5th Grader’s Service Project: Project Warmth
As part of his Talented and Gifted (TAG) program, TJ Coughlin was to
create a Service Learning Project. As his topic, he chose one that
dealt with helping those less fortunate deal with heating their homes
in the winter. Following research and interviews, he developed a
“Power Point” presentation and an informational/educational brochure
for the parish and after a Liturgy presented his project to the
Following his presentation on February 1st, he invited everyone to a coffee hour that he sponsored – and even baked for!
The support of this project will be the February Charity Tray.
Click Here to view TJ's presentation materials.
Click Here to go to the Photo Archive and view additional photos of TJ addressing the parish and explaining his project at the coffee hour he sponsored.
Photo - from Left to Right: First Selectman of Monroe Tom Buzi and TJ Coughlin.
Click Here to view a newspaper article from the Connecticut Post.