Below please find the 2023 Lenten Pan-Orthodox Vespers Schedule
The following contains the schedule from the Connecticut Deanery (coded CTD) and for the Orthodox Clergy Association of Greater Bridgeport (OCAGB). Please note that some of the services will be jointly hosted. Additionally, FORCC (Fellowship of Orthodox Church in Connecticut) is hosting the March 19th Vespers.
Sunday, March 5th - 1st Sunday of Lent
Sunday of Orthodoxy
4PM Vespers; Holy Ghost, East Main St., Bridgeport (CTD & OCAGB) SPECIAL NOTE: The collection from this service will be earmarked for Earthquake relief in Syria and Turkey.
Sunday, March 12th – 2nd Sunday of Lent
St. Gregory Palamas
4PM Vespers; Christ the Savior, Southbury (CTD)
4PM Vespers; St. Nicholas, Bridgeport (OCAGB)
Sunday, March 19th – 3rd Sunday of Lent
Veneration of the Holy Cross
4PM Vespers; Holy Trinity, Bridgeport (FORCC)
Sunday, March 26th - 4th Sunday of Lent
St. John Climacus (of The Ladder)
4PM Vespers; Sts. Cyril and Methodius, Terryville (CTD)
4PM Vespers; St. John the Baptist, Broadbridge Ave, Stratford (OCAGB)
Sunday, April 2nd - 5th Sunday of Lent
St. Mary of Egypt
4PM Vespers (Holy Unction Service) Three Saints Church, Ansonia (CTD & OCAGB)
Sunday, April 9th - 6th Sunday of Lent
Palm Sunday
4PM Bridegroom Matins; Holy Trinity Church, New Britain (CTD)
4PM Bridegroom Matins; St. John the Baptist, Bridgeport (OCAGB)
The health safety protocols in response to COVID-19 presently vary from parish to parish. Some parishes have relaxed these protocols almost entirely. Others have not. Therefore, we ask any person choosing to attend any of these events should be prepared to wear a facemask (facial PPE), and to follow any other health safety protocols that may be in place in any given parish. Thank you for your understanding and respectful cooperation.
June 18th: Fr. John Kreta, our Chancellor for the CT Deanery, also invites all our deanery clergy and faithful to join them again at All Saints of North America Mission, in Salisbury.