Below are some links to a host of varied Resources (Prayers, Readings, Podcasts, Live streamed services, etc) including a download of Sunday Prayers for parishioners to use who are unable to attend services:
Prayer Service and Prayers for Use at Home:
Reader Sunday Prayer Service / Sunday Prayer Service for use at Home (with no Priest): A Reader Sunday Prayer Service
Prayers for Daily Use: The Jesus Prayer
Morning and Evening Prayers (from "Orthodox Christian Prayers") Can be purchased from STS Press and Amazon
General Confession for use at St. George:
Format for General Confession for use at St. George (the 1st Sunday of each month): Format for General Confession
Weekly Sermon from Fr. Sergei
The weekly Sermon is recorded and posted each Sunday afternoon on St. George's YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvDnJSwwffvezBVH7P8u0bg
Lives of Saints: https://www.oca.org/fs
Daily Bible Readings: https://www.oca.org/readings
Podcasts, Blogs, & Music:
Ancient Faith Ministries https://www.ancientfaith.com
Livestream video of Services:
Online Chapel has both livestream and archived videos of the Orthodox Christian services of the Monastery of the Transfiguration, Ellwood City, PA:
Holy Cross Monastery in Wayne, WV is livestreaming all services throughout the Coronavirus epidemic (this is the Monastery where Brother Gregory is located):
Holy Ghost Church, Bridgeport They are continuing with Facebook Live streaming for on-going services. Please go to their website to view the schedule of services, and to obtain a link to Facebook Live. https://holyghostbpt.org
Sts Hermione, Philonilla & Zenaida the Unmercenary Physicians:
The featured icon image is of Sts Hermione, Philonilla & Zenaida the Unmercenary Physicians. They are known as the Mothers of Modern Medicine, the first Unmercenary Physicians. Unmercenary Physicians were trained physicians who treated the poor and did not accept payment for their services. View more information at these following links: https://www.oca.org/saints/lives/2020/09/04/102492-martyr-hermione-daughter-of-saint-philip-the-deacon and https://www.oca.org/saints/lives/2019/10/11/102939-martyrs-zenaida-and-philonilla-of-tarsus-in-cilicia