The Buzi Family has asked us to share this note from Christopher regarding his brother Gregory:
“I feel the need to share and I am choked up as I write this. The message is important. Today my brother made a huge sacrifice. He departed on his monastic journey for the next 3 years. He will sacrifice his family, friends, his comforts of modern life, his business, his house and all material possessions. Through his faith, it is my understanding that he hopes his sacrifices will create a greater good for all of us. That means his family, friends, community and the worldat large. Since humanity's earliest realization of sacrifice being essential towards a greater future, there has been no greater truth realized by man. For this, I am beyond grateful and humbled by my brother's actions. I hope for him the best. Beyond that, if you have met Greg, or if you haven't, don't let his sacrifices go in vain. Recognize the gravity of your actions and how they affect the world. Live a life of value. Sacrifice mediocrity in the present for a greater value in the future and make the world a better place. In this era of divisiveness and hate that we are living through, we need more examples like my brother who are willing to be light houses for the innumerable amount of ships that are about to crash towards to the rocks. Spread love. Live selflessly. Be gracious and think of others before yourself.”