Financial Statements are now available for January 1, 2018 through May 20th, 2018. Please pick up your statement at the Candle Desk. As a reminder, as approved from the Annual Parish Meeting in January, the recommended minimum Stewardship donation for 2018 is $9 per week or $468 per year.
One new feature we now have is to email financial statements directly to parishioners instead of printing out and mailing statements. For those we have email addresses for, you received a link to your statement in your email inbox. This is a more efficient process and saves envelopes and postage expenses.
If you have an email address but still received a hard copy of your statement, please forward your email address to Luba Csernica, the Financial Secretary, at, We will update your profile in our software system and you will then be able to receive your financial statements electronically in the future.