St. George was invited to worship with the Holy Ghost parish at Holy Ghost Park, 70 Nells Rock Rd, in Shelton. That Liturgy will begin at 9::30AM. As many of you are aware, services are held in their pavilion (a covered patio).
St. George attendance registration rules still apply – please notify Laura Chadwick by Saturday, October 10th, 3PM if you wish to attend.
Some particulars you should be aware of:
-Even though the service is outdoors, masks are required and families should space 6 feet apart.
-Holy Ghost asks participants to bring their own hand sanitizer.
-Feel free to bring a light folding chair
-There is a Coffee Hour after Divine Liturgy, although no food, nor drinks will be offered. Participants are free to bring their own “Coffee Hour” drink and socialize 6 feet apart on the grounds.
To become more familiar with Holy Ghost’s specific approved Health and Safety Guidelines for Divine Liturgy at Holy Ghost Park, please open the following link to the Holy Ghost website Home page where there the main news piece discusses their requirements: