Attached below is an email from the Albanian Archdiocese Student Fund Committee which was sent to each parish in the Archdiocese. The Student Fund Committee will be mailing a letter to parish members asking to participate in a fund raising event this summer - additional details are in the letter.
Dear Parish Chairpersons,
On behalf of the Student Fund Committee we want to acknowledge and greatly appreciate the cooperation from our Parishes that provided their mailing lists to the Student Fund. By this act you have taken another step to enhance the future life of this Diocese.
Shortly, a mailing will be deployed to the entire list, thanks to you, asking the Diocese membership to participate in this fundraising event. This is a MATCHING FUND CAMPAIGN by the Archdiocese, so every donation will be doubled. The Student Fund is making strategic efforts to seek out and secure new candidates to study for the clergy. As an example we now have two international students from Albania and Australia attending St. Vladimir's and St.Tikon's seminaries. Although the financial obligation is more challenging than with home grown students it is in our interest to expand the search.
Our Diocese future is in all our hands... now more than ever. We ask that you inform your parishioners to watch out for this mailing and to be as generous as possible.
Thank you,