Immediately below, please find a message from FORCC (The Fellowship of Orthodox Churches in Connecticut) regarding an upcoming FORCC Pascal Lecture:
FORCC President, Peter Romanovsky, is inviting you to attend a scheduled Zoom lecture on Sunday, May 15th at 4PM. The lecture is titled "Jesus Christ: The Gardener of our souls" and will be given by Dr. Bruce Beck of Hellenic College Holy Cross in Brookline, MA. The lecture will run approximately 1 hour including a Q&A session at the end.
To learn more, please click onto the following link to download or view a flyer for the lecture: FORCC Zoom Lecture 2022
Below is the link and credentials for linking into the Zoom meeting:
Topic: FORCC Zoom lecture
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 966 068 3079
Passcode: FPt2yh