In another step to continue to exit some of our COVID restrictions, to slowly return back to some of our routines, St. George will be restarting Coffee Hours after Divine Liturgy.
At this time, the coffee hours will be held outside, not in the church hall. The Parish Council recognizes the church hall has limited ventilation capabilities, so with summer upon us, the prudent and safe method is to hold them outside, weather permitting.
Coffee will be provided, and our fellowship gathering location will be the back right side of the church on the lawn.
Parishioners, if you wish, please feel free to bring a lawn chair to sit on, a snack to eat, another beverage you may prefer, or even your own coffee in a thermos if you wish to remain more cautious.
St. George looks forward to making continual small steps back to normalcy based on recommended input and guidelines from the Diocese and our civil authorities.