This year, St. George has been asked to participate with all Trumbull Faith-based communities and organizations in a program called Refill the Pantry to support The Trumbull Food Pantry.
The Refill the Pantry program began in 2022 when a collaboration of churches established a program to address food insecurity in the Bridgeport, CT, area – Trumbull being one of those areas. Approximately 200 families use the Trumbull Food Pantry.
Refill the Pantry has asked St. George to participate with other Trumbull churches in two food drives this year:
o The first drive we are asked to participate in is now, for March and April, with all food collected to be driven to Stop & Shop at 100 Quality St. in Trumbull on Saturday, April 19th between 9AM and 5PM. The food will be delivered to the Trumbull Food Pantry by Refill the Pantry volunteers on Monday, April 21st.
o The 2nd drive in Trumbull is scheduled for July and August, with the delivery to Stop & Shop scheduled for Saturday, August 16th.
The Trumbull Food Pantry is asking for donations of shelf-stable items and personal care items (see the list below). They use cash donations to purchase and distribute once a week fresh produce and bagels. They do not collect frozen meats and items because they do not have refrigeration or freezer facilities.
Coffee: 1lb containers
Cold breakfast foods: cold cereals, breakfast bars, pop tarts
Hot breakfast foods: hot cereals, pancake mixes & syrup
Cake, Brownie, Muffin mixes
Canned Fruit
Apple sauce (ie, low sugar, no sugar, natural juices)
Pancake mix and syrup
Tomato product (crushed, puree, diced, paste)
Shelf stable milk (whole, soy, almond)
Pasta (Wheat and Gluten Free Products) and Pasta Sauce
Rice/Noodle Mixes
Instant Potatoes
Juice and juice boxes
Peanut butter and jelly
Beans (low sodium, kidney, black, white, red, garbanzo, pink, pinto)
Laundry detergent and dishwashing detergent
Hygiene products: shampoo, conditioner, lotion, toothpaste, deodorant.
Cleaning supplies
Facial tissues
This is a very simple project for all of our parishioners to participate in, and is directly aligned and supportive of our pledge to do 100 Acts of Service during our 100th Anniversary Year.
In addition, during the same time period, St. George will be directing our March and April monthly Charity Tray to the Trumbull Food Pantry in support of the "Refill the Pantry" drive in Trumbull (the monthly Charity Tray is for any cash donations or electronic donations made through the "Support/Donate" link on our website).
Click onto the following link to read the appeal request from the Refill the Pantry coordinator, and a brochure with some additional information on the Refill the Pantry program. 2025 Refill the Pantry Food Drive for Trumbull
As always, Thank you in advance for your continued support of our Charity and Outreach efforts.