On Sunday, July 7th, at 4:00 PM, at All Saints of North America Church, 313 Twin Lakes Road in Salisbury, CT, there will be an Akathist Service (a service of praise and thanksgiving)to celebrate the Feast of All Saints of North America with Bishop Benedict, Bishop of Hartford and the Diocese of New England presiding.
The Akathist will be celebrated before the Relics and Icons of 10 of the North American Saints: St. Herman of Alaska, St. Innocent Apostle to America, St. Tikhon Enlightener of North America, St. John of San Francisco, St. Nikolai of South Canaan, St. Raphael of Brooklyn, St. Mardarije of Libertyville, St. Alexis of Wilkes-Barre, St. Sabastian of Jackson and St. Vasily who served in Waterbury CT.
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