We would like to organize a group that is interested in reading our former priest Fr. Stephen Siniari’s book titled 'Big in Heaven". It is a collection of short stories.
Once we determine the level of interest we can aim for a scheduling a meeting in September and try to get Fr. Stephen to a Zoom conference with us to discuss.
Contact Laura Coughlin at Lemc15@aol.com if you are interested. The book is available for purchase on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Big-Heaven-Collection-American-Orthodox-ebook/dp/B08CLV84GV
Below: some reviews of the book "Big in Heaven":
First Things - America's foremost journal of religion and public life says:
Big in Heaven is religious fiction as it should be: compelling, immensely readable stories that are challenging and spiritually eye-opening. Both poignant and profound...
Englewood Reviews, a major Protestant book review site, called Big in Heaven,
“…A humble incarnation of broken beauty.”
Catholic World Report lists Big In Heaven among the Best Books of 2021
Rhonda Ortiz - Catholic World Report:
Big in Heaven by Stephen Siniari (Ancient Faith Publishing, 2020) is a collection of short stories about Saint Alexander the Whirling Dervish Orthodox Church, a fictional parish in a gritty working-class Philadelphia neighborhood. Through Fr. Naum, the humble and perceptive parish priest, we enter into the complex lives of Saint Alexander’s motley and often eccentric parishioners and neighbors.
About the Author:
Father Stephen N. Siniari is a retired priest of the Albanian Archdiocese. During almost 40 years in ministry, Fr. Stephen served parishes in New England and the Philadelphia/South Jersey area while working full time as a street outreach worker in Philadelphia, Atlantic City, & Camden, NJ, serving homeless, at-risk, and trafficked teens with the international Roman Catholic Agency, Covenant House. Born and raised in Philadelphia, he currently lives on the Florida Gulf Coast with Margot, his wife of more than 40 years.