St. George was recently informed that Brother Gregory will be tonsured at Holy Cross Monastery in Wayne, WV, thus taking the next important step towards becoming a monk.
He will be tonsured after the Vigil (around 9:30 or 10:00PM) for the Feast of Dormition on August 27th. (Note: Holy Cross Monastery follows the Julian calendar for determining Feasts which is 13 days behind the Gregorian calendar, which St. George and the OCA follow).
A tonsure is the cutting of the hair on the head. All Orthodox Christians are tonsured at our baptism – a sign of our being dedicated to God. This monastic tonsure is a confirmation of that pledge.
The entire service will be live-streamed can be viewed on the monastery’s Facebook orYouTube sites:
Holy Cross Monastery Facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=69932375001
Holy Cross Monastery YouTube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zHtlmJKbD2U
Sharon and Greg Buzi recently forwarded a letter to our parish, and shared an email from Fr. Seraphim, Abbot of Holy Cross Monastery – they both can be viewed here:
Email from Fr. Seraphim, Abbot Holy Cross Monastery
Letter from Sharon & Greg Buzi to St. George parish
The parish of St. George continues to pray for Brother Gregory and the whole Buzi family as he progresses on his journey.