Below is an update from the Parish Council for November:
The Parish Council would like to inform you of some important information concerning our ongoing church services and our annual Community Christmas Card. Please make sure you see the information below.
· Services will continue on Sundays at 9:30 a.m., with general confession at 9:15 on the first Sunday of the month. Our safety protocols have been working well and will continue to be implemented, including temperature checks, mask wearing, social distancing and individual spoons for communion. Be advised that we will be turning the heat on and also opening windows to promote good air circulation, so please plan to dress accordingly.
· We ask that you continue to call or email Laura Chadwick by 3:00 at the latest on the Saturday before the Divine Liturgy. This gives the Council time to determine the best seating arrangement for our parishioners, considering seating limits, social distancing and parishioner preferences when possible. Her contact information is 203-218-1552 or
· We are pleased to announce that plans are underway to acquire internet access at church. We hope to be able to live stream services for those who cannot attend in person. Details to follow.
· We continue to have concern for our parishioners who may be more isolated due to age/health reasons or lack of internet access. If you feel that you or someone you know is in need of assistance or support, please contact the Parish Council at , send a note to the church address, or call Laura Coughlin at 203-685-3839.
· We are now gathering names and donations for our annual Community Christmas Card. Please open the following link to view and download a copy of the 2020 Community Christmas Card Form.