As an early reminder, Daylight Saving time ends on the first Sunday in November, which for this year is Sun, Nov 3rd. This marks the return to Standard time when at 2AM, clocks need to be turned backward one hour to 1AM.
Additionally on this day, the Service start time for Divine Liturgy will change from 9:30AM to 10AM.
Background on service start-times:
The Parish Council conducted a start-time survey with parishioners in the fall of 2020. That survey resulted in the majority of parishioners preferring a 9:30AM start time, but as part of a compromise, the Council decided to go back to a 10AM start time during the winter months.
This is the current approved Calendar Schedule for Divine Liturgy:
10AM Divine Liturgy (from the 1st Sunday in November through March)
9:30AM Divine Liturgy (from the 1st Sunday in April through October)