St George Cathedral, of the Albanian Orthodox Archdiocese, has obtained permission to live stream Palm Sunday and Pascha (Easter) services to each of you on your home computer or mobile device from our Cathedral. We will be able to present these services to you using Facebook and Zoom, allowing us to send live video and audio of these services as they are being celebrated.
You may view/connect through either Facebook, Zoom, or by phone/ Instructions for connectivity are below:
1. FACEBOOK – For viewing on PC or tablet/mobile device
You do not need a Facebook account to view the service on the St. George Facebook site.
2. ZOOM – For viewing on PC or tablet/mobile device
Please see instructions for accessing video on Zoom. Zoom Instructions from Albanian Archdiocese
3. PHONE ONLY – For those without computer access
Dial: (929) 205-6099
Meeting ID: 417 236 032
Password: 179452
Other local numbers:
Please see attached instructions for accessing audio on Zoom.