Father Sergei is putting together Care packages for our two deployed military personnel – Father James Parnell and Jason Gartsu - individuals we continue to pray for.
For those who wish to participate, we are looking for either cash donations or non-perishable snack donations.
The best recommended food to send should be of the non-perishable variety - especially those snacks in cans or plastic jars (no glass) to prevent crushing. Examples: granola or energy bars, flavoring mixes for water, beef jerky, tuna, nuts, gum, trail mixes, Pringles chips, hard candy (candy that won’t melt) and well-packaged cookies and crackers are the best bets.
Also, parishioners and children are welcome to prepare or make up a card/note to add to the box.
All donations need to be at St. George by Sunday, October 17th. The goal is to package and mail the care packages the 3rd week of October so they arrive overseas by Veterans Day (Nov 11th).
If you have any questions, please contact Fr. Sergei.