The 2024 annual CT United Ride (Motorcycle Ride), which is CT’s largest annual 9/11 tribute, is being held this Sunday, Sept 8th:
As a heads-up: The southbound portion of Main Street in Trumbull will be essentially shutdown as the riders move through Trumbull beginning around 12:30PM for about 1 to 1-1/2 hours.
Below is an email from the Trumbull Police Department notifying our parish that Main St. southbound will be essentially shutdown on Sunday:
Good morning I wanted to notify you that next Sunday, 09/08, the CT United 911 motorcycle ride will be traveling through Trumbull. At approximately 12:30 pm it will be almost impossible to have any traffic enter onto Main St southbound. The ride usually last for 1-1 ½ hours.
Please contact me if you have any questions.
Lt. Ken Jones
Trumbull PD