With our COVID restrictions continuing in 2021, we will, once again engage in the annual secular ritual of the Konizmat Icon Auction.
From the time of Turkish occupation, through the years, even in America, this was a traditional and important fundraising method for those whose Church heritage is from the central Balkans.
"Bids" are to be submitted during the month of January with January 31st being the last Sunday bids will be accepted. The icons will be assigned - based on highest/earliest received bid.
We are greatly disappointed to report that unfortuantely, due to COVID precautions, this year we cannot allow icons to be taken home and then returned back to church on March 21st (Sunday of the Triumph of Orthodoxy). The best we can do is to announce in the Weekly Bulletin who supported the fund raiser and what icon they obtained.
The Icon and Bid form can be downloaded here: 2021 Konizmat Icons
Click onto the following link to read more on the Konizmat Icon Auction
Thank you for your understanding and continued support.
Photo Note: Procession during the Great Entrance with icons being returned to Church (Sunday of the Triumph of Orthodoxy - 2020).