Atlantic.

Year of the Youth: Meet the Bishops - National Townhall – Wed, Feb 23rd at 8PM - 01/13/2022

From the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the USA

The final “Year of the Youth” Townhall will take place on Wednesday, February 23rd at 8:00 PM EST for anyone 18 and under.

This Townhall is national in nature.  The Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops in the USA has requested to promote the attached the poster to our parish (Click Here to download a copy of the poster)  – and especially to our youth. It is a wonderful opportunity for our youth to spend some time with our hierarchs virtually. 

The link to register is: ministries/youth/register

Feast of Theophany and the Blessing of Water - 01/01/2022

Due to COVID concerns, the celebration of the Feast of Theophany is being transferred to Sunday, January 9th, from Thursday, January 6th. 

However, there will be a service with the Blessing of Water held on Thursday, Jan 6th at 10AM.  Parishioners are welcome to attend.  Additionally, this service will be live-streamed from St. George's Facebook page (at )

As was completed last year, again due to COVID concerns, parishioners are asked not to bring their own bottles for Holy Water.  Fr. Sergei will bottle the Holy Water with proper COVID protections after the service.  St. George is distributing one bottle per household.  They will be available on Sunday, January 9th at the candle desk.  

As always, thank you for your cooperation!


Important Announcement from the Parish Council - Dec 28th - 12/28/2021

It has come to our attention that someone who attended the Christmas Eve Compline Service on Friday, December 24th, and the Divine Liturgy on Sunday, December 26th, tested positive for COVID on Sunday, December 26th using a home testing kit. The Parish Council has contacted attendees individually who were deemed as being in close proximity, and are informing the parish community at large by this announcement.  

The Council met on Tues, Dec 28th to review this situation along with the current conditions in Connecticut and Fairfield County with respect to COVID. Positivity cases are up 148% in Fairfield County over the past 2 weeks, and the State of Connecticut now has the highest rate of cases since it began tracking. The positivity rate for Connecticut stands at 14.98% as of Tues, Dec 28th. The Parish Council has decided we will return to requiring mask wearing at services and conduct temperature checks upon entry into the church.  

We will continue to adjust and adapt our policies as circumstances change.  

We thank you for your cooperation and understanding as we strive to keep each other healthy and safe.

COVID Guidance & Protocols for St. George Updated- effective Feb 27th - 12/27/2021


Effective Sunday, February 27th:

After reviewing current COVID data, effective for Sunday, Feb 27th, the Parish Council is revising the mask guidelines:  masks are no longer required, but are recommended to be worn when attending all services.   



As of December 28th:

The confirmed COVID-19 positivity cases in CT have continue to explode since the mid-December. Positivity cases are up 148% in Fairfield County over the past 2 weeks, and the State of Connecticut now has the highest rate of cases since it began tracking. The positivity rate for Connecticut stands at 14.98% as of Tues, Dec 28th.
The Parish Council met on Tuesday, December 28th.  They modified the guidelines to attend services as follows:
-  Masks are required to be worn when attending all services.

- Temperature checks will be taken before entering the church   

- Coffee Hours after Divine Liturgy continue to be suspended - The Parish Council continues to monitor the COVID positivity rate in Fairfield County and Connecticut.




As of September 14th:
The confirmed COVID-19 cases in CT have continued to grow weekly since the August 18th CDC “high transmission” rating.
The Parish Council met on Tuesday, September 14th.  They continue to reiterate the guidelines currently in place:
-      Masks are strongly recommended to be worn when attending all services.  
-      The Parish Council has decided to suspend coffee hours as part of this guidance.
On August 18, 2021:
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) placed Fairfield County in the “High Transmission” category of COVID-19 …. With the ongoing rapid increase in cases of COVID-19 in the state over the last 14 days due to the spread of the Delta variant, the Connecticut Department of Public Health strongly recommends that ALL CONNECTICUT residents over age two years, whether vaccinated or unvaccinated, return to wearing masks when in indoor public spaces.




The Parish Council has updated the COVID guidance and protocols for our church based on recent guidance from Connecticut’s Department of Health. 

On Tuesday, August 3rd, Connecticut’s Department of Health came out with guidance strongly recommending that anyone over the age of 2 wear a mask indoors regardless of their vaccination status.  This is because in CT, the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations have risen rapidly over the last two weeks due to the spread of the Delta variant. In a continued goal of prioritizing the health and safety of all attending services at St. George, the Parish Council has agreed to follow this new CT health advisory. 

Beginning Sunday, August 8th:
-      Masks are strongly recommended to be worn when attending all services. 
-      Additionally, the Parish Council has decided to suspend coffee hours as part of this guidance.

Although unfortunate, these decisions were made to reduce the risk as much as possible of spreading the Delta variant.


As a friendly reminder:
Parishioners are no longer required to have their temperature taken before entering church. If parishioners are ill or develop COVID symptoms (fever, chills, cough, shortness of breath, etc.) they are strongly encouraged to remain home.

Attendance is no longer being restricted by headcount.  However individual parishioners/family groups need to continue to maintain a social distance spacing of 6 ft.  

Thank you for your continued cooperation and compliance as we continue to make adjustments that reflect the current conditions and the safety of our community.

House Blessings postponed - 12/10/2021

Once again, out of an abundance of caution due to the recent rise in COVID infections, the traditional House blessings, which are held in January after Theophany, is postponed to the Spring - after Pascha.

We will, however, hold services of Theophany and the Blessing of Water!

Update from the Parish Council - Dec 8th - 12/09/2021

Update from the Parish Council
Below, please find an update from the Parish Council from their last meeting held on Tuesday, December 8th: 

December 2021 Update
The following is a tentative schedule for Christmas Services - assuming there will be no changes in the COVID guidelines from the State or Town:
Friday, December 24th – 5PM Christmas Eve Compline and Carol Sing
Saturday, December 25th – 10AM Liturgy of Christmas and Carol Sing
Sunday, December 26th – 10AM Regular Sunday Liturgy

This Sunday, December 12th will be the last Sunday of Coffee Hour for the year due to the uptick in COVID cases locally and in CT.   Coffee Hour is targeted to resume in January, pending the COVID conditions at the time.

Commemorating the Hieromartyr Protopresbyter Alexander (Hotovitzky) - Sat, Dec 4th - 12/04/2021

On Saturday, Dec 4th, on the anniversary of his Glorification, the Orthodox Church in America commemorated one of North America’s saints,  the Hieromartyr Protopresbyter Alexander (Hotovitzky).
Click onto the following OCA link on the life of St. Alexander Hotovitsky:

Additionally, the following OCA link carries additional information (historical accounts, Icons, life, etc) on St. Alexander Hotovitsky
Over the next  year, on or near their commemoration dates, we will highlight the life of the saints who labored in North America.  Click onto the following link to view a list of those saints:

Church School Activity - Sun, Dec 5th - 11/26/2021

All church school-aged children are invited to participate in a Christmas Card making activity on Sunday, December 5th at 9:45AM downstairs in the church hall. 

Hayley and Lauren Dionis will help to lead this holiday outreach project and some other holiday themed activities, and then the children will head upstairs for the remainder of the Divine Liturgy.  We look forward to seeing our church school children in action in the spirit of St. Nicholas!

Update from the Parish Council - Nov 2021 - 11/17/2021

Update from the Parish Council
Below, please find a letter from the Parish Council that is being mailed to parishioners who do not have email addresses or internet for communications.  There was a Parish Information meeting held on Sunday, October 31st after Divine Liturgy where the following items were discussed.  The letter and this posting are additional communication efforts to those who missed the meeting.  

Note: We did not repeat the announcement for the Community Christmas Card sign-up here - that form has been already been posted on our website at this link:
November 2021 Update
The Parish Council would like to inform you of some important information concerning our ongoing church services and our annual Community Christmas Card.  Please make sure you see the information below.
·       Services on Sundays have returned to 10:00 a.m., with General Confession at 9:45 on the first Sunday of the month. Services will revert back to 9:30 a.m. on March 27th.  An informal poll was conducted over several weeks, and although more people preferred a 9:30 start time , the Council decided to compromise and allow for a 10:00 start during the winter months when roads are often better later in the morning.
·       Coffee hour has been re-instated.  If you would like to host a coffee hour, please contact Kim O’Brien at or 203-907-5578.
·       The Parish Council recently held an information meeting to update parishioners on the work/activities that have taken place since we have been dealing with COVID.  A future meeting will be held to outline some of the options we need to consider as we look toward securing the future health of our parish. It is very important that we have a clear understanding of how many parishioners we have and how much stewardship income we have available, as this information will impact future decisions. Please make every effort to update your stewardship.  Questions may be directed to Luba Csernica, Financial Secretary, at or 203-414-8141.  Thank you.
·       We are looking for someone to coordinate activities with our Church School children.  While we would ideally have weekly classes, we can consider other formats, such as monthly classes or activities, outreach activities, etc.  Please contact  Father Sergei if you can help with this important aspect of our ministry.

Parish Council

Bathroom Facilities Unavailable on Sun, Nov 14th - 11/12/2021

St. George's 3 bathroom facilities (1 on the main floor, 2 in the basement hall) are shut down and will not be available for use during this Sunday's services. 

Initial investigation by plumbers using scope cameras is showing root invasion into our sewer line outside of the church.  

The plumbers are scheduled to dig out the main coming out of the church on Monday, November 15th. This has forced us to shut down all our bathrooms and sinks. 

For those who need to use bathroom facilities during their time attending Divine Liturgy, please plan that they will not be available.  

Additionally, Coffee Hour will be cancelled as the kitchen sinks also feed into this sewer system.

If you know any individuals that do not have internet service (they do not receive this weekly email communication) - please call them to alert them before this Sunday.

Our apologies for this inconvenience!.

Update from Holy Cross Monastery, WV - 11/09/2021

The following letter has been requested to be shared from Sharon and Greg Buzi.  It is a construction update from Holy Cross Monastery in Wayne, WV, where Fr. Gregory Buzi was tonsured. 

Click onto the following link to view the update:  Update on New Church Construction

Commemorating St. John Kochurov - Sun, Oct 31st - 10/27/2021

This Sunday, Oct 31st, on the anniversary of his martyrdom, we commemorate one of North America’s saints, the Priestmartyr John Kochurov of Chicago, a missionary to America.
Click onto the following OCA link on the life of St. John Kochurov:
Additionally, the following OCA link carries additional information (historical accounts, Icons, life, etc) on St. John Kochurov
Over the next  year, on or near their commemoration dates, we will highlight the life of the saints who labored in North America.  Click onto the following link to view a list of those saints:

Important Announcements from the Parish Council - Oct 22nd - 10/22/2021

October 22, 2021

To:  St. George Parishioners:
Please take note of these important announcements regarding upcoming changes and events:
* The Divine Liturgy will return to a 10:00 start time on Sunday, October 31st.  The 10:00 time will continue through the winter months when road travel often improves later in the morning.  We will return to the 9:30 schedule beginning March 27th.  
*  The Parish Council will host Coffee Hour on Oct. 31st.  The Coffee Hour will include a very important information session regarding the current state of our church and our recent visit from Father Nikodhim.  The goal of both the coffee hour and information session is to help restore some of the connection that may have suffered while dealing with COVID. We want parishioners to feel up to date with the most recent information that we have, and allow some time to reflect before we hold a full annual meeting in the coming months. We hope you will make every effort to attend. 
The Parish Council

Prayers for our Archdiocese - 10/18/2021

In conjunction with the recent posting on the OCA website concerning the search for a bishop for the Albanian Archdiocese, the parishes of the Archdiocese were asked to join in prayers. To those prayers offered by the Archdiocese, we are adding our own as we seek a pastor for ourselves.  These prayers will be said at the end of Divine Liturgy.
Petition /Prayers
We pray that the Lord our God, in His mercy and providential care, will call forth for our Albanian Archdiocese a true shepherd of wisdom and strength, blessing us with an Archpastor to care for our spiritual well-being, uniting His faithful people in zealous confession of our holy faith, and committing us in loving service one to another in bright witness to the glory of His holy name, hear us and have mercy.
(Lord have mercy 3x)

O Lord, the High Priest of God's People, You have shown us that it is Your Will that men be called to the priesthood of Your Holy Church. 
From the ranks of fishermen, You called Andrew and Peter and James and John, and made them, and their successors in every age, to be the "fishers of men". 
We, Your people in this age, call upon Your great love to inspire for our churches, dedicated men to be Your future priests. Touch their lives with Your Holy Spirit; give them the courage to answer Your call and the strength to work all the days of their life for Your service. 
You told us with Your precious lips, "Without Me, you can do nothing." As we call upon Your Name for more vocations, O great High Priest, send us a priest after Your own heart to shepherd and lead Your flock at the Saint George Orthodox Church.
(Lord have mercy 3X) 

For You are a loving God, and we praise Your Holy Name: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; now. and ever, and unto ages of ages.
Click onto the following link to view the Albanian Archdiocese announcement:

Care Packages for our two deployed Military personnel - Donations due Sun, Oct 17th - 09/23/2021

Father Sergei is putting together Care packages for our two deployed military personnel – Father James Parnell and Jason Gartsu - individuals we continue to pray for.

For those who wish to participate, we are looking for either cash donations or non-perishable snack donations. 

The best recommended food to send should be of the non-perishable variety - especially those snacks in cans or plastic jars (no glass) to prevent crushing.  Examples: granola or energy bars, flavoring mixes for water, beef jerky, tuna, nuts, gum, trail mixes, Pringles chips, hard candy (candy that won’t melt) and well-packaged cookies and crackers are the best bets.

Also, parishioners and children are welcome to prepare or make up a card/note to add to the box.

All donations need to be at St. George by Sunday, October 17th.  The goal is to package and mail the care packages the 3rd week of October so they arrive overseas by Veterans Day (Nov 11th). 

If you have any questions, please contact Fr. Sergei.

Updates from the Parish Council Mtg, Tues, Sept 14th - 09/15/2021

The Parish Council met on Tues, Sept 14th.  The following are 2 announcements from that meeting: 

#1 -  Given the recent increase in COVID breakthrough cases, we feel that mask wearing at church should be encouraged more than ever for the health and safety of our community. 

#2 -  The Parish Council is pleased to share that Sunday, September 26th, Fr. Nikodhim, the Interim Chancellor of the Albanian Archdiocese, will be covering for the vacationing Fr. Sergei and serve the Liturgy. We are looking forward to Fr. Nikodhim's coming and leading us in prayer, and are grateful for his willingness to hear our hopes and concerns for the Parish. The visit of Fr. Nikodhim was coordinated by Fr. Sergei.

27th Annual FORCC Banquet - Sun, Oct 3rd - 09/12/2021

FORCC (Fellowship of Orthodox Churches in CT) is holding its 27th Annual Banquet on Sunday, October 3rd, 1PM, at St. Dimitri Church (504 Sport Hill Rd, Easton).

The Guest Speaker is Rev. John Parker III, Dean at St. Tkhon Theological Seminary, who will speak on “Mission and Evangelism”.

Tickets are $35 each when reserved before September 24th.  The price of a ticket is $45 after September 24th.   No tickets will be available at the door.

Please contact Bob Lazar for reservations and additional details.  He can be reached at 203-452-0002.

Click onto the following link to view the 2021 Banquet Flyer

Divine Liturgy cancelled for Sunday, August 22nd due to Tropical Storm Henri - 08/20/2021

St. George, in an effort to keep everyone safe, is cancelling Divine Liturgy tomorrow, Sunday August 22nd due to Tropical Storm Henri. 
Tropical Storm Henri is expect to increase to Hurricane status as it approaches landfall in the northeast.  Projections are for high winds, flooding, and storm surges beginning early Sunday morning for Connecticut and New England.
·      Henri is strengthening and is expected to become a hurricane Saturday.
·      Henri will likely track over parts of the Northeast late weekend into early next week.
·      Hurricane, tropical storm and storm surge warnings have been issued for parts of the Northeast.
Please be safe this weekend!

Prayers for the Feast of the Transfiguration - 08/04/2021

Below are the prayers that will be offered during the Blessing of Fruits and Vegetables on the Feast of the Transfiguration

Prayer at the partaking of grapes on the sixth day of August:
Bless, O Lord, this new fruit of the vine, which, through temperate weather, through showers of rain and times of calm, has attained to ripeness at this hour, according to Thy good pleasure.  May our partaking of this birth of the vine be for gladness, and for the offering of a gift unto Thee for the cleansing of sins, through the sacred and holy Body of Thy Christ, with whom thou art blessed, together with thy most holy, good, and life-giving Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages.  Amen.
Prayer for those who offer first fruits"
O Master, Lord our God, who commandest everyone to offer to Thee thine own of thine own, according to their intention, granting them in return thine eternal good things, and who didst favourably accept the offering of the widow which was according to her ability: now also accept these things offered by Thy servants [here present], counting them worthy to lay up the same in thine eternal treasury.  And grant them an abundant harvest of thine eternal good things, together with all things that are profitable unto them.  For blessed is Thy Name, and glorified is Thy kingdom: of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages.  Amen.

The Feast of Procession of the Honorable Wood of the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord - Sun, Aug 1st - 07/25/2021

The Feast of Procession of the Honorable Wood of the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord (Commemorated on August 1)
"The origin of this Feast is explained in the Greek Horologion of 1897: 'Because of the illnesses which occur during the month of August, it was customary at Constantinople to carry the Precious Wood of the Cross in procession throughout the city for its sanctification, and to deliver it from sickness.'
"On the eve (July 31), the Cross was removed from the imperial treasury and placed it upon the Holy Table of the Great Church of Hagia Sophia (which is dedicated to Christ, the Wisdom of God). From August 1 until the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos, there was a procession throughout the entire the city, and then the Cross was placed where all the people could venerate it."
Special Note:  Given the current pandemic, and the coincidence that August 1st falls on a Sunday this year, Saint George will have a short procession with the cross at the end of the Divine Liturgy, and serve the following prayer service in the center of the church (Prayers for the Procession of the Holy Cross), asking the Lord to bless our community, and asking for our continued good health.  

Please feel free to print out a copy of the Prayer Service and bring to church on Sunday to follow along, or feel free to follow viewing an electronic copy on your phone.

The Troparion and Kontakion for this Feast follows below: 
Troparion— Tone 1:   O Lord, save Your people, / and bless Your inheritance! / Grant victories to the Orthodox Christians / over their adversaries. / And by virtue of the Cross, / preserve Your habitation!
Kontakion— Tone 4:   As You were voluntarily crucified for our sake, / grant mercy to those who are called by Your name; / make all Orthodox Christians glad by Your power, / granting them victories over their adversaries, / by bestowing on them the invincible trophy, Your weapon of peace!

Coffee Hour returns Sunday after Divine Liturgy - 07/15/2021

All the maintenance and filter replacement work has been completed on the church air conditioning system, and the air ducts have all been cleaned and disinfected.   With this work complete, the church hall is reopening this Sunday, July 18th. 

There will be a coffee hour this weekend, July 18th -  however we need volunteers to sign-up on the coffee hour schedule for upcoming weeks.  We expect to have a full coffee hour schedule after Labor Day weekend, but that could be earlier depending on how quickly volunteers sign up.  

Please look to volunteer to serve a coffee hour so we can get back to our regular fellowship time after Divine Liturgy

Updated COVID Protocols for St. George - 07/01/2021

The Church Council have updated the COVID protocols for our church.  This was completed following recent revisions to the CDC Guidelines and based on Governor Lamont’s recent recommendations for Connecticut:
Beginning Sunday, July 4th:
- Fully vaccinated parishioners may choose not to wear a mask. 
- Anyone who is not vaccinated is required to wear a mask. 
- Vaccinated parishioners may also continue to wear a mask if that is their preference. 

- Reservations are no longer required to attend church services, however the Parish Council will continue to capture attendance for any future contract tracing. 

As a friendly reminder, the above changes are in addition to other recent changes:
Parishioners are no longer required to have their temperature taken before entering church. If parishioners are ill or develop COVID symptoms (fever, chills, cough, shortness of breath, etc.) they are strongly encouraged to remain home.

Attendance is no longer being restricted by headcount.  However individual parishioners/family groups need to continue to maintain a social distance spacing of 6 ft.  
Thank you for your continued cooperation and compliance as we continue to make adjustments that reflect the current conditions and the safety of our community.

July 4th - National Bell Ringing for Freedom - 06/30/2021

This notice is to invite any volunteers from St. George to ring our church bell at 2PM on July 4th.

On Independence Day July 4th, 1963, Congress officially authorized “Let Freedom Ring,” a national bell ringing ceremony.

This patriotic act is to ring church bells 13 times on July 4th at 2PM in honor of the signing of the Declaration of Independence.

Click onto the link, which is an Opinion piece that was published in several local news services this weekend.  

Maintenance work on our A/C System - 06/24/2021

The Parish Council is in the process of providing much needed service to the church air conditioning system. This requires the replacement of 28 large air filters, and also includes a complete cleaning and sanitizing of all components of the ductwork system. 

Work on the air conditioning system has been completed, and work on the ductwork system will begin next week (on June 30th) and take 3 to 4 days. 

These repairs will allow the A/C system to operate optimally and will provide an additional future step towards safely reopening the church hall.

Albanian Archdiocesan Clergy Conference - June 21st & 22nd - 06/15/2021

Father Sergei will be away at 2-day conference with the clergy of the Albanian Archdiocesan on Monday & Tuesday, June 21st and 22nd. 

If an emergency arises, please contact Bill Kovachi at 203-449-4404.  Fr. Sergei will be able to periodically check on messages while he is away at the conference. 

Reservations for Sunday Divine Liturgy now due by Friday, 6PM - 06/02/2021

While we remain open with COVID restrictions, (St. George still remains restricted in occupancy headcount), there is an internal change of procedure for St. George to obtain reservations for attendance for Divine Liturgy. 

St. George is asking that reservations be made by Friday 6PM to Laura Chadwick for attendance to Sunday Divine Liturgy.  We recognize this change may take a few weeks to settle in, so there will be some flexibility in the next few weeks. 

To confirm reservations, Laura Chadwick can be contacted by her cell phone (203.218.1552) or by her email:

Thank you for your cooperation!

Remembering our Departed Veterans - Sun, May 30th - 05/27/2021

On Sunday May 30th, for the Memorial Day weekend, St. George will offer prayers in remembrance of all of our departed Veterans.

Coffee Hour returning - 05/26/2021

In another step to continue to exit some of our COVID restrictions, to slowly return back to some of our routines, St. George will be restarting Coffee Hours after Divine Liturgy.  

At this time, the coffee hours will be held outside, not in the church hall.  The Parish Council recognizes the church hall has limited ventilation capabilities, so with summer upon us, the prudent and safe method is to hold them outside, weather permitting.  

Coffee will be provided, and our fellowship gathering location will be the back right side of the church on the lawn.

Parishioners, if you wish, please feel free to bring a lawn chair to sit on, a snack to eat, another beverage you may prefer, or even your own coffee in a thermos if you wish to remain more cautious.

St. George looks forward to making continual small steps back to normalcy based on recommended input and guidelines from the Diocese and our civil authorities. 

Father's Day Commemorations - Sun, June 20th - 05/25/2021

We are preparing our annual Father’s Day Commemorations. Please submit names of your father, grandfather, stepfather, godfather, brother, stepbrother, or nephew (clearly indicating whether they are living or deceased) to Louise Gallagher.   

Please submit your names to Louise by Saturday, June 19th at 3PM- she needs time to prepare a prayer list for use during Divine Liturgy on Sunday.  Louise can be reached by email:, or by phone @ 203-268-3803. 

The names will be remembered in prayer during the Divine Liturgy on Father’s Day, June 20th, which is also Pentecost.  All donations will be used for the beautification of the Church.

Honoring V. Rev. Arthur Liolin's Devotion to the Faith - 05/24/2021

Click onto the following link to view a flyer from the Albanian Archdiocese announcing an event on Saturday, June 26th honoring the V. Rev. Arthur Liolin for this 50 Years of Devotion to the Faith:   Flyer V. Rev. Arthur Liolin Devotion to the Faith

Vacation Church School, Three Saints Church, Deadline Thurs, July 1st - 05/20/2021

Three Saints Church in Ansonia is holding it's "Vacation Church School" this summer from July 12th - 16th.  Click on the following link to view the flier and to learn more: VCS Participation form.  Forms are due by July 1st.


Invite Email from Fr. Patrick Burns:

From: Patrick Burns
Date: May 20, 2021 at 5:38:41 PM EDT
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: 2021 Three Saints Vacation Church School

Christ is risen!
Brothers, Please find attached our 2021 flier for VCS. 
YES! We ride again!!!
Please distribute the flier in whatever way you see fit. Because we are getting a later start than usual we are in need of volunteers. If you could spread the word I would be very grateful.
Fraternally in Christ,
Fr. Patrick Burns 

St. George's COVID Safety Procedures remain in effect - 05/14/2021

At this time, all existing COVID safety practices and requirements for anyone attending St George will continue WITHOUT CHANGE.  
The Parish Council continues to meet periodically to review any recently updated CDC guidelines, and continues to monitor any changes from the State of Connecticut, which issue the civil requirements St. George must follow.  Additionally, the Parish Council remains in contact and in coordination with the Albanian Archdiocese and with the OCA for any changes in safety recommendations and guidelines.  
The Parish Council

Thank you note from Parish Council President - 05/06/2021

Below please find a note from Bill Kovachi, President of the Parish Council, to the St. George parish:

I would like to acknowledge everyone’s effort in creating a successful Holy Week. 

A special thank you to Father for his Herculean effort to provide us with a comprehensive and meaningful Holy Week.

It was especially rewarding to observe the unselfish contribution made by Council Members along with many additional individuals.  Collectively, you created the team needed to successfully overcome the Covid challenge.

Thank You,
Bill Kovachi 
Council President

Sermons viewable from Live-stream video on St. George's Facebook page - 05/06/2021

Since the COVID pandemic started and many of our parishioners have not been able to participate with in-person services, St. George has implemented different digital capabilities to help try to maintain some semblance of continuity of parish life and community.

This past February, St. George finalized capabilities to do live-streaming, to provide a more complete broadcast coverage of our services.  St. George will continue live-streaming our services, but in a move to eliminate a duplication of efforts, Fr. Sergei will not simultaneously record his sermon each week for posting. 

The sermon is viewable on a recorded video of our complete Sunday Divine Liturgy which includes the weekly sermon (after the Gospel reading) – those videos are available to view on St. George’s Facebook page:

Fr. Sergei will continue to prepare and record Sermonettes for the Church School children, and those will be posted monthly on the website and archived on our YouTube channel:

Thank you for your continued support of our efforts!

Call to schedule a House Blessing - 05/04/2021

After completing the Pascal services and celebrating St. George Day on Bright Monday, Fr. Sergei is happy to come to parishioners homes for a House Blessing. (House blessings were cancelled in January becuase of continued COVID infection risk, and vaccinations had just begun in this country).  

The only requirement is that you are fully vaccinated (that means past the 2-week incubation period of the 2nd vaccine shot from Moderna or Pfizer, or 2-weeks after a single shot of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine).  No exceptions will be made to this requirememt. 

To schedule, please call Fr. Sergei on his cell phone: 203-331-2251. 

2021 Holy Week Schedule & Service Booklets - 04/16/2021

Below is the 2021 Holy Week Schedule of Services for St. George - please note the additional information located at the bottom of this Announcement including Contact Information to reserve attendance.  Click onto the following link if you wish to download and print a copy of this year's schedule:  2021 St. George Holy Week Service Schedule

2021 Holy Week Schedule for St. George

Saturday, April 24th
Palm Sunday Vespers - 4PM     Palm Sunday Vespers Booklet 
Reservations for attendance required with Louise Gallagher by Sat, Apr 24th@ 3PM

Sunday, April 25th
Palm Sunday Divine Liturgy - 9:30AM      No Service Booklet available
Reservations for attendance required with Laura Chadwick by Sat, Apr 24th@ 3PM
Sunday, April 25th
Bridegroom Service - 7PM     Monday Bridegroom Matins Booklet (served Sunday evening)
Reservations for attendance required with Louise Gallagher by Sun, Apr 25th@ 3PM
Monday, April 26th
Bridegroom Service - 7PM     Tuesday Bridegroom Matins Booklet (served Monday evening)
Reservations for attendance required with Louise Gallagher by Mon, Apr 26th@ 3PM
Tuesday, April 27th
Bridegroom Service - 7PM     Wednesday Bridegroom Matins Booklet (served Tuesday evening)
Reservations for attendance required with Louise Gallagher by Wed, Apr 27th@ 3PM
Wednesday, April 28th
Unction - 7PM     Thursday Bridegroom Matins with Holy Unction Booklet (served Wednesday evening)
Reservations for attendance required with Louise Gallagher by Wed, Apr 28th@ 3PM
Thursday, April 29th
Liturgy of the Last Supper (at Holy Ghost Church) - 9AM     
Reservations for attendance required with Louise Gallagher by Wed, Apr 28th@ 3PM
Thursday, April 29th
Matins with Passion Gospel Readings - 7PM     Matins of Holy Friday with Passion Gospel Readings Booklet (served Thursday evening)
Reservations for attendance required with Louise Gallagher by Thurs, Apr 29th@ 3PM
Friday, April 30th
Vespers: Taking down from the Cross - 3PM     Vespers for Holy Friday Booklet                        
Reservations for attendance required with Louise Gallagher by Fri, Apr 30th @ 3PM
Friday, April 30th
Matins: Lamentations - 7PM     Matins for Holy Saturday with Lamentations (served Friday evening)
Reservations for attendance required with Louise Gallagher by Fri, Apr 30th @ 3PM
Saturday, May 1st
Midnight Paschal Liturgy - 11PM  Blessing of Pascha baskets after Liturgy.   No service booklet available.
Reservations for attendance required with Louise Gallagher by Sat, May 1st @ 3PM

Sunday, May 2nd
Paschal Prayers (Service held outside- weather permitting) - 11AM     Paschal Prayers Booklet for Outside
Eggs passed out to children.  Reservations for attendance are not being taken for this service because it is being held outside.  An email will be sent eaarly Sunday morning announcing any cancellation due to inclement weather.
Monday, May 3rd
Paschal Liturgy (w/ Holy Ghost at St. George Church) - 9:30AM     No service booklet available
Reservations for attendance required with Louise Gallagher by Sun, May 2nd @ 3PM


Additional information:
COVID Guidelines
Temperature checks upon entrance, wearing of face masks (Albanian language wear a mask poster), and maintaining 6 foot social distancing remains required for all services.  Although Connecticut does not have a headcount limit for church services, St. George does have a limit due to the requirement of 6-foot seating separation of family units in the pews.  Unfortunately at this time, the size and orientation of our pews limits our ability to allow unlimited attendance.

In order to accommodate the greatest number of attendees during Holy Week/Pascha Services while maintaining recommended distancing guidelines, we ask for your understanding with respect to seating arrangements. While parishioners may have certain seating preferences, our first priority will be to determine the seating that will allow for maximum attendance.  Thank you for your flexibility and cooperation.
Live-streamed services
All services at this time are planned to be Live-streamed on Facebook.  As we have been presenting over the past 6 weeks, you may view services on your smartphone or PC by going directly to the St. George Orthodox Church Facebook page, or to go to the link on the Home page of St. George’s website. 
Reservations for attendance
To reserve attendance for those services which require it, contact info follows:
            Laura Chadwick            203-218-1552 (Mobile)    
            Louise Gallagher           203-268-3803 (Home)     
Service booklets
Due to COVID restrictions, we cannot hand out Service Booklets during Holy Week.  Unfortuanately, we do not have service booklets for each service to be held at St. George, however for those booklets we do have available, the link for a PDF version is located above with each appropriate listed service.  These are available for parishioners to use at home (when watching a Live-stream service), or to use electronically on your phone when attending a service in person.   Due to reading comfort, some may prefer to print out a copy at home for use in church.  

Myrrhbearing Women/Decorating the Petafi - Fri, Apr 30th - 04/15/2021

It’s that time again for our Myrrhbearing Women to plan to gather to decorate the Petafi (Christ’s Tomb).

Great and Holy Friday is April 30th.  We will meet at 10AM and the decorating will take approximately 2 hours. 

Everyone is welcome. If you have any questions, please contact Pauline Dionis at 203-261-0611.

Plans for Paschal Vespers & Children's Easter Egg Hunt - Sun, May 2nd - 04/14/2021

Below is an email from Sue Galich on the plans for the Paschal Vespers and the Children's Easter Egg Hunt: 

Hello Church School families,

Christ is in our midst!

We are planning to have an outdoor Paschal Vesper service on Sunday, May 2, at 11 AM, weather permitting.

Due to an abundance of caution in this COVID environment, we will not have an Easter Egg Hunt, however we will hand out bags of candy-filled plastic eggs to each child who attends.

Melissa, Erin and I will be in charge of filling the eggs with pre-wrapped candy, using plastic gloves. I took advantage of half price candy post western Easter, so I should have enough. Also, we have plenty of plastic eggs.

Please respond to this email as to whether or not your child(ren) will attend this service. In the event of inclement weather, the service will not be held and we will hand out the bags at another time.

Stay well, stay safe!

In Christ,

Mother's Day Commemorations - Sun, May 9th - 04/10/2021

We are preparing our annual Mother’s Day Commemorations. Please submit names of your mother, grandmother, stepmother, godmother, sister, stepsister, or niece (clearly indicating whether they are living or deceased) to Louise Gallagher.   Please submit your names to Louise by Saturday, May 8th at 3PM - she needs time to prepare a prayer list for use during Divine Liturgy on Sunday.  Louise can be reached by email:, or by phone @ 203-268-3803.

The names will be remembered in prayer during the Divine Liturgy on Mother’s Day, May 9th.  All donations will be used for the beautification of the Church.

Vaccination Clinic at Holy Ghost Church - Tues, Apr 13th - 04/08/2021

Below is an email from Fr. John Jillions. Holy Ghost Church is hosting a Vaccination Clinic run by the Bridgeport Dept of Public Health in their Church Hall.  Date, time, and scheduling contact is in the email. 


Dear brothers,

Christ is in our midst!

If you know of anyone who needs a covid vaccination, the Bridgeport Department of Public Health will be having a vaccination clinic at Holy Ghost Church on TUESDAY, APRIL 13, 3-6 PM. Appointments must be made in advance by calling Cathleen McCormick, 203-521-7168. 

Thanks for circulating the attached flyer to your parishioners. 

I wish you all a profitable Lenten journey and a blessed Holy Week and Pascha.

In Christ,
Fr John
Fr John A. Jillions
Holy Ghost Orthodox Church
1510 East Main Street
Bridgeport, CT 06608

"Year of the Youth" : Zoom call with Hierarchs - Tues, Apr 13th - 04/01/2021

Below is an announcement sponsored by the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America - Zoom calls with Bishops are scheduled for regions of the U.S. throughout the year. The Northeast region will be the first call, scheduled for Tuesday, April 13th.  Additional details are below:

The Assembly of Bishops has declared 2021 as the "Year of the Youth"! We are excited to announce that part of this is a monthly Zoom call for our youth with our Orthodox hierarchs. These Zoom calls have been organized by region, and we ask that you check out the information below. We're excited that our own hierarch, Archbishop MICHAEL, will be on the first call which is for the Northeast region on Tuesday, April 13th at 7pm EST! 

You can register for this session here. The schedule and registration for other regions across North America can be found at this link:

Feel free to share this with any youth who may be interested. Space is limited to the first 60 who register, so sign-up fast. We hope you can join us!

In Christ,
Danielle Geeza, Chairperson
Department of Youth Ministry
OCA Diocese of New York and New Jersey


Click onto the more information link below to view the program Flyers

March Update on St. George/Holy Ghost Conversations - 03/26/2021


Update from the Mar 1, 2021 Joint Committee Meeting:   Holy Ghost - St. George Committee Minutes 2021-Mar-1


Update from the Jan 11, 2021 Joint Committee Meeting:   Holy Ghost - St. George Committee Minutes 2021-Jan-11 


Update from Dec, 7, 2020 Meeting:  Over the last year or so, Holy Ghost Church in Bridgeport and St. George Church in Trumbull have been having conversations about a possible unification.  COVID has interfered with this exploration, but a joint committee of the two parishes is still meeting periodically via Zoom under the chairmanship of Fr. John Kreta, Chancellor of the Diocese of New England, with the participation of Father Joseph Gallick, General Secretary of the Albanian Archdiocese.

On December 7, 2020, participating via a Zoom meeting, the two committees, agreed on the following action steps:

- Father Kreta will update Metropolitan Tikhon, who now oversees both dioceses as locum tenens, and seek his approval for our continuing efforts.

- A summary of efforts thus far will be sent to the February meetings of the Diocesan Councils of the Albanian Archdiocese and the Diocese of New England.

- A summary of our meeting is to be included in the parish bulletin of both parishes.

- When pandemic conditions improve, we will explore a way to return to celebrating the Divine Liturgy together once a month. 

Forgiveness Vespers Service booklet - 03/11/2021

Immediately following Divine Liturgy on Sunday, March 14th, we will be holding Forgiveness Vespers.  Due to COVID protocols, we will not be handing out service booklets in church.  

Some may wish to print out the service booklet for their personal use in church.  Others may choose to use their phone to open up an electronic version to follow.

Click onto the following link to download a copy of the service booklet that will be used Sunday, March 14th.  Forgiveness Vespers Booklet for use during COVID restrictions

Thank you from Holy Cross Monastery - 03/07/2021

Sharon & Greg Buzi forwarded this Thank you letter from Holy Cross Monastery

On behalf of Archimandrite Seraphim and all the brotherhood of Holy Cross Monastery, we want to extend our most heartfelt thanks to the many hundreds of people from across the country and even across the world who have stepped forward to help us through our recent crisis. We have been truly overwhelmed by the enormous outpouring of kindness, concern, love, and generosity that we have received from all of you. Although we live in an isolated and remote location, and although we have seen far fewer of you than usual during the past year due to the COVID-19 restrictions, this recent disaster has brought us the incomparable consolation of revealing once again the spiritual strength of the bond that unites us to one another in Christ. We are immensely grateful to God for each and every one of you, and cannot begin to express our gratitude and love in words.
While the situation remains ongoing, by God's grace and through your prayers and support we have put the worst of the difficulty behind us. As of last Thursday we now have consistent power to our buildings once again, and roads have finally been cleared to allow deliveries and mail service to resume.
Most of the damage to our buildings remains in need of repair, although the property has largely been cleared of the many fallen trees and tree limbs from the ice storm. We will now be turning our attention to making the necessary repairs as quickly as we can, which has been enabled by the extreme generosity so many of you have shown.
We are also planning to upgrade as many of our generators as possible to be able to run on both natural gas as well as a propane backup, so that in the event of future disasters we will be able to better withstand prolonged power outages and shortages of natural gas. In addition, we will be carefully assessing the trees surrounding our buildings in order to evaluate which ones need to be cut down in order to prevent similar damage to our buildings in the future. This is tricky due to our terrain, as removing too many trees will substantially weaken the integrity of the hillside and increase the already serious problems we have with landslides and hill movement.
All in all, thanks to your generosity we are now in a position to both effect the needed repairs as well as to do everything possible to ensure that future disasters will not affect us so severely. Again, we are incredibly grateful to God and to all of your for doing so much for us in our time of need. May He reward you a hundredfold in His Kingdom!
We are still waiting for the restoration of our phone and internet service, and unfortunately there has been no estimate provided to us for when this might be. As soon as it is restored, we will immediately resume live-streaming the divine services once again, which we know so many of you have missed. In addition, once this happens we will serve a special Moleben of thanksgiving and prayer for all the many friends and benefactors who have helped to get us through this difficult time.
Please know that all of you remain in our unworthy prayers. If there is ever anything we can do to repay you, do not hesitate to reach out and let us know.
May God grant us all a profitable Lent and a radiant and joyous Pascha!

RESOURCES for use during COVID-19 service restrictions - 03/07/2021


Below are some links to a host of varied Resources (Prayers, Readings, Podcasts, Live streamed services, etc) including a download of Sunday Prayers for parishioners to use who are unable to attend services:  



Prayer Service and Prayers for Use at Home

Reader Sunday Prayer Service / Sunday Prayer Service for use at Home (with no Priest): A Reader Sunday Prayer Service

Prayers for Daily Use:    The Jesus Prayer 

Morning and Evening Prayers  (from "Orthodox Christian Prayers")  Can be purchased from STS Press and Amazon


General Confession for use at St. George: 

Format for General Confession for use at St. George (the 1st Sunday of each month):  Format for General Confession


Weekly Sermon from Fr. Sergei

The weekly Sermon is recorded and posted each Sunday afternoon on St. George's YouTube Channel:



Lives of Saints:  

Daily Bible Readings:  


Podcasts, Blogs, & Music:

Ancient Faith Ministries


Livestream video of Services:  

Online Chapel has both livestream and archived videos of the Orthodox Christian services of the Monastery of the Transfiguration, Ellwood City, PA:  
Holy Cross Monastery in Wayne, WV is livestreaming all services throughout the Coronavirus epidemic (this is the Monastery where Brother Gregory is located):

Holy Ghost Church, Bridgeport   They are continuing with Facebook Live streaming for on-going services.  Please go to their website to view the schedule of services, and to obtain a link to Facebook Live.



Sts Hermione, Philonilla & Zenaida the Unmercenary Physicians:

The featured icon image is of Sts Hermione, Philonilla & Zenaida the Unmercenary Physicians.  They are known as the Mothers of Modern Medicine, the first Unmercenary Physicians. Unmercenary Physicians were trained physicians who treated the poor and did not accept payment for their services. View more information at these following links:   and

Thank you - Fairfield County Giving Day Results - 02/26/2021

Dear St. George family,
I want to thank all of you for your support during Fairfield County Giving Day on February 25. It was an amazing day and you helped LifeBridge win the Grand Prize of $15,000 for the most unique donors! We were able to take each gift and leverage it into something much greater. The real winners were the more than 3,000 children and adults LifeBridge serves each year through its Center for Youth Development, Family Resource Center, and Behavioral Health Program. You have made a real difference in their lives.  I can't tell you how proud I felt seeing St. George listed among the team leaders as the donations poured in.  Again, thank you for supporting me and LifeBridge and the children and families we serve. 
With love,  Laura Coughlin

For more information about LifeBridge's work, click here:

Appeal for support - Holy Cross Monastery, Wayne, WV - 02/20/2021

2021 Feb 27th:  Update from the monastery 

At noon we served an Akathist to the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God (on Her feast day in 2012 we had our power restored after a 13-day outage) and just now our power finally came back on! Truly God is wondrous in His Saints, and especially in His most pure Mother! 

Unfortunately our phones and internet are still down. It could be weeks before they are restored, although hopefully it will be much sooner. Sadly this means we will not be able to resume the livestreamed services just yet, but please be assured we will do so as soon as we possibly can.

Thank all of you from the bottom of our hearts for your prayers and financial support - your kindness and generosity has truly overwhelmed us, and you have been a tremendous consolation to all of the brotherhood during this difficult time.

We will post further updates as soon as possible. Glory to God for all things!


2021 Feb 21st:  From Sharon & Greg Buzi who updated the parishioners with the following information after Divine Liturgy on Sunday, February 21st.  Friendly reminder: Holy Cross Monastery is where Fr. Gregory (Buzi) was tonsured back in August of last year.  The Buzi's appreciate any support parishioners are able to make.
Holy Cross Monastery was hit hard by the ice storm last Monday the 15th. We lost power, phone and internet service. It appears the earliest we will have power restored is Tuesday. It could be longer as the Wayne substation sustained extensive damage. 

Many trees and large branches fell. One small tree fell on the Church causing damage to the roof and ceiling above the altar. Two small trees fell on the candle room causing roof damage. Another tree fell on one of the work vans causing extensive damage. 

We lost four of our on demand generators. These ran off of natural gas and with the extensive power outage the demand for gas exceeded the supply. St. John’s, Mother Theodora’s kelia, the library and the candle room and community room were supplied by these generators. 

Three of our other generators burnt out. 

The monastics without power are sleeping in the community room and library with kerosene heaters. 

Any assistance is greatly needed and much appreciated.   God bless you.

Please keep us in your prayers.
Donations may be sent to 
Holy Cross Monastery 
505 Holy Cross Rd
Wayne, West Virginia 25570
Or on their website 

Fairfield County Giving Day - Thurs, Feb 25th - 02/19/2021

St. George will once again participate in Fairfield County Giving Day, which is this Thursday, February 25th. 
Giving Day is a 24-hour online fundraiser sponsored by the Fairfield County Community Foundation.  Our St. George Team asks you to consider making a gift of $10.00 or more on Feb 25th.  The St. George donations will support LifeBridge Community Services and Laura Coughlin's work as a Board of Director there. Since 1843, LifeBridge has sought to help youth and members of their family develop the resiliency to navigate life's challenges and to develop capabilities to create a brighter future.  Last year, the donations from St. George helped LifeBridge come in 2nd place for the greatest number of donors, earning a $10,000 bonus for LifeBridge.  Let's do it again!
To Help: Click onto the following link on Thursday, Feb. 25th and donate $10 or more. This link goes live at midnight for 24 hours and goes right to our St. George Team page.
If you would like Laura to put in your donation for you, please provide her with your name, email and amount at or call her at 203.685.3839 by Wednesday, February 24th.  You can send her a check later or Venmo.  
Thank you for your support!  
For more information about LifeBridge's work, click here:

Zoom Class scheduled to discuss "Pilgrimage to Pascha" book - 02/19/2021

To help prepare on how to use this book during Great Lent, Holy Ghost Church, in collaboration with Fr John Shimchick of Holy Cross Church in Medford, NJ, have scheduled a three-session class introducing the book "Pilgrimage to Pascha".  The classes will be via Zoom at 7PM on three consectivie Wednesdays: February 24th, March 3rd, and  March 10th.  For each of the 40 days of Great Lent, the book offers a Scripture reading, an excerpt from the writings of the saints with a reflection, an excerpt from a Lenten hymn, the life of a saint, and a short prayer.

To learn more about the book, click here:

If anyone would like a copy of the book, please contact Laura Chadwick.  The cost is $14.00.   

For those who would like to participate in the Zoom sessions, the participation credentials follow:

Topic: Pilgrimage To Pascha
Join Zoom Meeting: 
Meeting ID: 865 3790 4686
Dial by your location    +1 929 205 6099 US (New York)

“Pilgrimage to Pascha” – Book from Fr. Steven Belonick, updated second edition released - 02/12/2021

Pilgrimage to Pascha” – A true labor of love from Mat Deb Belonick ...

Father Steven Belonick's book, Pilgrimage to Pascha: A Daily Devotional for Great Lent, has been released by Ancient Faith Publishers (AFP). This is an updated second edition of the original title, A Journey Through Great Lent, and it includes a new preface, updated sections for the church fathers and lives of saints, and an epilogue about Fr. Steven's last days, written by Mat. Deb, who also edited this new volume.

If you would like to order the soft cover book format to help you on your Lenten journey, here's the link:

The book also is in e-book formats: Orthodox Christian E-books; Amazon Kindle; Nook; and iBooks (same as Apple Books), as follows:

All royalties for this book will go to the "Fr. Steven Belonick Seminarian Fund" of the Diocese of New England, Orthodox Church in America, to help finance the education of seminarians at both St. Vladimir's and St. Tikhon's who intend to become pastors. Mat. Deb thanks all who either will order or promote the book on social media to their family and friends, using the attached image if you wish.
Additional information:
Many of the St. George parish may have met Mat. Deb Belonick during the past year or two when we had an opportunity to share services with Holy Ghost.  Mat. Deb faithfully sings in the Choir.
Fr. Steven served at Holy Ghost parish in Bridgeport from 2013 -2017.  Click on the following link to read the OCA Memoriam for Fr. Steven: 

Divine Liturgy CANCELLED for Sun, Feb 7th - 02/05/2021

Divine Liturgy for tomorrow, Sunday, Feb 7th has been cancelled due to the pending snow storm.  

All weather advisors for our area are predicting the heaviest snowfall from 8AM through 1PM, with recommendations to stay off the roads due to slippery road conditions.  

Unfortunately, the celebration of The Feast of the Meeting of Our Lord in the Temple (Papandia) is cancelled for this year. The Feast of the Meeting of Our Lord is the Teuta Ladies’ Society Patronal Feast Day. 

Fr. Sergei went to St. George today ahead of the storm to record a sermonette for the weekend.  It can be viewed at the following link:

General Confession will be rescheduled for next Sunday, Feb 14th.

2020 Year-End Contribution Statements Available - 01/20/2021

Year-End 2020 Contribution Statements were emailed to parishioners on Wednesday, January 20th.

If you haven't provided the church with your email address, or do not have an email account, please pick up your statement at the Church Desk this Sunday, January 24th.  

For those who do not, or cannot, pick them up this Sunday - they will be mailed the week of Janaury 25th

If you have any questions, please email the Financial Secretary:


Holy Water available starting Sun, Jan 17th - 01/06/2021

Holy Water was blessed on Sunday, Janaury 10th, for the Feast of Theophany (which was transferred from January 6th). 

Due to COVID concerns, we asked parishioners NOT to bring their own bottles for Holy Water this year.  Bottles of Holy Water will be available beginning Sunday, January 17th.  Fr. Sergei bottled the Holy Water with proper COVID protections this past week. St. George is distributing one bottle per household. 

Thank you for your understanding and compliance. 

Photo:  Theophany 2020 - Fr. Sergei with the Blessing of Waters service surrounded by Church School children.

Transfer Date for Feast of Theophany - 01/01/2021

With St. George re-opening under restricted guidelines for Sunday Divine Liturgies only, we are transferring the celebration of the Feast of THEOPHANY. 

The celebration of this Great Feast will be transferred to Sunday, January 10th with the Blessing of Water ( Feast is transferred from Wednesday, January 6th). 

House Blessings postponed - 01/01/2021

Due to the current COVID-19 restrictions, the traditional, in person, house blessing is postponed. 
We will re-examine the possibilities after April 23 (St. George Day).

Konizmat - Bids/Donations due Sun, Jan 31st - 01/01/2021

With our COVID restrictions continuing in 2021, we will, once again engage in the annual secular ritual of the Konizmat Icon Auction.

From the time of Turkish occupation, through the years, even in America, this was a traditional and important fundraising method for those whose Church heritage is from the central Balkans.

"Bids" are to be submitted during the month of January with January 31st being the last Sunday bids will be accepted. The icons will be assigned - based on highest/earliest received bid.

We are greatly disappointed to report that unfortuantely, due to COVID precautions, this year we cannot allow icons to be taken home and then returned back to church on March 21st (Sunday of the Triumph of Orthodoxy).  The best we can do is to announce in the Weekly Bulletin who supported the fund raiser and what icon they obtained.  

The Icon and Bid form can be downloaded here:   2021 Konizmat Icons

Click onto the following link to read more on the Konizmat Icon Auction

Thank you for your understanding and continued support.

Photo Note: Procession during the Great Entrance with icons being returned to Church (Sunday of the Triumph of Orthodoxy - 2020).

Vesperal Liturgy of St. Basil approved for Christmas Eve, Dec 24th, 4:30PM - 12/14/2020

Due to COVID restrictions, St. George was required to obtain approval to hold services for The Feast of The Nativity of the Lord (Christmas).  Fr. Sergei received an email this morning from the Secretary to the Metropolitan, Rev. Deacon John Thetford, that the Metropolitan has approved St. George’s plans to hold a Vesperal Liturgy of Saint Basil on Christmas Eve (Dec 24th), at 4:30PM.

Here are some additional specifics from Fr. Sergei on the schedule, reminder of the need to reserve attendance with Laura Chadwick (to ensure that we are complying with headcount restrictions), and instructions for those who plan to receive Communion. 

At Saint George we will be observing the following:

- Our Christmas Service - a Vesperal Liturgy of Saint Basil - will take place December 24th - starting at 4:30PM.  We hope we can accomplish the service in about 90 minutes.

- Those planning to receive communion should fast from 12Noon of December 24th.

- Everyone planning to come must contact Laura Chadwick (203.218.1552 or email at ​​) to confirm a reservation.  Due to COVID protocols, St. George remains under a headcount restriction. We will take "reservations" up to 3:00PM on December 23rd, and any cancellations up to 12Noon on the 24th - thus giving time to contact any folks on the wait list.

-There will be NO LITURGY ON CHRISTMAS DAY this year.  This gives us a chance to perform the proper cleaning to maintain our safety protocols

-The regular format will continue for the Sunday Service of December 27th.

- We will look at the Theophany schedule later, but can advise you now that in-person house blessing is postponed indefinitely due to COVID-19 concerns.  We will, however, still have the annual blessing of the waters. 

Community Christmas Card - Names/Donations due Sun, Dec 5th - 12/11/2020

As in years past, we will be collecting contributions for our annual Community Christmas Card. 

All submissions must be turned in by Sunday, December 5th for the card to be printed and mailed in a timely manner

Click onto the following link to view and download an offering form: 2021 Community Christmas Card Form. We invite all to take part.

If you prefer, hard copies of the form will be available at the church desk.  

We will be mailing the form this week to parishioners who do not have an email address or internet access.

Transfer Date for Feast of the Entrance of the Theotokos into the Temple - 11/20/2020

With St. George re-opening under restricted guidelines for Sunday Divine Liturgies only, we are transferring the celebration of the Feast of THE ENTRANCE OF THE THEOTOKOS INTO THE TEMPLE

The celebration of this Great Feast will be transferred to the Sunday, November 22nd (transferred from Saturday, November 21st). 

Photos requested from St. Nicholas Parties past - 11/19/2020

Unfortunately, due to the COVID pandemic, there cannot be a St. Nicholas Party for the parish children this year. 

Fr. Sergei has requested photos and/or video clips from past St. Nicholas events – he would like to put together a video montage from year’s past to send out as a small consolation.  To help with organizing, please include the year the photo was taken.

We recognize this is very short notification, but Fr. Sergei would like to have the photos/videos by this Thanksgiving - Thursday, November 26th so he can work on the project over the holiday weekend.

Please forward photos to Fr. Sergei at the following address:


Annual CT Deanery St. Tikhon's Seminary Concert - LiveStreaming Sun, Dec 6th - 11/17/2020

The following announcement is from Fr. Patrick Burns, Three Saints Church, Ansionia

St. Tikhon’s Seminary Choir comes to Connecticut for a special Sacred Music Concert!

While the difficulties of Covid19 may be a temptation to do away with Christmas cheer, we will still be holding our annual St. Tikhon’s Seminary Concert.

Obviously, we will not have the concert in our church but instead, we will use a live stream format. The singers will perform before our eyes with live interaction from our hosts. This year’s concert will be performed online on Sunday, December 6th, at 7 PM. 

As you may recall, there has never been a set fee for the concert but we usually pass a basket for a freewill offering. Since this too will not be possible, we are reaching out asking for donations to support the needs of St. Tikhon’s Seminary. Your donation will go far to help the future priests in our country and to care for their families who have made great sacrifices to follow Christ’s call to priestly formation.  I thank you in advance for your support of theological education and for helping the world wide church in helping to train priests to continue the mission of Christ’s Holy Church.

Please see the Flyer posted on your Church Bulletin Board for more information.  You may also call Fr. Patrick Burns at 203-734-3988. 

Please be sure to join in on the concert at Online at:  YOUTUBE.STOTS.EDU  &  FACEBOOK.COM/SAINTTIKHONS

Dress Appropriately for the Winter months - 11/14/2020

St. George continues to operate under its original re-opening plan which was developed to meet the Phase 1, Stage 1 Holy Synodal Guidelines.  This plan was approved for use on June 25th.

The approved plan allows St. George only to hold Sunday Divine Liturgies with a maximum of 40 attendees (maximum of 25% occupancy).  For the specific plan details and guidelines, click onto our following page link from June 26, 2020:

To maximize outside fresh-air ventilation, all Divine Liturgies have been held with the windows open.   This is continuing for the winter months - experts recommend bringing in as much outside fresh air as possible.  The heat remains on at the same time the windows are open, the church can be a little chilly, especially near the perimeter locations.  While this is not energy efficient, the Parish Council is prioritizing on health and safety during this COVID pandemic. 

For those who attend Sunday Divine Liturgy, please dress accordingly to keep yourself comfortable.  

Children's Sermonette for November - 11/12/2020

Fr. Sergei’s Children’s Sermonette for the month of November can be viewed at the following link:

You can view all Children’s Sermonette videos, along with all weekly sermons on St. George’s YouTube Channel.  St. George’s YouTube Channel address is: channel/ UCvDnJSwwffvezBVH7P8u0bg

As many of you are aware, you can also reach our YouTube Channel through this website:   Using the Menu at the top of the Home Page, click onto Media, then onto YouTube Channel. The link to the channel address can be found there.


Parish Council Update for November - 10/29/2020

Below is an update from the Parish Council for November: 

The Parish Council would like to inform you of some important information concerning our ongoing church services and our annual Community Christmas Card. Please make sure you see the information below.
·       Services will continue on Sundays at 9:30 a.m., with general confession at 9:15 on the first Sunday of the month.  Our safety protocols have been working well and will continue to be implemented, including temperature checks, mask wearing, social distancing and individual spoons for communion.  Be advised that we will be turning the heat on and also opening windows to promote good air circulation, so please plan to dress accordingly.
·       We ask that you continue to call or email Laura Chadwick by 3:00 at the latest on the Saturday before the Divine Liturgy.  This gives the Council time to determine the best seating arrangement for our parishioners, considering seating limits, social distancing and parishioner preferences when possible.  Her contact information is 203-218-1552 or
·       We are pleased to announce that plans are underway to acquire internet access at church.  We hope to be able to live stream services for those who cannot attend in person. Details to follow.
·       We continue to have concern for our parishioners who may be more isolated due to age/health reasons or lack of internet access.  If you feel that you or someone you know is in need of assistance or support, please contact the Parish Council at , send a note to the church address, or call Laura Coughlin at 203-685-3839.
 ·       We are now gathering names and donations for our annual Community Christmas Card. Please open the following link to view and download a copy of the 2020 Community Christmas Card Form.

Sunday Divine Liturgy start time to remain at 9:30AM - 10/14/2020

Divine Liturgy will continue to start at 9:30AM going forward based on direct input from participants after the October 4th Divine Liturgy.  

The vote was greater than a 5 to 1 ratio in favor of remaining at 9:30AM.

Divine Liturgy at Holy Ghost Park, Shelton - Sun, Oct 11th - 10/05/2020

St. George was invited to worship with the Holy Ghost parish at Holy Ghost Park, 70 Nells Rock Rd, in Shelton.  That Liturgy will begin at 9::30AM.  As many of you are aware, services are held in their pavilion (a covered patio).
St. George attendance registration rules still apply – please notify Laura Chadwick by Saturday, October 10th, 3PM if you wish to attend. 
Some particulars you should be aware of:
-Even though the service is outdoors, masks are required and families should space 6 feet apart.
-Holy Ghost asks participants to bring their own hand sanitizer.
-Feel free to bring a light folding chair
-There is a Coffee Hour after Divine Liturgy, although no food, nor drinks will be offered. Participants are free to bring their own “Coffee Hour” drink and socialize 6 feet apart on the grounds.
To become more familiar with Holy Ghost’s specific approved Health and Safety Guidelines for Divine Liturgy at Holy Ghost Park, please open the following link to the Holy Ghost website Home page where there the main news piece discusses their requirements:

Teuta Bazaar Cancelled due to COVID restrictions - 10/03/2020

Below is a letter from Diane Cryan, President of the Teuta Society

St. George Parishioners:

We will not be holding our annual Teuta Bazaar this year.  We will miss the Bazaar terribly but look forward to having it again next year.

In lieu of the bazaar,  please consider making a donation to Teuta to help continue our support of our wonderful St George parish..

Thank you very much.

President Diane Cryan and the Teuta Ladies.

Prayers for the Health of Met. Theodosius - 09/18/2020

We are praying for the health of His Beatitude, Metropolitan Theodosius, the past spiritual leader of the Orthodox Church in America from 1977 to 2002.  He served many years as Locum Tenens of the Albanian Archdiocese, and was an advocate of Orthodox unity in North America.  Click on the following link from the OCA website to view the announcement on the change of his health status:

Brother Gregory (Buzi) to be tonsured at Holy Cross Monastery - 08/16/2020

St. George was recently informed that Brother Gregory will be tonsured at Holy Cross Monastery in Wayne, WV, thus taking the next important step towards becoming a monk.

He will be tonsured after the Vigil (around 9:30 or 10:00PM) for the Feast of Dormition on August 27th. (Note: Holy Cross Monastery follows the Julian calendar for determining Feasts which is 13 days behind the Gregorian calendar, which St. George and the OCA follow).

A tonsure is the cutting of the hair on the head. All Orthodox Christians are tonsured at our baptism – a sign of our being dedicated to God. This monastic tonsure is a confirmation of that pledge.


The entire service will be live-streamed can be viewed on the monastery’s Facebook orYouTube sites:

Holy Cross Monastery Facebook link:

Holy Cross Monastery YouTube link:


Sharon and Greg Buzi recently forwarded a letter to our parish, and shared an email from Fr. Seraphim, Abbot of Holy Cross Monastery – they both can be viewed here:

Email from Fr. Seraphim, Abbot Holy Cross Monastery

Letter from Sharon & Greg Buzi to St. George parish

The parish of St. George continues to pray for Brother Gregory and the whole Buzi family as he progresses on his journey.

Letter from Albanian Archdiocese on status of open issues - 08/07/2020

Attached is a letter from Michael Gregory, Lay Vice-Chair of the Albanian Orthodox Archdiocese, to the Albanian pairshes with an update on numerous administrative open issues within the Archdiocese. 

2020 August 6:  Letter from Michael Gregory, Lay Vice-Chair, Albanian Orthodox Archdiocese

Support the IOCC and help with the Beirut, Lebanon explosion - 08/02/2020

Beirut Explosion deeply impacts Orthodox Christians in that city

On Tuesday evening, August 4, just after 6:00 pm local time, a massive explosion occurred in the port area of Beirut, Lebanon. The explosion has been traced to 2,750 tons of ammonium nitrate stored in a warehouse in the port area. The port area, along with neighboring sections of the city, has been devastated. At the time of this writing, 137 persons have been confirmed dead, and thousands more are injured. Searches are ongoing, in the wreckage and debris, for other victims. An estimated 300,000 people have been rendered homeless.

Among the damaged buildings and institutions is Saint George Hospital University Medical Center, a non-profit teaching hospital that operates under the patronage of the Orthodox Christian bishop of Beirut, His Eminence Metropolitan Elias. (Metropolitan Elias is a graduate of Saint Vladimir’s Seminary, here in the United States.) The hospital is located in the port area of Beirut, and was the hospital closest to the blast’s epicenter. The main hospital building is so badly damaged that it has been completely evacuated, with all the patients being transferred to other hospitals, further away from where the explosion took place.Also badly damaged is Saint George Orthodox Cathedral, which is located in the port area of Beirut, too. One image on the Cathedral’s Facebook page:  shows one of the massive doors of the Cathedral blown off its hinges, and lying thirty or forty feet inside the building. The Cathedral is the oldest extant Church in Beirut, dating to the 18th century.

Fr. John and Macrina Hopko’s (Sts. Cyril and Methodius, Terryville, CT.) classmate at Saint Vladimir’s Seminary, Fr. Philip Said, is an Orthodox priest serving in Beirut. He and his family are all safe and healthy following the explosion, but Fr. Philip reports that the situation in Beirut is dire. This explosion comes at a time when the economy in Lebanon has been suffering terribly, and at a time when COVID-19 is a deeply serious problem in the city. Lebanon was already in a deep crisis, and now this explosion has destroyed the country’s main port, where vital food and medicine imports arrive in the country.

To contribute to Beirut Relief, please, visit the IOCC (International Orthodox Christian Charities) website at:


LaBache Scholarship applications being accepted - Due July 26th - 05/22/2020

Applications for the 2020 Thomas and Katherine LaBache Scholarships are now being accepted. 

Click on the following link to view the 2020 Announcement

Click on the following link to view the 2020 Guidelines

Click on the following link to obtain the 2020 Application

Reminder - the applications must be returned by July 26th.

Streaming service for Pascha at St. George Cathedral, Boston - 04/17/2020

Saint George Albanian Orthodox Cathedral
7:30 PM
Dear Parishioners:
We hope that you and your families continue to be safe and well.  We appreciate the great “turnout” for this past Sunday’s Palm Sunday Divine Liturgy.  The service was viewed live by a couple of hundred people, while thousands have viewed the archived video on Facebook (including from Albania).  While it was a different experience than we’re used to, it was wonderful to gather together and express our faith on that most important day.    
Continuing our live-streaming, St. George will broadcast a live service this coming Saturday evening starting at 7:30 PM, beginning with the Midnight Office, followed by the Paschal Matins and the Paschal Divine Liturgy.  Facebook and Zoom links are included below.    
In order to participate in these streaming services, please choose one of the following three options:
1. FACEBOOK – For viewing on PC or tablet/mobile device
You do not need a Facebook account to view the service on the St. George Facebook site.
2. ZOOM – For viewing on PC or tablet/mobile device

Click here for:  Instructions for video and audio on Zoom
3. PHONE ONLY – For those without computer access
Dial: (929) 205-6099
Meeting ID: 778 1022 6793
Password: 138329

Click here for:  Instructions for video and audio on Zoom
Christ is Risen! Krishti u Ngjall!
Fr Arthur Liolin & The Cathedral Advisory Board

View Palm Sunday and Pascha Services at St. George Cathedral, Boston - 04/10/2020

St George Cathedral, of the Albanian Orthodox Archdiocese, has obtained permission to live stream Palm Sunday and Pascha (Easter) services to each of you on your home computer or mobile device from our Cathedral.  We will be able to present these services to you using Facebook and Zoom, allowing us to send live video and audio of these services as they are being celebrated.
You may view/connect through either Facebook, Zoom, or by phone/  Instructions for connectivity are below:
1. FACEBOOK – For viewing on PC or tablet/mobile device
You do not need a Facebook account to view the service on the St. George Facebook site.
2. ZOOM – For viewing on PC or tablet/mobile device
Please see instructions for accessing video on Zoom. Zoom Instructions from Albanian Archdiocese
3. PHONE ONLY – For those without computer access
Dial: (929) 205-6099
Meeting ID: 417 236 032
Password: 179452
Other local numbers:
Please see attached instructions for accessing audio on Zoom.

Parish Council Newsletter to Parishioners - 04/09/2020

Click onto the following link for a Newsletter from our Parish Council:   April 12, 2020

Video Message from Metropolitan TIKHON - 03/30/2020

Below please find a note and link to a video message of encouragement from Metropolitan TIKHONLocum Tenens of the Albanian Archdiocese: 

Dear All, 

Below is a link to a YouTube video that I have prepared specifically for the monastics, clergy, and faithful of the stavropegial monasteries and seminaries, the Archdiocese of Washington, the Albanian Archdiocese, and the Diocese of New England.
I would ask the Chancellors to distribute it to the clergy of their respective diocese with the understanding that they may share it with their faithful. The heads of the institutions may also share it with their brotherhoods/sisterhoods or other constituents (faculty/staff/students/Board).
As indicated in the video, the Holy Synod will be providing further direction on the coronavirus crisis.
Yours in Christ,  

Metropolitan Tikhon

The Jesus Prayer - 03/18/2020

Church services are the center of our spiritual lives, and for many the only place we go to pray. With our church services suspended,  saying prayers at home is something we can do for ourselves. 
The “Jesus Prayer” is one of the most important prayers in the Orthodox Tradition. The Jesus Prayer is the form of invocation used by those practicing mental prayer, also called the “prayer of the heart.”
It is not long or complicated, simply:
“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.”

Letter from Parish Council on Needs of any Members - 03/17/2020

Attached please find a letter from our Parish Council:   Letter from Parish Council 2020 Mar 21

We want to make sure as a parish we are reaching all our members, identify any special needs they may have, and specifically want to stay in contact our seniors who may not be connnected via interent or a cellular smart mobile device.  Thank you for your assistance in this time of social distancing.

FORCC Scholarship Applications due June 1st - 03/16/2020

The Fellowship of Orthodox Churches of Connecticut, Inc. (FORCC) is proceeding with their scholarship program again in 2020.
High school graduates entering a 4 year college program may apply if their parish had forwarded the $100 membership to FORCC in 2019. 
To learn more, and to download a scholarship application, click onto the following link: 2020 FORCC SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION.
All applications are due by June 1st.   Applications are also available on the FORCC website:
If you're not sure if your parish is eligible, please contact Alexia Tassmer, Treasurer at
For those who wish to contribute with an ad in the FORCC Program Journal, click onto the following link:  2020 FORCC Ad Form.

Letter from Albanian Archdiocese on COVID-19 Guidelines - 03/14/2020

Please click onto the following link to view a Letter from Metropolitan TIKHON, Locum Tenens of the Albanian Archdiocese on Guidelines during the COVID-19 outbreak:     Letter Met NIKHON COVID-19 Guidelines

After March 31, 2020, this letter will be archived under:  About/Administration/Archdiocesan Correspondence

Holy Synod of Bishops of the OCA statement on COVID-19 - 03/12/2020

Please click on the following link to view the statement of the Holy Synod of Bishops of the Orthodox Church in America on the COVID-19 outbreak:

SUSPENDED FOR MARCH - Pan-Orthodox Lenten Vespers Schedule - 03/12/2020

Sunday evening Pan-Orthodox Vespers services for the CT Deanery and the Orthodox Churches Association of Greater Bridgeport are suspended for the rest of March due to the COVID-19 outbreak.

The situation will be re-evaluated at the start of April


Lenten OCAGB Pan-Orthodox Services 2020

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

The Orthodox Clergy Association of Greater Bridgeport (OCAGB) warmly welcomes you to join us every Sunday during Great and Holy Lent at the various parishes within our greater Bridgeport area. Each week we will gather at the churches listed below for Lenten Vespers, Unction and Bridegroom Matins. This is a wonderful way for us to pray together and share in our Lenten journey as Orthodox Christians. For those of you who would like to sing in the Pan-Orthodox Choir, we ask that you arrive no later than 3:30 p.m. for rehearsal.
We invite you to the following services – please, come pray with us!
Praying you have a fruitful Great and Holy Lent,
The Orthodox Clergy Association of Greater Bridgeport
The 2020 OCAGB Lenten Service Schedule
1st Sunday of Lent - March 8th - Sunday of Orthodoxy - Vespers 4:00 p.m.
St. John the Baptist Church, 364 Mill Hill Ave, Bridgeport
CANCELLED  -  2nd Sunday of Lent - March 15th - St. Gregory Palamas - Vespers 4:00 p.m.
Holy Brancoveanu Martyrs Church, 554 Tunxis Hill Road in Fairfield (At Trinity- St. Michael’s Episcopal Church)
CANCELLED - 3rd  Sunday of Lent - March 22nd - Veneration of the Holy Cross - Vespers 4:00 p.m.
FORCC Sunday
Holy Trinity Church, 4070 Park Avenue, Bridgeport
CANCELLED  - 4th Sunday of Lent  - March 29th - St. John Climacus (of the Ladder) - Vespers 4:00 p.m.
St. John the Baptist Church – 600 Silver Ln, Stratford


A decision on these services below will be evaluated at the end of March. 

5th Sunday of Lent - April 5th - St. Mary of Egypt - Holy Unction Service
Three Saints Church – 26 Howard Ave, Ansonia 4:00 p.m.
6th Sunday - April 12th – Palm Sunday - Bridegroom Matins 4:00 p.m.
Holy Ghost Church, 1540 E Main St. Bridgeport, (in cooperation with Saint George Church, Trumbull, CT)

Click on the following link to download a CT Deanery/OCAGB Flyer for Pan-Orthodox Lenten Vespers

Pot Luck Suppers after Presanctified Liturgies CANCELLED - 03/09/2020

In a spirit of pastoral care and love, and with concerns for the current pandemic and the pot luck supper after Pre-Sanctified Liturgy. 

The process in creatively dealing with the pandemic and our faith requires us to make decisions on what is "essential," and what is "not."

We regretfully agreed to suspend the potluck suppers, until "further notice."

Fr. Sergei & Fr. John Jillions

Letter from Metropolitan Tikhon - 02/29/2020

Click onto the following link to view a letter from Metropolitan Tikhon, Locum Tenens of the Albanian Archdiocese:

Letter from Metropolitan Tikhon to St. George

Please support LifeBridge on Giving Day - Thurs, Feb 27th - 02/24/2020

Thursday, February 27th is Fairfield County’s Community Foundation’s 7th Annual Giving Day.  Giving Day is a 24-hour on-line giving marathon that unites Fairfield County communities around local non-profit missions and causes.  

Giving Day is Fairfield County’s biggest philanthropic event of the year supporting the 23 towns and cities in Fairfield County.  Last year, in 2019, over $1.7 million was raised through 16,000+ gifts. Over 415 local non-profits were supported by Giving Day. 

St. George Orthodox Church community has generously supported and donated to LifeBridge Community Services in the past. LifeBridge Community Services Inc. has been in continuous service to residents of Bridgeport CT since 1843.  The organization’s mission is to “Partner with Bridgeport’s’ youth and families to build resilience”, helping children, families, and seniors maintain independence and receive the support they need to reach their full potential. 

To achieve its mission, LifeBridge developed a Center for Youth Development which will contain the following components:  The Urban Scholars Program (USP), The Family Resource Program (FRP), and the Adolescent Behavioral Health (ABH) Program. 

One of our parishioners, Laura Coughlin, serves on the Board of Directors at LifeBridge. LifeBridge is very grateful to include St. George as part of their network of “Champions”.  In 2019, St. George’s contributions helped LifeBridge earn the $20,000 prize for most unique donors during Giving Day.

We are asking that members of St. George continue to support LifeBridge as part of Fairfield County Community Foundation's Giving Day.

On Thursday, February 27th, please click onto the following Giving Day link to donate directly to LifeBridge under a St. George Orthodox Church/LifeBridge donation page:

Thank you for your continued support!

Presanctified Liturgy - Wed evenings during Great Lent - 02/16/2020

During Great Lent, the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts will be offered alternately at Holy Ghost Church and St. George on Wednesday evenings at 6PM.

Effective March 11th and through the remainder of Lent, the Pot Luck suppers that were normally held after Liturgy are CANCELLED due to the coronavirus outbreak.

For who wish to receive Holy Communion at the Presanctified Liturgy or the Vespers Liturgy, you are encouraged to fast from 12 noon (abstain from all food/drink), unless there is medical indication. In that situation, please talk to your priest/pastor for clarification. 

A combined choir from both Parishes will be singing the responses. 

Check the calendar in the bulletin or on the St. George website for the schedule.

To learn more about the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts, click onto the following link:

Please join us for this very prayerful service.

Camp St. Herman - CANCELLED - 02/12/2020

April 5th Note:  Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Diocese of New England and the Antiochian Archdiocese made a difficult decsion to CANCEL all camping programs for 2020. 

The Diocese of New England invites you to join us on August 9th through the 15th this summer in NH for Camp St. Herman

Camp St. Herman is an opportunity for children (grades 4-12) from across the diocese to come together in a safe place to learn about the faith of our fathers, participate in the sacraments and make lasting friendships. The program of Camp St. Herman is modeled after the program of the Antiochian Village (Pennsylvania) of the Antiochian Archdiocese, and continues the tradition of the annual Diocese Youth Rally of the OCA Diocese of New England.

Camp is held at the St. Methodios Faith & Heritage Center in Contoocook, NH.

Visit  for more information

Click onto the following link to open a copy of the Camp St. Herman flyer

Memorials Reminder - 02/12/2020

Please notify Father Sergei if you would like to have your loved one remembered in a memorial. Albanian tradition is for 40-day, 1, 2 and 3 year services

Summer Missionary Team Opportunities in Albania with OCMC - 02/11/2020

The Orthodox Christian Missionary Center (OCMC) is supporting two ministry opportunities in Albania during the Summer of 2020: 
June 9th – 25th, 2020 - Tirana:  An English language camp for 150 students from the Orthodox Protaganist School and an VCS program at the Home of Hope. These ministries will expose you to the vibrant ministries of a Church in a nation that is predominantly Muslim.

August 11th – 22nd, 2020 - Korca:  Assist with a catechist training program and help with renovation work at St John the Baptist Monastery in Voskopoje. Catechists from five different metropolises will come together for learning, fellowship, spiritual growth and repairing the retreat center. 

To learn more, or to apply, please click onto the following OCMC link:

Additionally, the OCMC have teams scheduled to Alaska, Colombia, Ghana, Guatemala, Indonesia and Kenya in 2020. 



Stewardship Volunteers Needed for Church School - 02/11/2020

After a long and successful run, Sue Galich will be stepping down at the end of the school year as Church School Coordinator.  The Parish is most appreciative of her dedication to our children.  

We are looking for someone to run our Church School program starting this September. If you are interested, or want to hear more about what the responsibility entails, please see Sue.

This is a position that can be shared by two or more people who would be willing to take on this task.

Youth Basketball League - 02/10/2020

This announcement is for any boys or girls, with ages from being freshmen in High School through their freshman year in college, who are interested in playing basketball in an Orthodox Church league this upcoming fall and winter. 

The basketball league is called the CEOAC or Connecticut Eastern Orthodox Athletic Conference. Games are normally held on Sunday afternoon, and they generally are played in Bridgeport, but the team travels to Waterbury, Stamford, and New Rochelle, NY.   There are usually carpools available for the away games.  The season starts in October and ends late February. 

Those interested are free to contact Christian Jones.  He is a member of St. Nicholas Antiochian Orthodox Church on Park Ave, Bridgeport, and is the basketball coach of the varsity division team.  He would love to recruit players from neighboring churches.  Christian can be reached via call or text Christian at 203-816-7331.

Mini-Retreat at Holy Ghost - Sat, Feb 15th - 02/09/2020

On Sat, Feb 15th at 1PM, St. George is invited join to a "Retreat" or "Study Day" called PAUL/PRAYER/PIEROGIES at Holy Ghost Church.  

They are combining a Pierogi making workshop and a talk from Fr. John Jillions about St. Paul and Divine Guidance, which is an introduction to Fr. John's book "Divine Guidance".  

The afternoon will end with Vespers at 4PM, followed by General Confession. 

Konizmat - Bids/Donations due Sun, Feb 2nd - 01/24/2020

We are continuing our annual Konizmat (icon auction) stewardship tradition.  

Submission of bids/donations need to be made by Sunday, February 2nd.  
Please click onto the following link to download a copy of the list of available icons: 2020 Konizmat Icon List
You may also pick up a copy of the list at the Church desk. 
Reminder, the icons are to be returned during Divine Liturgy on the first Sunday of Great Lent - the Sunday of Orthodoxy (which falls on March 8th). 
To learn more about the history and practice of Konizmat, please click onto the following link: Konizmat Icon Auction

Lay Chairman Albanian Archdiocese Visit - Sun, Feb 2nd - 01/22/2020

On Sunday, February 2nd, Michael Gregory, Lay Chairman Albanian Orthodox Archdiocese in America, will be joining us for Liturgy and Coffee Hour at St George.

As Lay Chairman, he is visiting each church in our Diocese.  We look forward to welcoming him to our parish. 

Archpastoral Message Sanctity of Life Sunday - Sun, Jan 19th - 01/16/2020

Click onto the following link to read the Archpastoral Message of His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon for Sanctity of Life Sunday which is January 19th:  Archpastoral Message Sanctity of Life Sunday

House Blessing Schedule - 01/02/2020

Attached below is the House Blessing schedule for 2020. 


Administration ARCHIVED Archdiocese Correspondence - 01/01/2020

September 16, 2023:  Bishop Nikodhim (Preston), was ordained to the Holy Episcopate as the Bishop of Boston and the Albanian Archdiocese. The Synod of Bishops of the Orthodox Church in America elected Archimandrite Nikodhim as Bishop-elect of Boston at their regular Spring Session on April 25, 2023. 16-Sept-2023 OCA Announcement of Bishop Nikodhim ordination

November 17, 2022:  Archimandrite Nikodhim nominated as Diocesan Bishop at Albanian Assembly & Archbishop Mark named Locum Tenens of Albanian Archdiocese 17-Nov-2022 OCA Announcement on Archimandrite Nikodhim nomination

August 1, 2022: Letter from Archbishop Michael (Secretary of the Holy Synod of Bishops, OCA) to Albanian Archdiocesan Council on vetted episcopal candidates approved for nomination  1-Aug-2022 Letter to Archdiocesan Council from AB Michael

June 1, 2021: Met Tikhon issued updated guidance and general principles for Albanian clergy & parishes for gradual reopening from COVID  1-June-2021 Met Tikhon updated Directives for gradual reopening

April 14, 2021: Met. Tikhon Holy Week & Paschal Directives for 2021 to Albanian Archdiocese clergy  14-Apr-2021 Met Tikhon Paschal Directives

March 18, 2021:  Letter from Michael Gregory, Lay Vice-Chairman with his comments on Administrative changes  18-Mar-2021 Letter to Albanian Archdiocese 

February 11, 2020:  Letter from Metropolitan Tikhon Administrative Changes announced for the Albanian Archdiocese  21-Feb-2021 Letter to Arch Council on Apptmt of Igumen Nikodhim 

November 21, 2020:  Letter from Met. Tikhon to Albanian Archdiocese on importance of continuing Eucharistic Divine Liturgy and balancing safety 21-Nov-2020 Met Tikhon Letter

November 3, 2020: Letter from Met Tikhon to Clergy of Albanian Archdiocese on importance of parishes evaluating the COVID environmnet during upswing 3-Nov-2020 Met Tikhon Letter to Clergy

August 6, 2020:  Letter from Lay Vice-Chair Albanian Archdiocese on various open administrative issues 6-Aug-2020 Letter from Michael Gregory

June 25, 2020:  Approval Letter for St. George to re-open from Albanian Archdiocese 25-Jun-2020 St. George Re-Opening approval

May 9, 2020:  Letter from Albanian Archdiocese Chancellor to Parishes on process to develop re-opening plans  9-May-2020 Chancellor Letter to Parishes on reopening process

May 7, 2020: Letter from the Holy Synod authorizing Met Tikhon additional authority proper to a Diocese Bishop 7-May-2020 Holy Synod Authorization Letter

May 1, 2020: Synodal Gudelines for future reopening of churches 1-May-2020 Synodal Guidelines

May 1, 2020: Pastoral Letter from the Holy Synod on preparing for future reopening of churches 1-May-2020 Pastoral Letter Holy Synod

April 10, 2020: Letter from Met Tikhon on expansion/clarification of guidelines 10-Apr-2020 Met. Tikhon Clarification Letter

April 7, 2020: Letter from Met. Tikhon on final directives 7-Apr-2020 Met Tikhon Letter FINAL Directives

March 30, 2020:  Letter from the Chancellor and Lay Vice-Chairman of the Albanian Archdiocese:  30-Mar-2020 Letter from Chancellor/Lay Vice-Chair Albanian Archdiocese

March 30, 2020:  Video message from Metropolitan TIKHON, Locum Tenens of the Albanian Archdiocese at mid-Lent:  Video Message from Metropolitan TIKHON

March 30, 2020: Joint Communique from Holy Synod & Metropolitan Council 30-Mar-2020 Joint Communique

March 30, 2020:  Letter from Holy Synod on extension of suspension of public services through April  30-Mar-2020 Letter Holy Synod extension of suspension of services

March 17, 2020:  Letter from Metropolitan TIKHON, Locum Tenens of the Albanian Archdiocese on updated COVID-19 guidelines with public services suspended to April 1st:  Letter Met. Tikhon COVID-19 UPDATED Guidelines 

March 14, 2020:  Letter from Metropolitan TIKHON, Locum Tenens of Albanian Archdiocese on COVID-19 guidelines:  Letter Met. Tikhon on COVID-19 Guidelines

March 13, 2020: Statement of the Holy Synod of Bishops of the Orthodox Church in America on the COVID-19 outbreak:

Feb 29, 2020:  Letter from Lay Vice-Chairman of the Albanian Archdiocese on Inviting Qualified Candidates for Bishop of Albanian Archdiocese:  29-Feb-2020 Letter from Michael Gregory  

Feb 11, 2020: Letter from Metropolitan TIKHON on Hieromonk Nikodhim Study of Archdiocese:   11-Feb-2020 Letter from Met TIKHON

Sep 7, 2019:  Letter from Metropolitan TIKHON on Death of Archbishop NIKON and assuming Locum Tenens of Albanian Archdiocese:  7-Sep-2019 Letter from Met TIKHON 

Install App for St George website on your phone - 12/17/2019

St. George’s website and App access on mobile devices
Background on changes to the St. George website:
Hopefully you have noticed -the St. George website was recently upgraded in late October 2019. 
Most of the visible or aesthetic changes are noticeable on the Home page.  One of the reasons for the upgrade is to allow the website to better perform with mobile devices (smart cell phones, tablets).  If you do not own a mobile device, no need to worry, the website is still 100% functional and usable on desktop and laptop PCs.
The reason for the change now is users are generally not purchasing desktop or laptop PCs any longer, the move to mobile devices is significant and greatly surpasses fixed devices.  Mobile phones greatly outnumber tablets and are the highest owned mobile device in the world by a large margin.
The upgraded St. George website is designed to automatically reformat properly to the device accessing it.  The look is slightly different, but it is sharp looking and functional whether you are on a large desktop screen, a laptop, a tablet, or a smart mobile phone.
Mobile Devices, Operating Systems & Applications:
There are 2 major operating systems (OS) for all mobile devices worldwide.  If you own a smart phone or a tablet, it very likely is using one of these operating systems:
 - Android is the largest OS in the world, and was developed by Google
 - iOS is the 2nd largest OS and was developed by Apple.
Android and iOS are used in over 98% of all worldwide mobile devices.
One of the conveniences of mobile devices are that applications (apps) are quickly accessed through icons or tiles located on the device’s Home screen.
Users generally get their applications at the online Google Store or the Apple Store.  Applications that are sold through the Apple or Google stores are called native apps.
Some of the reasons we did not develop a native application for the St. George website is we would have to develop one native app for Android and a second native app for iOS.  Additionally one needs to pay annual fees to be in those stores. 
There is a way to get an application to work on a mobile device without paying to be on these stores, and that is through a Progressive Web App or PWA.   One difference is a PWA must use the operating system’s web browser to deliver the website.  A native app opens directly to the website.
For those who have a smart mobile device, we developed a PWA for the St. George website.
The Android OS is more supportive of PWA’s and generally work very well. The initial testing we completed with Android has been successful.
Apple generally is not known to support PWAs, and that PWA’s have been known to be a little “buggy” on the iOS platform.  The testing of the St. George PWA we conducted on some Apple phones was successful and seems to work well, to be stable.  The testing we completed was on iOS versions 12.2 and above. The literature says that iOS Version 11.3 is the minimum platform to use with success in use. The most current version of iOS is Version 13 which came out in September 2019.

The PWA graphic matches the attached photo, and is labled StG Trumbull
To install the St. George PWA on your mobile device, please click onto one of the following links to obtain instructions for your appropriate OS:

Installation instructions for Android phones (and all mobile devices}

Installation instructions for iOS Apple phones (and all mobile devices)

2019 Nativity Message from Metropolitan Tikhon - 12/16/2019

Click onto the following link to read the Archpastoral Message from His Beautitude, Metropolitan Tikhon on the occassion of the Nativity of Christ:  2019 Archpastoral Message

Father Christo Costa: St. George Parish Priest from 1946 - 1950 - 12/15/2019

Dedicating a new church in Trumbull - 12/15/2019

Left to right:  Fr. Arthur Liolin sprinkling the cornerstone, Fr. Daniel Mongomery, the parish priest (name unknown) from St. Dimitrie Orthodox Church in Bridgeport, and Fr. Mark Forsberg (far right).

Notes: Fr. Arthur Liolin is the Chancellor of the Albanian Orthodox Archdiocese in America.  Fr. Mark Forsberg was later consecrated bishop and led the Albanian Archdiocese until his retirement.

Father Eugene Vansuch: St. George Parish Priest from 1971 - 1976 - 12/15/2019

Father Stephen Barham: St. George Parish Priest from 1967 - 1971 - 12/15/2019

V. Rev Sergei C. Bouteneff: St. George Parish Priest from 1989 - 2010 - 12/15/2019

George K. and Alexandra Polena: Major benefactors of St. George Church - 12/15/2019

Father Alexander Kovachi: St. George Parish Priest from 1950 - 1966 - 12/15/2019

Father Stephen Sinari: St. George Parish Priest from 1987 - 1989 - 12/15/2019

V. Rev. Dennis Rhodes: St. George Parish Priest from 2010 - 2018 - 12/15/2019

V. Rev. Daniel Montgomery: St. George Parish Priest from 1976 - 1987 - 12/15/2019

Metropolitan Fan S. Noli - Founder of the Albanian Orthodox Church in America - 12/15/2019

Archbishop THEOFAN (“Fan” S. Noli), founder of the Albanian Orthodox Church in America, was a versatile man whose talents and interests carried him to a position of preeminence in the Albanian world.   An outstanding prelate, he has been called an Apostle of the Albanian renaissance and independence.  Has was the most respected and influential Albanian of his time – a symbol of unity and fraternity for all Albanians, whether Christian or Muslim, democrats or socialists, rich or poor.
Clergyman, writer, historian, translator, journalist, orator, statesman, diplomat, musician – Archbishop Noli was at ease in all those roles.  The wide range and quality of his achievements brought him international recognition in religious, diplomatic and literary circles. George Bernard Shaw, Thomas Mann, and Ian Sibelius were among those who paid their respects to his scholarship and creative ability.  For a while in 1924 he served as Albania’s Premier.
A man of great learning, he held degrees from Harvard [B.A., 1912], the New England Conservatory of Music [B.M., 1938], and Boston University [Ph.D., 1945].  His translations into Albanian the works by Longfellow, Edgar Allan Poe, Shakespeare, Cervantes, Ibsen and Omar Khayyam have won the admiration of lay people and scholars alike.  His aspirations for the American Orthodox Church uniting all prompted him to translate an awesome array of Orthodox books into English.
Fan Noli came to the United States in 1906.  He lived and worked in Boston. His home for many years was a modest apartment on Bladgen Street, behind the Boston Public Library.  He liked that address mostly because of its proximity to the library, where he did much of his research.  
Small in stature, and rather frail-looking in his late years, he had a powerful voice, sparkling eyes, an expressive face and a contagious laughter.
Archbishop Noli’s life and work were a testimony to the democratic principles and ideals of America which he cherished, and taught his followers.  He was an outstanding American of Albanian origin who embodied, in word and deed, the spirit of Christianity, the spirit of Albanian heritage, the spirit of the founding fathers of our country.

Father Sotir Tollkuchi: St. George Parish Priest from 1937 - 1946 - 12/15/2019


Father Vasil Mandi: Saint George's 1st Parish Priest, 1935 - 1937 - 12/15/2019

Community Christmas Card - Due Sun, Dec 15th - 12/02/2019

We are currently collecting donations and names in preparation of our Community Christmas card.

Forms and donations need to be received by Sunday, December 15th. 

Forms were mailed to your home, are available at the Candle Desk, or can be downloaded from the following link:  2019 St. George Community Christmas Card Sign-up Form


Special Charity Collection - Sun, Dec 1st - 11/27/2019

We will be collecting on Sunday, December 1st, for a charity in honor of our very special Altar boy, Philip Caliendo.

The charity is Toys for Joy. You can read more about the fundraiser on the following link:



Help Albanian Earthquake Relief Efforts - 11/26/2019

As reported in the news, on Tuesday, November 26th, Albania was hit by a 6.4-magnitude earthquake.  It was the strongest earthquake to hit Albania in more than 40 years. So far, according to official information, at least 50 have been killed, and over 900 people left injured and/or homeless. There was also some damage to the chapel of the Resurrection of Christ Orthodox seminary.
The Orthodox Church of Albania is offering its resources to all those now in need, opening their church properties for victims to take refuge in, and help prepare and hand out food to as many people as possible.
The Orthodox Christian Mission Center (OCMC) has decided to set aside monies it was been raising for a future mission team in Albania to the Albanian Church’s disaster relief work for this emergency.
St. George will be donating its’ Charity Tray for December to the OCMC for these Albanian Earthquake Relief efforts. 
To learn more on the OCMC efforts, please click onto the following link:
Also, if you prefer, you may make a direct contribution to the OCMC on their website at the following link:
Please be generous!

2020 Stewardship Envelopes & Calendars now available - 11/03/2019

Stewardship envelopes and Church calendars are now availabe for 2020. 

To pick up your Stewardship Envelopes, please see one of the members of Parish Council at the Church Desk who will assist in getting you your box. 

Calendars are available at the Church desk -  please limit taking one per family at this point of time so we ensure all families have one.   If inventory remains available in January, we will be able to pass out additional copies to those who would like them. 




Women's Council - Pajama Drive - 11/03/2019

The Women’s Council of Eastern Orthodox Churches will be collecting pajamas for children newborn to 16 years of age.

They must be new and free of hangers and tags. Please place in a clear plastic bag and label the size and gender. They may be placed in the designated bin in the church hall.

See Pauline Dionis for any questions or monetary donations.

Turkey or Ham donations for Food Pantries - 11/02/2019

At this time of year, many food stores offer turkeys and hams for free at certain spending levels, or at discounted prices.

If anyone has an extra ham or turkey they would like to donate, we will gladly store it in our freezer to deliver to a food pantry or food/soup kitchen at a later date.

As always, thank you for your generosity!

Teuta Holiday Luncheon - Sun, Jan 12th - 11/01/2019

The annual Teuta Ladies Luncheon is slated for January 12th.

Please mark your calendars. The location is still to be determined.

Note from Fr. Sergei - 10/06/2019

Dear Friends!

On Wednesday, October 16, I will be going to the hospital for a long-delayed hernia repair procedure. Not life threatening, but life complicating.

I scheduled it in such a way that the parish has coverage for two Sundays.  I doubt (hope) we'll not need anything beyond one. I hope to join you all for prayer and communion as soon as possible.

Fr. John Jillions will be available to provide coverage during my brief absence - parishioners are to call Bill, who will then coordinate with Fr. John.

I'll be available for consultation after October 17.

Fr. Sergei

Bread Machine Mëshe (Prosphora) - 10/06/2019

Below please find a recipe to make Mëshe or Prosphora in a bread machine.

 Hot water (~100 degrees):  1-1/8 cups
 Bread Machine unbleached Flour:  3-½ cups
 Dry Yeast: 1 tsp.
 Nothing else!  Salt is only used in those areas where there is no refrigeration!
1. Set bread machine on dough cycle
2. Take out dough and shape loaf, putting in round, floured cake pan
3. Lightly flour mëshe (prosphora) and press the seal firmly into dough
4. Let dough double in size
5. Take toothpick and prick around seal. Carefully remove the seal.
6. Prick interior of seal at the “square(s)”
7. Bake in preheated oven for 30 minutes @ 375 degrees
8. Remove bread, and wrap in clean cloth or towel until cooled so crust will soften.

Help needed for Annual Bazaar - Sat, Oct 26th - 10/04/2019

The annual Church Bazaar will be held in our church hall on Saturday, October 26th, from 11am - 6pm. There are many ways to participate:  

TheTake a Chance table is looking for gifts that are new. Some suggestions are themed baskets, gift cards, wine and children’s gifts. 

Please consider donating a baked item for our Baked Goods table. 

Purchasing a page/ad  in the Program Booklet helps to offset the costs. 

If you would like to help that day, please see Vi Bowe.

Lakor orders being taken - 10/03/2019

If you would like a whole lakor, please contact Laura Denisevich prior to the bazaar so she can plan accordingly.

Women's Orthodox Christian Council Fashion Show - Sat, Oct 19th 1PM - 10/02/2019

The Women’s Orthodox Christian Council is holding a Fashion Show on Saturday, October 19th at 1:00PM. at St. Dimitrie’s Church in Easton. 

Fashions are by ‘Chico’s.’

Tickets are $15 with coffee and dessert provided. Please see Pauline Dionis for tickets.

Local Orthodox Church Fairs - 10/01/2019

Below are some local Orthodox Church Fairs parishioners may wish to attend: 

Ansonia: Three Saints Church Slavic Fair
Friday, November 8th: 4PM- 7PM
Saturday, November 9th: 9AM - 6PM
Bridgeport: Saint John (Mill Hill)
Saturday, November 16th: 10AM - 4PM

Icon Visit @ St. Mary's New Britain - Fri & Sat, Nov 1st & 2nd - 09/30/2019

On Friday and Saturday, November 1st & 2nd, the Myrrh-Streaming Icon of the Mother of God “Kardiotissa/Tender Heart” from St. George Orthodox Church in Taylor, PA will be visiting St. Mary’s in New Britain, CT.  

Everyone is welcome.
Click onto the following link to view the Announcement Flyer

Hall of Fame Gala - Sat, Nov 2nd - 09/28/2019

Holy Trinity Athletic Hall of Fame will be having it’s 4th Annual Gala and induction ceremony on November 2nd in the Aegean Hall at 4070 Park Avenue, Bridgeport, CT.

Thomas Buzi will be one of the honored inductees.

Contact Chris Danas @ or 860-916-3777.

Binkie Patrol - Fri, Nov 15th - 09/27/2019

Date: Friday, Nov. 15th @ 6:30pm-9:30pm
Where:  St. George Church, 5490 Main St., Trumbull
Price: $10 plus a Pot Luck Dish
BYOB if you wish. Soda and water will be supplied,
Fleece will be supplied to make the blankets
If you have SHARP scissors please bring them.
Contact Sharon Buzi for further information.
Phone or text- 203-414-7738

St. Nektarios Pilgrimage - Sun, Nov 10th - 09/27/2019

You are invited on Sunday, November 10, 2019 @ 4:00 pm to the Pilgrimage in honor of St. Nektarios of Aegina at Christ the Savior Church in Southbury, CT. 

His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon will preside at Vespers and Procession with relics.

Christ the Savior Church, 1070 Roxbury Road, Southbury, CT

Regular Service Hours return - Sun, Sept 8th - 09/06/2019

On Sunday, September 8th, we will return to our regular schedule of services. Beginning that day, the Sunday Divine Liturgy will begin at 10:00 AM.

Please take note.

Vespers - Schedule for September - 09/05/2019

Vespers will be held, with Father John Jillions serving, on the following dates:

September 7th - 4PM


September 14th - 4PM

These Saturday Vespers will be held at St. George, with Holy Ghost also joining.

Women's Orthodox Christian Council Meeting - Sat, Sept 14th - 09/04/2019

The Women’s Orthodox Christian Council will meet at St. George’s on Saturday, September 14th at 1:00PM.

All are welcome!

Church School Begins - Sun, Sept 15th - 09/03/2019

The start of Church School will begin on September 15th at 9:30 AM.

The children will begin upstairs in the church with Father Sergei, and then proceed downstairs for class with their teachers. 

Sue Galich has once again volunteered to head the program.

Prayer Group - Tues, Sept 24th - 09/02/2019

The second prayer group meeting will take place at the home of Sharon Buzi on Tuesday, September 24th, at 6:00pm.

Please call or text Sharon at 203-414-7738 if you can attend.

Holy Ghost Fundraiser - Sun, Sep 29th - 08/31/2019

Holy Ghost Church will be having a steak fundraiser on Sunday, September 29th, at Holy Ghost Park, 70 Nells Rock Rd in Shelton.

The event begins at 12 noon. Tickets are $20.

Reservations made by made by contacting George Kasper 203-632-5326.

FORCC 26th Annual Benefit Banquet - Sun, Oct 6th - 08/28/2019

The FORCC 26th Annual Benefit Banquet will be held on Sunday, October 6th.   Details follow:
October 6, 2019 - 1:00pm
Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church
4070 Park Avenue, Bridgeport
$35 adult - $10 children under 12

See Bob Lazar for reservations

Teuta Meeting - Sun, Oct 6th - 08/27/2019

Teuta will be having a meeting on October 6th during coffee hour. The focus is to finalize plans for the upcoming Bazaar October 26.

All members are asked to attend.

St. Dimitrie's Celebration - Sat & Sun, Oct 5th & 6th - 08/27/2019

St. Dimitrie's will be celebrating it's 95th Anniversary as a parish, and the Elevation of Fr. George to Archpriest.  Details are as follows:
Saturday & Sunday;  October 5th - 6th, 2019
Saturday, October 5 -  6:00pm Vespers
Sunday,   October 6 - 10:00 AM - Hierarchical Liturgy
                                   12:00 Noon - Banquet in Tonna Hall
$30 adults;  $12 children
Reservations: call: 203-268-8237 or

Parish Meeting - Sun, Aug 11th - 08/04/2019

On Sunday, August 11th (after Liturgy in the Church Hall), there will be a meeting to discuss the current status of St George, and to open discussion from the parish members on how they view both the current and future vision, and begin discussion on how the parish should proceed over the next few years to ensure long-term continuity and viability. 
This is the first meeting of several that will be held over the upcoming months. 
The Parish Council encourages everyone to attend and actively participate.  Your input and views are important to all.

FOCUS Backpack Drive - 07/22/2019

St. George agreed to participate in the FOCUS Backpack Drive as part of our on-going charity support. 

The Parish Council approved St. George to fill 24 backpacks, which are targeted to help Middle School students at Roosevelt Middle School in Bridgeport.   We will be delivered 24 backpacks to fill. 
Note from Karen – status as of Wednesday, July 24th   
We have offered to fill 24 backpacks with needed school supplies for Focus. 
In an effort to expedite this, and to be equitable, I have purchased all but a few items on the list. 
If you could donate funds, we will be able to offset the cost of filling the bags.  
Any amount would be appreciated as each fulfillment of the backpacks runs about 30.00 each. 
Please feel free to contact me if you have questions or are willing to buy 24 of these items which are remaining.
24 pencil cases (soft/cloth cases) - DONATED/COMPLETE
24 binder page dividers (8 tab package) - DONATED/COMPLETE
24 page protector packages (25 protectors per package)
3 sets of 24 binders -  1 set was DONATED/ 2 sets remain to be purchased
24 black pen packages (3 or 4 pack)  -  DONATED/COMPLETE
Thank you all,
To view a list of needed school supplies to fill the backpacks: Backpack Supplies for Middle School Students

To learn more about the FOCUS Backpack Drive, click onto:

To learn about Roosevelt Middle School in Bridgeport, click onto:

To learn more about FOCUS, click onto:

Thank you for your support to this project

Summer Harvest Feasts - 07/19/2019

In the Orthodox Church, it is common practice to bless grapes (as well as any other fruit) and vegetables on the great feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord. This feast normally falls on August 6.  At St George we will be celebrating this feast day on Sunday, August 4.
 It is also common practice to bless all fragrant herbs on the great feast of the Dormition of the Theotokos: this feast normally falls on August 15. We will be celebrating that feast on Sunday, August 18
Please feel free to bring the items on the appropriate day/celebration!

Prayers for Archbishop Nikon - 07/07/2019

We continue to keep Archbishop Nikon in our prayers during his recovery.  His Eminence has moved on August 27th to an assisted living facility 

Cards may be sent to the following new address:

The Most Reverend Nikon
Newbridge On the Charles
7000 Great Meadow Road 
Room 7212
Dedham, MA 02026

Recommendation:  Along with signing your card with your name, please add that you are from St. George in Trumbull - there are other St. George parishes in the Albanian Archdiocese and the Diocese of New England. 

Holy Cross Monastery Fundraiser - 07/01/2019

Holy Cross Monastery, in Wayne, WV, where Br. Gregory Buzi is living, is having a New Church Fundraiser, because they have outgrown their present church.

An anonymous donor is matching all monies raised by Oct. 5th, up to $463,000.

Sharon Buzi is accepting donations and will bring it to the monastery on their visit in August

She will give you a gift from the monastery if you make a donation of $20 or more!

You can read more about the fundraiser and you can also donate online by following this link:

Thank you for your support!

Summer Hours begin - Sun, June 2nd - 05/31/2019

We will be observing Summer Hours again this year.

Beginning on Sunday, June 2nd, the Divine Liturgy will begin at 9:30AM

This will continue through Labor Day, September 1st.

Father's Day Commemorations - Sun, Jun 16th - 05/29/2019

We are preparing our annual Father’s Day Commemorations.

Please submit names of your father, grandfather, step-father, Godfather, brother, step-brother, or nephew (clearly indicating whether they are living or deceased) to a member of the Parish Council. The names will be remembered in prayer during the Divine Liturgy on Father’s Day, Sunday, June 16th .

All donations will be used for the beautification of the church.

Divine Liturgy & Parish Picnic with Holy Ghost - Sun, June 30th. - 05/28/2019

The Holy Ghost parish has invited St. George to join them for Divine Liturgy and their parish picnic on Sunday, June 30th.

On that day, Holy Ghost is holding Divine Liturgy outdoors at their Shelton property, Holy Ghost Park, which is located at 70 Nells Rock Road.  Their parish picnic takes place after Divine Liturgy.

The Divine Liturgy begins at 9:00AM (3rd Hour at 8:45am).

The picnic is a fundraiser, so food will be cooked and sold after Liturgy.
*Anyone that would like to carpool to the park can meet at 8:30AM sharp in St. George parking lot.

Service Coverage Update - 05/27/2019

We are pleased to announce Fr. Sergei Bounteneff will be serving our parish with the exception of the last Sunday of each month.

The council will announce the details of those services that fall at month-end.

Cemetery Visitations - Sat, May 25th - 05/18/2019

On Saturday, May 25th, we will visit our local cemeteries to bless the graves. The schedule will be as follows:

·      9:30AM  Lakeview Cemetery, Bridgeport (starting at Fr. Kovachi’s grave site)
·      11AM  Gate of Heaven, Trumbull 
·      1PM  Oaklawn Cemetery, Fairfield


Weekly Lenten Reflections from Metropolitan Tikhon - 03/22/2019

His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon offers a series of reflections on the themes contained in the Triodion hymns sung on Tuesday of each week during Great Lent.

Each reflection, running a few minutes in length, will be posted at the beginning of every week.  To help parisioners view these video's quickly, links are inlcuded below. 

Living Lent Week #1 - :   

Metropolitan Tikhon addresses youth on Forgiveness Sunday -

Living Lent Week #2 -

Metropolitan Tikhon Introduction to the 4 Pillars -

Living Lent Week #3

Living Lent Week #4

Living Lent Week #5 -

Living Lent Week #6

Living Lent Week #7

Holy Week Schedule - 03/18/2019

Click on the following link to view a copy of services for Holy Week and Pascha:

2019 Holy Week Schedule

Connecticut Bible Lecture Series - Sat, May 4th - 03/16/2019

The Connecticut Bible Lecture Series (CBLS) is pleased to announce the eighteenth of its Lecture Series hosted by Christ The Savior Orthodox Church, 1070 Roxbury Rd. Southbury. 

On Saturday, May 4, the Very Rev. Dr. Paul Nadim Tarazi will lead us in teaching about St. Paul’s understanding of the Church. This topic is most relevant in understanding all of scripture and our life today.

Registration will start at 2:00 pm with the first lecture beginning at 2:30 pm. The day will conclude with Great Vespers at 6:00 pm.

All are welcome. For further information or to register please contact Fr. Vladimir Aleandro at 203 267 1330 or visit our website:

Return Icons for Sunday of Orthodoxy - Sun, Mar 17th - 03/10/2019

Please return all icons by next Sunday, March 17th, the Sunday of Orthodoxy, so that we may include them in our procession.  Thank you!

Cheesefare Sunday Brunch - Sun, Mar 10th - 03/08/2019

We will hold a pot luck brunch during coffee hour on Sunday, March 10th, after Liturgy. 

Suggested items:  French toast casserole, quiche or egg casserole, fruit, muffins, bagels, or dessert. 

Please see Laura Denisevich to sign up. Remember:  NO MEAT.

Prayers for Archbishop Nikon - 03/05/2019

Please continue to keep Archbishop Nikon in your prayers. 

He will underwent surgery Mon, March 11th.

Teuta Dues being collected - 03/04/2019

Teuta membership dues are being collected at this time.  It is $10.00 per member. 

Please see Sue Galich.

Please support Giving Day - Thurs, Feb 28th - 02/26/2019

Thursday, February 28th is Fairfield County’s Community Foundation 6th Annual Giving Day.  Giving Day is a 24-hour fundraising event that unites Fairfield County communities around local causes.
Giving Day is Fairfield County’s biggest philanthropic event.  Last year, in 2018, over $1.4 million was raised, which was donated by 13,000+ individuals in support of 415 local nonprofits. 

St. George Orthodox Church community has generously supported and donated to LifeBridge Community Services in the past. LifeBridge Community Services helps children, families, and seniors maintain independence and receive the support they need to reach their full potential. 

We are asking that members of St. George continue that support LifeBridge as part of Fairfield County Community Foundation's Giving Day. 

Please click onto the following link to donate directly to LifeBridge under a St. George Orthodox Church donation page:

Thank you for your continued support!


Calling all Binky Makers - Fri, Mar 29th - 02/25/2019

The Binky Patrol will meet in our Church hall on Friday evening, March 29th from 6:30-9:30 p.m. 

They make blankets that are distributed to those going through a hard time and are in need of some comfort.  They supply the materials, and the blankets are very easy to assemble. Some of our parishioners have participated in this activity in the past and have found it both fun and rewarding. 

The cost is $10.00 to offset the expense of materials.  Pizza will be provided.

Come and join us! To sign up, see Sharon Buzi- 203-414-7738

Donations of Candy for Easter Egg Hunt - 02/23/2019

We are now collecting Easter candy for our annual children’s Easter Egg Hunt, which will take place after the Pascha Sunday Vespers.  We have a lot of plastic eggs, so if you would like to just donate candy that is appropriate for stuffing the eggs with, that would be appreciated.  Thank you!

Support the Church School Lenten Project - Donations due by March 31st - 02/22/2019

The Church School children will be putting together Easter baskets for residents of The Home of the Brave

We have only a few items left to donate:
·       5 deodorant sticks
·       5 body wash
·       5 decks of cards
·       Easter candy
A suggestion would be to pick one of these and go in on it with a few people. For example: Three people donate the toothpaste, etc.   

If you would like to make a cash contribution, we will use it toward the purchase of baskets, cellophane, and other items for the basket.  We will need all donations by March 31st.

The Church School children will assemble the baskets. 

Please see Sue Galich or Laura Chadwick with questions or donations.

Thank you in advance for your generosity.

Church Hall Rentals - 02/20/2019

Below is a summary of the Church Hall Rentals over the next month:

·       Every Saturday morning: Weight Watchers
·       Every Tuesday evening: CARES Hope and Support Group

Hall rental fees are posted in the Church hall.

Annual Parish Meeting - Sun, Feb 10th - 02/01/2019

We will have a parish meeting after Liturgy next Sunday,  February 10th. 

There are very important topics to discuss, in particular, the search for a priest.  We are also looking for someone to serve on the Parish Council.

2018 Contributions Statements Available - 01/30/2019

Annual contribution statements are available at the Church desk. Please pick them up, so we do not have to mail them. 

Last week, PDF versions of statements were emailed to members who have provided their email addresses. 

If you have any questions with your statement, please contact the Financial Secretary, Luba Csernica.

Divine Liturgy CANCELLED due to weather - Sun, Jan 20th - 01/18/2019

Due to the impending snow and ice storm, it has been decided to cancel Liturgy for tomorrow.

Teuta Holiday Party - Sun, Jan 13th - 01/06/2019

This year’s holiday gathering will be on Sunday, January 13th at Bin 100 in Milford.  Details to follow.

Konizmat - Bids due Jan 27th - 01/05/2019

We are now accepting bids for the 2019 Konizmat.  

Click on the following link to learn more about the tradition of the Konizmat Icon Auction Tradition.

Bids may be submitted until Sunday, January 27th, and the Icons will be distributed on Sunday, February 3rd, and they should be returned on Sunday, March 17th.

Click on the following link to obtain a copy of the Icon List.  Additionally, a copy is available at church desk. Please hand in your donation and the bid form to the candle desk.

House Blessing Schedule - 12/11/2018

Click on the following link to view the 2019 House Blessing Schedule.

Additionally, the schedule is available at the Church, and an email will also be sent out to those on our email list. 

If you want to be added to or removed from the list, please notify Laura Chadwick or someone at the candle desk.

Community Christmas Card - Due Dec 2nd - 12/01/2018

As in years past we will be collecting contributions for our annual Community Christmas Card.

All entries must be turned in by Sunday, December 2nd for the card to be printed and mailed in a timely manner.

Forms are available at the Candle Desk.

St. Nicholas Party - Sun, Dec 2nd - 12/01/2018

The traditional St. Nicholas Party will take place during coffee hour on Sunday, December 2nd. 

There will be a visit from (you know who), and pizza and ice cream sundaes.  All are welcome.  We are asking that all participants bring in one unwrapped toy for the Toys for Tots program. 

If you can bring in one of the following refreshments, please see Sue Galich:
·      Salad/salad dressing
·      Soft drinks/juice
·      Cookies/cupcakes/brownies

Weeping Icon - Fri, Dec 7th - 11/30/2018

The Weeping Icon of the Mother of God, Kardiotissa, from St. George Parish in Taylor, PA, will be visiting St. John's Church, Mill Hill Ave., in Bridgeport on Friday, December 7th.  The icon should arrive around 6:00-6:30.
A Moleben to our Blessed Mother will take place at 7:00 P.M.  Fr. Mark will give a small presentation of miracles associated with the Icon and anointing will follow. There will be light refreshments in the Church auditorium.

Pan-Orthodox Holy Unction Service - Thurs, Dec 13th - 11/28/2018

Our Parish will host a Pan Orthodox Holy Unction Service here at St. George Church, on Thursday, December 13th at 6:30 P.M.

This is a wonderful opportunity to receive this Holy Sacrament with our Orthodox brethren.

If anyone can contribute a plate of cookies for after the service, please see Laura Chadwick.

Note from Fr. Sergei - 11/27/2018

I am moved by the love and support you showed me on the occasion of my 41st anniversary of my ordination to the priesthood.  Thank you

St. Nektarios Pilgrimage - Sun, Nov 11th - 11/09/2018

All are invited to a Pilgrimage in honor of St. Nektarios of Aegina

Sunday, November 11, 2018 at 4:00 p.m.
Christ the Savior Church
1070 Roxbury Rd.
Southbury, Ct. 06488

Archbishop Nikon will preside at Vespers. 

There will be a procession with relics, and anointing with oil and prayers for the sick. 

Refreshments will follow.

Thank you from TJ Coughlin - 11/05/2018

Click on the following link to view a thank you note from TJ Coughlin

Thank you note

Care Packages for College Students - 11/04/2018

It is time for the choir to prepare goody boxes for our college students.

Please contact Karen Masek with your child’s address at school.  We are also asking if anyone would like to donate a snack item for the boxes/ and or a monetary donation to offset the shipping costs.  Our kids love receiving these each year. 

Thank you!

Orthodox Women's Council - Pajamas drive - 11/01/2018

The Orthodox Women’s Council is collecting pajamas for needy children.  The sizes needed are infant-18 yrs. 

If you are unable to shop, but would like to contribute a cash donation, please see Pauline Dionis.  There is a collection basket in the Church hall for the pajamas.

Women's Council Fashion Show - Sat, Oct 13th - 09/30/2018

The Women’s Council will be sponsoring a fahion show on Saturday, October 13th at St. Dimitrie’s in Easton  The clothes will be form Chico’s.  Details to follow.  See Pauline Dionis.

New Church School Routine - 09/30/2018

Beginning next week, the Church School students will meet with Father Sergei at 9:30 a.m. in the Church prior to the Church School lessons.

It is important that Father Sergei make a connection with the children, and this is a perfect time for him to do this. 

Please bring the children at 9:30, so they will not miss this special time with Father.

Fr. Dennis's New Address - 09/08/2018

Father Dennis’s new address is:
48 North School Lane
Souderton, PA  18964-1100
His phone number and email has not changed:
(203) 598-4678

Teuta Ladies Society Meeting - Sun, Sept 9th - 08/26/2018

The next meeting of the Teuta Ladies’ Society will be held at Coffee Hour next Sunday, September 9th. 

There is much to discuss, including plans for this year’s Bazaar, so please plan to attend.

Annual 9/11 Ride - Sun, Sept 9th - 08/25/2018

Please be aware that this year’s annual Connecticut United 9/11 Memorial Bike Ride will be held on Sunday, September 9th.

As a result, Main Street will be closed for a time during the afternoon.

Church School Begins - Sun, Sept 16th - 08/25/2018

Our Church School will begin its 2018/2019 term on Sunday, September 16th.

Please take note.

Emergency Pastoral Care - 08/21/2018

If there is an emergency, and you would like a priest to contact you, please call:

 Father Sergei at 203-331-2251 (mobile) or 203-713-6007 (home), or Bill Kovachi at 203-449-4404 .

Coffee Hour Sign-up Sheet posted - 08/19/2018

The new Coffee Hour Sign-up Sheet for 2018/2019 is now posted on the wall in the Church Hall.

Take a look today and sign up to host a Coffee Hour in honor of a special event or in memory of a loved one.

FORCC Benefit Dinner - Sun, Oct 7th - 08/05/2018

The 25th Annual FORCC Benefit Dinner will be held at 1:00 p.m. on Sunday, October 7th. This year’s event will be held at St. Nicholas Antiochian Orthodox Church on Park Avenue in Bridgeport. Fr. George Parsenios, Sessional Professor of New Testament at St. Vladimir’s Seminary, will be the guest speaker.

Menu options include Chicken Marsala or Stuffed Flounder. Tickets are $35 per person for adults and $10 per person for children if purchased and paid for by September 26th. Adult tickets will be $45 per person if purchased between September 27th and October 6th. No tickets will be sold at the door.

See Bob Lazar for information.

Dormition Fast - 08/05/2018

We are now in the Dormition Fast.

During this time, Orthodox Christians fast and pray in preparation for the celebration of the Dormition (Falling Asleep) of the Virgin Mary.

According to the Tradition of the Church, we observe this Fast by abstaining from meat (including poultry and eggs), dairy, fish, olive oil and wine. Fish is permitted on the Feast of the Transfiguration.

While many people relax these rules, it is important that we do as much as we can, so that we can properly prepare ourselves spiritually for this great Feast of our Lord’s Mother.

Please remember that Coffee Hour is a Church function. Therefore, during any fasting season, no meat is to be served at Coffee Hour.

Feast of the Dormation - 08/04/2018

Please note that, again this year, there will be no services at St. George for the Feast of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary on August 15th. Father Dennis will be at the annual New England Youth Rally at that time.

Please check with an Orthodox Church near you for the time of services

No Daily Matins - Wed, Aug 1st - 07/29/2018

Daily Matins will not be celebrated this Wednesday, August 1st, because Father Dennis will be away for the day on personal business.

Fr. Dennis will be away - Thurs, July 19th thru Sat, July 28th - 07/15/2018

Father Dennis will be leaving this Thursday morning, July 19th, for a few days in Philadelphia with his family, and then the 19th All-American Council of the Orthodox Church in America in Saint Louis next week. He will be returning on Saturday, July 28th.

Father Sergei Bouteneff will be here next Sunday to celebrate the Divine Liturgy. There will be no daily services or Saturday Vespers while Father Dennis is away.

Father Sergei will also be available in case of an emergency. He can be reached at his home number: (203) 713-6007, or his cell phone: (203) 331-2251.

No Vespers - Sat, June 30th - 06/24/2018

Father Dennis will be participating in a youth retreat in Hartford this coming Saturday, June 30th. As a result, Saturday evening Great Vespers will not be celebrated.

Father's Day Commemorations - Sun, June 17th - 06/17/2018

We are preparing our annual Father’s Day Commemorations.

Please submit names of your father, grandfather, step-father, god-father, brother, step-brother, or nephew (clearly indicating whether they are living or deceased) to a member of the Parish Council. The names will be remembered in prayer during the Divine Liturgy on Father’s Day, Sunday, June 17th.

All donations will be used for the beautification of the church.

Thank you note from Fr. Dennis - 06/16/2018

To my Parish Family:
Thank you all for the wonderful birthday celebration last Sunday. Your generous gifts, good wishes and warm welcome to my family meant so much more to me than I can adequately express.
Again, thank you!
With love in Christ,
Father Dennis

Parish email address - 06/15/2018

Our parish now has a new email address: It replaces the old “” address, which we no longer have access to. Please update your files.

Service to the American Saints - Sun, June 10th - 06/07/2018

At 4:00 this afternoon, the Akathist to the Saints of North America will be celebrated at All Saints of North America Church, 313 Twin Lakes Road in Salisbury.

See the poster on the back page of today’s Martyr for complete information

Helping "Trumbull Helps" - 06/06/2018

Trumbull Helps will be preparing meals for the Bridgeport Rescue Mission’s annual Summer Breakfast and Lunch program this summer, from June 25 through August 13.

To help them, we will be collecting Juice Boxes (any kind). They can be placed in the container in the Church Hall.

Also, at 1:00 p.m. on Saturday, May 19th, Trumbull Helps will be using our kitchen to prepare a meal for the residents of the Bridgeport Rescue Mission and Stern Village. Anyone 16 years of age or older is invited to help them.

2018 New England Youth Rally - Aug 13th thru Aug 18th - 06/01/2018

The 2018 New England Youth Rally will be held from August 13th through the 18th, and is open to young people who have completed the fifth grade and have not yet reached their 18th birthday.

The firm deadline for applications is July 16, 2018.

The application packet is now available on line at:


Mother's Day Commemorations - May 13th - 05/13/2018

We are preparing our annual Mother’s Day Commemorations.

Please submit names of your mother, grandmother, step-mother, god-mother, sister, step-sister, or niece (clearly indicating whether they are living or deceased) to a member of the Parish Council. The names will be remembered in prayer during the Divine Liturgy on Mother’s Day, May 13th.

All donations will be used for the beautification of the Church.

Educational Mini-Series to be held - Wed, May 30th - 05/12/2018

On the last Wednesday of May, there will be another adult education “mini-series” offered.

The first session (April session) was held on Wed, April 25th.    The May session will be on Wed, May 30th

This series is focusing on Angels and will be held in our Church Hall at 7:00 p.m., following the celebration of the Akathist Hymn, “Glory to God for All Things.”

Click on the following link to download a copy of the flyer:   Angels Educational Mini-Series

Teuta Society Meeting - Sun, June 3rd - 05/09/2018

The Teuta Ladies’ Society will hold its next meeting on Sunday, June 3rd.    Please take note and plan to attend.

YTD Financial Statements now available - 05/05/2018

Financial Statements are now available for January 1, 2018 through May 20th, 2018. Please pick up your statement at the Candle Desk. As a reminder, as approved from the Annual Parish Meeting in January, the recommended minimum Stewardship donation for 2018 is $9 per week or $468 per year.

One new feature we now have is to email financial statements directly to parishioners instead of printing out and mailing statements. For those we have email addresses for, you received a link to your statement in your email inbox. This is a more efficient process and saves envelopes and postage expenses.

If you have an email address but still received a hard copy of your statement, please forward your email address to Luba Csernica, the Financial Secretary, at, We will update your profile in our software system and you will then be able to receive your financial statements electronically in the future.

Special Visitor - Sun, May 6th - 04/12/2018

On Sunday, May 6th, Timothy Halvorsen will be here to talk to us about his upcoming Mission Trip to the Home of Hope in Shen Vlash, Albania.

Timothy is the son of Father Serge and Dina Halvorsen. We will dedicate our May Charity Collection to him and his missionary visit.

OCMC 2018 Albania Youth Work Team News - 04/07/2018

An Orthodox Christian Mission Center (OCMC)  2018 Albania Youth Work Team Mission Team needs volunteers to conduct a summer camp program at the Children's Home of Hope in Shen Vlash, Albania, June 12-30.

Details for the Albania Youth Work Team are available on the following OCMC link:

To learn more about OCMC, please click onto the following link:

Readers Wanted - 04/07/2018

We are looking for people to read the Epistle during the Divine Liturgy on Sunday.  If you would like to help with this, please speak with Father Dennis.

Service Schedule for Holy Week - 03/25/2018

Please click on the following link to view or download a copy of the Service Schedule for Holy Week:

2018 Holy Week Service Schedule

Orthodox Women's Council - Sat, Mar 24th - 03/16/2018

The next meeting of the Orthodox Women’s Council of Greater Bridgeport will be held at 1:30 p.m. next Saturday, March 24th, at St. Mary’s Ukrainian Church, Oakwood Street in Bridgeport.

Trumbull Helps Meal Prep - Sat, Mar 24th - 03/16/2018

Trumbull Helps a local organization that assists many people in need in our area, will be using our kitchen on Saturday, March 24th, to prepare a meal for the residents of the Bridgeport Rescue Mission.

If you would like to help them, watch The Martyr for details.

Decorating the Petafi - Fri, April 6th - 03/03/2018

It’s that time again for our Myrrhbearing Women to gather to decorate the Petafi (Christ’s Tomb).

Great and Holy Friday is on April 6th. We will meet at 10:00 a.m. and the decorating will take approximately 2 hours.

Everyone is welcome. If you have any questions, please contact Pauline Dionis at 203-261-0611.


Easter Egg Hunt - Sun, April 8th - 03/02/2018

We will have our traditional Easter Egg Hunt after Paschal Vespers on Easter Day, April 8th.

We are looking for donations of candy and plastic eggs in preparation. See Sue Galich if you can help.

Special Lenten Services - Wed & Fri Evenings - 03/02/2018

On Wednesdays, The Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts will be celebrated at 6:00 p.m. during the Lenten season, followed by a pot-luck Lenten supper.

Those who plan to receive Holy Communion at the evening Presanctified should prepare by fasting from all food and drink at least from noon of that day.

Little Compline and Salutations to the Virgin will be celebrated at 7:00 p.m. on Fridays.

Brother Gregory's address - 03/01/2018

For those who would like to correspond with Brother Gregory (Buzi), here is his address:

Brother Gregory (Buzi)
c/o Holy Cross Monastery
505 Holy Cross Rd.
Wayne, WV  25570-5403

Vespers Service Schedule for Great Lent - 03/01/2018

On the Sundays of Great Lent, Vespers is celebrated at 4:00 p.m. in various parishes in the Greater Bridgeport area. Here is the list of those services for this year.

·       February 25th at St. Dimitrie’s Church in Easton.

·       March 4th at our own St. George Church.

·       March 11th at St. John’s Church on Mill Hill Ave. in Bridgeport.

·       March 18th at St. John’s Church on Silver Ln. in Stratford

·       March 25th Unction at Three Saints Church in Ansonia

        April 1st Bridgegroom Matins at All Saints Church in Hartford

Lenten refreshments will be served following all services.


Sunday of Orthodoxy - Feb 25th - 02/25/2018

Next Sunday, February 25th, is the Sunday of Orthodoxy. On this day, Icons which were distributed as part of our annual Konizmat are returned to the Church. A procession with them and others will be held at the end of the Divine Liturgy.

Lenten Retreat - Hartford - Sat, Feb 24th - 02/15/2018

Next Saturday, February 24th, Dr. Albert Rossi will offer a retreat on the theme, “Becoming Fire: Christian Living in Turbulent Times” at All Saints Church, 205 Scarborough Street in Hartford.

The retreat will begin at 10:00 a.m. and end at 6:30 p.m. with meals provided. See the poster in the Church Hall for complete details.

Registration is $25.00 in advance online at, or $30.00 at the door on Saturday.

There will be no services at St. George that day so that we can attend the retreat. If you would like to attend, speak with Father Dennis.

Fr. Dennis will be away - Mon, Feb 5th thru Thurs, Feb 8th - 02/04/2018

Father Dennis will be away from Monday afternoon, February 5th, to Thursday evening, February 8th. He will be representing our Albanian Archdiocese at the semi-annual meeting of the Orthodox Church in America’s Metropolitan Council.

In his absence, Daily Matins will not be celebrated.

Also, if there is an emergency while he is away, contact Fr. George Coca at (203) 895-5464, or an Orthodox Priest near you.

Retreat at St. Dimitrie Church - Sat, Feb 10th - 02/02/2018

This Saturday, February 10th, St. Dimitrie Church in Easton will host a retreat with Dr. Albert Rossi, who will speak on “Keeping the Faith in Turbulent Times.”

The retreat will begin at 12:30 p.m., with a light lunch offered at 12:00 noon.

Parish Stewardship - 01/28/2018

At the General Meeting of our parish membership last Sunday, it was decided that the minimum annual stewardship contribution is raised to $9.00 per person per week, for an annual total of $468.00.

Those who give more are asked to increase their contribution by a minimum of 10%

Please take note of this change.

News from the Teuta Society - 01/20/2018

The Teuta Ladies’ Society treasurer, Sue Galich, is currently collecting 2018 Society dues in the amount of $10.00.

Also, the Society’s annual Papandia celebration will be held on Sunday, February 11th.

Pre-Lenten Memorial Saturday - Sat, Feb 10th - 01/20/2018

The first Memorial Saturday of 2018 is February 10th. The Divine Liturgy will be celebrated that morning and the names of all departed friends and family members of our parishioners will be remembered.

Please submit the names of the people you would like remembered and a $10.00 donation to Vi Bowe as soon as possible.

Teuta Holiday Luncheon - Sun, Jan 14th - 01/14/2018

The Teuta Ladies’ Society has scheduled its Holiday Luncheon for Sunday, January 14, 2018, at Ralph ‘n’ Rich’s in Bridgeport. The cost will be $34 per person.

Contact Elsie Gartsu for details or to make your reservations.

Women's Council - Annual Pajamas for Kids Drive - 01/14/2018

The Orthodox Women’s Council’s annual drive for Pajamas for Kids (infants to 18-year-olds) will begin in September and end in March. (Please note, sweat pants will work for the 18-year-olds).

If you would like to contribute new pajamas, a container is located in the Church Hall. Thank you for your participation.

Konizmat 2018 - 01/12/2018

Bids for the 2018 Konizmat may be submitted until next Sunday, January 21st. The Icons will be distributed on Sunday, January 28th.

You may download a copy on the following link: Konizmat Icons 2018.

Additionally, forms have been mailed out and are also reprinted on the last page of today’s The Martyr.

Please click on the following link to learn more about the history of Konizmat Icon Auction 

2018 Offering Envelopes & Wall Calendars Available - 12/10/2017

The 2018 Offering Envelopes and Wall Calendars (courtesy of Commerce Hill Funeral Home) are now available at the Candle Desk.



Community Christmas Card Contributions - Due Sun, Dec 10th - 12/10/2017

As in years past we will be collecting contributions for our annual Community Christmas Card. All entries must be turned in by Sunday, December 10th for the card to be printed and mailed in a timely manner.

Forms are available at the Candle Desk.

Holy Unction Service at St. George - Thurs, Dec 7th - 12/03/2017

On Thursday, December 7th, the service of Holy Unction will be celebrated in our parish, sponsored by the Orthodox Clergy Association of Greater Bridgeport.

The service will begin at 7:00 p.m. Refreshments will be served in the Church Hall afterwards.


Adult Education Mini-Series - Wed, Nov 29th - 11/25/2017

On Wednesday, November 29th, we will hold the third installment of our adult education “mini-series” on Saints in our Church Hall at 7:00 p.m., following the celebration of the Akathist Hymn, “Glory to God for All Things.”

In our final session, titled “Who is my Saint?”, we will discuss why Saints are important for us and how we can relate to our patron Saint and the other Saints of the Church calendar.


Houseblessing Schedule for 2018 - 11/19/2017

Father Dennis will begin blessing homes following the Divine Liturgy for the Feast of the Theophany this Saturday, January 6th.

The schedule has been mailed out, and is also available at the Candle Desk.  Additionally, you may Click on the followoing link to obtain a copy of the schedule here:  2018 Houseblessing Schedule

If you cannot meet Father on the day you are scheduled, or if your name is not on the list and you would like him to bless your home, call him at (203) 598-4678.

Fr Dennis will be away - returning Fri, Nov 24th - 11/19/2017

Father Dennis will be away this week for his ex-wife’s funeral in Philadelphia. He will return on Friday, November 24th.

In his absence, there will be no services in Church, including the Feast of the Entrance of the Virgin Mary and Thanksgiving Eve.

If there are any emergencies while he is away, contact Fr. George Coca at (203) 895-5464, or an Orthodox priest near you.

Adult Education Mini-Series - Wed, Oct 25th - 11/18/2017

On Wednesday, October 25th, we will hold the second installment of our Adult Education “mini-series” on Saints in our Church Hall at 7:00 p.m., following the celebration of the Akathist Hymn, “Glory to God for All Things.”

In October, we will discuss how a Saint is recognized or canonized, according to the Orthodox Church.

Stuffed Cabbage Luncheon - Sun, Nov 12th - 11/12/2017

There will be a Stuffed Cabbage Luncheon on Sunday, November 12th, immediately following the Divine Liturgy, sponsored by the Teuta Ladies’ Society. The meal will consist of lazy stuffed cabbage, rice, vegetable, salad, and dessert. There will be chicken tenders available for children who would prefer it over the cabbage.

The cost is $15.00 for adults. Children 12 and under are invited free of charge.

See Laura Chadwick or Laura Denisevich if you would like to attend.

Thank you. We promise it will be delicious!

St. Nectarios Vespers - Sun, Nov 12th - 11/10/2017

On Sunday, November 12th, His Eminence, Archbishop Nikon, will preside at the celebration of Great Vespers for St. Nectarios of Aegina at Christ the Savior Church in Southbury, Conn.

The service will begin at 4:00 p.m., and will be followed by refreshments in the Church Hall.

The Nativity Fast - 11/05/2017

The Nativity Fast begins on Wednesday, November 15th, and lasts through the Divine Liturgy of Christmas Day. During this time, Orthodox Christians fast and pray in preparation for the Feast.

According to the Tradition of the Church, we observe this Fast by abstaining from meat (including poultry and eggs), dairy, olive oil and wine. On Wednesdays and Fridays, we also abstain from fish. While many people relax these rules, particularly until after Thanksgiving, it is important that we do as much as we can, so that we can properly prepare ourselves spiritually for the Great Feast of our Lord’s Nativity.

Thanksgiving Day Service - Wed, Nov 22nd - 11/01/2017

On Wednesday, November 22nd, we will celebrate the Akathist Hymn, “Glory to God for All Things” with Prayers of Thanksgiving at 6:30 p.m. in observance of Thanksgiving Day.

Please join us!

Fr. Dennis Away - Mon, Oct 30th thru Fri, Nov 3rd - 10/21/2017

Father Dennis will be away for a week on vacation, leaving tomorrow, October 30th, and returning on Friday, November 3rd.

In his absence, daily services will not be celebrated.

If there is an emergency while he is away, contact Fr. George Coca at 203-895-5464, or an Orthodox priest near you.

Support the Annual Bazaar - Sat, Oct 21st - 10/08/2017

The Teuta Ladies’ Society annual Bazaar will be held on Saturday, October 21st.

This is the major fund-raising event for our Parish each year and there are many costs involved in putting it on. Please help us make it as much of a success as possible by making monetary donations to offset the costs of the Bazaar.

In addition, we need people to make items for the Baked Goods Table, as well as donations for the Attic Treasures Table and the Take a Chance Table. Also, please consider placing an ad in the Program Booklet. Forms are available at the Candle Desk.

Please see Louise Gallagher or Susan Galich if you can help.


"Hawaiian" Myrrh-streaming Icon to visit St. Dimitrie - Fri, Oct 20th - 10/01/2017

On Friday, October 20, 2017, the “Hawaiian” Myrrh-streaming Icon of the Virgin Mary will visit St. Dimitrie Church in Easton.

The Icon will arrive at 4:30 p.m. that day, and the Akathist service will be chanted at 6:30 p.m.

Women's Council Meeting - Sat, Oct 21st - 10/01/2017

The Orthodox Christian Women’s Council of Connecticut will meet on Saturday October 21st at 12:30 p.m. at St. Dimitrie Orthodox Church on Sport Hill Road in Easton. This will be its Annual Meeting, Election of Officers, and Pot Luck Lunch.

Attendance and membership is open to all the women of the Eastern Orthodox Christian Churches in Connecticut.


Notification of Illness - 10/01/2017

When you or someone you know is sick or in the hospital, please be sure to let Father Dennis know so he can visit. He can be reached at 203-598-4678.

Fr Dennis will be away - Tues, Sept 18th thru Sat, Sept 23rd - 09/17/2017

Father Dennis will be away this week, attending the meeting of the OCA’s Metropolitan Council on behalf of our Archdiocese, and the Archdiocesan Assembly in Philadelphia.

He will return on Saturday, September 23rd.

CT United 9/11 Bike Ride today - Main St closed 12:30-1:30PM - 09/09/2017

Please be aware that the annual Connecticut United 9/11 Memorial Bike Ride will be held today. As a result, Main Street will be closed for a time (approximately 12:30 to 1:30) during the afternoon.

Church School Year Begins - Sun, Sept 17th - 09/08/2017

Our Church School will begin its 2017/2018 term next Sunday, September 17th.

Please take note.

"Saints" Education Mini-Series first session - Wed, Sept 27th - 09/07/2017

On the last Wednesday of this and the next two months, there will be an adult education “mini-series” on Saints offered in our Church Hall at 7:00 p.m., following the celebration of the Akathist Hymn, “Glory to God for All Things.”

Click on the following link to view the flyer:   "Saints" Mini-Education Series

2017 LaBache Scholarship Applications available - Due Sept 30th - 09/06/2017

Applications for the 2017 Thomas and Katherine LaBache Scholarships are now being accepted. The updated list of requirements can be found below.

Applications are are available at the Candle Desk and must be returned by September 30th.

2017 Scholarship Letter

2017 Application

24th Annual FORCC Benefit Dinner - Sun, Oct 1st - 09/06/2017

The 24th Annual FORCC Benefit Dinner will be held at 1:00 p.m. on Sunday, October 1st. This year’s event will be held at St. Barbara Greek Orthodox Church on Racebrook Road in Orange. Fr. Chad Hatfield, President of St. Vladimir’s Seminary, will be the guest speaker.

Menu options include chicken or fish. Tickets are $35 per person for adults and $10 per person for children if purchased and paid for by September 24th. Adult tickets will be $45 per person if purchased between September 25th and September 30th. No tickets will be sold at the door.

See Father Dennis or Bob Lazar for information.

Special Collection - Sun, Oct 1st - 09/05/2017

At the request of the OCA’s Metropolitan Council and Metropolitan Tikhon, a special collection will be taken next Sunday, October 1st, to help the Orthodox Church in Mexico recover from the recent earthquake.

Support IOCC's efforts - Hurricane Harvey victims - 09/01/2017

Brothers and Sisters,

We are all watching the devastation caused in the South by Hurricane Harvey in the past few days. Please continue to pray for the victims and their families. Also, consider following the links in the attached email to donate money to International Orthodox Christian Charities to help them. We will also be dedicating our monthly Charity Collection to this effort, so that will be another way to help.

In Christ,

Fr. Dennis

For more information from the IOCC Relief efforts, click on the following link:

Albanian Missionaries to speak - Wed, Aug 23rd - 08/20/2017

This Wednesday, August 23rd, Deacon Stephanos and Diakonissa Alexandria Ritsi will speak at Christ the Savior Church in Southbury about their missionary work in Albania.

Vespers will be celebrated in the Church at 7:00 p.m., followed by their presentation.

If anyone is interested in attending, speak to Father Dennis.


Fr Dennis will be away - Thurs Aug 24th thru Sat Aug 26th - 08/19/2017

Father Dennis will be away Thursday, Friday and Saturday of this week, visiting family.

In his absence, daily services will not be held.

If there is an emergency while he is away, contact Fr. George Coca at 203-895-5464, or an Orthodox priest near you.

Parish General Meeting - Sun, Aug 27th - 08/18/2017

On Sunday, August 27th, there will be a General Meeting of our parish membership in the Church Hall following the Divine Liturgy.

Please plan to attend and participate!

A note from Chris Buzi and the Buzi family - 08/16/2017

The Buzi Family has asked us to share this note from Christopher regarding his brother Gregory:

“I feel the need to share and I am choked up as I write this. The message is important.  Today my brother made a huge sacrifice. He departed on his monastic journey for the next 3 years. He will sacrifice his family, friends, his comforts of modern life, his business, his house and all material possessions. Through his faith, it is my understanding that he hopes his sacrifices will create a greater good for all of us. That means his family, friends, community and the worldat large. Since humanity's earliest realization of sacrifice being essential towards a greater future, there has been no greater truth realized by man. For this, I am beyond grateful and humbled by my brother's actions. I hope for him the best. Beyond that, if you have met Greg, or if you haven't, don't let his sacrifices go in vain. Recognize the gravity of your actions and how they affect the world. Live a life of value. Sacrifice mediocrity in the present for a greater value in the future and make the world a better place. In this era of divisiveness and hate that we are living through, we need more examples like my brother who are willing to be light houses for the innumerable amount of ships that are about to crash towards to the rocks. Spread love. Live selflessly. Be gracious and think of others before yourself.”

Notification of Illness - 08/06/2017

When you or someone you know is sick or in the hospital, please be sure to let Father Dennis know so he can visit. He can be reached at 203-598-4678.


Feast of the Transfiguration - Sun, Aug 6th - 07/28/2017

Next Sunday, August 6th, is the Feast of the Transfiguration of our Lord. On this day, grapes and other fresh fruits are traditionally blessed at the end of the Divine Liturgy.

Please bring your fruits and place them on the table in the center of the Church to be blessed.

Teuta Ladies Society Meeting - Sun, Aug 12th - 07/26/2017

The next meeting of the Teuta Ladies’ Society will be held during Coffee Hour on Sunday, August 13th. On the agenda will be the next Teuta Bazaar, which is scheduled for Saturday, October 21st.

Please be sure to attend.


Help Trumbull Helps - collecting for Aug 19th - 07/25/2017

Trumbull Helps, an organization in Trumbull that works to assist the Trumbull Food Pantry and the Bridgeport Rescue Mission, will be preparing 700 summer lunches for children at the Rescue Mission on August 19th.

To help them, we will be collecting juice boxes. There is a collection box in the vestibule where you can place your donations.

New Coffee Hour Sign-up Sheet posted - 07/24/2017

The new Coffee Hour Sign-up Sheet for 2017/2018 is now posted on the wall in the Church Hall.

Take a look today and sign up to host a Coffee Hour in honor of a special event or in memory of a loved one.

Church Hall Rental Fees - 07/23/2017

Please be aware of the following fees for the use of the Church Hall which have been adopted by the Parish Council.

For Church Members in good standing:

Church-related affair (such as baptism, wedding, shower or memorial)             $200.00

Private party                                                                                                        $300.00

Commercial purposes:                                                                                         $300.00

Non-profit group meetings                                                                                    $100.00

Kitchen only (Church-related or other)                                                                  Donation


For non-members:

Church-related affair (such as baptism, wedding, shower or memorial)                $300.00

Private party                                                                                                           $500.00

Organizational meetings                                                                                         $100.00

Kitchen only (Church-related or other)                                                                    $100.00

Fr Dennis will be away - Fri July 14th thru 17th - 07/16/2017

Father Dennis will be away this coming weekend, leaving Friday morning, July 14th, and returning Monday afternoon, July 17th.  Matins on Friday and Monday and Vespers on Saturday are cancelled.

Father Sergei Bouteneff will be here on Sunday morning to celebrate the Divine Liturgy.


Opportunities for Short-Term Mission Teams - 07/14/2017

There are still open opportunities on three OCMC medical mission teams to Guatemala and Indonesia and youth outreach teams that will be traveling to Ghana and Kenya in the fall.

If you or anyone you know would be interested in joining these vital efforts of the Church, please contact Andy Lekos by phone at 904-829-5132 x140, or by e-mail at

Teams serve in the mission field for approximately two weeks and are a great way to impact the lives of people who are in great need around the world.


Condolences - 07/01/2017

We that Violet Polena passed away on Saturday, July 1, 2017. Her funeral will be held in Church on Thursday, July 6th, at 11:00 a.m. May her memory be eternal!


Notification of Illness - 05/21/2017

When you or someone you know is sick or in the hospital, please be sure to let Father Dennis know so he can visit. He can be reached at 203-598-4678.

Lakrors for sale - 05/20/2017

Lakrors—Leek, Spinach and Sauerkraut—are now available to order for delivery after the Bazaar on October 21st.

The cost is $50.00 each. Also, Sauerkraut Lakrors are available by advance order.

See Laura Denisevich or Laura Chadwick to make a purchase or to place an order.


View a Summary Presentation of Albanian Archdiocesan Centennial Celebration - 10/11/2008

This posting is to provide a presentation highlighting the events which occurred during the Centennial Celebration of the Albanian Orthodox Archdiocese in America.  The celebration was held in Boston, MA the weekend of September 27-28, 2008.

Click Here to view presentation.

Albanian Orthodox Archdiocese Annual Assemby Announcement - 08/04/2008

Albanian Orthodox Archdiocese in America

523 East Broadway  South Boston, MA 02127

(617) 268-1275  email:



Dear Father, Parish Chair and delegates,

You are cordially invited to attend the Annual Assembly of the Archdiocese to be held in Boston, MA and hosted by the Archdiocesan Council on Friday through Sunday, September 27-29 2008. 

As you know,  the Bishop and last Assembly resolved that all diocesan parishes will close for that Sunday, so that we may celebrate our Centennial Year and worship together.   Your parishioners who cannot be present together with us may worship at other local Orthodox parishes that day.

His Grace, Bishop Nikon has announced that His Eminence, Metropolitan Joan (Pelushi) of Korce shall be present to concelebrate hierarchal liturgy and share in the culmination of our Centennial Year.  His Grace Bishop Ilia (Katre) of Philomelion will be present for the Grand Gala as well.

The Centennial committee is pleased that actor James Belushi is a special guest for the Grand Gala.

Herewith are attached reference documents for your consultation.  There is no Registration fee for this year's Assembly as the Grand Gala shall serve as our usual banquet. Please be sure you make reservations for that stellar event.

As decided, parishes will be compensated for air travel of their delegates for the assembly. See attachment for this provision.  We look forward to providing a wonderful ambience for our proceedings.

Please share this information with your parish council and delegates.  Kindly make a hard copy and bring to the Assembly. 

In Christ,

Fr. Arthur+

Very Rev. Arthur E. Liolin




see attachments

a.) Travel Grant info

b.) Nominaton Form for diocesan officers

c.) Schedule of Assembly

d.) Agenda for Assembly

e.) Financial Summary & Proposed Budget [to be mailed ]

f.)  ByLaws of the Archdiocese

g.) Uniform Parish Constitution

Accommodations:  There are two choices for lodging, both in South Boston

The Seaport Hotel  [near Anthony's Pier 4 and the World Trade Center 

200 Seaport Blvd

Boston, MA 02210

(800) 323-7500 

Rates are $ 239 per night

For Reservations mention that you are with our group: "St. George Cathedral"


The Doubletree Club Hotel - Bayside [near St. George Cathedral ]

240 Mt. Vernon Street

Boston, MA 02125

(617) 822-3600

Rates are $ 139 per night

For Reservations mention that you with the St. George Cathedral group                             



Schedule in Capsule                     


Friday, September 26

Arrival of delegates

5 PM: Bishop's Meeting with Clergy at The Seaport Hotel 

Saturday, September 27 at Anthony's Pier 4 

9:30 AM-12 Noon    Plenary Session I

 ~ Luncheon ~

 if needed:      

 1-2:30PM   Plenary Session II

  6  PM  CENTENNIAL GRAND GALA at World Trade Center adjacent to Seaport Hotel and next to Anthony's PIer 4


Sunday, September 28: at Saint George Cathedral

10 AM     Hierarchal Divine Liturgy

 all diocesan clergy are expected to join the bishops and lay faithful for the Centennial LIturgy

 A Centennial Farewell follows in the Cathedral Athanas Aduitorium 


Albanian Orthodox Archdiocese culminates Centennial Year on September 27-28 - 08/04/2008

News Release

Albanian Orthodox Archdiocese culminates Centennial Year on September 27-28

Boston -    The Albanian Archdiocese celebrates the 100th Anniversary of its formation in 1908 by noted Albanian-American churchman Fan S. Noli with a Grand Gala at the Seaport Hotel/World Trade Center in Boston on Saturday, September 27, 2008.  The Centennial Committee is pleased to announce that His Excellency,  President Bamir Topi of Albania has graciously our invitation to attend the culmination of the centennial year.

Mr. Michael Gregory, Co Chair of the Centennial is pleased to announce that noted Albanian-American actor Jim Belushi shall attend the festivities and entertain the guests with a special performance. Also featured are BashkimiDance. Music and dancing to John Keegan and the famous Mad House instrumentalists, and DJ George Trebicka.

His Eminence, Metropolitan Joan (Pelushi) of Korce, Albania has accepted the invitation of His Grace, Bishop Nikon of Boston and will concelebrate the Hierarchal Divine Liturgy on Sunday, September 28 at Saint George Cathedral.  They will be joined by His Grace Bishop Ilia (Katre) of the Albanian Orthodox Diocese of America. Numerous diocesan clergy and hundreds of faithful well wishers are expected to attend.

A Centennial Souvenir Book will be released:

To place a greeting, contact Kristin Toli

Souvenir Book Deadline is August 15.

Reservations for the Grand Gala and Souvenir Advertisements may be secured on-line via  

For reservation questions: contact  Dorothy Cornetta or (781) 329-0454

No tickets will be available at the door. Ticket deadline is September 1.

News Release from Albanian Orthodox Archdiocese in America - 03/15/2008

Albanian Orthodox Archdiocese in America

Saint George Cathedral

523 East Broadway  South Boston, MA 02127-4415

Albanian Orthodox celebrate Centennial Year in Boston

Boston -    On Sunday March 9, 2008, His Grace, NIKON, Bishop of Boston, New England and the Albanian Archdiocese of the Orthodox Church in America  welcomed hierarchs, clergy and faithful to Saint George Cathedral in  Boston to commemorate the Centennial Year of the Archdiocese and the beginning of the apostolic mission of its founder, the late Archbishop Fan Noli.

                     His Beatitude, ANASTASIOS, Archbishop of Tirana, primate  of the Orthodox Church of Albania  attended to pay homage to Noli's memory.  The Archbishop - who was recovering from eye surgery in Boston - praised Fan Noli's efforts in laying the foundation for the Albanian Church, for his translations of liturgical books and other masterpieces of world literature and for establishing an institution which continued for a century.  All three bishops and the attendant clergy then chanted a Memorial Prayer in front of Fan Noli's Portrait.

                 Bishop NIKON transmitted the greetings of His Beaittude, Metropolitan HERMAN and his brother bishops of the Holy Synod on this auspicious occasion.   In addition, His Grace Bishop Ilia (Katre) of Philmelion and of the Albanian Diocese under the Ecumenical Patriarcahte  concelebrated the liturgy, assisted by numerous clergy. Many hundreds of diocesan lay leaders and faithful gathered for worship.   As March 9 was also the Sunday of Forgiveness in the Orthodox Church, the day before the beginning of Great Lent, Bishop NIKON and BISHOP ILIA issued a joint Centennial Encyclical

                   The first liturgy in the Albanian language was first celebrated in Boston by then priest - and later Archbishop - Fan Stylian Noli in March, 1908.  It was a significant moment since his homeland had been subjugated for five centuries under Ottoman rule, during which time the use of the vernacular had been surpressed.  The movement in the U.S. helped foster the independence of Albania in 1912 and the formation of an indigenous and autocephalous Albanian Orthodox Church in the homeland.

                        After graduating from Harvard in 1912, Noli would later become Albania's first democratic premier in 1924.  A prodigious scholar, Fan Noli would translate many liturgical books and hymnals from Greek first into Albanian, and later into English.   As well, he became a noted translator of Shakespeare, Ibsen, Cervantes and Longfellow into Albanian, after returning to Boston to oversee his U.S.-based church.  His doctoral thesis at Boston University on Albania's 15th Century national hero, George Castriioti Skanderbeg became a classic,  Noli's scholarly work, entitled  Beethoven and the French Revolution, for the New England Conservatory of Music  was later published and received accolades from George Bernard Shaw, Thomas Mann and Jan Sibelius.

                    Saint George Cathedral and Noli's connection became a symbol for democracy in the homeland when the Balkan nation began to shed its Communist past in 1990.  The church's current pastor, the Very Rev Arthur Liolin was the first clergyman to enter the formerly atheist Albania in 1988, helping to foster improved relations with the U.S..  Today, Albania has emerged from its isolation and is considered one of the staunchest allies of the  U.S. in the Balkans, while also seeking membership in the European Union.

                  The March 9th celebration welcomed guests at Anthony's Pier 4 on Boston harbor.  The proceedings were aired on the BBC and the Voice of America's TV. The Centennial year continues with the opening of an Exhibition in Boston on May 4,  and shall culminate with a Grand Gala at the World Trade Center on September 27, 2008.

Centennial Encyclical - 03/09/2008

On Sunday, March 9th, our Cathedral in Boston celebrated the CENTENNIAL HIERARCHIAL LITURGY - presiding was His Grace, Bishop NIKON (Liolin) (shown in photo) and His Grace, Bishop ILIA (Katre).  These two concelebrants were assisted by many clergy.

The choice of this day for the celebration was "necessitated" by the fact that 100 years ago, at about this time, the first ever Liturgy in the Albanian language was served.

Other festivities and events will occur throughout the year culminating in Boston on September 26 - 28th - the weekend for our Archdiocesan Assembly.  His Grace, Bishop NIKON has directed that on that weekend all parishes be closed, so that all the clergy and faithful of the Archdiocese are present at the Centennial closeout.

Click Here to view a letter concerning the centennial inauguration.

Enciklikë e Njëqindvjetorit (Centennial Encyclical in Albanian)

Birthday Celebration

St. George recognized and celebrated Fr. Dennis' 70th Birthday on Sunday, June 10th.  We also welcomed his family who joined us for Liturgy and a luncheon.  Many Years!


On Sunday during Divine Liturgy, the parish of St. George remembered all of the living and departed mothers, grandmothers, godmothers, and special women of our lives, in prayer.  Additionally, our thanks go out to Ron Dougiello of Commerce Hill Funeral Home, who donated long-stemmed roses which were given out as a gift to all mothers in attendance.

Service Schedule for Holy Week

Service Schedule for Holy Week

Service Schedule for Holy Week

Please click on the following link to view or download a copy of the Service Schedule for Holy Week:

Holy Week Schedule 2018

Fr. Denn

Father Dennis will be away for a week on vacation, leaving Monday, October 30th, and returning on Friday, November 3rd.

In his absence, daily services will not be celebrated.



Fr. Dennis Away - Mon, Oct 30th thru Fri, Nov 3rd

Father Dennis will be away for a week on vacation, leaving Monday, October 30th, and returning on Friday, November 3rd.

In his absence, daily services will not be celebrated.



Church School Year Begins - 2017

We prayed today for the students and teachers of our Church School as they begin another year of instruction.  Many Years! Për Shumë Vjet!

Women's Council Meeting - Sat, Sept 23rd

The September meeting of the Orthodox Women’s Council will be held on Saturday, September 23, 2017, at Holy Ghost Russian Orthodox Church on East Main St. in Bridgeport, at 1:30 p.m.

The proposed slate of elected officers for the next two year term will be presented.

Archbishop THEOFAN - Founder of the Albanian Orthodox Church in America

Archbishop THEOFAN (“Fan” S. Noli), founder of the Albanian Orthodox Church in America, was a versatile man whose talents and interests carried him to a position of preeminence in the Albanian world.   An outstanding prelate, he has been called an Apostle of the Albanian renaissance and independence.  Has was the most respected and influential Albanian of his time – a symbol of unity and fraternity for all Albanians, whether Christian or Muslim, democrats or socialists, rich or poor.

Clergyman, writer, historian, translator, journalist, orator, statesman, diplomat, musician – Archbishop Noli was at ease in all those roles.  The wide range and quality of his achievements brought him international recognition in religious, diplomatic and literary circles. George Bernard Shaw, Thomas Mann, and Ian Sibelius were among those who paid their respects to his scholarship and creative ability.  For a while in 1924 he served as Albania’s Premier.

A man of great learning, he held degrees from Harvard [B.A., 1912], the New England Conservatory of Music [B.M., 1938], and Boston University [Ph.D., 1945].  His translations into Albanian the works by Longfellow, Edgar Allan Poe, Shakespeare, Cervantes, Ibsen and Omar Khayyam have won the admiration of lay people and scholars alike.  His aspirations for the American Orthodox Church uniting all prompted him to translate an awesome array of Orthodox books into English.

Fan Noli came to the United States in 1906.  He lived and worked in Boston. His home for many years was a modest apartment on

Bladgen Street
, behind the Boston Public Library.  He liked that address mostly because of its proximity to the library, where he did much of his research. 

Small in stature, and rather frail-looking in his late years, he had a powerful voice, sparkling eyes, an expressive face and a contagious laughter.

Archbishop Noli’s life and work were a testimony to the democratic principles and ideals of America which he cherished, and taught his followers.  He was an outstanding American of Albanian origin who embodied, in word and deed, the spirit of Christianity, the spirit of Albanian heritage, the spirit of the founding fathers of our country.

Category: Upcoming Events
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Upcoming Services & Events
Sunday, March 9
SUNDAY OF ORTHODOXY (1st Sunday of Lent) 9:45AM Church School meets with Fr. Sergei 10AM Divine Liturgy w/ return of Konizmat icons
4PM Pan-Orthodox Vespers - Holy Trinity Church, Bridgeport
Saturday, March 15
11AM Baptisms - Otto Lugus and Banks Davis 
Sunday, March 16
SUNDAY OF ST. GREGORY PALAMAS  (2nd Sunday of Great Lent) 10AM Reader Service (there is no Communion at this service)
4PM Pan-Orthodox Vespers - St. Dimitrie Church, Easton
Sunday, March 23
VENERATION OF THE CROSS HERITAGE SUNDAY 9:45AM Fr. Sergei meets w/ Church School 10AM Divine Liturgy w/ Churching of Otto Lugus & Banks Davis. Memorial for departed heirarchs, priests, & prifteresa
4PM Pan-Orthodox Vespers - Holy Ghost, Bridgepport
View Live-Streamed Services

Connect below to view our next Live Stream service from our Facebook page:

Sunday March 9th -  10:00AM Divine Liturgy

Category: Upcoming Events
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St. George Orthodox Church, Trumbull, CT | Contact

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