Below find an email invitation from the CT Deanery to celebrate the Feast of All Saints of America. Click onto the link located in the email text below to view/download a poster.
Dear Brothers in Christ,
Christ is in our Midst!
I would like to invite you and your parishioners to join us on the Feast of All Saints of America. (Sunday June 26). At 4 pm, that afternoon we will be serving the Akathist service to All the Saints of North America, with the relics and Icons of 10 of these American Saints. Following the service we will be serving some light refreshments and give people time to venerate, pray and be still before the relics of these saints.
I hope you will be able to join us on this "Pilgrimage" to the Northwest Corner of Connecticut on this wonderful feast of our Orthodox Church in North America, and to invite and encourage you parishioners to join us as well.
Please see attached a poster for you to distribute in your bulletins if you wish, or to print and post in your churches or halls.
Sincerely in the Lord who is wonderful in His Saints,
Fr. John
Fr. John Kreta
All Saints of North America, Salisbury, CT