All have heard of the devastating earthquake that hit Turkey and Syria on the morning of February 6th. The death toll is over 40,000, and millions of people are in need of shelter, food, and other supplies. St. George will be collecting donations over the next 3 weeks to assist the relief efforts in these two countries.
We will be collecting through Sunday, March 5th which is the Sunday of Orthodoxy. All donations will be forwarded to the IOCC (International Orthodox Christian Charities), an international humanitarian aid agency who will be coordinating relief efforts to their regional partners.
We are asking that checks be addressed to St. George. Please make a note on the check that it is for Earthquake Relief. One check will be sent from St. George to the IOCC shortly after March 5th.
If you prefer to donate directly to the IOCC, they have a donation page set up for you to make that donation. It can be reached here: IOCC 2/6 Earthquake Response
The February Charity tray for the next two Sundays (Feb 19th & Feb 26th) will be postponed so we can focus on the earthquake relief crisis.
For those attending the Sunday of Orthodoxy Pan-Orthodox Vespers service on March 5th at Holy Ghost Church in Bridgeport, all monies collected at that service will also be ear-marked and forwarded for the Earthquake Relief efforts.
As always, your generosity is greatly appreciated.