Due to COVID restrictions, St. George was required to obtain approval to hold services for The Feast of The Nativity of the Lord (Christmas). Fr. Sergei received an email this morning from the Secretary to the Metropolitan, Rev. Deacon John Thetford, that the Metropolitan has approved St. George’s plans to hold a Vesperal Liturgy of Saint Basil on Christmas Eve (Dec 24th), at 4:30PM.
Here are some additional specifics from Fr. Sergei on the schedule, reminder of the need to reserve attendance with Laura Chadwick (to ensure that we are complying with headcount restrictions), and instructions for those who plan to receive Communion.
At Saint George we will be observing the following:
- Our Christmas Service - a Vesperal Liturgy of Saint Basil - will take place December 24th - starting at 4:30PM. We hope we can accomplish the service in about 90 minutes.
- Those planning to receive communion should fast from 12Noon of December 24th.
- Everyone planning to come must contact Laura Chadwick (203.218.1552 or email at lchad@att.net) to confirm a reservation. Due to COVID protocols, St. George remains under a headcount restriction. We will take "reservations" up to 3:00PM on December 23rd, and any cancellations up to 12Noon on the 24th - thus giving time to contact any folks on the wait list.
-There will be NO LITURGY ON CHRISTMAS DAY this year. This gives us a chance to perform the proper cleaning to maintain our safety protocols
-The regular format will continue for the Sunday Service of December 27th.
- We will look at the Theophany schedule later, but can advise you now that in-person house blessing is postponed indefinitely due to COVID-19 concerns. We will, however, still have the annual blessing of the waters.