The Church Council have updated the COVID protocols for our church. This was completed following recent revisions to the CDC Guidelines and based on Governor Lamont’s recent recommendations for Connecticut:
Beginning Sunday, July 4th:
- Fully vaccinated parishioners may choose not to wear a mask.
- Anyone who is not vaccinated is required to wear a mask.
- Vaccinated parishioners may also continue to wear a mask if that is their preference.
- Reservations are no longer required to attend church services, however the Parish Council will continue to capture attendance for any future contract tracing.
As a friendly reminder, the above changes are in addition to other recent changes:
Parishioners are no longer required to have their temperature taken before entering church. If parishioners are ill or develop COVID symptoms (fever, chills, cough, shortness of breath, etc.) they are strongly encouraged to remain home.
Attendance is no longer being restricted by headcount. However individual parishioners/family groups need to continue to maintain a social distance spacing of 6 ft.
Thank you for your continued cooperation and compliance as we continue to make adjustments that reflect the current conditions and the safety of our community.