Update from the Parish Council
Below, please find a letter from the Parish Council that is being mailed to parishioners who do not have email addresses or internet for communications. There was a Parish Information meeting held on Sunday, October 31st after Divine Liturgy where the following items were discussed. The letter and this posting are additional communication efforts to those who missed the meeting.
Note: We did not repeat the announcement for the Community Christmas Card sign-up here - that form has been already been posted on our website at this link: https://www.stgeorgetrumbull.org/news_211112_2
November 2021 Update
The Parish Council would like to inform you of some important information concerning our ongoing church services and our annual Community Christmas Card. Please make sure you see the information below.
· Services on Sundays have returned to 10:00 a.m., with General Confession at 9:45 on the first Sunday of the month. Services will revert back to 9:30 a.m. on March 27th. An informal poll was conducted over several weeks, and although more people preferred a 9:30 start time , the Council decided to compromise and allow for a 10:00 start during the winter months when roads are often better later in the morning.
· Coffee hour has been re-instated. If you would like to host a coffee hour, please contact Kim O’Brien at kimobrien720@gmail.com or 203-907-5578.
· The Parish Council recently held an information meeting to update parishioners on the work/activities that have taken place since we have been dealing with COVID. A future meeting will be held to outline some of the options we need to consider as we look toward securing the future health of our parish. It is very important that we have a clear understanding of how many parishioners we have and how much stewardship income we have available, as this information will impact future decisions. Please make every effort to update your stewardship. Questions may be directed to Luba Csernica, Financial Secretary, at luba.csernica@gmail.com or 203-414-8141. Thank you.
· We are looking for someone to coordinate activities with our Church School children. While we would ideally have weekly classes, we can consider other formats, such as monthly classes or activities, outreach activities, etc. Please contact Father Sergei if you can help with this important aspect of our ministry.
Parish Council